2012-2013 Judges Manual - Future City Competition

2012-2013 Judges Manual - Future City Competition

2012-2013 Judges Manual - Future City Competition


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National Engineers Week<br />

<strong>Judges</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

<strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong><br />

The <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong> is a<br />

national project-based learning<br />

experience for students in 6th, 7th,<br />

and 8th grades to imagine, design,<br />

and build cities of the future.<br />

www.futurecity.org<br />

Design it<br />

Build it<br />

Show it<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> is a program<br />

of the National Engineers<br />

Week Foundation

Table of Contents<br />

Welcome 2<br />

the future city competition 2<br />

Your Role as a Judge 3<br />

the Virtual city Design (sim city) 4<br />

Rubric 4<br />

Score Sheet 8<br />

the Research essay 10<br />

Essay Question & Background 10<br />

Rubric 15<br />

Score Sheet 18<br />

the city narrative 20<br />

Rubric 20<br />

Score Sheet 21<br />

the Physical Model 22<br />

Rubric 22<br />

Score Sheet 25<br />

team Presentation 26<br />

Rubric 26<br />

Score Sheet 29<br />

scoring Deductions 30<br />

Model and Presentation scoring<br />

Deduction form 31<br />

summary score sheet 32<br />

Practice Questions 33<br />

table of contents<br />


Welcome!<br />

Evaluation finds <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

engages kids in engineering<br />

and so much more…<br />

Thank you for volunteering to serve as a judge<br />

for the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong>. Students,<br />

educators, and mentors have put in countless<br />

hours over the last several months to create<br />

the materials that you are judging. As you<br />

start to review the various student entries, you<br />

will see the student’s remarkable capacity for<br />

learning about our world and envisioning what<br />

the future may hold. Each year the creativity<br />

and poise of our students are a source of<br />

pride and amazement. While the competition’s<br />

primary objective is to promote an interest in<br />

engineering, we know that our students have<br />

an opportunity to flex their problem-solving<br />

skills, learn a valuable lesson about the power<br />

of teamwork, and increase their motivation to<br />

study science, math and engineering.<br />

The <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong><br />

Across the country, teams of middle school students work<br />

with educators and mentors to build cities of the future. Over<br />

four months, student teams design a virtual city using Sim<strong>City</strong><br />

4 Deluxe software; research and write an essay addressing<br />

this year’s theme—Rethink Runoff: Design Clean Solutions<br />

to Manage Stormwater Pollution; build a model of their city<br />

using recycled materials; write a brief narrative promoting<br />

their city; and present their ideas before judges at Regional<br />

<strong>Competition</strong>s in January. Regional winners represent their<br />

region at the National Finals in Washington, DC in February.<br />

2 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

During the 2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong>, Concord<br />

Evaluation Group conducted an independent evaluation of<br />

the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Program. The evaluation found a statistically<br />

significant improvement in students’ ability to apply the<br />

engineering design process to real-world problems. In other<br />

words, <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> students are doing the things that engineers<br />

do—identifying problems; brainstorming ideas; designing<br />

solutions; testing, retesting and building; and sharing their<br />

results.<br />

With this at its center, <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> is an effective and<br />

meaningful program that delivers on its educational promise.<br />

evaluation results include:<br />

students build 21st century skills<br />

Educators, mentors, and parents agree <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> is<br />

strengthening students’ skills.<br />

Educators Mentors Parents<br />

Teamwork 84% 89% 90%<br />

Public Speaking 75% 85% 80%<br />

Project Management 74% 76% 83%<br />

Working Independently 71% 76% 84%<br />

Writing & Research 66% 81% 79%<br />

Problem Solving 84% 86% 86%<br />

students learn Value of Math, science, and More<br />

• 80% now see math and science as important to their future.<br />

• 41% said <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> helped them in non-STEM subjects like<br />

English-language arts, social studies, history and others.

students Discover engineering<br />

• 57% said <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> helped them see themselves as<br />

engineers someday.<br />

• 58% said <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> made them want to keep doing other<br />

engineering clubs or activities.<br />

students Drive future city<br />

• 62% of student teams make most of the design decisions<br />

themselves.<br />

• 81% said <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> taught them that they could create<br />

something on their own—without the direction of an adult.<br />

students learn How their communities Work and<br />

become More informed citizens<br />

• 85% said <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> helped them learn and appreciate<br />

everything that goes into planning and maintaining a city.<br />

• 62% reported they are more aware of civics issues like<br />

politics and taxes.<br />

91% of educators said they would recommend future city<br />

to a colleague.<br />

How does the <strong>Competition</strong> work?<br />

The <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong> is made up of five components.<br />

Teams are judged and scored on each of the five components<br />

and can earn up to 400 points.<br />

Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design 90 points<br />

Research Essay 75 points<br />

<strong>City</strong> Narrative 25 points<br />

Physical Model 120 points<br />

Team Presentation 90 points<br />

total 400 points<br />

Learn more about each component by going to<br />

www.futurecity.org/stepbystep.<br />

Your role as a judge<br />

As a judge it is your job to draw on your expertise and to utilize<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong>’s assessment tools to evaluate the teams’ efforts. In<br />

most cases, a panel of judges will review each component. The<br />

scores are then averaged to compute a team’s final score for<br />

each component.<br />

Talk to your Regional Coordinator about what component(s) you<br />

would like to judge and if they offer any local training sessions.<br />

Go to www.futurecity.org and click on Find My Region to<br />

contact your Regional Coordinator.<br />

How to score a team’s work<br />

Before you start judging become familiar with the component(s)<br />

you are judging—learn more about them at www.futurecity.<br />

org/stepbystep. Next review the component’s assessment<br />

rubric and the corresponding score sheet (located in this<br />

manual). But the most important thing is to remember that this<br />

competition is for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.<br />

assessMent RubRics<br />

Each component has a detailed and thorough rubric that outlines<br />

how the component is to be scored. The rubrics are divided<br />

into categories and can have anywhere from 1 to 7 items under<br />

each category. The rubrics were developed to help ensure<br />

consistent scoring from judge to judge and from region to region.<br />

However, we recognize that the criteria cannot cover all possible<br />

situations. <strong>Judges</strong> need to examine the specific elements of<br />

each entry and determine a score that is consistent with the<br />

rubric and accurately reflects the quality of the team’s effort.<br />

scoRe sHeets<br />

The score sheets follow the outline of the rubrics and give<br />

you an easy way to record your score for each team. You will<br />

complete a score sheet for each team you are judging. The<br />

completed score sheets are then returned to the Regional<br />

Coordinator.<br />

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your<br />

Regional Coordinator or the National Program Manager.<br />

WelcoMe<br />


The Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design Rubric<br />

Students use Sim<strong>City</strong> 4 Deluxe software to design a virtual city that has progressed at least 150<br />

years in the future and has a population of at least 50,000 residents.<br />

i. citY ManageMent cRiteRia<br />

(12 Points)<br />

1. city age<br />

• At least 150 years<br />

2. city population<br />

• At least 50,000<br />

3. budget management<br />

• Income > expenses<br />

• Well-managed budget<br />

• Performance over time<br />

4. Mayor performance<br />

• Opinion polls<br />

• Mayor rating<br />

4 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

0 1 2 3<br />

Age ≤ 10 years. Age ≤ 100 years. Age ≤ 150 years. Age > 150 years.<br />

Population ≤ 5,000. Population ≤ 25,000. Population ≤ 50,000. Population > 50,000.<br />

Unbalanced budget. Balanced < 25% of<br />

time.<br />

Impeach! < 3 polls<br />

green. Mayor rating<br />

< 20 (avg for 10 yrs).<br />

Data view red to dark<br />

green.<br />

> 3 polls green. Avg<br />

mayor rating > 20.<br />

Data view dark green<br />

to green.<br />

Balanced < 75% of<br />

time.<br />

> 4 polls green. Avg.<br />

mayor rating > 50.<br />

Data view green.<br />

ii. citY laYout cRiteRia (21 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

5. Residential development<br />

• R § (low wealth)<br />

• R §§ (medium wealth)<br />

• R §§§ (high wealth)<br />

6. industrial development<br />

• I-Ag (agriculture)<br />

• I-D (dirty industry)<br />

• I-M (manufacturing)<br />

• I-HT (high-tech)<br />

7. greener, cleaner industry<br />

• Employment shifting from I-D (dirty) to<br />

I-M and I-HT<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

No development. One level of<br />

residential<br />

development.<br />

No industrial jobs. Jobs in 1-2 industry<br />

segments.<br />

Few manufacturing or<br />

high-tech jobs (less<br />

than 25%).<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

25-50% of<br />

industrial jobs are<br />

in manufacturing or<br />

high-tech.<br />

2<br />

good<br />

Average-Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills at least<br />

90% of requirements.<br />

Two levels of<br />

residential<br />

development.<br />

Jobs in 3 industry<br />

segments.<br />

50-75% of<br />

industrial jobs are<br />

in manufacturing or<br />

high-tech.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Balanced > 75% of<br />

time.<br />

All polls green. Avg.<br />

mayor rating > 60.<br />

Data view green.<br />

All three levels<br />

of residential<br />

development.<br />

Jobs in all 4 industry<br />

segments.<br />

More than 75% of<br />

industrial jobs are<br />

in manufacturing or<br />


Virtual <strong>City</strong><br />

Design Rubric<br />

ii. citY laYout cRiteRia (continued) 0 1 2 3<br />

8. commercial development<br />

• Commercial Service<br />

• Cs § (low wealth)<br />

• Cs §§ (medium wealth)<br />

• Cs §§§ (high wealth)<br />

• Commercial Office<br />

• Co §§ (medium wealth)<br />

• Co §§§ (high wealth)<br />

9. is development thriving?<br />

• Degraded (gray) or abandoned (black)<br />

buildings in the residential, industrial or<br />

commercial zones<br />

10. Recreation facilities<br />

• Ratio of parks & recreation facilities to<br />

population (50:100K)<br />

• Well-funded facilities<br />

11. city Planning<br />

• <strong>City</strong> design is well-thought out, cohesive<br />

and structured<br />

• Zoning, neighborhoods<br />

• Traffic and transportation routes<br />

• Functionality and mixed-use areas<br />

• Downtown, amenities<br />

• Eco-management, sustainability,<br />

landscape management<br />

No commercial jobs. Jobs in commercial<br />

service segments only.<br />

Over 50% of<br />

development<br />

degrading or<br />

abandoned.<br />

Less than 15 areas<br />

per 100,000 residents.<br />

(Ratio < 0.00015)<br />

Some (20-50%)<br />

of development<br />

degrading or<br />

abandoned.<br />

At least 15 areas per<br />

100,000 residents.<br />

(Ratio ≥ 0.00015)<br />

No apparent plan. Some evidence<br />

of planning, but<br />

mostly evolutionary<br />

development.<br />

Jobs in commercial<br />

service and office<br />

segments.<br />

Small amount (5-20%)<br />

of the development<br />

degrading or<br />

abandoned.<br />

At least 30 areas per<br />

100,000 residents.<br />

(Ratio ≥ 0.0003)<br />

Evidence of a plan,<br />

but execution could be<br />

better.<br />

iii. citY seRVices (18 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

12. Police coverage<br />

• Adequate police coverage of populated areas<br />

• No serious crimes<br />

13. Police effectiveness<br />

• Number of arrests tracks the number<br />

of crimes<br />

• Over life of the city<br />

14. fire coverage<br />

• Adequate fire coverage of populated areas<br />

• Effective control of fire hazards<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

Little (90% to<br />

95%) fire coverage<br />

- not all populated<br />

areas covered.<br />

Orange.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Jobs in all 5<br />

commercial segments.<br />

Vibrant city with little<br />

(95%)<br />

police coverage. No<br />

serious (red) crimes.<br />

Arrests closely track<br />

crimes over life of city.<br />

Complete (>95%) fire<br />

coverage. Yellow to<br />

light orange.<br />

continueD on next Page<br />

tHe ViRtual citY Design RubRic<br />


Virtual <strong>City</strong><br />

Design Rubric<br />

6 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

2<br />

good<br />

Average-Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills at least<br />

90% of requirements.<br />

iii. citY seRVices (continued) 0 1 2 3<br />

15. Medical coverage<br />

• Adequate coverage of residential areas<br />

• Healthy population<br />

16. education<br />

• Adequate coverage of residential areas<br />

• Educated population<br />

17. life-long learning<br />

• Variety of education facilities<br />

• Education quotient high across all age groups<br />

iV. eneRgY anD Pollution<br />

(18 Points)<br />

18. Power coverage<br />

• Power to all areas of the city<br />

• Generation capacity sufficient to satisfy<br />

needs<br />

• Performance over time<br />

19. Renewable energy sources<br />

• Renewable sources: wind, solar, hydrogen<br />

• Portion of total capacity<br />

20. Water coverage<br />

• Water to all areas of the city<br />

• Supply capacity sufficient to satisfy needs<br />

• Performance over time<br />

21. garbage disposal<br />

• Forms of garbage disposal: landfills,<br />

recycling, waste-to-energy plants<br />

• Disposal capacity adequate to satisfy needs<br />

• Garbage pollution under control<br />

22. Recycling facilities<br />

• Sufficient capacity<br />

• Ratio of facilities to residents (1:25K)<br />

23. air and water pollution<br />

• Air pollution under control<br />

• Water pollution under control<br />

No medical facilities<br />

present.<br />

No educational<br />

institutions.<br />

EQ is less than 120<br />

for majority of the<br />

population.<br />

Some (approx. 50%<br />

to 90%) coverage in<br />

residential areas.<br />

Red to dark green.<br />

Some (approx. 50%<br />

to 90%) coverage in<br />

residential areas.<br />

Red to dark green.<br />

EQ is 120 or higher in<br />

3 or more age groups.<br />

Adequate (>90% to<br />

95%) coverage in<br />

residential areas.<br />

Dark green to green.<br />

Adequate (>90% to<br />

95%) coverage in<br />

residential areas.<br />

Dark green to green.<br />

EQ is 120 or higher in<br />

6 or more age groups.<br />

0 1 2 3<br />

Few areas (< 50%)<br />

have power. Demand<br />

exceeds capacity.<br />

No renewable fuel<br />

sources.<br />

Few areas (50%)<br />

has power. Some<br />

periods of inadequate<br />

capacity.<br />

1 form of renewable<br />

power.<br />

Some of city (>50%)<br />

has water. Some<br />

periods of inadequate<br />

capacity.<br />

At least 1 form of<br />

garbage disposal.<br />

Demand exceeds<br />

capacity. Pollution<br />

high.<br />

No recycling centers. Less than 1 recycling<br />

center per 50,000<br />

residents.<br />

Pollution (air OR<br />

water) covers more<br />

than 75% of city.<br />

Yellow to red.<br />

Pollution (air OR<br />

water) covers 50-75%<br />

of city. Yellow to red.<br />

Most of city (> 90%)<br />

has power. Sufficient<br />

generation capacity<br />

majority of time.<br />

Two or more forms<br />

of renewable power<br />

provide a portion of<br />

the capacity.<br />

Most of city (>90%)<br />

has water. Sufficient<br />

capacity majority of<br />

the time.<br />

One or more forms<br />

of garbage disposal.<br />

Adequate capacity.<br />

Little or no garbage<br />

pollution.<br />

Less than 1 recycling<br />

center per 25,000<br />

residents.<br />

Pollution (air AND<br />

water) covers less<br />

than 50% of city.<br />

Yellow to orange.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Complete (>95%)<br />

coverage in residential<br />

areas. Green to light<br />

green.<br />

Complete (>95%)<br />

coverage in residential<br />

areas. Green to light<br />

green.<br />

EQ is 120 or higher in<br />

all age groups.<br />

All (100%) areas have<br />

power. Sufficient<br />

generation capacity<br />

over life of city.<br />

Two or more forms<br />

of renewable power<br />

provide 100% of<br />

capacity.<br />

All (100%) areas<br />

have water. Sufficient<br />

capacity over life of<br />

city.<br />

Two or more forms<br />

of garbage disposal.<br />

Adequate capacity. No<br />

indication of garbage<br />

pollution.<br />

At least 1 recycling<br />

center per 25,000<br />

residents.<br />

Pollution (air AND<br />

water) covers less<br />

than 25% of city.<br />

Predominately yellow.

Virtual <strong>City</strong><br />

Design Rubric<br />

V. tRansPoRtation (21 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

24. Road congestion<br />

• Traffic flow, congestion<br />

• Road repair, potholes (inadequate funding)<br />

25. Public transportation<br />

• Sims using the Public Transportation Systems<br />

• Number of systems:<br />

• Bus<br />

• Subway<br />

• Monorail<br />

• Passenger train<br />

• Ferry<br />

26. Public transportation–integrated systems<br />

• Integrated systems<br />

• Adequate coverage throughout the city<br />

27. commute times<br />

• Average commute time<br />

• Performance over past 10 years<br />

28. freight transportation<br />

• Sims using the freight transportation systems<br />

• Number of systems<br />

• Freight truck<br />

• Freight train<br />

• Seaport<br />

29. efficient freight movement<br />

• Integrated systems<br />

• Short freight trips<br />

30. airport<br />

• Airport built<br />

• Landing strip (not fire department<br />

landing strip)<br />

• Municipal airport<br />

• International airport<br />

• Airport well-funded<br />

• Supports Co (Commercial Office) development<br />

• Road and public transportation connections<br />

• Direct connection to Co zone(s)<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

Traffic jam! Most<br />

of roads (>75%) are<br />

congested (orange<br />

to red) or roads<br />

impassable (potholes).<br />

No public<br />

transportation<br />

systems.<br />

No public<br />

transportation<br />

systems.<br />

Commute time<br />

of more than 100<br />

minutes.<br />

No freight<br />

transportation<br />

systems used.<br />

No freight<br />

transportation.<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Many roads (30-75%)<br />

are congested (orange<br />

to red). Some need<br />

repair.<br />

1 or more systems<br />

built. Sims not using<br />

them.<br />

Public transportation<br />

covers only part<br />

(50%)<br />

of the city. Could be<br />

better integrated.<br />

Commute time of 75<br />

minutes or less.<br />

Industry using at<br />

least 1 freight<br />

transportation system.<br />

Most industrial<br />

facilities (> 50%) have<br />

short freight trips.<br />

Airport (any type)<br />

present. Well funded.<br />

Some connection to<br />

Co development, but<br />

could be better.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Traffic flows freely.<br />

Less than 10%<br />

congestion (orange to<br />

red). No potholes.<br />

Sims using 2 or more<br />

public transportation<br />

systems.<br />

Public transportation<br />

provides excellent<br />

coverage throughout<br />

(>90%) city. Wellintegrated<br />

systems.<br />

Commute time of 50<br />

minutes or less.<br />

Industry using 2<br />

or more freight<br />

transportation<br />

systems.<br />

Freight moves<br />

efficiently throughout<br />

(> 90%) industrial<br />

area.<br />

Municipal or<br />

International airport.<br />

Fully funded. Excellent<br />

traffic connections<br />

to city’s major Co<br />

development areas.<br />

tHe ViRtual citY Design RubRic<br />


<strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong><br />

Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design Score Sheet<br />

(0 to 90 points)<br />

Directions: check the appropriate box and then<br />

place score in the right hand score column.<br />

i. citY ManageMent cRiteRia (12 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

1. city age: At least 150 years<br />

0 no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

2. city population: At least 50,000<br />

3. budget management: Income > expenses; well-managed budget; performance over time<br />

4. Mayor performance: Opinion polls; Mayor rating<br />

ii. citY laYout cRiteRia (21 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

5. Residential development: 3 levels (low, medium and high-wealth) present (R §, §§, §§§)<br />

6. industrial development: Jobs in all 4 segments (I-Ag, I-D, I-M, I-HT)<br />

7. greener, cleaner industry: Employment shifting from I-D (dirty) to I-M and I-HT<br />

8. commercial development: Jobs in all 5 segments (Service §, §§, §§§ and Office §§, §§§)<br />

9. is development thriving? Degraded (gray) or abandoned (black) buildings in the<br />

residential, industrial or commercial zones<br />

10. Recreation facilities: Ratio of well-funded parks & recreation facilities to population<br />

11. city Planning: <strong>City</strong> design is well-thought out, cohesive and structured; zoning,<br />

neighborhoods; traffic and transportation routes; functionality and mixed-use areas;<br />

downtown, amenities; eco-management, sustainability, landscape management<br />

iii. citY seRVices (18 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

12. Police coverage: Adequate police coverage of populated areas; no serious crimes<br />

13. Police effectiveness: # of arrests closely tracks the # of crimes over the life of the city<br />

14. fire coverage: Adequate fire coverage of populated areas; effective control of fire hazards<br />

8 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

1 Poor<br />

Fulfills less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Judge’s name:<br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

2 good<br />

Fulfills at least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

3 excellent<br />

Fulfills 100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />


15. Medical coverage: Adequate coverage of residential areas; healthy population<br />

16. education: Adequate coverage of residential areas; educated population<br />

17. life-long learning: Variety of education facilities; education quotient high across all age<br />

groups<br />

iV. eneRgY anD Pollution (18 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

18. Power coverage: Power to all areas of the city, generation capacity sufficient to satisfy<br />

needs; performance over time<br />

19. Renewable energy sources: Renewable sources: wind, solar, hydrogen; portion of total<br />

capacity<br />

20. Water coverage: Water to all areas of the city; supply capacity sufficient to satisfy needs;<br />

performance over time<br />

21. garbage disposal: Forms of garbage disposal: (landfills, recycling, waste-to-energy<br />

plants); disposal capacity adequate to satisfy needs; garbage pollution under control<br />

22. Recycling facilities: Sufficient capacity; ratio of facilities to residents (1:25K)<br />

23. air and water pollution: Air pollution under control; water pollution under control<br />

V. tRansPoRtation (21 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

24. Road congestion: Traffic flow, congestion; road repair, potholes (inadequate funding)<br />

25. Public transportation: Number of public transportation systems available and Sims<br />

using those systems (bus, subway, monorail, passenger train, ferry)<br />

26. Public transportation–integrated systems: Integrated systems; adequate coverage<br />

throughout the city<br />

27. commute times: Average commute time; performance over past 10 years<br />

28. freight transportation: Number of freight transportation systems available and Sims<br />

using those systems (truck, train, seaport)<br />

29. efficient freight movement: Integrated systems; short freight trips<br />

30. airport: Built, well-funded, supports commercial office (Co) development<br />

Virtual city Design Points<br />

less Deductions (cheats)<br />

total Points<br />

tHe ViRtual citY Design scoRe sHeet<br />


Write the<br />

Research Essay<br />

Students will research and write an essay (maximum 1,000 words)<br />

in which they design a way to manage stormwater runoff in their<br />

future cities.<br />

this year’s topic:<br />

Rethink Runoff<br />

Design clean solutions to Manage<br />

stoRMWateR Pollution.<br />

What happens when rain falls in cities? Hard<br />

surfaces—like roofs, sidewalks, and parking lots—<br />

prevent rain from soaking into the ground. Instead,<br />

rainwater turns into runoff. It flows quickly over<br />

surfaces, which can lead to flooding. As it moves,<br />

runoff carries pollutants into storm drains which empty<br />

directly into the waterways we use for swimming,<br />

fishing, and drinking water. In a matter of minutes,<br />

rain becomes stormwater runoff—a serious source<br />

of water pollution. Since a clean water supply is<br />

important to every city, it’s time to rethink runoff.<br />

Instead of a nuisance to channel away, runoff can be a<br />

valuable resource. Engineers are designing new ways<br />

to manage stormwater that make city landscapes<br />

act more like natural landscapes. These help reduce<br />

runoff, increase the amount of water that soaks into<br />

the ground, and improve water quality. Whether<br />

your future city receives lots of precipitation or a<br />

little, you’ll need to think creatively about managing<br />

stormwater. Your challenge: identify a stormwater<br />

runoff problem that is important for your city to<br />

manage and design a solution.<br />

10 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

Learning Outcomes<br />

Scoring: up to 75 points<br />

Schedule:<br />

september to December*<br />

Students will spend<br />

approximately 10–12 hours<br />

writing the essay.<br />

*Dates may vary. Check futurecity.org for specif c dates.<br />

Students will be able to:<br />

• Define stormwater runoff.<br />

• Describe how runoff is part of the water cycle.<br />

• Describe problems stormwater runoff causes in cities.<br />

• Identify stormwater runoff problems their future city might<br />

face based on city location, climate, geography, and level of<br />

development (city structures such as buildings, roads, parking<br />

lots, parks, etc.).<br />

• Discuss one stormwater runoff problem their future city faces<br />

and a solution for managing it.<br />

• Evaluate the benefits and risks of proposed stormwater<br />

management solution.<br />

• Describe the role of engineering in developing solutions to<br />

managing stormwater.<br />

• Identify the steps of the design process (define the problem to<br />

solve; brainstorm various solutions; select a solution; design,<br />

build, test, and redesign a solution; share results).

Guide Students’ Thinking<br />

Use these questions to help your students write a research<br />

essay that meets competition requirements.<br />

1. What stormwater runoff problems will your city need to<br />

manage based on its location, climate, geography, and level<br />

of development (city structures such as buildings, roads,<br />

parking lots, parks, etc.)?<br />

2. Identify one stormwater runoff problem your city faces. How<br />

does it impact your city and why is it important for your city<br />

to address?<br />

3. What solution will you design to improve or solve this<br />

problem?<br />

4. Does your solution work at the residential, commercial,<br />

industrial, and/or citywide level?<br />

5. How does your solution address two of these common<br />

stormwater issues: infiltration, impervious surfaces, water<br />

quality, water conservation, and/or sustainability?<br />

6. What are the risks connected with using this solution?<br />

7. What will you incorporate into your design to reduce these<br />

risks?<br />

8. How will you encourage your citizens to support this<br />

solution (e.g., community outreach, education, and/or<br />

incentive programs)?<br />

9. What types of engineering are used in your solution for<br />

managing stormwater runoff?<br />

10. What is the role of the engineer you believe to be most<br />

useful in your solution?<br />

11. How can you represent your solution in your city model?<br />

12. As you develop your solution, how could you use the design<br />

process to help you work through problems (define the<br />

problem to solve; brainstorm various solutions; select a<br />

solution; design, build, test and redesign solution; share<br />

results)?<br />

13. Is your essay organized, well written, free of grammar and<br />

spelling errors, and no more than 1,000 words (not counting<br />

the title)?<br />

DiD You KnoW?*<br />

• Runoff is a natural part of the water cycle.<br />

• Stormwater comes from all forms of precipitation—rain,<br />

snow, sleet or ice melt—and is water<br />

flowing over the land plus anything that comes<br />

with it.<br />

• Contaminated stormwater runoff is a major source<br />

of water pollution in the US.<br />

• One quart of used motor oil can pollute up to<br />

250,000 gallons of water.<br />

• Managing stormwater is nothing new. If you lived<br />

in ancient Rome or Greece, you’d cross roadways<br />

that slanted towards ditches to direct stormwater<br />

off streets. Later, people began funneling stormwater<br />

into underground pipes. Today, engineers<br />

are designing new methods like rain gardens,<br />

swales, and bioretention ponds.<br />

Want to know more? Start your research!<br />

*adapted from myfairlakes.com Storm Water Curriculum &<br />

Teacher Guide, http://myfairlakes.com/curriculum.aspx<br />

“ I learned so much about engineering this<br />

year, from research and writing to planning<br />

a presentation. I also worked on the multiple<br />

moving parts for our city. I thoroughly enjoyed<br />

the challenge and look forward to becoming a<br />

Civil Engineer.”<br />

– logan b., indiana student team Member<br />

WRite tHe ReseaRcH essaY<br />


Draft essay using the Design Process<br />

When engineers design solutions to problems, they go through<br />

a process of brainstorming, testing different ideas, learning<br />

from mistakes, and trying again. This is called the engineering<br />

design process.<br />

The engineering design process is a great way to work through<br />

any challenge that involves creating something that didn’t exist<br />

before, such as building a bridge, planning a trip—even writing<br />

an essay. You’ll use the design process as a framework to guide<br />

students through researching and writing their essay solutions.<br />

stoRMWateR 101 foR eDucatoRs<br />

For a quick review of stormwater runoff concepts,<br />

read the Background section of Stormwater<br />

Curriculum & Teaching Guide (http://myfairlakes.<br />

com/curriculum.aspx). This guide explains the basics<br />

behind stormwater, watersheds, and the water cycle;<br />

discusses issues of stormwater runoff; and describes<br />

a variety of solutions for (1) increasing filtration, (2)<br />

reducing impervious surfaces, (3) improving water<br />

quality, and (4) conserving water.<br />

1. Pre-Write Discussion topics<br />

Introduce the essay topic and get kids thinking about<br />

stormwater runoff. Have them share what they already know.<br />

Ask, What happens when it rains? Where does water that runs<br />

off roads, lawns, and rooftops go? How is stormwater managed<br />

in our community? NOTE: Many cities have websites designed<br />

to raise awareness and educate citizens about stormwater<br />

issues. Invite students to find out what their city or town offers.<br />

If possible, have students observe runoff in action the next<br />

time there is precipitation. Which surfaces are pervious and<br />

impervious? What happens when water falls on impervious<br />

surfaces? Follow runoff and see how it leaves your school area<br />

or neighborhood. Does it run into a storm sewer or a waterway<br />

like a stream or pond?<br />

12 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

The following student-friendly videos are great ways to<br />

introduce the topic:<br />

• Stormdrains 101 (5 min.)<br />

http://fresnofloodcontrol.org/clean_stormwater/<br />

storm%20Drains%20101.mp4<br />

Explains the basics of urban drainage system and why it’s<br />

important to keep stormwater runoff clean.<br />

• Stormwater Runoff 101 (3:07 min.)<br />

http://www.nrdc.org/water/stormwater/default.asp<br />

Introduces problems caused by stormwater runoff and<br />

describes green infrastructure solutions, such as permeable<br />

pavement and green roofs.<br />

Review the water cycle and help students understand<br />

how runoff is a part of this process. Also be sure students<br />

understand what a watershed is and how it is related to the<br />

larger water cycle. The following resources provide background<br />

information you can share with students.<br />

• PowerPoint Presentation: Introduction to Stormwater<br />

http://myfairlakes.com/curriculum.aspx<br />

Introduces the water cycle; compares rainfall on natural<br />

landscape vs. city landscape; introduces some of the<br />

consequences of runoff such as erosion, flash floods, and<br />

pollution; and introduces solutions to help cityscapes function<br />

more like rural landscapes.<br />

• Stormwater Facts for Kids<br />

http://www.cleanwatercampaign.com/html/480.htm<br />

Explains the water cycle and stormwater pollution.<br />

2. Define the Problem, learn the specs<br />

To get started, engineers define the problem they want to solve<br />

and the project requirements.<br />

Help students define the problem by reviewing the Essay<br />

Overview and Essay Outline together. How would they describe<br />

the essay problem using their own words? What are the<br />

different parts of the problem (identify stormwater runoff<br />

problems your city faces; choose one runoff problem that will<br />

be most important to manage; design a solution for managing<br />

this problem and describe how the solution works; analyze the<br />

benefits and risks connected to using the solution; incorporate<br />

into your design ways to reduce the risks; explain how you<br />

would encourage citizens to support the solution; and identify<br />

the roles of engineers in your solution).

Next invite students to identify specific stormwater runoff<br />

problems their city would need to manage. You can use the<br />

following questions to assist students.<br />

DiffeRent cities face DiffeRent issues<br />

• Tucson, AZ—Dry, desert climate. Stormwater con-<br />

• Think about stormwater runoff:<br />

cerns: flash flooding, capturing rainwater for reuse,<br />

– What is stormwater runoff?<br />

preventing stormwater pollution.<br />

– How is runoff part of the natural water cycle?<br />

• Portland, oR—Receives an average of 37 inches<br />

– What problems does stormwater runoff cause<br />

for cities?<br />

• Think about your future city:<br />

– What is your city’s climate (temperature, annual<br />

precipitation, type of precipitation)?<br />

of rain a year. Stormwater concerns: high volumes<br />

of water, flash flooding, preventing stormwater pollution,<br />

outdated combined sewer where stormwater<br />

runoff and wastewater are combined in a single<br />

sewer system and discharged into a local river during<br />

heavy rains.<br />

– What is your city’s geography (land forms, major water<br />

bodies)?<br />

• Milwaukee, Wi—Mild climate, winter snow accumulation.<br />

Stormwater concerns: snow melt with<br />

– What is your city’s level of development (city structures spring rains, flash flooding, preventing stormwater<br />

such as buildings, roads, parking lots, parks, etc.)?<br />

pollution.<br />

– What water issues does your city face (too little, too • Jeddah, saudi arabia—Port city that borders the<br />

much, difficult to get, etc.)<br />

Red Sea. Arid climate with sparse rainfall, yet heavy<br />

– What is your city’s primary source of clean water?<br />

thunderstorms are common in the winter. Primary<br />

• Identify possible stormwater problems:<br />

– What does stormwater runoff look like in cities with<br />

locations and levels of development that are similar to<br />

your city?<br />

– What stormwater runoff problem is most important for<br />

your city to manage?<br />

source of freshwater is desalinization of sea water.<br />

Stormwater concerns: flooding, preventing stormwater<br />

pollution, improving stormwater management<br />

infrastructure to sustain city growth.<br />

– What is the impact of this problem on your city? 3. brainstorm solutions<br />

Next, engineers brainstorm a range of possible solutions.<br />

Starting with what they already know, have students brainstorm<br />

a range of solutions for managing the stormwater runoff<br />

problem they’ve identified for their city. Encourage students to<br />

think about which solutions interest them (those in use today<br />

or being developed for tomorrow). Invite them to also consider<br />

cities with locations and design features similar to their future<br />

city. How do these cities manage stormwater runoff and<br />

encourage citizens to support the solution? Then have students<br />

share ideas and brainstorm as a group.<br />

As they research, it’s likely they’ll need to refine their ideas and<br />

solve problems that come up. This is part of the process. Help<br />

students get started by pointing them to the Resources section<br />

on page 26.<br />

4. select and Design a solution<br />

From their initial research, have students choose one solution to<br />

research in depth and describe in their essay. Point them to the<br />

Essay Outline and Guide Students’ Thinking questions to help<br />

direct their research. As students research, invite them to<br />

WRite tHe ReseaRcH essaY<br />


consider the following stormwater issues. Note that they should<br />

eventually select two and discuss how their solution addresses<br />

the issues in their essay:<br />

• Increase infiltration (How does it increase the amount of<br />

water that soaks into the ground?)<br />

• Reduce impervious surfaces (How does it decrease surfaces<br />

that prevent water from soaking into the ground?)<br />

• Improve water quality (How does it reduce pollutants and<br />

sediment from getting into the water system?)<br />

• Conserve water (How does it reduce water usage and groundwater<br />

demand by capturing water for reuse?)<br />

• Support sustainability (How does it accommodate increase<br />

in population and encourage development? Can this solution<br />

be used to meet present needs as well as the needs of<br />

tomorrow?)<br />

5. share Results<br />

Engineers present their work to colleagues to show how they<br />

solved a problem and learn new ideas from each other.<br />

Now it’s time for your students to write their essay—the<br />

perfect vehicle for sharing their ideas with a panel of judges<br />

and kids across the country. Review with students the Essay<br />

Outline which describes the sections judges will be evaluating.<br />

Remind students that the essay should be no longer than<br />

1000 words and they should cite at least three sources of<br />

information. Students should use a variety of sources of<br />

information, such as interviews with experts, reference books,<br />

periodicals, and websites. (NOTE: Wikipedia is not accepted as<br />

a source of research.)<br />

For additional tips about researching and writing the essay,<br />

view the “Writing the Essay” video and read essays from past<br />

winners. Both are available at www.futurecity.org.<br />

taKe action toDaY<br />

What happens to stormwater in your community?<br />

How can you help protect your watershed? Kids<br />

can mark storm drains, build rain gardens, write<br />

articles about stormwater for the school newspaper,<br />

and more. Find out ways to get involved by visiting<br />

Adopt Your Watershed website at: http://water.<br />

epa.gov/action/adopt/index.cfm. Kids can also<br />

monitor the quality of local waterways through<br />

World Water Monitoring Challenge at: http://www.<br />

worldwatermonitoringday.com/.<br />

14 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

Essay Outline<br />

i. intRoDuction: Define tHe PRobleM<br />

Introduce your future city and describe its location,<br />

geography, climate, and level of development (city<br />

structures such as buildings, roads, parking lots, parks,<br />

etc.). Describe the stormwater runoff problems your city<br />

faces. Then identify one stormwater runoff problem,<br />

describe its impact on your city, and why you decided<br />

this was the most important problem to address.<br />

2. boDY: DescRibe YouR solution<br />

• Describe the solution you’ve chosen and how it<br />

works. It can be a new idea or an improvement on<br />

something already being done.<br />

• Explain how your solution improves or solves your<br />

city’s stormwater runoff problem. Be sure to discuss<br />

how it addresses two of these common stormwater<br />

runoff issues: infiltration, impervious surfaces, water<br />

quality, water conservation, and/or sustainability.<br />

• Identify whether the solution works at the<br />

residential, commercial, industrial, and/or citywide<br />

level.<br />

• Describe some of the risks connected with using the<br />

solution.<br />

• Discuss how your solution reduces some of these<br />

risks.<br />

• Describe how you would encourage citizens to<br />

support this solution through community outreach,<br />

education, and/or incentive programs.<br />

• Describe the engineering disciplines involved in your<br />

solution and the role of the engineer you believe to<br />

be most useful in your solution.<br />

3. ConCluSIon: SummARIZe YouR SoluTIon<br />

• Summarize why the solution you designed is the best<br />

way to manage stormwater runoff in your city.

The Research Essay Rubric<br />

Students will research and write an essay (maximum 1,000 words) in which they design a way to manage<br />

stormwater runoff in their future cities.<br />

Rethink Runoff<br />

Research Essay<br />

Rubric<br />

i. Define tHe PRobleM (9 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

1. Describe current situation<br />

• Describe runoff situation<br />

• Factors affecting runoff: geographic and<br />

man-made<br />

2. identify the problem to solve<br />

• Identify most significant problem area(s)<br />

3. Why choose this problem<br />

• Impact on city and development (residential,<br />

commercial, industrial)<br />

• Why it is important<br />

ii. PRoPose solution, tecHnologY<br />

(9 Points)<br />

4. Propose solution<br />

• Describe at least one solution/process to<br />

manage runoff<br />

No description of<br />

situation.<br />

No description of<br />

runoff problem.<br />

No explanation of<br />

importance.<br />

Brief description of<br />

situation.<br />

Brief description of<br />

runoff problem.<br />

Brief explanation of<br />

importance.<br />

Good description of<br />

situation and factors<br />

that contribute to it.<br />

Good description of<br />

the problem.<br />

Good explanation of<br />

importance of solving<br />

this problem and<br />

the impact on city/<br />

development.<br />

0 1 2 3<br />

No description of the<br />

process.<br />

5. Describe technology involved No description of the<br />

technology.<br />

6. community outreach and buy-in<br />

• Community outreach, educational programs<br />

and incentives<br />

III. AnAYlZe THe SoluTIon<br />

(15 Points)<br />

7. How are two issues affected by solution<br />

• Infiltration<br />

• Impervious surfaces<br />

• Water quality<br />

• Water conservation<br />

• Sustainability<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

No description of the<br />

outreach.<br />

Brief description of<br />

the process.<br />

Brief description of<br />

the technology.<br />

Brief description<br />

of the outreach<br />

programs.<br />

Good description of<br />

the process.<br />

Good description of<br />

the technology.<br />

Good description<br />

of the outreach<br />

programs.<br />

0 1 2 3<br />

No discussion of<br />

issues.<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Brief discussion of<br />

1-2 issues affected by<br />

solution.<br />

2<br />

good<br />

Average-Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills at least<br />

90% of requirements.<br />

Good discussion of<br />

two issues affected by<br />

solution.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Detailed description of<br />

situation and factors<br />

that contribute to it.<br />

Detailed description of<br />

the problem.<br />

Detailed explanation<br />

of importance of<br />

solving this problem<br />

and the impact on<br />

city/ development.<br />

Excellent description<br />

of the process.<br />

Excellent description<br />

of the technology.<br />

Excellent description<br />

of the outreach<br />

programs.<br />

Excellent discussion<br />

of at least two issues<br />

affected by solution.<br />

continueD on next Page<br />

tHe ReseaRcH essaY RubRic<br />


Rethink Runoff<br />

Research Essay<br />

Rubric<br />

III. AnAYlZe THe SoluTIon<br />

(continued)<br />

8. benefits: environmental<br />

• Reduce runoff, increase infiltration<br />

• Improve water quality, reduce pollution<br />

9. benefits: sustainability<br />

• Water conservation<br />

• Supporting population and developmental<br />

growth<br />

16 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

0 1 2 3<br />

No discussion of<br />

environmental<br />

impacts.<br />

No discussion of<br />

sustainable benefits.<br />

Brief discussion<br />

of environmental<br />

impacts.<br />

Brief discussion of<br />

sustainable benefits.<br />

10. Risks associated with solution No discussion of risks. Some discussion of<br />

risks.<br />

11. tradeoffs<br />

• Discuss and analyze tradeoffs (e.g., cost,<br />

efficiency, appearance)<br />

iV. assess tHe tecHnologY<br />

(21 Points)<br />

No discussion or<br />

analysis of tradeoffs.<br />

12. innovative solution Not innovative or<br />

original.<br />

Brief discussion and<br />

analysis of tradeoffs.<br />

Good discussion<br />

of impact on<br />

environment, but<br />

could be more<br />

complete.<br />

Good discussion of<br />

sustainable benefits,<br />

but could be more<br />

complete.<br />

Good discussion of<br />

risks, but could be<br />

more complete.<br />

Good discussion and<br />

analysis of tradeoffs.<br />

0 1 2 3<br />

Somewhat original or<br />

innovative.<br />

Solution is innovative,<br />

original.<br />

Detailed and complete<br />

discussion of impact<br />

on environment.<br />

Detailed and complete<br />

discussion of<br />

sustainable benefits.<br />

Detailed and complete<br />

discussion of risks.<br />

Excellent discussion<br />

and analysis of<br />

tradeoffs.<br />

Solution is highly<br />

innovative, original.<br />

13. futuristic solution Not futuristic. Somewhat futuristic. Solution is futuristic. Solution is highly<br />

futuristic.<br />

14. Plausibility of solution<br />

• Based on sound scientific principles<br />

Implausible or not<br />

scientifically sound.<br />

15. accounting for identified risks Solution does not<br />

account for identified<br />

risks. Or no risks<br />

identified.<br />

16. effectiveness of solution: Managing most<br />

critical runoff problems<br />

17. effectiveness of solution: Reducing<br />

environmental impact and increasing<br />

sustainability<br />

18. effectiveness of solution: community<br />

outreach and buy-in<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

Not effective or<br />

ignores major problem<br />

areas.<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Solution is not very<br />

plausible (science<br />

fiction).<br />

Solution partially<br />

accounts for identified<br />

risks. Ignores major<br />

areas.<br />

Solution is only<br />

partially effective.<br />

Not effective. Solution is fairly<br />

effective.<br />

Not effective. Solution is fairly<br />

effective.<br />

2<br />

good<br />

Average-Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills at least<br />

90% of requirements.<br />

Solution is somewhat<br />

plausible.<br />

Solution adequately<br />

accounts for identified<br />

risks. Could be better.<br />

Solution is effective,<br />

but could be better.<br />

Solution is effective,<br />

but could be better.<br />

Solution is effective,<br />

but could be better.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Solution is highly<br />

plausible and<br />

scientifically sound.<br />

Solution accounts<br />

for and minimizes all<br />

identified risks.<br />

Design is highly<br />

effective at resolving<br />

major runoff problems.<br />

Design is highly<br />

effective.<br />

Design is highly<br />


Rethink Runoff<br />

Research Essay<br />

Rubric<br />

V. Role of engineeRing (6 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

19. engineering disciplines involved Engineering<br />

disciplines are not<br />

identified.<br />

20. Role of an engineer The role of the<br />

various engineers<br />

involved in developing<br />

the solution is not<br />

discussed.<br />

One Engineering<br />

discipline is identified.<br />

The role of at least<br />

one engineer involved<br />

in developing the<br />

solution is briefly<br />

discussed.<br />

More than one<br />

engineering discipline<br />

is identified.<br />

The role of at least<br />

one engineer is<br />

adequately discussed.<br />

Vi. WRiting sKills (15 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

21. organization Poorly organized. Fair organization. Good organization.<br />

22. Writing skills Poorly written. Fair writing skills. Good writing skills.<br />

23. grammar Many grammatical<br />

errors.<br />

A few grammatical<br />

errors.<br />

No grammatical<br />

errors.<br />

24. spelling Many spelling errors. A few spelling errors. No spelling errors.<br />

25. Maximum number of graphics<br />

• If used, max of 4 (does not include tables)<br />

Exceeds maximum<br />

of 4 graphics and/or<br />

illustrations.<br />

26. Work appears age appropriate Work does not appear<br />

to be age appropriate.<br />

27. list of references<br />

• At least three acceptable references<br />

• Wikipedia not recognized as an acceptable<br />

reference<br />

• Appropriate citations<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

No references. Less than three<br />

acceptable references.<br />

2<br />

good<br />

Average-Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills at least<br />

90% of requirements.<br />

Does not exceed<br />

maximum of 4<br />

graphics and/or<br />

illustrations.<br />

Work appears to be<br />

age appropriate.<br />

At least three<br />

acceptable references.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

More than one<br />

engineering discipline<br />

is discussed.<br />

The role of one<br />

or more than one<br />

engineer is well<br />

discussed.<br />

At least three<br />

acceptable references;<br />

all appropriately cited.<br />

tHe ReseaRcH essaY RubRic<br />


<strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong><br />

Rethink Runoff Research Essay<br />

Score Sheet (0-75 points)<br />

Directions: check the appropriate box and then<br />

place score in right hand score column.<br />

i. Define tHe PRobleM (9 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

1. Describe current situation: Describe runoff situation and factors affecting runoff:<br />

geographic and man-made<br />

2. identify the problem to solve: Identify most significant problem<br />

3. Why choose this problem: Impact on city development (residential, commercial,<br />

industrial); why is this important<br />

ii. PRoPose solution, tecHnologY (9 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

4. Propose solution: Describe at least one solution/process to manage runoff<br />

5. Describe technology involved<br />

6. community outreach and buy-in: Educational programs and incentives<br />

III. AnAYlZe THe SoluTIon (17 PoInTS) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

7. How are two issues affected by solution: Consider infiltration, impervious surfaces,<br />

water quality, water conservation, sustainability<br />

8. benefits – environment: Reduce runoff, increase filtration; improve water quality,<br />

reduce pollution<br />

9. benefits – sustainability: Water conservation, supporting population and development<br />

growth<br />

10. Risks associated with solution<br />

11. tradeoffs: Discuss & analyze tradeoffs (e.g., cost efficiency, appearance)<br />

iV. assess tHe tecHnologY (21 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

12. innovative solution<br />

13. futuristic solution<br />

0 no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

14. Plausibility of solution: Based on sound scientific principles<br />

15. accounting for identified risks<br />

18 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

1 Poor<br />

Fulfills less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Judge’s name:<br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

2 good<br />

Fulfills at least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

3 excellent<br />

Fulfills 100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />


iV. assess tHe tecHnologY (21 Points) (continued) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

16. effectiveness of solution: Managing most critical runoff problems<br />

17. effectiveness of solution: Reducing environmental impact and increasing sustainability<br />

18. effectiveness of solution: Community outreach and buy-in<br />

V. Role of engineeRing (6 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

19. engineering disciplines involved<br />

20. Role of an engineer<br />

Vi. WRiting sKills (15 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

21. organization<br />

22. Writing skills<br />

23. grammar<br />

24. spelling<br />

25. Maximum number of graphics: If used, max of 4 (does not include tables)<br />

26. appears age appropriate<br />

27. list of references: At least three acceptable references (Wikipedia not acceptable);<br />

appropriate citations<br />

total score (0–75 points)<br />

tHe ReseaRcH essaY scoRe sHeet<br />


The <strong>City</strong> Narrative Rubric<br />

Students write a narrative (maximum 500 words) describing their future city’s key features and design<br />

attributes. The purpose of the city narrative is to give the judges a quick overview of the future city’s<br />

infrastructure and its public services.<br />

i. DescRibe tHe citY (12 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

1. basic city information<br />

• Population, age<br />

• Location<br />

2. city’s physical components &<br />

infrastructure<br />

• Landmarks<br />

• Parks & recreation<br />

• Other highlights<br />

3. city’s services<br />

• Health, safety, education<br />

• Other quality of life issues<br />

20 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

No basic information. Brief basic<br />

information.<br />

No description of<br />

physical components.<br />

No description of city<br />

services.<br />

Brief description of<br />

physical components.<br />

Brief description of<br />

city services.<br />

4. other unique attributes of the city No unique attributes. Brief description of<br />

unique attributes.<br />

Good basic<br />

information.<br />

Good discussion of<br />

physical components.<br />

Good description of<br />

city services.<br />

Good description of<br />

unique attributes.<br />

ii. WRiting sKills (8 Points) 0 1 2 3<br />

5. organization Poorly organized. Fair organization. Good organization.<br />

6. Writing skills Poorly written. Fair writing skills. Good writing skills.<br />

7. grammar<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

Many grammatical<br />

errors.<br />

1<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair quality. Fulfills<br />

less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

A few grammatical<br />

errors.<br />

2<br />

good<br />

Average-Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills at least<br />

90% of requirements.<br />

No grammatical<br />

errors.<br />

8. spelling Many spelling errors. A few spelling errors. No spelling errors.<br />

3<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Complete basic<br />

information included.<br />

Detailed description of<br />

physical components.<br />

Detailed description of<br />

city services.<br />

Detailed description of<br />

unique attributes.

<strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Narrative Score Sheet<br />

(0 to 25 points)<br />

Directions: check the appropriate box and then<br />

place score in right hand score column.<br />

i. DescRibe tHe citY (15 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

1. basic city information: Population, age, location<br />

2. city’s physical components & infrastructure: Landmarks, parks & recreation, other<br />

highlights<br />

3. city’s services: Health, safety, education; other quality of life issues<br />

4. other unique attributes of the city<br />

5. attributes innovative and futuristic<br />

ii. WRiting sKills (10 Points) 0 1 2 3 scoRe<br />

6. organization<br />

7. Writing skills<br />

8. grammar<br />

9. spelling<br />

0 no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

10. Word count: Does not include title<br />

1 Poor<br />

Fulfills less than 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Judge’s name:<br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

2 good<br />

Fulfills at least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

total score (0–25 points)<br />

3 excellent<br />

Fulfills 100% of requirements.<br />

Additional distinctive<br />

features.<br />

tHe citY naRRatiVe scoRe sHeet<br />


The Physical Model Rubric<br />

Students build a physical model of a section of their city, using recycled materials, that has at least<br />

one moving part. The model does not need to be an exact building-by-building duplication of the<br />

virtual design. Rather, the purpose of the model is to give a 3-dimensional, creative representation of<br />

an area that best represents the team’s vision of their future city.<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements<br />

missing.<br />

22 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

2<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

4<br />

fair<br />

Fair-Average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

6<br />

good<br />

Average quality.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

8<br />

Very good<br />

Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

i. cReatiVitY (20 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

1. illustration of futuristic Designs<br />

• Buildings and/or structures<br />

• Infrastructure (mag-lev, space<br />

elevator)<br />

• Location (outer space, underwater,<br />

ice cap, desert)<br />

• Plausible and recognizable as a city<br />

2. appearance<br />

• Use of color, graphics, shapes, etc.<br />

• Realistic elements (flora, fauna,<br />

landscapes)<br />

• Pleasing, not distracting<br />

No futuristic<br />

designs<br />

shown.<br />

Not<br />

complimentary,<br />

distracting.<br />

Includes 1-2<br />

futuristic<br />

designs, not<br />

really plausible.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Fair aesthetics,<br />

somewhat<br />

distracting.<br />

Includes few<br />

futuristic<br />

designs, 1-2<br />

are plausible.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 50% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Fair aesthetics,<br />

not distracting.<br />

Several<br />

futuristic<br />

designs. Some<br />

plausible.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Good<br />

aesthetics<br />

enhance the<br />

model.<br />

Many futuristic<br />

designs. Most<br />

plausible.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Very good<br />

aesthetics<br />

enhance the<br />

model.<br />

ii. QualitY & scale (20 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

3. Quality Workmanship and age<br />

appropriateness<br />

• Age appropriate for 6th, 7th, and 8th<br />

grades<br />

• Quality construction<br />

• Reasonably durable<br />

4. Model scale:<br />

• Appropriate scale chosen to create a<br />

good city model<br />

• Consistent scale throughout model<br />

• Applied horizontally and vertically<br />

Poor quality. Mediocre<br />

quality.<br />

Inappropriate<br />

scale choice.<br />

Inconsistently<br />

applied.<br />

Poor scale<br />

choice.<br />

Inconsistent<br />

scale for<br />

majority of<br />

model.<br />

Fair to good<br />

quality.<br />

Fair scale<br />

choice. Some<br />

inconsistencies.<br />

Good<br />

quality. Age<br />

appropriate.<br />

Good scale<br />

choice.<br />

Consistently<br />

applied over<br />

majority of<br />

model.<br />

Very good<br />

quality. Age<br />

appropriate.<br />

Very good<br />

scale choice.<br />

<strong>City</strong> elements<br />

easy to<br />

identify.<br />

Consistent<br />

application.<br />

10<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Additional<br />

distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Highly<br />

futuristic. Very<br />

plausible.<br />

Fullfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Excellent<br />

aesthetics<br />

enhance the<br />

model.<br />

Excellent<br />

quality. Age<br />

appropriate.<br />

Exceptional<br />

scale choice.<br />

<strong>City</strong> elements<br />

very easy<br />

to identify.<br />

Consistent<br />

application<br />

across entire<br />


Physical Model<br />

Rubric<br />

iii. citY Design (50 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

5. city Design and livability<br />

• Well planned design and layout<br />

(neighborhoods, green spaces, streets)<br />

• Accessibility, functionality, mixeduse<br />

• Eco-management: sustainability,<br />

landscape conservation<br />

6. Zones & Interconnectivity<br />

• Variety of city zones, structures,<br />

infrastructure components<br />

• Interconnectivity of zones and<br />

components<br />

• Transportation: pedestrian, personal,<br />

public, goods & services<br />

7. futuristic technologies<br />

• Examples of futuristic technologies,<br />

components<br />

• Scientifically sound<br />

8. innovative solutions<br />

• Examples of solutions to problems:<br />

transportation, environment, services,<br />

etc.<br />

• At least one original, innovative<br />

solution<br />

9. essay topic: stormwater runoff<br />

control<br />

• Incorporating essay topic into model<br />

• Solution for managing stormwater<br />

runoff<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements<br />

missing.<br />

Fails to include<br />

expected<br />

requirements.<br />

Zoning unclear. One zone, few<br />

structures.<br />

Little interconnectivity.<br />

No futuristic<br />

examples.<br />

Little planning. Some planning. Planned<br />

design,<br />

accessible<br />

and mixeduse<br />

areas.<br />

Considers<br />

environment.<br />

1-2 futuristic<br />

examples.<br />

None<br />

scientifically<br />

sound.<br />

No solutions. One solution.<br />

Not innovative.<br />

No illustration<br />

of stormwater<br />

runoff problem<br />

or solution.<br />

2<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Some<br />

illustration<br />

of problem.<br />

No obvious<br />

management or<br />

solution.<br />

4<br />

fair<br />

Fair-Average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

At least one<br />

zone, small<br />

variety of<br />

structures.<br />

Some interconnectivity.<br />

Some awkward<br />

design.<br />

Few futuristic<br />

examples.<br />

At least one<br />

scientifically<br />

sound.<br />

One solution.<br />

Somewhat<br />

innovative.<br />

Some<br />

illustration of<br />

problem and<br />

attempt at<br />

management.<br />

6<br />

good<br />

Average quality.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

1-2 zones,<br />

some variety<br />

of structures.<br />

Adequate interconnectivity.<br />

Some futuristic<br />

examples.<br />

2-3 are<br />

scientifically<br />

sound.<br />

More than<br />

one solution.<br />

Somewhat<br />

innovative and<br />

plausible.<br />

Good overall<br />

illustration<br />

of runoff<br />

management.<br />

8<br />

Very good<br />

Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Well planned<br />

design.<br />

Accessible<br />

and mixeduse<br />

areas.<br />

Considers<br />

environment.<br />

Two or more<br />

zones. Good<br />

variety of<br />

structures.<br />

Good interconnectivity.<br />

Several<br />

futuristic<br />

examples,<br />

many of<br />

which are<br />

scientifically<br />

sound.<br />

More than<br />

one solution.<br />

Innovative and<br />

plausible.<br />

Very good<br />

overall<br />

illustration<br />

of runoff<br />

management.<br />

10<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Additional<br />

distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Excellent<br />

planning,<br />

accessibility,<br />

and<br />

environmental<br />

management.<br />

Two or more<br />

zones, very<br />

good variety<br />

of structures.<br />

Very good<br />

interconnectivity.<br />

Highly<br />

futuristic,<br />

and based<br />

on sound<br />

scientific<br />

principles.<br />

Several<br />

innovative<br />

and plausible<br />

solutions.<br />

Excellent<br />

illustration<br />

and overall<br />

solution for<br />

stormwater<br />

runoff<br />

management.<br />

tHe PHYsical MoDel RubRic<br />


Physical Model<br />

Rubric<br />

iV. MoVing PaRt(s)<br />

coMPonent (20 Points)<br />

10. Moving Part(s) innovation and<br />

Quality<br />

• At least one moving part<br />

• Quality workmanship, durability<br />

• Repeatability of movement<br />

• Innovative execution<br />

11. Moving Part(s) Relationship to the<br />

Design or function of the city<br />

• At least one moving part<br />

• Closely related to function of the city<br />

V. use of RecYcleD<br />

MateRials (10 Points)<br />

12. use of Recycled Materials<br />

• Most of model made from recycled<br />

materials<br />

• Variety of materials, imaginative or<br />

unusual materials<br />

• Creative modification or application of<br />

materials<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements<br />

missing.<br />

24 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

No moving<br />

parts.<br />

No moving<br />

parts.<br />

One moving<br />

part. Fair<br />

quality.<br />

One time<br />

movement.<br />

Moving part<br />

cosmetic; not<br />

relevant to city<br />

design.<br />

One moving<br />

part. Good<br />

quality. Little<br />

innovation.<br />

Moving part<br />

loosely related<br />

to city design.<br />

At least one<br />

moving part.<br />

Good quality.<br />

Repeatable<br />

movement.<br />

Somewhat<br />

innovative.<br />

Moving part<br />

closely related<br />

to city design.<br />

More than<br />

one moving<br />

part. Very<br />

good quality.<br />

Repeatable<br />

movement.<br />

Innovative.<br />

At least one<br />

moving part<br />

essential to<br />

city design.<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

No recycled<br />

materials used.<br />

2<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Few recycled<br />

materials. Not<br />

creative. No<br />

variety. No<br />

modifications.<br />

4<br />

fair<br />

Fair-Average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

At least 50%<br />

recycled<br />

materials.<br />

Little creativity,<br />

variety. Some<br />

attempt to<br />

modify.<br />

6<br />

good<br />

Average quality.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

More than<br />

75% recycled.<br />

Some variety.<br />

Some<br />

creatively<br />

modified.<br />

8<br />

Very good<br />

Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

More than<br />

75% recycled.<br />

Good variety.<br />

Many creative<br />

materials and<br />

modifications.<br />

10<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Additional<br />

distinctive<br />

features.<br />

More than<br />

one moving<br />

part. Excellent<br />

quality.<br />

Repeatable<br />

movement.<br />

Highly<br />

innovative.<br />

More than one<br />

moving part<br />

essential to<br />

city design.<br />

Almost all<br />

recycled.<br />

Exceptionally<br />

varied and<br />

creatively<br />

modified<br />


<strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong><br />

Physical Model Score Sheet<br />

(0 to 120 points)<br />

Directions: check the appropriate box and then<br />

place score in right hand score column.<br />

0 no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

2 Poor<br />

Fulfills at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

4 fair<br />

Fulfills at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

6 good<br />

Fulfills at least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

8 Very good<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements<br />

10 excellent<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements. Additional<br />

distinctive features<br />

i. cReatiVitY (20 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

1. illustration of futuristic Designs: Buildings/structures; infrastructure; Location; plausible<br />

/recognizable as a city<br />

2. appearance: Use of color, graphics, shapes, etc., realistic elements; pleasing, not distracting<br />

ii. QualitY & scale (20 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

3. Quality Workmanship and age appropriateness: Age appropriate for 6th, 7th, and 8th<br />

grades, quality construction, reasonably durable<br />

4. Model scale: , appropriate scale chosen, consistent scale<br />

throughout model, Applied horizontally and vertically<br />

Judge’s name:<br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

iii. citY Design (50 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

5. city Design and livability: Well planned design and layout; accessibility, functionality,<br />

mixed-use; eco-management: sustainability, landscape conservation<br />

6. Zones & Interconnectivity: Variety of zones, structures, infrastructure components; interconnectivity<br />

of zones and components; transportation: pedestrian, personal, public, goods & services<br />

7. futuristic technologies: Ex. of futuristic technologies, components; scientifically sound<br />

8. innovative solutions: Ex. of solutions to problems: transportation, environment, services,<br />

etc.; at least one original, innovative solution<br />

9. essay topic: stormwater runoff control: Incorporating essay topic into model; solution<br />

for managing stormwater<br />

iV. MoVing PaRt(s) coMPonent (20 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

10. Moving Part(s) innovation and Quality: At least 1 moving part, quality workmanship;<br />

durability, repeatability, innovative execution<br />

11. Moving Part(s) Relationship to the Design or function of the city: At least 1 moving<br />

part, closely related to function of the city<br />

V. use of RecYcleD MateRials (10 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRes<br />

12. use of Recycled Materials: most of model made from recycled materials, variety of<br />

materials, imaginative or unusual materials, creative modification or application of materials<br />

total score (0–120 points)<br />

tHe PHYsical MoDel scoRe sHeet<br />


Team Presentation Rubric<br />

Students give a 7 minute presentation discussing features of their future city followed by a 5 - 8<br />

minute question and answer period from the judges (overall time will not exceed 15 minutes). Be sure<br />

to check with your Regional Coordinator for exact competition times.<br />

Mandatory Questions<br />

You will be provided a set of mandatory questions to ask during the competition. You are free to add<br />

additional questions AFTER all of the mandatory questions have been answered.<br />

i. KnoWleDge (50 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

1. organization<br />

• Major elements: Intro, body, and<br />

conclusion<br />

• Transitions between elements<br />

• Logical<br />

• Supporting information (definitions,<br />

examples, statistics, quotes, etc.)<br />

2. Presentation content<br />

• <strong>City</strong> features, benefits, and aesthetics<br />

• Geography, demographics or distinctive<br />

characteristics<br />

• Infrastructure (e.g., transportation,<br />

energy, waste disposal or pollution<br />

control)<br />

• Innovations in technology and futuristic<br />

concepts<br />

3. essay topic (stormwater runoff)<br />

• Discusses essay topic: clean solutions<br />

to manage stormwater pollution.<br />

• Explains how the yearly theme<br />

influenced the city design or<br />

development<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements<br />

missing.<br />

Poor<br />

organization.<br />

No transitions.<br />

Missing major<br />

elements. No<br />

supporting<br />

information.<br />

No city<br />

features,<br />

geography,<br />

infrastructure<br />

or innovation<br />

mentioned.<br />

No discussion<br />

of stormwater<br />

runoff.<br />

26 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

2<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Poor<br />

organization.<br />

Missing<br />

a major<br />

element. Little<br />

support. Few<br />

transitions.<br />

Includes a few<br />

of the required<br />

elements.<br />

Poorly<br />

discussed.<br />

Little<br />

explanation or<br />

not believable.<br />

Refers to essay<br />

topic briefly.<br />

Inadequate<br />

solution.<br />

4<br />

fair<br />

Fair-Average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

Fair organization.<br />

Contains most<br />

major elements.<br />

Some supporting<br />

information.<br />

Some transitions.<br />

Fair description<br />

of the city. A<br />

few distinctive<br />

benefits and<br />

innovations<br />

explained.<br />

Somewhat<br />

futuristic and<br />

believable.<br />

Briefly<br />

discusses<br />

essay topic and<br />

solution. No<br />

real supporting<br />

facts. Explains<br />

how their<br />

city design<br />

incorporates<br />

the theme.<br />

6<br />

good<br />

Average quality.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Contains all<br />

major elements.<br />

Fair amount<br />

of supporting<br />

information.<br />

Transitions could<br />

be smoother.<br />

Good overall<br />

description of<br />

the city. Several<br />

distinctive benefits<br />

explained.<br />

Some innovations.<br />

Somewhat<br />

futuristic and<br />

believable.<br />

Discusses the<br />

essay topic and<br />

solution. Some<br />

supporting facts.<br />

Solution is adequate,<br />

somewhat<br />

innovative. Somewhat<br />

explains how<br />

their city design<br />

incorporates the<br />

theme.<br />

8<br />

Very good<br />

Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Fulfills all<br />

requirements of<br />

major elements,<br />

transitions,<br />

supporting<br />

information, but<br />

could develop<br />

ideas more<br />

thoroughly.<br />

Very good<br />

description<br />

of city. Many<br />

benefits and<br />

innovations<br />

explained.<br />

Futuristic and<br />

believable.<br />

Discusses the<br />

essay topic and<br />

solution. Good<br />

supporting<br />

facts. Solution<br />

innovative or<br />

futuristic. Fully<br />

explains how<br />

their city design<br />

incorporates<br />

the theme.<br />

10<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Additional<br />

distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Extremely well<br />

organized and<br />

creative. Variety<br />

of effective<br />

supporting<br />

information<br />

providing<br />

credibility.<br />

Excellent and detailed<br />

description<br />

of city. Effective<br />

description of<br />

benefits and high<br />

degree of innovation.<br />

Futuristic<br />

and believable.<br />

Discusses the<br />

essay topic<br />

and solution<br />

with excellent<br />

supporting<br />

facts. Excellent<br />

explanation<br />

of how their<br />

city design<br />

incorporates<br />

the theme.

Team<br />

Presentation<br />

Rubric<br />

i. KnoWleDge (continueD) 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

4. Knowledge of engineering Roles &<br />

Design Process<br />

• Discusses the engineering field and/or<br />

engineering roles<br />

• Demonstrates knowledge of<br />

engineering design process: problem<br />

definition, tradeoffs, testing, etc.<br />

• Has applied engineering process to FC<br />

project<br />

5. Questions and answers<br />

• Answers questions with confidence<br />

• Accurate, complete answers<br />

ii. DeliVeRY/PResentation<br />

sKills (30 Points)<br />

6. Presentation skills<br />

• Verbal skills: Fluent, clear, audible<br />

delivery<br />

• Verbal skills: Correct grammar and<br />

appropriate language use<br />

• Non-verbal skills: Upright posture with<br />

practiced use of visual aids<br />

• Overall confident, direct, and animated<br />

delivery<br />

7. Model as a Demonstration aid<br />

• Model is a key element of entire<br />

delivery<br />

• Creatively uses model to illustrate city<br />

features<br />

• Model enhances, rather than distracts,<br />

from presentation<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements<br />

missing.<br />

No discussion<br />

of engineering.<br />

Unable to<br />

answer<br />

questions.<br />

Mentions<br />

engineering,<br />

but lacks<br />

understanding<br />

of roles or<br />

design process.<br />

Answers a<br />

few questions<br />

accurately.<br />

No supporting<br />

facts.<br />

Briefly<br />

discusses and<br />

understands<br />

engineering and<br />

role of engineer.<br />

Little discussion<br />

of engineering<br />

process. No link<br />

to project.<br />

Answers at<br />

least 50% of<br />

the questions<br />

accurately.<br />

Few supporting<br />

facts.<br />

Discusses and<br />

understands engineering<br />

role.<br />

Presents some<br />

knowledge of<br />

engineering<br />

process, but<br />

no link to FC<br />

project.<br />

Answers 90%<br />

of questions<br />

with accuracy<br />

and some<br />

supporting<br />

facts.<br />

Good<br />

understanding<br />

of engineering<br />

role. Attempts<br />

to explain<br />

engineering<br />

process as<br />

related to part<br />

of the project.<br />

Answers 100%<br />

of the questions<br />

accurately<br />

with some<br />

supporting<br />

detail.<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

Poor skills<br />

throughout the<br />

presentation.<br />

All students<br />

need<br />

improvement<br />

in all areas.<br />

Little or no<br />

use of the<br />

model as a<br />

demonstration<br />

aid.<br />

2<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

A few verbal<br />

and nonverbal<br />

skills are fairly<br />

well done but<br />

needs more<br />

practice to<br />

improve in<br />

most areas.<br />

Model<br />

referenced<br />

but does<br />

not enhance<br />

presentation.<br />

4<br />

fair<br />

Fair-Average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

Fair to good<br />

skills for the<br />

majority of the<br />

presenters.<br />

Model is used<br />

and is partially<br />

effective at<br />

illustrating<br />

features.<br />

Fairly enhances<br />

presentation.<br />

Little innovation<br />

shown.<br />

6<br />

good<br />

Average quality.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Good verbal<br />

and nonverbal<br />

skills for most<br />

presenters.<br />

Somewhat<br />

confident and<br />

direct.<br />

Good use of<br />

the model as<br />

an illustration<br />

of city design<br />

and function.<br />

Little creativity<br />

or illustration<br />

of innovations.<br />

8<br />

Very good<br />

Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Very good<br />

verbal and<br />

nonverbal<br />

skills by most<br />

of presenters<br />

throughout<br />

majority of the<br />

presentation.<br />

Very good<br />

model use;<br />

integrated<br />

smoothly into<br />

the presentation<br />

and helped to<br />

illustrate city<br />

design, function<br />

and innovations.<br />

10<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Additional<br />

distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Excellent<br />

understanding<br />

of engineering<br />

and engineering<br />

process.<br />

Applies engineering<br />

process<br />

throughout the<br />

project.<br />

Fully, accurately,<br />

and confidently<br />

answers all<br />

questions with<br />

many supporting<br />

details.<br />

Excellent verbal<br />

and nonverbal<br />

skills by all<br />

presenters<br />

throughout the<br />

presentation.<br />

Very confident,<br />

direct, and<br />

animated<br />

delivery.<br />

Extremely creative,<br />

integrated<br />

use of model;<br />

contributed significantly<br />

to the<br />

understanding<br />

of city design,<br />

function and<br />

innovations.<br />

teaM PResentation RubRic<br />


Team<br />

Presentation<br />

Rubric<br />

8. Visual and other aids<br />

• Visual aids (posters, charts) neat, wellprepared<br />

• Additional demonstration aids, if<br />

used (props, costumes, handouts,<br />

etc.) enhance, rather than distract, from<br />

presentation<br />

• Delivery with all visual aids is well<br />

practiced and confident<br />

No use of<br />

visual aids or<br />

visual (or other<br />

demonstration)<br />

aids distract<br />

from<br />

presentation.<br />

28 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

Few visual<br />

aids. Poorly<br />

designed.<br />

Poorly used in<br />

presentation.<br />

Fairly well<br />

designed visual<br />

aids. Fairly<br />

well used<br />

to enhance<br />

presentation.<br />

Good design<br />

of visual aids<br />

that generally<br />

added to<br />

presentation.<br />

Could be<br />

used more<br />

effectively.<br />

Many welldesigned<br />

visual<br />

aids. Could be<br />

more creative.<br />

Well used to<br />

enhance the<br />

presentation.<br />

iii. teaMWoRK (10 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

9. teamwork During Presentation<br />

and Q&a<br />

• Team members supported each other<br />

• Team members shared time equally<br />

• Team members displayed an equal<br />

amount of knowledge<br />

• Full complement of team members<br />

(three students)<br />

0<br />

no Points<br />

Requirements<br />

missing.<br />

Little or no<br />

collaboration or<br />

support among<br />

team members.<br />

2<br />

Poor<br />

Poor-Fair<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

A small amount<br />

of collaboration<br />

among team<br />

members but<br />

more support<br />

of one another<br />

is needed. One<br />

or two tend<br />

to dominate<br />

during both<br />

presentation<br />

and Q&A.<br />

4<br />

fair<br />

Fair-Average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

Some collaboration,<br />

some support<br />

and sharing<br />

among some<br />

team members.<br />

Amount of<br />

knowledge<br />

appears unequal.<br />

One or two tend<br />

to dominate<br />

during either the<br />

presentation or<br />

Q&A.<br />

6<br />

good<br />

Average quality.<br />

Fulfills at<br />

least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Good collaboration;<br />

support<br />

and sharing<br />

among most<br />

members. Full<br />

complement<br />

of three team<br />

members.<br />

Some team<br />

members<br />

have more<br />

knowledge and<br />

dominate.<br />

8<br />

Very good<br />

Above average<br />

quality. Fulfills<br />

100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Very good collaboration,support<br />

and sharing<br />

among the<br />

team members<br />

on both Q & A<br />

and presentation.<br />

Equivalent<br />

knowledge level<br />

for most of team.<br />

Full complement<br />

of three team<br />

members.<br />

10<br />

excellent<br />

Excellent quality.<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements.<br />

Additional<br />

distinctive<br />

features.<br />

Many well<br />

designed,<br />

constructed<br />

and creative<br />

visual aids<br />

that integrated<br />

well into the<br />

presentation.<br />

Effective use<br />

in delivery.<br />

Excellent collaboration,support<br />

and sharing<br />

among all of the<br />

team members<br />

throughout.<br />

Equivalent<br />

knowledge<br />

level for all. Full<br />

complement<br />

of three team<br />

members. No<br />

one dominates.

<strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong><br />

Team Presentation Score Sheet<br />

(0 to 90 points)<br />

Directions: check the appropriate box and then<br />

place score in right hand score column.<br />

0 no Points<br />

Requirements missing.<br />

2 Poor<br />

Fulfills at least 20% of<br />

requirements.<br />

4 fair<br />

Fulfills at least 50% of<br />

requirements<br />

Judge’s name:<br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

6 good<br />

Fulfills at least 90% of<br />

requirements.<br />

i. KnoWleDge (50 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

1. organization: Major elements: Intro, body, and conclusion; transitions between elements;<br />

logical, supporting information<br />

2. Presentation content: <strong>City</strong> features, benefits, and aesthetics; geography, demographics or<br />

distinctive characteristics; infrastructure; innovations in technology and futuristic concepts<br />

3. essay topic (stormwater runoff): Discusses essay topic: clean solution; explains how the<br />

yearly theme influenced the city design or development<br />

4. Knowledge of engineering Roles & Design Process: Discusses the engineering field<br />

and/or engineering roles, demonstrates knowledge of engineering design process; has applied<br />

engineering process to FC project<br />

5. Questions and answers: Answers questions with confidence; accurate, complete answers<br />

ii. DeliVeRY/PResentation sKills (30 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

6. Presentation skills: Verbal skills: Fluent, clear, audible delivery; verbal skills: Correct<br />

grammar and appropriate language use; Non-verbal skills: Upright posture with practiced use<br />

of visual aids; Overall confident, direct, and animated delivery<br />

7. Model as a Demonstration aid: Model is a key element of entire delivery; creatively uses<br />

model to illustrate city features; model enhances, rather than distracts, from presentation<br />

8. Visual and other aids: Visual aids neat, well-prepared; additional demonstration aids,<br />

if used enhance, rather than distract, from presentation; delivery with all visual aids is well<br />

practiced and confident<br />

iii. teaMWoRK (10 Points) 0 2 4 6 8 10 scoRe<br />

9. teamwork During Presentation and Q&a: Team members supported each other;<br />

team members shared time equally; team members displayed an equal amount of knowledge;<br />

full complement of team members (three students)<br />

8 Very good<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements<br />

total score (0–90 points)<br />

10 excellent<br />

Fulfills 100% of<br />

requirements. Additional<br />

distinctive features<br />

teaM PResentation scoRe sHeet<br />


Scoring Deductions<br />

To compete in the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong> teams must complete<br />

the five program components and can earn up to 400 points.<br />

<strong>Judges</strong> will evaluate each component in accordance with the<br />

component rubrics. <strong>Judges</strong> will use the Scoring Deduction Sheet<br />

Penalty item Description<br />

5–10 pts. Missing deadline for submission of<br />

the Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design (Sim<strong>City</strong>).<br />

Deadline will be set by the<br />

Regional Coordinator.<br />

30 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

The Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design must be received in accordance with the deadlines set by the Regional<br />

Coordinator.<br />

15 pts Pre-designed medium region. You must use the pre-designed medium region available for download from www.futurecity.org/<br />

resources.<br />

5 pts. Missing deadline for submission of<br />

the Essay. Deadline will be set by<br />

the Regional Coordinator.<br />

The Essay must be received in accordance with the deadlines set by the Regional Coordinator.<br />

2 pts. Essay Form is incomplete or missing. A properly filled out Essay Form must be attached to the Essay. Follow instructions on the form.<br />

10 pts Exceeding Essay Word Count. Maximum of 1000 words.<br />

5 pts. Missing deadline for submission<br />

of the <strong>City</strong> Narrative. Deadline will<br />

be set by the Regional Coordinator.<br />

2 pts. <strong>City</strong> Narrative Form is incomplete<br />

or missing.<br />

2 pts Exceeding Narrative Word Count. Maximum of 500 words.<br />

15 pts. Exceeding Physical Model<br />

dimensions.<br />

15 pts. <strong>Competition</strong> Expense Form is<br />

missing.<br />

5 pts. Receipts missing from back of<br />

<strong>Competition</strong> Expense Form.<br />

15 pts. Exceeding the $100 limit on the<br />

physical model and presentation<br />

materials.<br />

1–5pts. Missing all or part of the Model<br />

ID card.<br />

5 pts. Exceeding presentation time. Presentation cannot exceed 7 minutes.<br />

15 pts. Exceeding presentation<br />

dimensions.<br />

2 points Missing Honor Statement<br />

The <strong>City</strong> Narrative must be received in accordance with the deadlines set by the Regional Coordinator.<br />

A properly filled out <strong>City</strong> Narrative Form must be attached to the <strong>City</strong> Narrative. Follow instructions on<br />

the form.<br />

The maximum dimensions of the model are 20” (H) x 50” (L) x 25” (W). Height and width dimensions<br />

include all supporting structures, such as braces, and any model materials hanging below the tabletop.<br />

The <strong>Competition</strong> Expense Form, with receipts attached to the back, must be brought to the competition.<br />

Receipts must be attached to the back of the <strong>Competition</strong> Expense Form. Follow instructions on the<br />

form.<br />

The total value of the materials used in the model, as well as those used in support of the presentation<br />

and for special awards (including visual aids, costumes, color copying/printing, and other demonstration<br />

aids) may not exceed $100.<br />

The Model ID card should be identified by a 4” x 6” index card with: future city name, organization<br />

name, team members’ names (3 students, educator, mentor), and scale used.<br />

Support materials may consist of either:<br />

1. A single display not exceeding 60” (W) x 36” (H)<br />

OR;<br />

2. Two displays not exceeding 30” (W) x 36” (H) each. (The size does not include the easel stand, if one<br />

is used.)<br />

20 points Unsportsmanlike conduct Rude behavior or disruption of judging by any team member or guests.<br />

Disqualification Destruction of another team’s<br />

model or presentation materials<br />

(see page 31) to mark deductions. <strong>Judges</strong> decisions are final.<br />

At the Regional <strong>Competition</strong> the Regional Coordinator has the<br />

final word on any dispute. There is no appeals process. At the<br />

National Finals the <strong>Judges</strong>’ decisions are final.

Model and Presentation<br />

Scoring Deduction Form<br />

criteria Deductions total<br />

Deductions<br />

Model and Presentation costs exceed $100<br />

Do they list all of the materials used in the physical models and presentation props? Are:<br />

• Donated or borrowed materials listed at a fair market value?<br />

• Large or expensive used items listed at a fair market value?<br />

• Recycled items listed at $0.00?<br />

• School uniform, street clothes, competition T-shirt, easels listed at $0.00?<br />

Missing competition expense form<br />

competition expense form is incomplete.<br />

• Not signed by teacher or mentor.<br />

• Major expense(s) not listed<br />

• Unfair market value<br />

• Missing receipts<br />

Model iD 4 x 6 card should contain:<br />

• <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> name<br />

• School name<br />

• Information on the scale used<br />

• Student team members’ names<br />

• Teacher and mentor names<br />

Model size<br />

Exceeding maximum dimensions in any direction at any time during the competition<br />

(includes all supporting structures, doors, drawers & materials hanging below the table top):<br />

• 25 inches (width)<br />

• 50 inches (length)<br />

• 20 inches (height)<br />

• 75 lbs weight limit (for National Finals only)<br />

Presentation Materials size<br />

Exceeding maximum dimensions – two options (either, but not both):<br />

1. Single display: 60 inches (width), 36 inches (height)<br />

2. Two displays (each): 30 inches (width), 36 inches (height)<br />

• Dimensions do not include easels<br />

• Displays can include multiple display boards stacked on the easel, but not more than<br />

two displays in use at any one time<br />

• Additional demonstration aids (pointers, brochures, handouts, props, etc.) collectively<br />

must fit within a 12x6x6” volume (e.g. a shoe box).<br />

• The maximum weight for the model and all supporting materials is 75 lbs. (For<br />

National Finals only).<br />

Presentation time<br />

Formal presentation is 5-7 minutes followed by Q&A, total not exceeding 15 minutes.<br />

unsportsmanlike conduct<br />

Rude behavior or disruption of judging by any team member or guests.<br />

Destruction of another team’s model or presentation materials<br />

Judge’s name:<br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

time:<br />

15 points<br />

15 points<br />

5 points<br />

5 pts for missing<br />

card OR 1 point<br />

for any individual<br />

missing information<br />

(up to 5 points).<br />

15 points<br />

15 points<br />

5 points<br />

20 points<br />

Disqualified<br />

total Deductions<br />

comments<br />

scoRing DeDuctions<br />


<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Summary<br />

Score Sheet<br />

Points earned<br />

1. Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design (0–90 points)<br />

2. Research Essay (0–75 points)<br />

3. <strong>City</strong> Narrative (0 to 25 points)<br />

4. Physical Model (0 to 120 points)<br />

5. Team Presentation (0 to 90 points)<br />

scoring Deductions<br />

1. Missing submission Deadline<br />

• Virtual <strong>City</strong> Design (5 points)<br />

• Research Essay (5 points)<br />

• <strong>City</strong> Narrative (5 points)<br />

2. incomplete forms<br />

• Research Essay Form (2 points)<br />

• <strong>City</strong> Narrative Form (2 points)<br />

• Missing receipts from <strong>Competition</strong><br />

Expense Form (5 points)<br />

3. Missing forms<br />

• Research Essay Form (2 points)<br />

• <strong>City</strong> Narrative Form (2 points)<br />

• <strong>Competition</strong> Expense Form (15 points)<br />

• Honor Statement Form (2 points)<br />

4. Did not use pre-designed medium city (15 points)<br />

5. Exceeded 1,000 word essay limit (10 points)<br />

6. Exceeded 500 word <strong>City</strong> Narrative limit (2 points)<br />

7. Missing all or part of the Model ID card<br />

information (1 to 5 points)<br />

8. Exceeded Physical Model dimensions (15 points)<br />

9. Exceeded $100 budget (15 points)<br />

10. Exceeded presentation time (5 points)<br />

11. Exceeded presentation dimensions (15 points)<br />

12. Unsportsmanlike conduct (20 points)<br />

total score (0 to 400 points)<br />

32 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

future city name:<br />

organization name:<br />

Points scored:

Practice Questions<br />

Below are questions we provide to the teams to practice their<br />

team presentation. On competition day, judges will get a set of<br />

questions made up of some of these question and questions the<br />

students have not seen before:<br />

Rubric Questions<br />

1. What types of jobs are provided in your industrial and<br />

commercial zones?<br />

2. What measures are taken in your city to provide for clean<br />

air?<br />

3. Describe your park and recreational facilities. What<br />

futuristic features do they possess?<br />

4. Why is city planning important?<br />

5. How are children and adults educated in your city?<br />

6. How is waste disposal managed in your city?<br />

7. What futuristic freight transportation systems do you utilize<br />

in your city?<br />

8. Explain how traffic and goods from your city’s airport can<br />

easily be transported to their destinations.<br />

9. Why did you choose the location of your city?<br />

10. What modes of transportation are available to the citizens?<br />

Can a person reasonably travel throughout the city without<br />

the use of a car?<br />

11. How do you generate electricity in your city?<br />

12. Does your city have a unique source of energy derived from<br />

non-traditional sources?<br />

13. How does your city’s alternate energy source impact the<br />

environment?<br />

14. Is your alternate energy source renewable and if so, how is<br />

it renewable?<br />

15. How do you ensure power is available throughout the city?<br />

16. What is your most unusual recycled material?<br />

17. Why would an alternate energy source be needed in your<br />

city?<br />

18. What measures were taken to create an attractive<br />

production center for the alternate energy source?<br />

19. Describe the technology used to generate energy using your<br />

alternate source.<br />

20. Are fossil fuels still needed as a source of energy in your<br />

city of the future? Why or Why not?<br />

21. Explain the process you used in writing the essay.<br />

22. Why would your city’s infrastructure make someone want to<br />

live there?<br />

23. How did you decide what information to include in the<br />

presentation?<br />

24. How did you decide what visuals to use in your<br />

presentation?<br />

budgeting and incentives<br />

1. How did you approach budgeting for growth in your city?<br />

2. What does your future city have as an enticement to offer<br />

potential business investors?<br />

Resident needs and Profile<br />

1. How does your city help support a healthy lifestyle for its<br />

residents?<br />

2. Why does your city need a diversity of people to run<br />

effectively?<br />

3. Detail some of the features you have incorporated in your<br />

city design to provide access for people with disabilities?<br />

engineering and operations<br />

1. What insight did you gain from your project on maintaining<br />

a balance between future planning and preservation of the<br />

past?<br />

2. What measures have been taken to protect your city from<br />

natural disasters?<br />

3. How does your city allow for growth?<br />

4. Are there any real factors that limit the size of your city?<br />

5. What made the communication system you selected the<br />

best choice for your city?<br />

6. Overburden transportation systems are universally a problem<br />

for cities—what approach did you take to prevent this<br />

problem from happening in your city?<br />

7. How do construction materials and goods efficiently and<br />

with minimal environmental impact reach a site in your city?<br />

PRactice Questions<br />


8. In planning for your city’s utilities (water, garbage collection,<br />

waste management, recycling, etc.) what considerations<br />

were given to their efficiency and maintenance?<br />

9. What was your biggest engineering design challenge in this<br />

project?<br />

building the Model<br />

1. In building the model of your city, what was the most<br />

difficult aspect to overcome?<br />

2. What factors went into determining the scale of your<br />

model?<br />

3. Why did you choose this particular section of your virtual<br />

city to build?<br />

4. What were some of the factors that went into laying out the<br />

various zones in your city?<br />

5. If you began again, what one thing would you have done<br />

differently to improve your model?<br />

benefits to team Members<br />

1. Why would you encourage other students to participate in<br />

the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong>?<br />

2. How has the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong> helped you plan for<br />

your future?<br />

3. What is the most valuable experience you gained from the<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Competition</strong>?<br />

benefits for society<br />

1. From a global perspective how will humanity profit from<br />

your city?<br />

2. Why do we need fresh and innovative ideas for cities?<br />

3. What would be the benefits of having an engineer included<br />

on your city’s Town Council?<br />

Your engineer-Mentor and educator<br />

1. What insights did you gain from working with your<br />

engineer-mentor on the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Competiton?<br />

2. Name one activity that helped you the most?<br />

34 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

specific Questions for <strong>2013</strong> theme<br />

1. What was your solution to the runoff problem your city was<br />

facing?<br />

2. What engineering disciplines were involved in developing<br />

your solution to runoff?

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Regional<br />

Coordinators<br />

alabaMa<br />

Sonya Dillard<br />

NASA – Marshall Space<br />

Flight Center<br />

ARIZonA<br />

Michael Andrews<br />

Andrews & Associates, LLC<br />

califoRnia (noRtHeRn)<br />

Lynda McGhie<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Northern California<br />

califoRnia (soutHeRn)<br />

Jack Ellis<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Southern California<br />

floRiDa (soutH)<br />

Dr. Osama Mohammed<br />

Florida International University<br />

floRiDa (taMPa baY)<br />

Cengiz H. Mumcuoglu<br />

Skanska USA Building Inc.<br />

geoRgia<br />

Tony Ruzzoto<br />

Southern Polytechnic State<br />

University<br />

gReat Plains (Kansas)<br />

Jeff Sims<br />

KDOT Bureau of Design<br />

iDaHo<br />

Lynn Olson, P.E.<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Idaho<br />

illinois (cHicago)<br />

Don Wittmer, P.E.<br />

HNTB<br />

inDiana<br />

Carol Dostal<br />

Indiana University – Purdue<br />

University Fort Wayne<br />

ioWa<br />

Jean Oberbroeckling<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Iowa<br />

KentucKY<br />

Joe Percefull<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Kentucky<br />

louisiana<br />

Kris Koutsougeras<br />

Southeastern Louisiana<br />

State University<br />

MicHigan<br />

Sue Ruffner<br />

The Engineering Society<br />

of Detroit<br />

MiD-atlantic<br />

Mark Bodmann, P.E.<br />

Wallace Montgomery<br />

Minnesota<br />

Colleen Feller<br />

Success Beyond the<br />

Classroom<br />

nebRasKa (oMaHa /<br />

HeaRtlanD)<br />

John A. Thomsen<br />

ESU#3 High Ability Learner<br />

Advisory Coordinator<br />

neVaDa<br />

Wendy Fenner<br />

Lights & Life Energy<br />

Foundation<br />

neW englanD Region<br />

Reed Brockman, P.E.<br />

AECOM<br />

neW JeRseY<br />

Scott Lubarsky, P.E.<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />

neW YoRK (albanY)<br />

Jennifer Smith<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Albany<br />

neW YoRK (citY)<br />

Karen Armfield, P.E.<br />

AECOM<br />

neW YoRK (WesteRn)<br />

Carlo Zavatti<br />

Turner Construction Company<br />

noRtH caRolina<br />

Chris Kreider<br />

North Carolina Department<br />

of Transportation<br />

oHio<br />

Gus Smithhisler<br />

Ohio Department of<br />

Natural Resources<br />

oKlaHoMa<br />

Todd Hiemer, P.E.<br />

OG&E Electric Services<br />

PennsYlVania<br />

(centRal)<br />

William Sutton<br />

ASCE<br />

PennsYlVania<br />

(PHilaDelPHia)<br />

John E. Kampmeyer, P.E.,<br />


Triad Fire Protection<br />

Engineering Corp.<br />

PennsYlVania<br />

(PittsbuRgH)<br />

Carol Schoemer<br />

Carnegie Science Center<br />

soutH caRolina<br />

Kimberly Mitchell<br />

Savannah River Nuclear<br />

Solutions, LLC<br />

texas (centRal)<br />

Dr. Dawn Roberson<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Texas (Central)<br />

texas-Houston Region<br />

Dr. Zafar Taqvi<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Houston<br />

texas - noRtH texas<br />

Jean M. Eason<br />

IEEE-USA<br />

ViRginia (HaMPton<br />

RoaDs)<br />

Greg Griffett<br />

<strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> Virginia<br />

WasHington state<br />

Karen Pavletich<br />

Puget Sound Energy<br />

Wisconsin<br />

Kelly Wesolowski<br />

STEM Forward<br />

Regional cooRDinatoRs<br />


Regional Coordinators<br />

36 <strong>2012</strong>–<strong>2013</strong> futuRe citY JuDges <strong>Manual</strong><br />

The national <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> staff would like to thank and acknowledge<br />

the dedication of our tireless Regional Coordinators and their<br />

committee members. The countless hours that they contribute<br />

as they answer every question (big and small), match mentors to<br />

schools, fundraise, and host wonderful Regional <strong>Competition</strong>s is the<br />

foundation on which <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> rests. Thank you!<br />

To contact your Regional Coordinator visit<br />

www.futurecity.org and click on Find My Region.

We would like to thank our many generous<br />

sponsors for their continued<br />

support of the <strong>Future</strong> <strong>City</strong> program.<br />

National Finals and Program Sponsors:<br />

Additional Program Sponsors:<br />

S. D. Bechtel, Jr. FounDation<br />

Stephen Bechtel FunD<br />

Essay Sponsor:<br />

<strong>2013</strong> National Engineers Week Co-Chairs:

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