Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga

Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga
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Na principu lokalnih prednosti uspeo je biznis s farmom svinja Napredak u Staroj Pazovi. Nekadašnji socijalistički agrarni kombinat bio je potpuno zapušten i urušen kada ga je privatizovala Delta; posle privatizacije postao je ogledno dobro srpske industrije mesa. Recept uspeha bio je u korišćenju domaćih sirovina, domaće radne snage, ali uz znanje i tehnologiju najboljih proizvođača na svetu. Rezultat je bio iznenađujući čak i za strane agrarne eksperte. Tako je farma svinja na imanju Napredak postavljena prema tehnologiji danske kompanije DanBred, koja je vodeća u tovu svinja. Već posle nekoliko godina analize su pokazale da su performanse ove farme u Staroj Pazovi ne samo zadovoljile kriterijume stranog konsultanta, već su uzgoj svinja u Srbiji postavile u red najboljih danskih farmi, vodećih u svetu u ovoj oblasti. Pored maloprodaje i nekretnina, koji postaju atraktivne oblasti poslovanja posle 2000. godine, poljoprivreda je konstanta Delta Holdinga, nit koja se provlači kroz rad Kompanije svih dvadeset godina. Delta Holding je u praksi pokazao da je agrar komparativna prednost države Srbije i da onaj ko to ume da pokaže na tržištu, može i da ostvari dobar profit. Ta posvećenost agraru na kraju druge decenije poslovanja Delta Holdinga postaje jedna vrsta misije, koju je predsednik Kompanije formulisao govoreći na otvaranju savremene ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen) hladnjače na imanju Podunavlje u Čelarevu. Najavio je da će jedan od najvažnijih poslova za kompaniju biti poljoprivreda, a posebno oblasti voćarstva, povrtarstva i stočarske proizvodnje. Kako intenzivno bavljenje ovim poslovima zahteva i velike investicije, najavio je dodatna ulaganja u kapacitete hladnjače i povećanje površine voćnjaka pod jabukom sa sadašnjih 200 na čak 600 hektara. // 84 20 GODINA YEARS DRUGI SKOK 2000/2010. SECOND LEAP 2000/2010 Applying the principle of local advantage, the pig farm businesses of Napredak in Stara Pazova and the Nucleus Centre were successful moves. The company purchased former socialist agricultural combines that were pretty much in devastated conditions and after privatization they became pilot farms of the Serbian meat industry. The recipe for success was the availability of local resources: raw material, a local labour force and of course knowhow and cutting- edge technologies of the most reputable manufacturers in the world. The results were surprising even for foreign experts from the agri-business. The pig farm was established by using technology from the Danish company DanBred, the leader in pig fattening. The analyses conducted after a few years showed that the performances achieved at the farm in Stara Pazova had not only satisfied requirements of the foreign consultants, but had placed Serbian pig farming at the same level of Danish pig farms, the world leaders in that industry. Besides the retail and real estate businesses that have become successful areas of enterprise,after democratic transitions and reforms, the agri-business has become Delta Holding’s constant thread that has been running through the company’s business for all of the last twenty years. Delta Holding has demonstrated in practice that agri-business is a comparative advantage of the state of Serbia, and the one that knows how to take advantage of it shall make a good profit. At the end of a long decade of doing business, Delta Holding’s commitment to agri-business had became a kind of mission as expressed by the Company President in his speech at the opening of the ULO (Ultra Low Oxygene) cold store on the Podunavlje farm in Čelarevo. On that occasion, he announced that the one of the most important businesses will be the agribusiness and in particular the fruit and vegetable growing and animal production sector of it. Since an intensive engagement in agri-businesses requires a large investment, the President announced additional investments into the cold store capacities and expansion of land area used for apple orchards from more than 200 to 600 hectares.

Zašto ovaj govor predstavlja svojevrsnu viziju daljeg poslovanja? “Cilj nam je da Delta ne bude kompanija koja se bavi samo proizvodnjom, već pre svega organizacijom proizvodnje. U tom smislu naš zadatak je da individualnim proizvođačima u voćarstvu obezbedimo najkvalitetniji sadni materijal. Neophodno je da imamo što više proizvođača koji će na bazi našeg znanja i iskustva da unaprede svoju proizvodnju, povećaju prinose i plasiraju sve što su proizveli. Mi sa naše strane obezbeđujemo tehnologiju, repromaterijal i tržišta Evropske unije i Rusije, koja zahtevaju isključivo visokokvalitetne proizvode. Stanovništvo se u svetu svake godine povećava a ukupne obradive površine su ograničene, tako da će potrebe za hranom biti sve veće. Srbija bi u tom smislu mogla da zauzme značajno mesto u proizvodnji hrane, ali neophodno je da država proglasi poljoprivredu za stratešku granu, odnosno da poljoprivreda bude naša nafta,” rekao je ovom prilikom prvi čovek Kompanije. Nastavljajući i ovom prilikom praksu da javno promoviše ne samo sopstvenu poslovnu politiku, već i pravce poželjnog razvoja nacionalne ekonomije, menadžment Delte je tako ukazao i na moguće pravce nove nacionalne politike u agraru. Prihvatanjem, ali i praktičnim sprovođenjem stava da je poljoprivreda ključna privredna grana za Srbiju, država bi dobila smanjenje trgovinskog deficita, što je jedan od gorućih makroekonomskih problema; zatim smanjenje broja nezaposlenih; zaustavljanje propadanja srpskog sela, kao jednog od najvećih nacionalnih demografskih problema; stvaranje sirovina za prehrambenu industriju, čime bi ona dobila dodatnu komparativnu prednost nad snažnom međunarodnom konkurencijom u proizvodnji hrane. U kupovinu preduzeća kroz privatizaciju i investiranje u agrar, maloprodaju i nekretnine, uložen je kapital dobijen od prodaje Kombinata celoloze u Rusiji, Delta Banke i Delta Osiguranja, ali i značajna dodatna sredstva obezbeđena od poslovnih banaka. Sve je to uloženo da bi Delta Holding dostigao današnju veličinu i zapošljavao 24.500 radnika. // 85 20 GODINA YEARS DRUGI SKOK 2000/2010. SECOND LEAP 2000/2010 Why is that speech a vision of the future of the activities of the company? “Our goal is to make Delta a company that is not only engaged in production but at the first place in production management and engineering. In this sense, our task is to provide individual fruit growers the best quality fruit-growing seedlings. It is necessary to have as many fruit growers as possible that are going to improve their production on the basis of our knowledge and experience, to increase yields and sell what they have produced. We shall on our side provide technology, intermediates, raw materials and markets in the EU and Russia, markets that accept only high-quality products. The world population increases from year to year, arable areas are limited and the world is facing ever-growing demand for food. Therefore Serbia could occupy an important and dominant position in food production, but in the first place the state must declare agriculture a strategic industry i.e. to declare our agriculture like an oil well,” he said. Continuing the practice of publicly promoting not only the company’s business policy but also the desired developmental directions of the national economy, Delta management pointed in the direction of a possible new national policy in The agriculture industry. By accepting through practical implementation the view that agriculture is a key economic sector for Serbia, the state would reduce itstrade deficit which is one of its most pressing macroeconomic problems. It would reduce unemployment, stop the deterioration of the Serbian village as one of the greatest national demographic problems, and provide production of primary products for the food industry in what would provide additional comparative advantages to strong and tough international competition in food production. The company has invested the capital from the sales of the Cellulose Integrated Plant in Russia, Delta Banka and Delta Osiguranje into purchase of enterprises through the privatization process , into agribusiness, the retail and real estate businesses as well as significant additional means provided by commercial banks. All the above has been invested with one purpose in mind, to help Delta Holding reach its current employment level of 24,500 employees.

Na principu lokalnih prednosti uspeo je biznis s farmom<br />

svinja Napredak u Staroj Pazovi. Nekadašnji socijalistički<br />

agrarni kombinat bio je potpuno zapušten i urušen kada ga je<br />

privatizovala <strong>Delta</strong>; posle privatizacije postao je ogledno dobro<br />

srpske industrije mesa.<br />

Recept uspeha bio je u korišćenju domaćih sirovina, domaće<br />

radne snage, ali uz znanje i tehnologiju najboljih proizvođača<br />

na svetu. Rezultat je bio iznenađujući čak i za strane agrarne<br />

eksperte.<br />

Tako je farma svinja na imanju Napredak postavljena prema<br />

tehnologiji danske kompanije DanBred, koja je vodeća u tovu<br />

svinja. Već posle nekoliko godina analize su pokazale da su<br />

performanse ove farme u Staroj Pazovi ne samo zadovoljile<br />

kriterijume stranog konsultanta, već su uzgoj svinja u Srbiji<br />

postavile u red najboljih danskih farmi, vodećih u svetu u ovoj<br />

oblasti.<br />

Pored maloprodaje i nekretnina, koji postaju atraktivne oblasti<br />

poslovanja posle <strong>20</strong>00. godine, poljoprivreda je konstanta <strong>Delta</strong><br />

<strong>Holdinga</strong>, nit koja se provlači kroz rad Kompanije svih dvadeset<br />

godina.<br />

<strong>Delta</strong> Holding je u praksi pokazao da je agrar komparativna<br />

prednost države Srbije i da onaj ko to ume da pokaže na tržištu,<br />

može i da ostvari dobar pr<strong>of</strong>it. Ta posvećenost agraru na kraju<br />

druge decenije poslovanja <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Holdinga</strong> postaje jedna vrsta<br />

misije, koju je predsednik Kompanije formulisao govoreći<br />

na otvaranju savremene ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen) hladnjače<br />

na imanju Podunavlje u Čelarevu. Najavio je da će jedan od<br />

najvažnijih poslova za kompaniju biti poljoprivreda, a posebno<br />

oblasti voćarstva, povrtarstva i stočarske proizvodnje. Kako<br />

intenzivno bavljenje ovim poslovima zahteva i velike investicije,<br />

najavio je dodatna ulaganja u kapacitete hladnjače i povećanje<br />

površine voćnjaka pod jabukom sa sadašnjih <strong>20</strong>0 na čak 600<br />

hektara.<br />

// 84<br />

<strong>20</strong> GODINA YEARS<br />

DRUGI SKOK <strong>20</strong>00/<strong>20</strong>10. SECOND LEAP <strong>20</strong>00/<strong>20</strong>10<br />

Applying the principle <strong>of</strong> local advantage, the pig farm<br />

businesses <strong>of</strong> Napredak in Stara Pazova and the Nucleus Centre<br />

were successful moves. The company purchased former socialist<br />

agricultural combines that were pretty much in devastated<br />

conditions and after privatization they became pilot farms <strong>of</strong><br />

the Serbian meat industry.<br />

The recipe for success was the availability <strong>of</strong> local resources:<br />

raw material, a local labour force and <strong>of</strong> course knowhow and<br />

cutting- edge technologies <strong>of</strong> the most reputable manufacturers<br />

in the world. The results were surprising even for foreign<br />

experts from the agri-business.<br />

The pig farm was established by using technology from<br />

the Danish company DanBred, the leader in pig fattening.<br />

The analyses conducted after a few <strong>years</strong> showed that the<br />

performances achieved at the farm in Stara Pazova had not only<br />

satisfied requirements <strong>of</strong> the foreign consultants, but had placed<br />

Serbian pig farming at the same level <strong>of</strong> Danish pig farms, the<br />

world leaders in that industry.<br />

Besides the retail and real estate businesses that have become<br />

successful areas <strong>of</strong> enterprise,after democratic transitions and<br />

reforms, the agri-business has become <strong>Delta</strong> Holding’s constant<br />

thread that has been running through the company’s business<br />

for all <strong>of</strong> the last twenty <strong>years</strong>.<br />

<strong>Delta</strong> Holding has demonstrated in practice that agri-business<br />

is a comparative advantage <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> Serbia, and the one<br />

that knows how to take advantage <strong>of</strong> it shall make a good pr<strong>of</strong>it.<br />

At the end <strong>of</strong> a long decade <strong>of</strong> doing business, <strong>Delta</strong> Holding’s<br />

commitment to agri-business had became a kind <strong>of</strong> mission<br />

as expressed by the Company President in his speech at the<br />

opening <strong>of</strong> the ULO (Ultra Low Oxygene) cold store on the<br />

Podunavlje farm in Čelarevo. On that occasion, he announced<br />

that the one <strong>of</strong> the most important businesses will be the agribusiness<br />

and in particular the fruit and vegetable growing and<br />

animal production sector <strong>of</strong> it. Since an intensive engagement<br />

in agri-businesses requires a large investment, the President<br />

announced additional investments into the cold store capacities<br />

and expansion <strong>of</strong> land area used for apple orchards from more<br />

than <strong>20</strong>0 to 600 hectares.

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