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718<br />

tl8lly appolnted s&ulnl8trstor, Tlrlr<br />

would denn6 an.l ldentlly tho FGdcral<br />

OovernEtent's lnt€rest lrr frrd ftsponElbllty<br />

for trEfrc ssfety.<br />

Tltle I lB EppUcsble to the msnulacture<br />

of all motof vehlcle equlpment Bnd<br />

f,rould he tot8lly nppltcable therelore to<br />

tlte safcty 6t<strong>and</strong>&rds. The commltt€e<br />

Included tn tltle II ol ttle blU, howevef,<br />

ertain speclflc lnlomEtton <strong>and</strong> other<br />

ruqulrements wlth re$pect to them<br />

Btanalards es they Bpply to tlr6.<br />

Tttle I$ authodze8 a Etudy ol erlstl|lg<br />

research <strong>and</strong> test lactlltloc Bhd requlrea<br />

a report to ConBrus.s e$ to whBt tEclltiles<br />

erlst <strong>and</strong> whri, l4cllltle8 sre needed by<br />

Dtremb€r l, l9€?.<br />

fitle IV arhetlds the exlstlng Netlonsl<br />

Drlver R€gl8ter lsw 6nd _u$der thls<br />

amendment vlrtuaUy ell dflver8 who<br />

h&ve had tlrclr Ucerues revoked or sus-<br />

Fnded wlu b€ llstcd.<br />

I hBve brlefly summarized the reasoru<br />

lor ahd the provlalons ot the leglslatlon.<br />

You have the commlttee's report <strong>and</strong><br />

you wlll f,nd B sectlon-by-Eectloh surr-<br />

Eary beglnnlng on page l? tnd s morc<br />

detsfled explenEtlon of the blll b€Elnnlng<br />

on Ddge l{.<br />

The comment's that I heve heBrd <strong>and</strong><br />

rctd on thts legiblEtlon Bre geneHlly<br />

lavorable, Speclflcally under the blll s4<br />

ruportfil, tlr6 Becretary will b€ r€quired<br />

to lf6us rnd cnlorce salety Et<strong>and</strong>8rd.s.<br />

AE lntroduced, tJre S€cretEry Would havc<br />

had dlscrgtlon ud would hay6 l$ued<br />

rtrndsrdr ohly ll rnd whoh hr drtrrlllln<br />

.l f ne;tl lor ruch rlrndrrrle.<br />

Tbe Commlttee on Infer6tetd <strong>and</strong> ForelSn<br />

Commerce Edded a number of provlsions<br />

whlch do not BppeEr ln other<br />

verulon8 ol the propoEdd leglflatlon on<br />

the Bubject ol trafflo Balety <strong>and</strong> which<br />

ste ft)t In the bul reporteal by the ottref<br />

body. Your Btt€ntlon ls dlrect+rl to tho<br />

def,nltlon lEctlon of H.R. 131t8 \rhereln<br />

dl hlotor vchtctBs rlrlveu or drd,wn by<br />

rrtcchanloal polt'r6r <strong>and</strong> lrrmufMtured tor<br />

Ute On the rughways Ere covered. As re-<br />

Dorted by the other body, vehtcles sub-<br />

Jett to pBrt rI ol the Ihterstate Commerce<br />

Act or the Trerlcportstlon of Exploalves<br />

Act. would hEve been excluded.<br />

Thlt would hflve $ut)stantlally tmlted<br />

the Serr€tary'B authorlty to set sefety<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards for the manufd,cture of vehlcles<br />

end, ln Eddttlon, no one hE6<br />

ben able to Btst€ wlth any certalnty just<br />

s'h6t vFl.lcles would hrve bcen excluded.<br />

Ttrc commlttee Blso lncluded Tltle [:<br />

Tlre Salcty, whtch B6t6 forth cert8ln<br />

Ep€clflc requtrements ao to tlres Bnd<br />

BaheB cleer that tlre8 are wlthln tlrE<br />

e,Eblt ol the legtsletlon,<br />

Other tnportant Ediltlons whlch do<br />

not eppesf ln the legislatlon referred to<br />

by the other body, appeer in s€ctlon 104<br />

where a Netlonel Motor vehtcl€ Eafety<br />

Advlsory Councll ls creet{d. ThiB wlU b€<br />

mde up of 13 ftehb€rs drEwn (fom llrdu6tfy.<br />

State trnd.lmEl govertments, Ebal<br />

from the publtc. Ttle gecretery lB requlr€d<br />

to seek the advlce <strong>and</strong> fecsmmendEtion8<br />

of the Councll b€fore e.stsbttshln8r<br />

ralety St<strong>and</strong>Rrds. ThlB assufea not<br />

only E ruethod tor expert consultatlon<br />

but also r mettrod for acttve pEructpatlon<br />

ln the program by State, local, <strong>and</strong><br />

other Fersrl8 lnt€rdsted ln traffc Eet6ty.<br />

In scctlotr fl5, the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry L requhed<br />

to establl.sh In the DepartErent<br />

of CloEtncrce a Nattonal Ttsfra Estety<br />

Agcncy whlch wlll be admlnlstered by<br />

atl Adhlr{Btrator rppolnt€d by tfi€<br />

Presldent. Ttrle Bhould go B long wflIt<br />

tD unlty the now *Ettrred tremc sbfety<br />

re8pon8lblllty. Ttte AdmlntstrBtor wlll<br />

be prtmedly rrfponslble for canying out<br />

thla traEc tafety program.<br />

Tlre* are Eorne of the lmFrovemetrt!<br />

thBt ttre commltt€e<br />

blll wEs Intruduced.<br />

hLs nrade Eince tJr6<br />

Sultsequent to reportlng thc btll ther6<br />

have been Eeverd adverte temerks partlculatly<br />

Es to the lflspectlon provlslone<br />

of the blll <strong>and</strong> the ebEence ol my crlEltnBl<br />

penslty provlslon$.<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>tlon ll2 ButhorlzB the gecruta,rt<br />

to conduct any lnsp€ctlons whlch shf<br />

nec€t8ary to enlorce daldty Etsfld8rdrr<br />

_ Ar to crlrhtnrt pendltles, lt le true ttrlt<br />

tJlC q€at brtt atrd bro.f'c nutd lBwB lual<br />

crtErlnal p€nElty provl8lon8. HoTEtrGf,<br />

lrom enactment to the pre8ent dat€, no<br />

enforcetnent ptmeedlnge have been<br />

brought under thet€ prrvl5loro.<br />

,,MM<br />

;j9<br />

The s6rnm11t€c det€mlned<br />

clvll ptnaltl€s Bnd tnrunctlon<br />

thtrt the<br />

prcvlslon8<br />

of sectlon8 f09 Bhd 110 lrylll b€ sutrctent<br />

to ffi5ure compllBncr<br />

st<strong>and</strong>Erdt.<br />

wlth Federal setety<br />

FlnElly, Mf. Chalfinm,<br />

Etstd many tlmeB thls<br />

trs hs been<br />

leglslatlon ls<br />

Eecond ln lmportmce to the NBilon only<br />

to Vletnam. I am proud of the work<br />

whlch the commtttee has put lnto thls<br />

le8tsletlon snd I commcnd emh rnember<br />

ol the commltt€e. They paructr8trd<br />

both ln the 13 days ol publlc hegrltrse End<br />

In the I7 deys ln whtch wc held executive<br />

seR.sions wlth greBt lntefest Bnd energy.<br />

I feel that we hRve brought a good<br />

blll to the floor, one whlch wlll lesd to<br />

happler days on our rughwEy$, snd I<br />

recornmend <strong>and</strong> esrnestly urge favorEble<br />

Ecflon.<br />

MT. SPRINOER. Mr. qhdffiBrl. I<br />

yleld my8elf such tlme Es I may coroume.<br />

ThG nert T8 wtll lnvolvo every mf,h. womin<br />

Md chlld ln our country- Evtryohe wtll<br />

t[ lh pffon4l J6p4rdy,<br />

StEt€rneni$ ol thls klnd sre u.sed to<br />

lmpress uporr us the ell tffi red horrcffi<br />

of modern wBrfate. Afld we trre lm-<br />

Drftttd. Thb thought oI subjRtlng wholG<br />

femlllos to posstble eftlnctlon ln one lell<br />

sf,toop hoillfles trny thhrklng cltlz€n, He<br />

retolyes to avold such a tu|n of eventa.<br />

But ell the whlle, BwlrllnE Ebout ull<br />

<strong>and</strong> belng fou8ht every dey. lE a f,,&f<br />

whlch cd'n end may mrt down membere nt<br />

our fanrllles or Etrlke sualtlenly <strong>and</strong> devestetlnEly<br />

to wlpe out the fsmtly lta€lt.<br />

Thls ls the war of trufrc sBlety whlch we<br />

have been lofilng to the tune ol 50,000<br />

llves a yeer, It ls a wBr whlch ln terms<br />

of number8 kllled end malmcd mak€.<br />

comb&t serulce lmk llke B hsven of BaIety.<br />

It ls a wu whlch shows no rege,rd<br />

for the rules ol war, lntern&tlonel agreements,<br />

the Red Cro6E, or the age, ser, or<br />

ststua ol ttd vlctlns. It ls I rrBr whlctr<br />

we lttust fl8ht evefy day, every year, bccBuBe<br />

lt hEs no rest anal reha,blute,tlon<br />

8reas, no reaaalgnrnent, no compeaglon-<br />

Bte lf,'ave. When we go to work or to th€<br />

msrket. we are Edtlvely ensaaed ln lt.<br />

When we go on vedBtlon to vlslt the wonders<br />

of our country, our whole fBmlly lr<br />

thrust lnto tt Lq a unlt.<br />

I cf,n reEtertb€f seelng scene8 ln<br />

movles of frontler fsmllles belng wlpcd<br />


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