Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension


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movement. Dominating the early work in this field, the physiologist<br />

Sir Charles Sherrington (1906) coined the term proprioception for the<br />

collective position sense stemming from sensors in the muscles,<br />

joints, and tendons. Ultimately, this work has led to questions such<br />

as: in what frame of reference do movements occur; how does<br />

automatic regulation of movement occur, what happens when different<br />

parts of the brain are lesioned; how are multiarticulate movements<br />

coordinated; and what are the dynamical characteristics of the limb.<br />

Today, these fields blend as tools and techniques for measurement and<br />

analyses become more sophisticated, and the complexity of the human<br />

body becomes realized.<br />

In a similar vein, engineers, mathematicians, and computer and<br />

cognitive scientists design various forms of computational architec-<br />

tures that may allow a simulation of the mapping between inputs and<br />

outputs within the black box of Figure 1.<strong>2.</strong> These simulations have<br />

been designed using computational neural networks, artificial intelli-<br />

gence programming techniques, expert systems and even implemented<br />

mechanically in robotic systems. Struggling to develop robot con-<br />

trollers for systems working in unknown environments, roboticists<br />

address many of the same problems faced by researchers in motor be-<br />

havior: how can a computer system coordinate multiple degree of free-<br />

dom limbs as well as the brain does; how can sensors be designed and<br />

multiple modalities integrated; how is sensory information integrated<br />

with movement; how does stable grasping occur, how does movement<br />

occur in spite of the complex forces acting on the system; how are ob-<br />

jects perceived; and how does planning occur.<br />

Marr (198 1) suggested three levels for analyzing systems that per-<br />

form complex information processing. These are the task level, the<br />

representation or algorithmic level, and the implementation level. An<br />

example to demonstrate the distinctions is derived from flying. While<br />

both airplanes and birds fly, the algorithms they use are different: air-<br />

planes use jet propulsion while birds flap their wings. At the imple-<br />

mentation level, airplanes use jets made out of materials such as steel,<br />

while birds use muscles and feathers. We will make similar distinc-<br />

tions in terms of prehension.<br />

The close relationship between computational and experimental re-<br />

searchers is seen in Figure 1.3. Advances in science unfold through<br />

the interaction between theory and data. To start with, conceptual<br />

models are important for understanding complex systems and act to<br />

suggest experimental and computational models. Conceptual models<br />

are the theory part of science. They begin on a piece of paper (or a<br />

napkin!), and might leave out the details of how they might be imple-

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