Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga

Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga
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Devedesete godine prošlog veka u Srbiji predstavljale su vreme dominacije dirigovane ekonomije, državnih i društvenih kompanija. Srbija je, nažalost, uporno odlagala demokratizaciju koja se desila u okruženju, kao i uspostavljanje slobodnog tržišta, protoka kapitala, roba i ljudi. Formiranje prvih privatnih firmi u takvoj sredini nametalo je rešavanje prvobitnih preduzetničkih problema i pionirsko probijanje leda u mnogim životnim i poslovnim situacijama. Jedna od tih oblasti bila je i oblast tržišnih komunikacija kompanije. 90 s of last century were the period of the dominance of the controlled economy, state - and socially-owned companies in Serbia. Unfortunately, Serbia consistently delayed the changes that were being introduced in the neighboring countries i.e democratic transitions, establishment of free market, free flow of capital, goods, people and services. Founding first private companies in such an environment required from its founders to solve early entrepreneurial problems and be pioneer icebreakers in many life and business situations. One of the areas was the area of marketing communications.

Devedesete godine prošlog veka u Srbiji predstavljale su vreme<br />

dominacije dirigovane ekonomije, državnih i društvenih<br />

kompanija. Srbija je, nažalost, uporno odlagala demokratizaciju<br />

koja se desila u okruženju, kao i uspostavljanje slobodnog tržišta,<br />

protoka kapitala, roba i ljudi.<br />

Formiranje prvih privatnih firmi u takvoj sredini nametalo<br />

je rešavanje prvobitnih preduzetničkih problema i pionirsko<br />

probijanje leda u mnogim životnim i poslovnim situacijama.<br />

Jedna od tih oblasti bila je i oblast tržišnih komunikacija<br />

kompanije.<br />

90 s <strong>of</strong> last century were the period <strong>of</strong> the dominance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

controlled economy, state - and socially-owned companies in<br />

Serbia. Unfortunately, Serbia consistently delayed the changes<br />

that were being introduced in the neighboring countries i.e<br />

democratic transitions, establishment <strong>of</strong> free market, free flow<br />

<strong>of</strong> capital, goods, people and services.<br />

Founding first private companies in such an environment<br />

required from its founders to solve early entrepreneurial<br />

problems and be pioneer icebreakers in many life and business<br />

situations.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the areas was the area <strong>of</strong> marketing communications.

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