Research Methodology - Dr. Krishan K. Pandey

Research Methodology - Dr. Krishan K. Pandey Research Methodology - Dr. Krishan K. Pandey


Sampling Fundamentals 173 We now illustrate the use of this formula by an example. Illustration 4 A market research survey in which 64 consumers were contacted states that 64 per cent of all consumers of a certain product were motivated by the product’s advertising. Find the confidence limits for the proportion of consumers motivated by advertising in the population, given a confidence level equal to 0.95. Solution: The given information can be written as under: n = 64 p = 64% or .64 q = 1 – p = 1 – .64 = .36 and the standard variate (z) for 95 per cent confidence is 1.96 (as per the normal curve area table). Thus, 95 per cent confidence interval for the proportion of consumers motivated by advertising in the population is: p ± z⋅ = . 64 ± 196 . pq n b gb g = . 64 ± 196 . . 06 b gb g 064 . 036 . 64 = . 64 ± . 1176 Thus, lower confidence limit is 52.24% upper confidence limit is 75.76% For the sake of convenience, we can summarise the formulae which give confidence intevals while estimating population mean bg μ and the population proportion bg $p as shown in the following table. Table 8.3: Summarising Important Formulae Concerning Estimation Estimating population mean p X ± z⋅ n σ bg μ when we know σ p Estimating population mean s X ± z⋅ n σ bg μ when we do not know σ p In case of infinite In case of finite population * population σ p X ± z ⋅ × n σ s X ± z⋅ × n N − n N − 1 N − n N − 1 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Contd.

174 Research Methodology and use σ s as the best estimate of σ p and sample is large (i.e., n > 30) Estimating population mean X ± t ⋅ σ bg μ when we do not know σ p and use σ s as the best estimate of σ p and sample is small (i.e., n < 30 ) In case of infinite In case of finite population * population s n σ s X ± t ⋅ × n Estimating the population proportion bg $p when p is not known but the sample is large. p ± z ⋅ pq n p ± z⋅ pq n × N − n N − 1 N − n N − 1 * In case of finite population, the standard error has to be multiplied by the finite population multiplier viz., bN − ngbN −1 g . SAMPLE SIZE AND ITS DETERMINATION In sampling analysis the most ticklish question is: What should be the size of the sample or how large or small should be ‘n’? If the sample size (‘n’) is too small, it may not serve to achieve the objectives and if it is too large, we may incur huge cost and waste resources. As a general rule, one can say that the sample must be of an optimum size i.e., it should neither be excessively large nor too small. Technically, the sample size should be large enough to give a confidence inerval of desired width and as such the size of the sample must be chosen by some logical process before sample is taken from the universe. Size of the sample should be determined by a researcher keeping in view the following points: (i) Nature of universe: Universe may be either homogenous or heterogenous in nature. If the items of the universe are homogenous, a small sample can serve the purpose. But if the items are heteogenous, a large sample would be required. Technically, this can be termed as the dispersion factor. (ii) Number of classes proposed: If many class-groups (groups and sub-groups) are to be formed, a large sample would be required because a small sample might not be able to give a reasonable number of items in each class-group. (iii) Nature of study: If items are to be intensively and continuously studied, the sample should be small. For a general survey the size of the sample should be large, but a small sample is considered appropriate in technical surveys. (iv) Type of sampling: Sampling technique plays an important part in determining the size of the sample. A small random sample is apt to be much superior to a larger but badly selected sample.

174 <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Methodology</strong><br />

and use σ s as the best estimate<br />

of σ p and sample is large (i.e.,<br />

n > 30)<br />

Estimating population mean X ± t ⋅ σ<br />

bg μ when we do not know σ p<br />

and use σ s as the best estimate<br />

of σ p and sample is small (i.e.,<br />

n < 30 )<br />

In case of infinite In case of finite population *<br />

population<br />

s<br />

n<br />

σ s<br />

X ± t ⋅ ×<br />

n<br />

Estimating the population<br />

proportion bg $p when p is not<br />

known but the sample is large.<br />

p ± z ⋅<br />

pq<br />

n<br />

p ± z⋅<br />

pq<br />

n<br />

×<br />

N − n<br />

N − 1<br />

N − n<br />

N − 1<br />

* In case of finite population, the standard error has to be multiplied by the finite population multiplier viz.,<br />

bN − ngbN −1<br />

g .<br />


In sampling analysis the most ticklish question is: What should be the size of the sample or how large<br />

or small should be ‘n’? If the sample size (‘n’) is too small, it may not serve to achieve the objectives<br />

and if it is too large, we may incur huge cost and waste resources. As a general rule, one can say that<br />

the sample must be of an optimum size i.e., it should neither be excessively large nor too small.<br />

Technically, the sample size should be large enough to give a confidence inerval of desired width and<br />

as such the size of the sample must be chosen by some logical process before sample is taken from<br />

the universe. Size of the sample should be determined by a researcher keeping in view the following<br />

points:<br />

(i) Nature of universe: Universe may be either homogenous or heterogenous in nature. If<br />

the items of the universe are homogenous, a small sample can serve the purpose. But if the<br />

items are heteogenous, a large sample would be required. Technically, this can be termed<br />

as the dispersion factor.<br />

(ii) Number of classes proposed: If many class-groups (groups and sub-groups) are to be<br />

formed, a large sample would be required because a small sample might not be able to give<br />

a reasonable number of items in each class-group.<br />

(iii) Nature of study: If items are to be intensively and continuously studied, the sample should<br />

be small. For a general survey the size of the sample should be large, but a small sample is<br />

considered appropriate in technical surveys.<br />

(iv) Type of sampling: Sampling technique plays an important part in determining the size of the<br />

sample. A small random sample is apt to be much superior to a larger but badly selected<br />


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