musicdsp.org source code archive - WSInf

musicdsp.org source code archive - WSInf

musicdsp.org source code archive - WSInf


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Fast LFO in Delphi... (click this to go back to the index)<br />

References : Posted by Dambrin Didier ( gol [AT] e-officedirect [DOT] com )<br />

Linked file : LFOGenerator.zip<br />

Notes :<br />

[from Didier's mail...]<br />

[see attached zip file too!]<br />

I was working on a flanger, & needed an LFO for it. I first used a Sin(), but it was too slow, then tried a big wavetable, but it wasn't accurate<br />

enough.<br />

I then checked the alternate sine generators from your web site, & while they're good, they all can drift, so you're also wasting too much CPU in<br />

branching for the drift checks.<br />

So I made a quick & easy linear LFO, then a sine-like version of it. Can be useful for LFO's, not to output as sound.<br />

If has no branching & is rather simple. 2 Abs() but apparently they're fast. In all cases faster than a Sin()<br />

It's in delphi, but if you understand it you can translate it if you want.<br />

It uses a 32bit integer counter that overflows, & a power for the sine output.<br />

If you don't know delphi, $ is for hex (h at the end in c++?), Single is 32bit float, integer is 32bit integer (signed, normally).<br />

Code :<br />

unit Unit1;<br />

interface<br />

uses<br />

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,<br />

StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls;<br />

type<br />

TForm1 = class(TForm)<br />

PaintBox1: TPaintBox;<br />

Bevel1: TBevel;<br />

procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);<br />

private<br />

{ Private declarations }<br />

public<br />

{ Public declarations }<br />

end;<br />

var<br />

Form1: TForm1;<br />

implementation<br />

{$R *.DFM}<br />

procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);<br />

var n,Pos,Speed:Integer;<br />

Output,Scale,HalfScale,PosMul:Single;<br />

OurSpeed,OurScale:Single;<br />

begin<br />

OurSpeed:=100; // 100 samples per cycle<br />

OurScale:=100; // output in -100..100<br />

Pos:=0; // position in our linear LFO<br />

Speed:=Round($100000000/OurSpeed);<br />

// --- triangle LFO ---<br />

Scale:=OurScale*2;<br />

PosMul:=Scale/$80000000;<br />

// loop<br />

for n:=0 to 299 do<br />

Begin<br />

// inc our 32bit integer LFO pos & let it overflow. It will be seen as signed when read by the math unit<br />

Pos:=Pos+Speed;<br />

Output:=Abs(Pos*PosMul)-OurScale;<br />

// visual<br />

Paintbox1.Canvas.Pixels[n,Round(100+Output)]:=clRed;<br />

End;<br />

// --- sine-like LFO ---<br />

Scale:=Sqrt(OurScale*4);<br />

PosMul:=Scale/$80000000;<br />

HalfScale:=Scale/2;<br />

// loop<br />

for n:=0 to 299 do<br />


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