hirmMdr ik drbwr swihb - The Sikh Bulletin

hirmMdr ik drbwr swihb - The Sikh Bulletin

hirmMdr ik drbwr swihb - The Sikh Bulletin


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<strong>The</strong> S<strong>ik</strong>h <strong>Bulletin</strong> mwG-Pgx 542 nwnkSwhI January-February 2011<br />

everything else, except concentrating on True Naam. In<br />

the name of Guru Nanak Sahib, Guru Amardas Sahib<br />

says that such a person wastes his life by performing<br />

misdeeds and/or rituals because none has ever achieved<br />

emancipation without seeking blessings of the<br />

Almighty God. (3)<br />

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] pMnw 71 ]<br />

BgauqI rhq jugqw ]<br />

jogI khq mukqw ]<br />

qpsI qpih rwqw ]<br />

At page 71 of the Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Arjun Sahib<br />

says that Bhagautis seek True God without following<br />

proper (Gurmat) ways while Yogis try to seek by<br />

performing Yoga whereas mendicants believe in<br />

attaining emancipation by meditating in isolation,<br />

suffering lot of physical stress un-necessarily. (Here<br />

Guru Sahib has condemned the ways adopted by<br />

Bhagautis, Yogis & Tapasvis.)<br />

gauVI suKmnI m: 5 ] pMnw 274 ]<br />

BgauqI BgvMq Bgiq kw rMgu ]<br />

sgl iqAwgY dustu kw sMgu ]<br />

mn qy ibnsY sglw Brmu ]<br />

kir pUjY sgl pwrbRhmu ]<br />

swDsMig pwpw mlu KovY ]<br />

iqsu BgauqI kI miq aUqm hovY ]<br />

BgvMq kI thl krY inq nIiq ]<br />

mnu qnu ArpY ibsn prIiq ]<br />

hir ky crn ihrdY bswvY ]<br />

nwnk AYsw BgauqI BgvMq kau pwvY ] 3 ] 9 ]<br />

In Sukhmani Sahib at page 274, please read the entire<br />

9th Ashtpadi. Guru Arjun Sahib has re-defined Aparas<br />

(un-touched), Pundit, Ramadas, Bhagauti etc. & says<br />

that the real Bhagauti is one who is imbued with the<br />

love of True God ; has discarded the company of every<br />

evil person. Such a Bhagauti has rid himself of all<br />

doubts and dual-mindedness, and realises God<br />

everywhere, considering Him as the cause and effect of<br />

everything in the world ; all his vicious thoughts are<br />

eliminated in the company of true devotees and then<br />

such a Bhagauti / true devotee possesses highly<br />

elevated mind, such Bhagauti serves God daily by<br />

serving humanity; in the name of God he is ready to<br />

surrender everything ; Gurbani (hirde charan sabad<br />

Satgur ko, Nanak bandheo pal) resides in his heart.<br />

Guru Sahib tells us that such Bhagauti is a true<br />

devotee ultimately realizes formless God in true sense.<br />

(3). So, in this third padi of 9 th ashtpadi, Guru Sahib<br />

has described the virtues that a person should possess<br />

to be called a “Bhagauti” in real sense.<br />

rwmklI mhlw 5, pMnw 912 ]<br />

<strong>ik</strong>nhI igRhu qij vx KMif pwieAw ]<br />

<strong>ik</strong>nhI moin AauDUqu sdwieAw ]<br />

koeI khqau AnMin BgauqI ]<br />

moih dIn hir hir Et lIqI ] 2 ]<br />

Here also so-called hindu-saints having various labels<br />

are exposed. Refer Var Asa:<br />

jqI sdwvih jugiq n jwxih<br />

Cif bhih Gr bwr ]<br />

At page 912, Guru Arjun Sahib says that some persons<br />

have made their abode in the forests, leaving their<br />

homes and some others have practiced complete<br />

silence calling themselves “Moni” (moin ivgUqw <strong>ik</strong>au<br />

jwgY gur ibnu sUqw ]” vwr Awsw) as detached Yogis.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are some others, who describe themselves as<br />

dedicated worshippers of Devi Bhagvati. But, poor,<br />

humble and resourceless person l<strong>ik</strong>e me has sought<br />

God’s asylum. (2)<br />

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] pMnw 1347-1348 ]<br />

mn mih kRoDu mhw AhMkwrw ]<br />

pUjw krih bhuqu ibsQwrw ]<br />

kir iesnwnu qin ckR bxwey ]<br />

AMqr kI mlu kb hI n jwey ] 1 ]<br />

iequ sMjim pRBu <strong>ik</strong>n hI n pwieAw ]<br />

BgauqI mudRw mnu moihAw mwieAw ] 1 ] rhwau ]<br />

This is another interpretation (of hypocrites) of abovequoted<br />

lines. At pages 1347-48 of the Guru Granth<br />

Sahib, Guru Arjun Sahib says that if the person’s mind<br />

remains engrossed by anger, at the height of egoism;<br />

worships Gods by performing various rituals; takes<br />

bath and then makes circles of saffron on his body and<br />

forehead, as a mark of Puritanism, but despite all these<br />

rituals, filth of his evil mind does not leave him. (1) By<br />

such rituals, way of worship, no one is able to realize<br />

True God because the mind is entangled in wordly<br />

K. T. F. of N. A. Inc. 3524 Rocky Ridge Way, El Dorado Hills, CA. 95762 15

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