Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension


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fyPe~, 382-83<br />

use of, 37,342f, 343.381-82,399-400<br />

for voluntary movement. 115-17. 116f. 201<br />

Conceptual m&ls of prehension. see aGo<br />

Classification, prehensile;<br />

Computational models of prehension;<br />

Grasping<br />

ballpark model (Greene), 56f. 56-57,<br />

187-89,188f, 196,200-201,294<br />

coordinated control program (Arbib), 53,<br />

54f, 59-61.67.105, llof, 188,<br />

189-91.19of. 333<br />

Jeannerods,' 49-53<br />

limitations of, 59<br />

padl\visual channels (Paillard), 54,<br />

JJI<br />

use of, 8-9,9f, 10.58.342f<br />

Conditioning, of eccrine sweat glands, 217-18<br />

Cone of friction. Amonton's laws of<br />

friction (equation); Coefficient of<br />

friction; Friction<br />

definition, 243,244f<br />

and object rotation, 276-78<br />

and slip, 276,278<br />

and soft fingers, 247<br />

and stable grasp, 243<br />

and task mechanics, 275f<br />

Configurational constraints, of neural<br />

networks, 133<br />

Connectivity, 264,265,268t, 332<br />

Constant Enclose Time model, 189<br />

Constraint satisfaction networks, and motor<br />

commands, 201<br />

Constraints<br />

accessibility, and transport component,<br />

151-52<br />

on grasping<br />

high level, 308t. 316-19.324<br />

physical, 307-12,308t, 325<br />

sensorimotor, 308t, 312-16,325<br />

of hand<br />

functional, 15.16-17<br />

physical, 15, 16-17<br />

of neural networks, 133<br />

of Virmal finger state variables, 41<br />

Contact<br />

force, and joint torques, 240-42<br />

and friction, 220.221f. 297f<br />

normal. 235.239<br />

orientation, .and shape of grasped object,<br />

261-62<br />

point, 235,236<br />

soft finger, 236f. 237-38, 238f<br />

twist system, 236f. 237<br />

wrench system, 236f. 237<br />

Context, and Phases of Drehension. 61<br />

Contour follobing, and-perception'of shape,<br />

231,232f, 233t, 234<br />

Control theoretic models of prehension, 382,<br />

383<br />

Subject Index<br />

ControIlers, 111. see also Feedback;<br />

Feedforward<br />

Convolution, definition, 97n<br />

Coordinated control ogram (CCP)<br />

for grasping, 53, &<br />

as model of CNS. , , ,~~<br />

motor aspects, 1 iof<br />

and setting up o osition space, 188,<br />

189-91,19t;f!<br />

Cord, tying knot in, 35,263<br />

Coronal Dlane. of the bodv. 35Of<br />

Cortex, &d sweating, 216 '<br />

Corticospinal tract, and independent finger<br />

movements, 174<br />

Cost function<br />

and motor commands, 201<br />

of movement, 114,115, 138<br />

Cylinder, as grasped object, 5Of, 51,89f<br />

Cylindrical ras lSf, 19t, 2Ot, 21.25.35,<br />

369,3&, &lt, 372,373<br />

Cylindrical objects, and pad opposition, 152,<br />

26 1<br />

D<br />

DataGlove, use of, in experiments, 89f, 90<br />

Deceleration of movement<br />

and feedback, 148<br />

during grasping, 146,147f. 148<br />

and object velocity. effect on, 148<br />

and object weight, 155<br />

and pad opposition, 168f, 169<br />

and palm opposition, 168f<br />

peak. of transport component, 145<br />

in pelturbation studies, 159,161<br />

phase, 49,SOf. 51<br />

during pointing, 146,147f<br />

and precision requirements of task, 147<br />

sensorimotor adjustments in, 147-48<br />

during throwing, 146,147f<br />

time, 126f, 127<br />

variability in, 147<br />

Deformation, of skin, 210,212f. 221f. 297f<br />

Degrees of freedom<br />

of arm, 113-14<br />

in arm and hand cou led, 114<br />

and connectivity, 33!<br />

and cost function, 114<br />

definition, lh, 358-59<br />

Of hand, 312-13<br />

ofjoint angles, 134f<br />

of muscles, 114<br />

and nervous system, 56<br />

and opposition space, 41<br />

as Dhvsid constraint of hand. 16-17<br />

~ ~<br />

of &thetic hands, 409,410 '<br />

of upper limb, 354t<br />

Delay phase, of lifting, 251f, 252<br />

Delta leamim rule. of neural networks. 86.<br />

(Letters after page numbers: f=figure; n=footnote; t-table.)<br />


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