Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga

Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga Publication 20 years of Delta Holdinga
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Na “istočnom frontu” On the “Eastern front” Sankcije i izolacija zemlje na početku devedesetih godina ozbiljno su ugrožavali privredni život u Srbiji, zbog čega je Delta donela stratešku odluku da svoje poslovanje proširi na tržište Rusije i država bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza. To je bio način da se sačuvaju već prikupljeni dobri kadrovi, sa namerom da se po završetku ekonomskih sankcija, i ljudi i poslovi vrate u zemlju. Ali, taj aspekt nije bio pod kontrolom kompanije i potrajao je duže nego što se očekivalo. Na tržištu Zajednice Nezavisnih Država, nastale na prostoru bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza, Delta je počela da razvija prestižni svetski brend Nike, što će biti jedan od izazovnijih poduhvata u bogatoj istoriji Kompanije. Multinacionalna kompanija Nike, velikom ime u svetskom biznisu, nije bila spremna da samostalno uđe na kompleksno tržište nastalo na raspadu SSSR-a i njegove socijalističke ekonomije. Delta je hrabro odlučila da prihvati izazov: razvoj Nike-a u Rusiji i ZND prepoznat je kao riskantan posao, ali sa neslućenim mogućnostima za razvoj. Iako situaciona analiza nije bila precizna, ili nije sugerisala ulazak u novi posao, ovaj put je presudila preduzetnička hrabrost i intuicija, što se pokazalo kao ispravan izbor. Tako je Delta dobila veliki posao i preselila značajan broj sposobnih kadrova u Rusiju. Za kratko vreme robna marka Nike bila je, zahvaljujući Delti, odlično pozicionirana na tržištu Rusije i ZND. Kako su uslovi na tržištu bili vrlo teški za planirani razvoj brenda, ušlo se u samostalan razvoj maloprodajne mreže, što je donelo izuzetan rezultat. Ruska prilika je prepoznata i iskorišćena: prodor na ovo tržište dao je šansu za otvaranje novih poslova, zbog čega je u jednom periodu, u prvoj deceniji svog rada, Delta bila veća kompanija u Rusiji, nego u svojoj matičnoj zemlji Srbiji. // 64 20 GODINA YEARS PRVI SKOK 1991/2000. THE FIRST LEAP 1991/2000 Imposed sanctions and the isolation of the country at the beginning of the 1990s seriously threatened the economy in Serbia, and therefore Delta made the strategic decision to expand its business into the markets of Russia and the states of the former Soviet Union. It was the only way to keep already employed good staff on board. The idea was to return both business and people back to the country after the economic sanctions were lifted. But this aspect was not under the company’s control and it lasted much longer than expected. In the market of the CIS, established on the territory of the former Soviet Union, Delta started to develop the prestigious global brand Nike, in what would be one of the more challenging enterprises in the rich history of the company. Multinational Nike, a big name in the business world, was not ready to enter independently into the complex market built on the collapse of the USSR and its socialist economy. Delta courageously decided to accept the challenge: the development of the Nike business in Russia and CIS was recognized as risky business but with the implied opportunities for development. Although the situational analysis was not precise or simple and did not suggest such a business venture, the entrepreneurial courage and intuition ruled in favor of such a decision that was later to be proved to be correct. Thus Delta developed big business and moved a significant number of skilled personnel to Russia. In a short time, the Nike brand was very well positioned in the markets of Russia and CIS, thanks, of course, to Delta. Since the conditions in the market were very difficult for the planned development of the brand, the Company started to develop independently a retail network which brought remarkable results. Business opportunity in Russia was identified: penetration into that market gave new business opportunities, which made Delta

Potvrda da hrabrost i vizija daju rezultat stigla je u još jednom biznisu - sa celulozom. Delta Holding je sredinom devedesetih godina postao većinski vlasnik Bajkalskog celuloznog kombinata i veliki prodavac te robe, iako je jasno da se kompanija nije ranije bavila ovim poslom. Kad je prvi brod s celulozom krenuo ka kupcima u Italiji, dok je roba još plovila, cena celuloze na svetskim berzama povećana je tri puta. Kasnije su sve količine ove robe prodavane samo Kini koja je na svetskom tržištu kupovala sve raspoložive količine tog proizvoda. Tako je počeo jedan od najprofitabilnijih poslova Delta Holdinga u prvoj deceniji postojanja Kompanije. // 65 20 GODINA YEARS PRVI SKOK 1991/2000. THE FIRST LEAP 1991/2000 a bigger company in Russia than in its own country, Serbia, for several years of the first decade of its existence. The confirmation that courage and vision could bring results came back in the form of another business - that of cellulose. In the mid 1990s Delta Holding became the majority owner of Baikal Cellulose Integrated Plant and a big seller of its products, although the Company had never dealt with such products before. When the first ship left the harbor with a cellulose cargo for the customer in Italy, the price of cellulose (goods afloat) in the world markets tripled. Thereafter all quantities of cellulose were sold only to China that used to buy as much of that product as was supplied. And thus began the most profitable business of the first decade of Delta Holding’s existence.

Na “istočnom frontu” On the “Eastern front”<br />

Sankcije i izolacija zemlje na početku devedesetih godina<br />

ozbiljno su ugrožavali privredni život u Srbiji, zbog čega je <strong>Delta</strong><br />

donela stratešku odluku da svoje poslovanje proširi na tržište<br />

Rusije i država bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza. To je bio način da se<br />

sačuvaju već prikupljeni dobri kadrovi, sa namerom da se po<br />

završetku ekonomskih sankcija, i ljudi i poslovi vrate u zemlju.<br />

Ali, taj aspekt nije bio pod kontrolom kompanije i potrajao je<br />

duže nego što se očekivalo.<br />

Na tržištu Zajednice Nezavisnih Država, nastale na prostoru<br />

bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza, <strong>Delta</strong> je počela da razvija prestižni<br />

svetski brend Nike, što će biti jedan od izazovnijih poduhvata<br />

u bogatoj istoriji Kompanije. Multinacionalna kompanija<br />

Nike, velikom ime u svetskom biznisu, nije bila spremna<br />

da samostalno uđe na kompleksno tržište nastalo na<br />

raspadu SSSR-a i njegove socijalističke ekonomije. <strong>Delta</strong> je<br />

hrabro odlučila da prihvati izazov: razvoj Nike-a u Rusiji i<br />

ZND prepoznat je kao riskantan posao, ali sa neslućenim<br />

mogućnostima za razvoj. Iako situaciona analiza nije bila<br />

precizna, ili nije sugerisala ulazak u novi posao, ovaj put je<br />

presudila preduzetnička hrabrost i intuicija, što se pokazalo kao<br />

ispravan izbor.<br />

Tako je <strong>Delta</strong> dobila veliki posao i preselila značajan broj<br />

sposobnih kadrova u Rusiju. Za kratko vreme robna marka<br />

Nike bila je, zahvaljujući Delti, odlično pozicionirana na tržištu<br />

Rusije i ZND. Kako su uslovi na tržištu bili vrlo teški za planirani<br />

razvoj brenda, ušlo se u samostalan razvoj maloprodajne mreže,<br />

što je donelo izuzetan rezultat. Ruska prilika je prepoznata i<br />

iskorišćena: prodor na ovo tržište dao je šansu za otvaranje<br />

novih poslova, zbog čega je u jednom periodu, u prvoj deceniji<br />

svog rada, <strong>Delta</strong> bila veća kompanija u Rusiji, nego u svojoj<br />

matičnoj zemlji Srbiji.<br />

// 64<br />

<strong>20</strong> GODINA YEARS<br />

PRVI SKOK 1991/<strong>20</strong>00. THE FIRST LEAP 1991/<strong>20</strong>00<br />

Imposed sanctions and the isolation <strong>of</strong> the country at the<br />

beginning <strong>of</strong> the 1990s seriously threatened the economy in<br />

Serbia, and therefore <strong>Delta</strong> made the strategic decision to<br />

expand its business into the markets <strong>of</strong> Russia and the states<br />

<strong>of</strong> the former Soviet Union. It was the only way to keep already<br />

employed good staff on board. The idea was to return both<br />

business and people back to the country after the economic<br />

sanctions were lifted. But this aspect was not under the<br />

company’s control and it lasted much longer than expected.<br />

In the market <strong>of</strong> the CIS, established on the territory <strong>of</strong> the<br />

former Soviet Union, <strong>Delta</strong> started to develop the prestigious<br />

global brand Nike, in what would be one <strong>of</strong> the more<br />

challenging enterprises in the rich history <strong>of</strong> the company.<br />

Multinational Nike, a big name in the business world, was not<br />

ready to enter independently into the complex market built<br />

on the collapse <strong>of</strong> the USSR and its socialist economy. <strong>Delta</strong><br />

courageously decided to accept the challenge: the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Nike business in Russia and CIS was recognized as risky<br />

business but with the implied opportunities for development.<br />

Although the situational analysis was not precise or simple and<br />

did not suggest such a business venture, the entrepreneurial<br />

courage and intuition ruled in favor <strong>of</strong> such a decision that was<br />

later to be proved to be correct.<br />

Thus <strong>Delta</strong> developed big business and moved a significant<br />

number <strong>of</strong> skilled personnel to Russia. In a short time, the Nike<br />

brand was very well positioned in the markets <strong>of</strong> Russia and CIS,<br />

thanks, <strong>of</strong> course, to <strong>Delta</strong>. Since the conditions in the<br />

market were very difficult for the planned development <strong>of</strong><br />

the brand, the Company started to develop independently a<br />

retail network which brought remarkable results. Business<br />

opportunity in Russia was identified: penetration into that<br />

market gave new business opportunities, which made <strong>Delta</strong>

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