musicdsp.org source code archive - WSInf

musicdsp.org source code archive - WSInf

musicdsp.org source code archive - WSInf


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Millimeter to DB (faders...) (click this to go back to the index)<br />

References : Posted by James McCartney<br />

Notes :<br />

These two functions reproduce a traditional professional<br />

mixer fader taper.<br />

MMtoDB converts millimeters of fader travel from the<br />

bottom of the fader for a 100 millimeter fader into<br />

decibels. DBtoMM is the inverse.<br />

The taper is as follows from the top:<br />

The top of the fader is +10 dB<br />

100 mm to 52 mm : -5 dB per 12 mm<br />

52 mm to 16 mm : -10 dB per 12 mm<br />

16 mm to 4 mm : -20 dB per 12 mm<br />

4 mm to 0 mm : fade to zero. (in these functions I go to -200dB<br />

which is effectively zero for up to 32 bit audio.)<br />

Code :<br />

float MMtoDB(float mm)<br />

{<br />

float db;<br />

}<br />

mm = 100. - mm;<br />

if (mm = 10.) {<br />

mm = 0.;<br />

} else if (db > -10.) {<br />

mm = -12./5. * (db - 10.);<br />

} else if (db > -40.) {<br />

mm = 48. - 12./10. * (db + 10.);<br />

} else if (db > -60.) {<br />

mm = 84. - 12./20. * (db + 40.);<br />

} else if (db > -200.) {<br />

mm = 96. - 1./35. * (db + 60.);<br />

} else mm = 100.;<br />

}<br />

mm = 100. - mm;<br />

return mm;<br />

Comments<br />

from : Christian@savioursofsoul.de<br />

comment : Pascal Translation...<br />

function MMtoDB(Milimeter:Single):Single;<br />

var mm: Single;<br />

begin<br />

mm:=100-Milimeter;<br />

if mm = 0 then Result:=10<br />

else if mm < 48 then Result:=10-5/12*mm;<br />

else if mm < 84 then Result:=-10-10/12*(mm-48);<br />

else if mm < 96 then Result:=-40-20./12*(mm-84);<br />

else if mm < 100 then Result:=-60-35*(mm-96);<br />

else Result:=-200.;<br />

end;<br />

function DBtoMM(db:Single):Single;<br />

begin<br />

if db>=10 then result:=0;<br />

else if db>-10 then result:=-12/5*(db-10);<br />

else if db>-40 then result:=48-12/10(db+10);<br />

else if db>-60 then result:=84-12/20(db+40);<br />

else if db>-200 then result:=96-1/35(db+60);<br />

else result:=100.;<br />

Result:=100-Result;<br />


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