Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension


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tance as well (Keele 8z Ells, 1972; Laabs, 1973; Marteniuk, 1973).<br />

More recently, neural evidence has been found for the notion that<br />

distance and direction are encoded separately (Georgopoulos, Ketmer,<br />

8z Schwartz, 1988; Kettner, Schwartz, 8z Georgopoulos, 1988;<br />

Schwartz, Kettner, & Georgopoulos, 1988). In these studies, rhesus<br />

monkeys were trained to reach forward and press buttons in a three-<br />

dimensional workspace. The placement of the targets allowed free<br />

motions from the resting position (center and in front of the animal’s<br />

body) to 8 periperal targets. Recording from motor cortex, Schwartz<br />

et al. (1988) found an orderly change in frequency of discharge of a<br />

majority of the cells with direction of the reaching. A single cell’s<br />

activity varied approximately as a cosine function of the movement<br />

direction, centered on one preferred direction that varies from cell to<br />

cell. Each cell emitted a graded signal for a broad range of movements,<br />

and each movement evoked a complex pattern of graded activation that<br />

varied with movement direction. Georgopoulos et al. (1988)<br />

suggested that motor cortical neurons are signaling a vectorial ‘vote’<br />

with a direction in the cell’s preferred direction and a magnitude pro-<br />

portional to the change in the cell’s discharge rate associated with the<br />

particular direction of movement. The vector sum of these contribu-<br />

tions, the neuronal population vector, is the outcome of the population<br />

code and points in the direction of movement in space. In addition, in<br />

comparing a time series of the population vector to the instantaneous<br />

velocity of the movement, the direction of the vector points in the di-<br />

rection of the movement, and even is an accurate prediction of the up-<br />

coming movement. Georgopoulos et al. (1988) showed an example<br />

where the population vector formed 160 ms before the movement<br />

began. Kettner et al. (1988) showed that steady state activity of motor<br />

cortical cells is modulated in orderly fashion with active maintenance<br />

of hand position in space.<br />

In terms of specific neural areas, area 5 of the parietal association<br />

area (Kalaska, 1988) and the dorsal premotor cortex have several<br />

response properties similar to motor cortex (see above), as well as<br />

activity of the cerebellum (Kalaska et al., 1983; Kalaska, 1988;<br />

Fortier, Kalaska 8z Smith, 1989). It is known that parietal regions<br />

directly and cerebellum indirectly (via thalamus) connect with motor<br />

cortex (Strick 8z Kim, 1978; Caminiti et al., 1985). For monkeys<br />

making reaching movements, Kalaska and Crammond (1992) showed<br />

overlapping and sequential activity in the following cortical areas,<br />

prior to movement initiation: premotor cortex (Area 6), primary motor<br />

cortex (Area 4), posterior parietal cortex (Area 5), then somatosensory<br />

parietal cortex (Area 2). The firing patterns in Area 5 in particular are

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