FinalAnnReport 2004 _artwork -

FinalAnnReport 2004 _artwork - FinalAnnReport 2004 _artwork -


SUMMARISED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2004 FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Incorporating the income and expenditure account for the year ended 30 June 2004 9 MONTHS UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED ENDOWMENT TO 30 JUNE FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS 2004 2003 NOT DESIGNATED GENERAL FUND DESIGNATED £ £ £ £ £ £ INCOMING RESOURCES Donations, legacies and similar resources Incoming resources from operating activities in furtherance of the charity’s 20,089 - 32,793 - 52,882 28,510 objects 434,629 - - - 434,629 - Investment income 18,232 - - 256 18,488 9,760 Other incoming resources 8,670 - - - 8,670 10,933 Total incoming resources 481,620 - 32,793 256 514,669 49,203 RESOURCES EXPENDED Direct charitable expenditure 279,960 2,000 13,093 - 295,053 35,292 Grants made - - 7,546 299 7,845 3,900 Management and administration 248,225 - - - 248,225 195,785 Total resources expended 528,185 2,000 20,639 299 551,123 234,977 NET (OUTGOING)/INCOMING RESOURCES and net (expenditure)/ income before transfers (46,565) (2,000) 12,154 (43) (36,454) (185,774) Transfers between funds 6,000 - (6,000) - - - NET (OUTGOING)/INCOMING RESOURCES and net (expenditure)/ income (40,565) (2,000) 6,154 (43) (36,454) (185,774) Realised gain on sale of investments Unrealised gain on revaluation of 19,522 - - - 19,522 (14,542) investments 16,942 - - - 16,942 21,510 Net movement in funds (4,101) (2,000) 6,154 (43) 10 (178,806) Total funds brought forward at 1.7.2003 85,458 102,000 96,555 9,730 293,743 472,549 Total funds carried forward at 30.6.2004 81,357 100,000 102,709 9,687 293,753 293,743 08

Statement by the Trustees The summarised financial statements are a summary of information extracted from the annual financial statements and certain information relating to both the Statement of Financial Activities and the Balance Sheet for the year ending 30 June 2004. These summarised financial statements may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information, the full annual financial statements and the trustees’ annual report should be consulted: copies of these can be obtained from the charity’s offices at The Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR. BALANCE SHEET As at 30 June 2004 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 Jun 2004 2004 2003 2003 £ £ £ £ FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 44,507 39,048 Investments 325,567 350,456 370,074 389,504 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 141,180 161,820 Cash at bank and in hand 184,702 131,114 325,882 292,934 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year 402,203 388,695 SUMMARISED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | 2004 The full annual financial statements have been subject to an independent audit and received an unqualified report. The annual financial statements were approved by the trustees on 2 November 2004 and have been submitted to the Charity Commission and to Companies House. On behalf of the trustees: Maj Gen (Ret’d) R Wood, Chairman. NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES) (76,321) (95,761) NET ASSETS £293,753 £293,743 Representing:- UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Designated Funds 100,000 102,000 General Funds 81,357 85,458 RESTRICTED FUNDS Restricted Funds 102,709 96,555 Endowment Funds 9,687 9,730 FUND BALANCES £293,753 £293,743 09


STATEMENTS <strong>2004</strong><br />


In<strong>co</strong>rporating the in<strong>co</strong>me and expenditure ac<strong>co</strong>unt for the year ended 30 June <strong>2004</strong><br />

9 MONTHS<br />


FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS <strong>2004</strong> 2003<br />



£ £ £ £ £ £<br />


Donations, legacies and similar resources<br />

In<strong>co</strong>ming resources from operating<br />

activities in furtherance of the charity’s<br />

20,089 - 32,793 - 52,882 28,510<br />

objects 434,629 - - - 434,629 -<br />

Investment in<strong>co</strong>me 18,232 - - 256 18,488 9,760<br />

Other in<strong>co</strong>ming resources 8,670 - - - 8,670 10,933<br />

Total in<strong>co</strong>ming resources 481,620 - 32,793 256 514,669 49,203<br />


Direct charitable expenditure 279,960 2,000 13,093 - 295,053 35,292<br />

Grants made - - 7,546 299 7,845 3,900<br />

Management and administration 248,225 - - - 248,225 195,785<br />

Total resources expended 528,185 2,000 20,639 299 551,123 234,977<br />


RESOURCES and net (expenditure)/<br />

in<strong>co</strong>me before transfers (46,565) (2,000) 12,154 (43) (36,454) (185,774)<br />

Transfers between funds 6,000 - (6,000) - - -<br />


RESOURCES and net (expenditure)/<br />

in<strong>co</strong>me (40,565) (2,000) 6,154 (43) (36,454) (185,774)<br />

Realised gain on sale of investments<br />

Unrealised gain on revaluation of<br />

19,522 - - - 19,522 (14,542)<br />

investments 16,942 - - - 16,942 21,510<br />

Net movement in funds (4,101) (2,000) 6,154 (43) 10 (178,806)<br />

Total funds brought forward at 1.7.2003 85,458 102,000 96,555 9,730 293,743 472,549<br />

Total funds carried forward at 30.6.<strong>2004</strong> 81,357 100,000 102,709 9,687 293,753 293,743<br />


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