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E lfurdE'tilthhril.ilth<br />

rblEh I b.ll.{r rr rrll rcHal,<br />

f|r. pICqrE ltr. Bpc|tnr, I tbrrtf<br />

tJ$ |rau.diD lrfr WGrt ylrg|ilr ltr<br />

Dl|ffiE.ntr. ADd, rr tht| dro tDc fet-<br />

|lrf rDd lDtadt ot tbc EcltlGmrn fttrrc-<br />

Fnttrs tDG Ehorlty?<br />

. Mr. aEBIHOER Docr tfrc aGnuarn<br />

lrom llr*|. EG|^D t[|ofrr r.t ur& ctoprobl!+<br />

li G6oGrtd?<br />

Mr. FIGE&" f Ecr,u lnefrr |r thG<br />

prrcttral DuEbcr tlrrt thc EGcEtart<br />

rhould rDPolnt rhould bc rmewbrru li<br />

tI6 nctrbtsorbood ol 16?<br />

Mf. APRINOER, Thrt b Gotrrct; I<br />

tHIt fn tDc nclchborbood of ft to i?,<br />

rill I thlDf lt Etsht, br le. I tblnl' th;<br />

luJrlGtlon droufd bc put ln bctt to thr<br />

Itr6ct tbrt, you rhauld not hlvo norr<br />

rhrh t? or Lu tb&D e.<br />

ldr. EISEIJE. ilr. BDGI'LGI- U ur6<br />

SmtJGnr n tlU t'l6ld turttrcr, ll'thr mn-<br />

Uemur rul tud thc lflrg-.gc, lt li clrar-<br />

V oDfir to lntaprrtrtlon s to ?hctbcr<br />

Hause Debate<br />

rilb f.h rrilrfi mttu,trr billlrnt d<br />

i.hc lrct tbrt b. El[t rfdlEt ffir lDrl<br />

ftr6 publlc Eult b. ln tD6 Ertorlbl<br />

b'ut I tosld tblrt T routd D. thr lGrd<br />

hrt I tblnt lt rsqld rull bc fn tbG D.[shborhood<br />

of fti ngurc ol I to l[.<br />

Mr. Epc|tcr. f fsr thlnHng tbrt tD6<br />

Acc|rtary, rrUl tl|e llntla!162 ?htdh 'le<br />

hartl lrr hirl do not rcr how lt oould<br />

bc ldr thrn nhc stth tle yrrlou! Grta-<br />

Sollcr lnydvtd{4 tfrc publtc rurt br<br />

ln the Erjorlwgut I fould thlrt Bhc<br />

would ttt tlc lGrcnt. Eo?GvGr, I rould<br />

furtlr6r tlllrtsrhrt tbr numbGr rould rUU<br />

bo tn t.hc n lshborhmd ol t to fi.<br />

llr, OEOS8. But, ilr, Ap..tGr, lf thc<br />

Ientlrffn<br />

ylll yleld tl|rthcf, they could<br />

bc pau lf00 r aby: ti tDrt coffit?<br />

Mr. SmIl|OE. Ttrt t! ooEGct.<br />

lrr. prctIJE. ilr. BDdfr, illl tb<br />

gcntleErn ll'rld?<br />

_ Mr. BPRINGE. I yt8ld to thc acrtlcmrlr<br />

lrffi Tb*rs.<br />

illr. pIgtLE.<br />

It eholld br lou or<br />

l{r. gpc.trr,<br />

st*. I b€UGyG tbarG<br />

I |.t fd<br />

thts<br />

tDoulil bc r rrprlentrtlvc grouD.<br />

flmc for tlrr nrtlorc ol propouniflnl<br />

Ard,<br />

ll tlre gentlcEsn to t;1e ohetrqu<br />

thltlt! ln tratr<br />

ol<br />

of lS,<br />

or le, er the ctrslrurn dme, I rlll noi<br />

oficr botloD to ncfrntt t.Lc bul.<br />

l|r. APRINCIER. t f}rtnl t&r genue_<br />

Ern hil Erd6 r t6d contrtbutton. At<br />

I!r't tbc EGcr*trty le golru to Ead ttl"<br />

Rrctlo rbout rbrt nufih+r rG tblnk tt<br />

ought to bG snd I thlnk tbet lr rhout<br />

rt{ht.<br />

Mr. pIgKLE. I ttrank the genuemm.<br />

Mt. BTAGGERET. Mr- glr6r^ts6r, I<br />

yleld 5 Elnutas to the cenileErD ftoE<br />

Crlllomlr tMr. MoEsI.<br />

Mr. MO84l, Mr, Ep€aker, ttrk ls r<br />

very sllrrlflcant plece of leglslf,tlon. I<br />

thlnk thst the f,nsl prEduct brcusht<br />

brrr tor oonstrtentlon tod.ry drould Iey<br />

to IlEt. rt|y elleg8uonr or c.brrres tbrt<br />

qe Houlc lrboEd le8r yl8oFousb/ or wtth<br />

lclr amd ldtfr tJrrn tlre otha to

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