Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension

Chapter 2. Prehension


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<strong>Chapter</strong> 4 - Planning of <strong>Prehension</strong> 97<br />

Information from each retina is converted into four orientation maps<br />

using a convolution functions. By convolving the retinal map with<br />

one of four orientation masks (0", 45", 90°, 135 ), raw intensity values<br />

are converted into orientation responses similar to the occular domi-<br />

nance columns that have been noted in visual cortex (Hubel & Wiesel,<br />

1968). A disparity map, in the middle of Figure 4.13, is created by<br />

using a simple function that combines pairs of orientation maps, creat-<br />

ing a layer of binocular neurons like those found in visual cortex<br />

(Poggio & Fischer, 1977). Together, the left and right orientation<br />

maps and the disparity map become part of the inputs to Kuperstein's<br />

adaptive neural network.<br />

On the bottom right of Figure 4.13, the rest of the inputs into the<br />

network are seen. These come from the twelve eye muscles, six for<br />

the left eye and six for the right eye. Kuperstein recodes these propri-<br />

oceptive signals into a unimodal distribution of activity over 100 neu-<br />

rons, creating a gaze map for each eye and one for disparity. In each<br />

of the three gaze maps, 600 neurons encode the eye-muscle signal into<br />

a representation that has a peak at a different place depending on the<br />

activity of the muscles. This conversion puts the inputs into a higher<br />

dimensional space, one that is linearly independent.<br />

The top half of Figure 4.13 shows the hetero-associative memory.<br />

This part of the network associates the visual inputs (disparity and ori-<br />

ent maps) and eye-muscle activation (gaze maps) with an arm configu-<br />

ration. At the top of the figure, the arm is represented by ten muscles<br />

(three pairs of shoulder muscles and two pairs of elbow muscles).<br />

For this adaptive computation, Kuperstein uses the delta learning rule<br />

(see Appendix C) to adjust the weights by comparing the arm muscle<br />

values computed by the current settings of the weights to the actual<br />

arm muscle values. Using the delta learning rule, he computes the dif-<br />

ference between these and adjusts the weights so that the difference<br />

will be reduced. It took 3000 trials to learn the inverse kinematics to<br />

within a 4% position error and 4" orientation error. On each trial, the<br />

arm was place in a random configuration.<br />

Kuperstein used supervised learning for modifying the weights in<br />

the adaptive neural network. Kuperstein generated arm muscle set-<br />

tings and compared them to the values produced by the network.<br />

When they did not agree, he modified the weights so that the next time<br />

the eyes saw that arm configuration, the computed arm muscle settings<br />

5A convolution function simulates the response of a system in which the local<br />

effects of inputs may be spread over time and space in the output, e.g., blurring of<br />

a lens, echoing of sounds in a room.

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