Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga

Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga
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Poljoprivreda kao prednost Delta Holding sve vreme potencira značaj poljoprivrede kao grane u kojoj Srbija ima komparativnu prednost ne samo u odnosu na zemlje u okruženju, već i na deo razvijenog zapadnog sveta. Veru u taj princip sve vreme potvrđuje u praksi, aktivno razvijajući sopstvenu agrarnu proizvodnju, šireći je i na oblast proizvodnje hrane: na mesnu, industriju brašna i testenina, proizvodnju vode i slično. Pritom kompanija ukazuje na praksu najnaprednijih poljoprivrednih zemalja gde razvoj počiva na velikim kompleksima obradivog zemljišta, a ne na malom individualnom zemljištu, kako se to gotovo uvek verovalo u Srbiji. Predsednik Kompanije, između ostalog, poručuje tadašnjoj srpskoj vladi da ubrzano povede zemlju u evrointegracije. Reč je zapravo o proširenoj primeni već pominjanog principa: da srpske ekonomije nema bez tehnologije zapadnog sveta i da nema ekonomskog razvoja bez povezivanja sa vodećim svetskim ekonomijama. Proširenje logike slobodnog tržišta ne samo na EU, već i na zemlje CEFTA, biće tadašnji i današnji princip Delta Holdinga. // 76 20 GODINA YEARS DRUGI SKOK 2000/2010. SECOND LEAP 2000/2010 Agriculture as a priority Delta Holding has been emphasizing constantly the importance of agriculture as the sector in which Serbia has a comparative advantage not only over neighboring countries, but also over some developed western countries. Its conviction in that principle has been confirmed in practice by the active development of its own agricultural production, expanding into food, meat, flour and such areas as water production. The company also points to practices of highly developed agricultural countries whose development is based on large complexes of arable land, as opposed to small individual farms as has always been the practice in Serbia. Entering the sphere of politics, they urged the then government to lead the country rapidly towards European integration. Serbia would have no economy without western world technologies and there would be no development of the economy without connections with leading international economies. Spreading the logic of the free market not only to the EU but also to the countries who are signatories of CEFTA, was, has been and shall be a fundamental Delta Holding principle.

77 20 GODINA YEARS DRUGI SKOK 2000/2010. SECOND LEAP 2000/2010

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<strong>20</strong> GODINA YEARS<br />

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