XIX Sympozjum Srodowiskowe PTZE - materialy.pdf

XIX Sympozjum Srodowiskowe PTZE - materialy.pdf XIX Sympozjum Srodowiskowe PTZE - materialy.pdf


XIX Sympozjum PTZE, Worliny 2009 This force part vanishes in the absence of a net charge occuring in the particle or in the case of an alternating field whose time average is zero. The additional force terms arise from the interaction of dielectric polarization components induced in the particle by the electric field with spatial inhomogeneities in that field. These additional dielectric force terms only vanish if the field is spatially homogeneous that is when ∇E = 0. Pohl [10] was first one who recognize and explore the use of dielectric forces for the manipulation of different particles, particularly living cells, and he named the movement of particles induced by themby term dielectrophoresis (DEP). DEP is the electric analog of the other phenomenon named magnetophoresis, the familiar force that collects metal particles at magnet poles (because magnetic monopoles do not exist, there is no magnetic analog of electrophoresis). Although Pohl identified DEP with the real part of the second term of (1), the expressions dielectrophoresis and DEP have since broadened to mean particle translation resulting from all force components embodied in Eq. (1) including quadrupole Q and higher order phenomena as well as traveling wave effects arising from translation of the electric field distribution with time. DEP enables controlling by excitation voltage trapping, focusing, translation, fractionation and characterization of particulate mineral, chemical, and biological segregation within a fluid suspending medium. Because the dielectric properties of these particles depend on both its geometric shape, structure and composition, dielectrophoretic forces allow investigation a much richer set of particle properties than electrophoresis. DEP is particularly well suited to applications and analysis at the small scales of microfluidic devices and chips, is open to to integration by inexpensive fabrication methods, is easily and directly interfaced to conventional electronics, and can reduce or eliminate the need for complex and expensive. On a larger, preparative scale, DEP methods are applicable to the purification, enrichment, and characterization of a wide range of environmental, biological and clinical components and significant progress has been made in developing technologies in these areas. In the frequency domain, the induced particle dipole moment is given by [4] m E (2) 3 ( ω) = 4 πε mr fCM ( ω) where ω is the angular frequency of the applied field, r the particle radius, and fCM the polarization factor (Clausius–Mossotti factor) defined as * here, ε p and * m respectively. * * ε p − ε m fCM ( ε p , εm) = (3) * * ε p + 2ε m ε are the complex permittivities of the particle and its suspending medium, * p p p j σ ε = ε − (4) ε ε = ε − (5) ε * m m m j σ However, by utilizing the fact that the mixed partial derivatives of the field with respect to space and time must obey the Swartz relationships for the field to remain continuous, we 98

XIX Sympozjum PTZE, Worliny 2009 recently derived the time-averaged dielectrophoretic force for the general electric field case as [1], [2] ( ) ( )( 0 0 0 ) 3 2 2 2 2 F () t = 2πε mr ⎡RefCM ∇ Erms + Im⎡ fCM Ex ∇ ϕx + Ey ∇ ϕ y + Ez ∇ϕ⎤⎤ ⎣ z ⎣ ⎦ (6) ⎦ where Erms is the rms value of the electric field strength. Ei0 and φi (i = x, y, z) are the magnitude and phase, respectively, of the field components in the principal axis directions. This expression can be used to investigate the forces arising from any form of applied field. It contains two terms that allow an appreciation that there are two independent force contributions to DEP motion. The first term correspond to the real component of the induced dipole moment in the particle and to the spatial nonuniformity of the field magnitude. This force directs the particle toward strong or weak field regions, depending upon whether is positive or negative. This is the conventional cDEPterm. The second term corresponds to the imaginary component of the induced dipole moment and to spatial nonuniformity of the field phases ∇φx, ∇φy, ∇φz. Depending on the polarity of this force directs the particle toward regions where the phases of the field components are larger or smaller in other words, against or with the direction of travel of the electric field. Another approach to dielectrophoretic force calculation employed by Sauer and Schloegl is based on the Maxwell stress tensor formulation where the stress tensor T is integrated over the surface particle [5, 6]: � FDEP () t = � ∫ ( T⋅n) dS (7) where n is the unit vector normal to the surface. This method is regarded as the most general approach to computation of the field induced forces. The Maxwell stress tensor is given by 1 * 1 2 ( ( ) ) Re( ) 2 2 E ε � � ⎛ � ⎞ T= DE+ ED− E⋅ D U = ⎜EE− U⎟(8) ⎝ ⎠ where ε * = ε − σ/jω. Only real part of the medium permittivity appears in the stress tensor. For the applied harmonic electric field the Maxwell stress tensor is given by � 1 * * * 1 � * * T= Re( ε ) ( E+ E )( E+ E ) − ⎡( ) ( ) ⎤ 4 2⎣ E+ E ⋅ E+ E ⎦ U = 1 � * * * 2 1 * ⎡⎛ * * 1 � * * ⎞⎤ = Re( ε ) ⎡( EE + E E− E U) ⎤+ Re( ε ) ⎜ + − ( ⋅ + ⋅ ) ⎟ 4 ⎣ ⎦ 4 ⎢ EE E E E E E E U 2 ⎥ ⎣⎝ ⎠⎦ The first term in the above expression is time-averaged stress tensor the second term vanishes under time averaging. The time averaged net DEP force on particle can be now written as [9] 1 * * * 2 DEP Re( m) ( m m m m Em ) dS 4 ε � F = � ∫ E E + E E − U ⋅n (10) In our case the field is described by set of following well known equations [8]: ( σ jωε) V 0 ∇⋅ + ∇ = (11) 99 (9)

<strong>XIX</strong> <strong>Sympozjum</strong> <strong>PTZE</strong>, Worliny 2009<br />

recently derived the time-averaged dielectrophoretic force for the general electric field case as<br />

[1], [2]<br />

( ) ( )( 0 0 0 )<br />

3 2 2 2 2<br />

F () t = 2πε mr ⎡RefCM ∇ Erms + Im⎡<br />

fCM Ex ∇ ϕx + Ey ∇ ϕ y + Ez<br />

∇ϕ⎤⎤<br />

⎣ z<br />

⎣ ⎦ (6)<br />

⎦<br />

where Erms is the rms value of the electric field strength. Ei0 and φi (i = x, y, z) are the<br />

magnitude and phase, respectively, of the field components in the principal axis directions.<br />

This expression can be used to investigate the forces arising from any form of applied field. It<br />

contains two terms that allow an appreciation that there are two independent force<br />

contributions to DEP motion. The first term correspond to the real component of the induced<br />

dipole moment in the particle and to the spatial nonuniformity of the field magnitude. This<br />

force directs the particle toward strong or weak field regions, depending upon whether is<br />

positive or negative. This is the conventional cDEPterm. The second term corresponds to the<br />

imaginary component of the induced dipole moment and to spatial nonuniformity of the field<br />

phases ∇φx, ∇φy, ∇φz. Depending on the polarity of this force directs the particle toward<br />

regions where the phases of the field components are larger or smaller in other words, against<br />

or with the direction of travel of the electric field.<br />

Another approach to dielectrophoretic force calculation employed by Sauer and Schloegl is<br />

based on the Maxwell stress tensor formulation where the stress tensor T is integrated over<br />

the surface particle [5, 6]:<br />

�<br />

FDEP () t = � ∫ ( T⋅n) dS<br />

(7)<br />

where n is the unit vector normal to the surface. This method is regarded as the most general<br />

approach to computation of the field induced forces. The Maxwell stress tensor is given by<br />

1 * 1 2<br />

( ( ) ) Re( )<br />

2 2 E<br />

ε<br />

� � ⎛ � ⎞<br />

T= DE+ ED− E⋅ D U = ⎜EE− U⎟(8)<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

where ε * = ε − σ/jω. Only real part of the medium permittivity appears in the stress tensor. For<br />

the applied harmonic electric field the Maxwell stress tensor is given by<br />

� 1 * * * 1<br />

�<br />

* *<br />

T= Re( ε ) ( E+ E )( E+ E ) − ⎡( ) ( ) ⎤<br />

4 2⎣<br />

E+ E ⋅ E+ E<br />

⎦<br />

U =<br />

1 � * * * 2 1 * ⎡⎛ * * 1<br />

�<br />

* * ⎞⎤<br />

= Re( ε ) ⎡( EE + E E− E U) ⎤+<br />

Re( ε ) ⎜ + − ( ⋅ + ⋅ ) ⎟<br />

4 ⎣ ⎦ 4<br />

⎢ EE E E E E E E U<br />

2<br />

⎥<br />

⎣⎝ ⎠⎦<br />

The first term in the above expression is time-averaged stress tensor the second term vanishes<br />

under time averaging. The time averaged net DEP force on particle can be now written as [9]<br />

1 * * * 2<br />

DEP Re( m) ( m m m m Em ) dS<br />

4<br />

ε<br />

�<br />

F = � ∫ E E + E E − U ⋅n<br />

(10)<br />

In our case the field is described by set of following well known equations [8]:<br />

( σ jωε) V 0<br />

∇⋅ + ∇ = (11)<br />

99<br />


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