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tween l3 <strong>and</strong> 19, End thst would be my<br />

under8tenaung, lf the <strong>Sec</strong>retbry does not<br />

add to these members wlth reference to<br />

the flgure of somewhere in bctween, wlth<br />

whlch I belleve we are workln8.<br />

Mr. PICEI,E. Mr. Sp€Bker, I thenk<br />

the gentleman from West Virglnls lor<br />

hls coments. Antl, Is thi.3 al6o the fdellng<br />

anal lntent of tlre gentleman reprecentine<br />

the mlnorlty?<br />

Mr. $PRINGER. Does the gentleman<br />

from Texag uean lroofBr as thils compromlse<br />

is concerned?<br />

Mr. PICHLE. I mean lnsofar Bs the<br />

practicsl nutrrber that the <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

Bhoulal appolnt shoultl b€ somewhcre in<br />

tl'le nelghborhood of l5?<br />

Mr. SPRINGEE. That ls correch f<br />

thtnk ln the nelshborhood of l3 to u,<br />

en(l I think tt mlsht b€ rs. I thtnE the<br />

restrlctlon Bhould b€ put ln here to the<br />

efiect that you shoulil not have ulore<br />

thatl l? ot les$ thM 9.<br />

Mr, PrCrdIJE. Mr. Speaker. lf the<br />

gentleman Etill ylelal further, lf the 8entlemffi<br />

wiU reed the l&nBusge, lt ls clear-<br />

ly opefl to lnterpfetatton Es to wlrether<br />

:<br />

lt sFould be four or 8lx. r beueve there<br />

should be a representBtlve Srroup. And,<br />

lf the gentlemBn thin*s ln t4ruE of 13,<br />

or 19, Bs the chairdan do€s, I wlll not<br />

ofler motlon to recommlt the blll'<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. I thlnk the geutletnBn<br />

he$ ErEde & good contrlbutlon. At<br />

lest the <strong>Sec</strong>retary ls eotng to read the<br />

REcoRD about what nwber tfie thlnk it<br />

ought<br />

r-i8ht.<br />

to be <strong>and</strong> I think that 18 Bbout<br />

Mr. PICIILE. I thenk the EenuemEfl'<br />

Mr. STAGGEES. Mr' SPeEker, I<br />

yleltl 5 mlnutcs to the genLleman f rom<br />

Califomls IMr, MoEs].<br />

Mr. MOSS. Mr. Speaker, thls ls n<br />

verv significant pitre of le8islation- I<br />

think that the flnBl Droduct brought<br />

here for conslderatlon toalay Ehould l8y<br />

to test any ellegations or chErges that<br />

thP House lsborecl les l'lgorously or with<br />

less good falth than the other bodv.<br />

'rhroughout<br />

the heailng8 on thls lesi6'<br />

latlon <strong>and</strong> the len8thy proce$s ol firerk'<br />

up, I believe tha.l, every member of the<br />

committee<br />

t'he public<br />

representtd in tds Judgment<br />

interest <strong>and</strong> the Int€rest of<br />

his dtstrlct-anil that l5 the Eppropriate<br />

role to fulflu.<br />

21352<br />

I thlnh ttret there wes Bt aU tlmes h<br />

the conference an overrldlng oonoern on<br />

the pErt ot every member ol ttre Gohference<br />

from both Houses on both sldes<br />

of the slsle to tmprove <strong>and</strong> stren8then<br />

the leElslsuo4 Ur grCPr that lt better<br />

rrmt ttu Durooa€! of thn Anerlcgn<br />

llloEru8 DUDIC.<br />

We wero utndful ol tJro ECDIIUVG naturd<br />

ol r very l.Eportdnt beslo lndusttt'<br />

r beUcy6 I llDn baldnce ws{ shleved lrr<br />

ttrrEt contercncs comElttt€-<br />

WG hrd I oon6lder6ble<br />

cttsglon over the numbers<br />

amount ol dle-<br />

ol persouE who<br />

should constitute an edvlsorv oomrrllt'<br />

tee. Thls sas a vcry dlf,cult Eubject lor<br />

the coErmlttee, wlth the other body lrot<br />

lavorllr8 eny le,lnd ol !n advlEotlJ comrstttte,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I beUeve the b8lflnce here<br />

agaln mhleved l8 very huch h tne pub-<br />

Uc lnterest.<br />

cleBrly, they do not want thc gecretary<br />

to appolnt a boaty so lerge as to be un'<br />

wleldy<br />

sntatlve.<br />

or so smsll a$ to be unreprt-<br />

I would llk6 to trtse thl8 tlhe to p8y<br />

partlculf,r trlbute to the chelr'man of the<br />

Comrfllttee<br />

codmerce<br />

on Interstete<br />

who pr$lded<br />

snd Forel8n<br />

over very<br />

lengthy heulnss <strong>and</strong> over dlfilcult Inerkup<br />

seslons, with felrneee <strong>and</strong> wlth flrmness<br />

snd rrlth I hlgh degree of obJecttvlty.<br />

J am verT proud to h8v6 Berved<br />

wtth hln ln the commltt€o srrd on thc<br />

conJerence.<br />

lc glven ln<br />

I hope tho s{Ele alulgenoc<br />

the admlnlstratlon ol tlrc<br />

leglslEtlorr H wffi Elven ln tJre wrttlng<br />

up. I hope the Strretrry ln undBrtaklna<br />

thlE new <strong>and</strong> elgilJlcant responslb[lty<br />

wlll rttempt to rtrrult the voty beot<br />

qusJlfled per8omel poslble bccausE thc<br />

Job demantlano lcs.<br />

If lt works, u *e hee lt does, In *<br />

lew yetls F€ should b6 abl6 to pornt<br />

to Elgnlflc8nt decrrea€r tn tlre oemago<br />

on Alil€,flca'B hlghwayFthe<br />

toU tE pa,y ea ttrc reilIt<br />

vcry blgh<br />

ot s lsdk ol<br />

Bsfety, Ertshly confeslng slso th6 l|a|l<br />

ol hrtmm fltncu, on mu$r occrslont, to<br />

slve tlre ty?e ol operstlon to r velllclc<br />

tllat Ehould bc rilYm.<br />

Mr. ROOERSolFlortill, Mr. gr€rter,<br />

eil tho sentleman ylBklt<br />

Mr. MO88. I wtu bc very hrppy to<br />

yleld to th€ Eenttoman.<br />

Mr. ROCIERE olFlorldi. Mr. gp6E.ker,<br />

fwinteal td concur Flth th6 g6ntleEsn h<br />

hl.s Etstcttrcnt Bbout tlr6 cotrduct of thr<br />

hea,rlnse End on the €ficcuHye sesdon!<br />

by thc chstrEnn, rt w s tryln8 ttEt<br />

throu8l 3 monthr, rnd ln trh iuffit lrtt<br />

msnncr ln h<strong>and</strong>llng theE. I b€lleye most<br />

tr{edbclt lecl tn$ cyerybddy hs! an opportunlty<br />

to rtrtc hl! vtrr8. I thlnl ro<br />

cu bc rll proud of ilrc r,e8db.<br />

f do w8ut to erB oDe or two qucttlmt,<br />

iJtd I rtaEt to Er'ts6 tDI! vcry clGnFrnd<br />

I wul arts tbc chdmrn<br />

tlrmaD wul ytcld lurthGr?<br />

|f tbG lGD.<br />

ldr, MOg8, I rdElrl to ths ccDfl@td<br />

tor thrt pqrpca.<br />

r[r. RooEa<br />

stentle,r{r tha<br />

ol Flortdr. h<br />

Esttfll'| rhdt,<br />

stdEr<br />

.r h6<br />

de6E! r|nrloprlrte, Gouailt rttl ttr Yc.<br />

blcl,! Equlfalt ErfGE CcEldo4 rnd<br />

ruch othcr gtrtr or l[t rut$. rlGDrild,<br />

lEclurlll8 l,cd8btlv. ooumltte*<br />

lft. gtAGOERa- re. freefr:r. vll<br />

tlr6 cGntlcrbir ylcld?<br />

Mr. MOES. I yteld to tfb Gbrlmrr|,<br />

re. EifACOffiA, ltnt b tlr htrBt<br />

bf. tha ooooltdcr on Dotl drLr ol tbc<br />

&l!le lti 8GcN,6brt lhrtr coDrult || bf<br />

d€{m! sdylrsbld.<br />

lF. EOCUng otl+:orldr, Ar b. dcrdr<br />

i4vbahlr,<br />

MT.ETAOOERS. Ycr,<br />

rtr, RoClffiE ot llorldl I ttrr8r* tla<br />

Bmtleman.<br />

Mr. grAGOER^8. l&, Glpcr,ter,I EoYG<br />

th6 prevlou! queBuon on tlrg co|1l6rGnct<br />

Eport.<br />

Th6 prilloud questlon wrs ordcrtd.<br />

Th6 aPEAIEER pro t€mporo (lilr.<br />

'I'h6<br />

St8n). que8tlon ls on egre€lr$ to<br />

the confeftnce report.<br />

'Itle questlon wu teken; Bnd thc<br />

Spef,her pro tchlrore erurounced thrt<br />

the "sy6't aDDeBred td hsv6 lt.<br />

Mr. SPRINOER. Mr. spe6xer, I ob-<br />

Ject to thd vote on tJlo cround ttrst t<br />

quorum la not<br />

pqlnt ol order<br />

precnt.<br />

present snd mrEE<br />

thEt a quorum b<br />

t&c<br />

hot<br />

ThE BPEATEER pro tempora. EYldEnt'<br />

Iy a quoflrrn ls not pre8ent.<br />

Vol- I

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