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drd6 by irrh Eo|!r tn thQ rub|t.'nttvG<br />

Druvldon of B. 81t06' rt bid Dc€n mv<br />

omvtctlon troE th. be8liltlnf, r$d tho<br />

cotrvlctlon llE8wfua of mmy ot tbr ucnbct!<br />

of tba IntErrbt arrd Fordg! comficr$G<br />

coEJt|lttG. thrt lt *i| our duty<br />

to mrtc iour prwldon for u!.d{rf<br />

Etltrdlirab,<br />

teen ttrroush tbG Gvdrtull l.uutlcmctrtatlon<br />

anrl mlorcGmcnt of u$d-crr ltridsrd!<br />

Burt bc lctoBDllshcd rt thc Stat<br />

end locrl levsl 8nd under t.lrc ptwldotri<br />

of t.he btll edrtmtln|r tItE tbG Publlc<br />

Wortr Conmlttce. lt nevgrtlrslest vu'<br />

not only {teill$filc bttt lonsr*tlve ilut s<br />

Drovlston bc ftfilr lor tfio lmForiltlon of<br />

nlnlmun ttsDdrrfi for t.hosC t0 muUotl<br />

crr! untrmclrGd bt tbc otbGt ptovldoru<br />

of tbb blIL It could not bc lcft to clriilc€<br />

or tpcculedon thrt tttbrr lcllklittofir<br />

Elght b€ rdcqurtc.<br />

trlor t'lrcr. lr|sfl .tur Eourc bltr rtqulned<br />

t'h€ Sc(ilGtilt to crG8to |nd lm-<br />

Po6G |trfflrt{r lorured rutoDoblle! rtt6r<br />

ccrtdn prullslnery E stch s$il rtudl68<br />

rcrro completad. Ttc confercoe egrettl<br />

to rccept txlr portlon of thr EorIlE b|ll<br />

e,Dd |Ir my sp|rrloE tb$ rlonc ?olild m[hG<br />

tlre onlcronct vcldou rortlv ot eaoeDt-<br />

BnE by thls body.<br />

Tte otber Esrot dlficrgtrca lnvolvas<br />

the Adyisory Councll whlch trs worked<br />

out ln t'h6 Coffieru CoEEltt,€€ Md i'cceptdd<br />

w ttre rrouse. No rlEllnr plovl'<br />

don hrrl beon oouldcred by the other<br />

body. I kDov thrt tha Menbcri of thl!<br />

Eours rrt fultt rreru tnrt I id"ocstcd<br />

rn Advrrort CouncU spDolnt€d i'y tho<br />

Prcaldent ot tDc Unltrqd statas Ttth tb€<br />

rdvlcE aDrl oouDlcl of tlrc El€nEtc,<br />

Ths Eouro dld not EEC trt to etcept mY<br />

tlcoEEmdrtlon ln thl| riSrrd. It ild'<br />

horever, ptovldr sn AdvlsorT counctl<br />

rrhlch rn ltr msln provlslonr reJ ldequ&tE<br />

lrrd hlshlv uletul Ths Advkort<br />

coundl prcvl.l€d Lu tbc conlsrcnc8 rcport<br />

|! not that I tould wrnt lt to be'<br />

It Ieeves GtrtlEly tm Euch to the dbct$tton<br />

of thc EccrGtrry |r to lta triEeuP<br />

Bnd ttr funotloDr. f dd not feel, hdwcver,<br />

tbat leal8lruon rr fmDortrnt rrrd l8r'<br />

ru|dhln8 |i tl|r Nrthrrl Th'Eo rnd<br />

I|fibtof YGhlcL llilGtt Act rbould D.<br />

JcoprftlEtll b.ceu!. o(tl rubtlva rillnrre<br />

ol tDbonc fahur<br />

'Ib<br />

oD'Do|6 lt E cruil ol thlr oD. rGr,tncar.sgliild-tr<br />

t ilrrtrYtdG to tlc courrtry'<br />

9f351 r lm tonrru tbrt the EGcrGt$t oil c@or<br />

rDG adr'Gtrrt ol ltrD4ortr'<br />

tldr. |. tDa crs Ert bG, tlu r6rd tilft'<br />

tulv tbc bGrrlnl| |rE otbct lGf,lrlrtlv'r<br />

b||tort rnl ?|If D*t tty.tt ctrGt to<br />

crtrto u AdTlrqt Gannoll vhlcb lr<br />

|trdr||, tndcDGDdcrrt, tEtttlc, lnd tntlt<br />

co[r$ructlvi to t.lrc purladcr ol Udr rdt.<br />

Wltb thl| illfht rcrcr"rtlon r[d tbtr<br />

rd|nonttlon f amdolrG rrrrl luDFort th!<br />

t6GGptttrcG of r.hlr coillulnc€ lcDort.<br />

Itr. FooERB ol llfilrh' xr. Epcrtrr'<br />

rlll tbc 3cntlcEur ylcld on thrt r|r, IFHU{CE I tbln} tlc lctrtlrr<br />

|!rn lrod Floildr wr.t qult€ lndrt flt oD<br />

tblr rh.D rG brd tt up ln our commlttcG.<br />

It l! o[|c of thc bctttr lcfirrcs td tlrc bllt,<br />

bGourc thls do€s not dvr dtlcrottoh to<br />

tb6 8€Gretery td conrult but tt t8 Ean'<br />

alrtory. Ee rtm ehoild rccclve rny rc'<br />

Dort lrcm thc coutrcfl +.hrt they nEh to<br />

m&tsB lrr ordcr thrt hc m*y heve tJre slvl!€<br />

ot thrt cdunrdl.<br />

!tr. OROS8. ltr. Eperker, Tfll thc<br />

&ntlfirrn yteld?<br />

l[r. EFRIHOm, Ye8. I flcrd to tho<br />

frntlGman.<br />

Ift. GROBS. E$ruer thfu rft rbooD<br />

thc gantlcErn froE Tirrr tlIr. PrGEJt,<br />

rnrdG e vGrt tood pofnt thet tlrcrc oirght<br />

to Drve been r lln,ltatlon od tlrc numbcr<br />

of dcEbcr! on tb€ Advhory Gounoll. I'<br />

for onG, tb flll?ruGd Nrd ail8[DDolntcd<br />

thit thc cotrf€rres crme bicl Tltlr a rt-<br />

Dort thrt ptovldB en urrltmlttd nuEber<br />

rnd rnal wltlrout wltfrout sny anY lD€clforttotr lp€cltrofu sB to shoiil<br />

tbey ttry b6. It mey Ery bc l0 t0 pout'lctl c$t'-<br />

otri otrr rDDolnt rppolnted d to thrr CGoulG|l.<br />

Wbo<br />

hrmr?<br />

lf,r, APR.INOER. l1lsy I tay In rnrscr<br />

to tb6 Sentlemen thf,t r rf, lust tr dtr-<br />

|ppolntrrl a8 he ls, we tE.l JuBt onc rltEtnrtlv8<br />

oilered to the confercEcc lroE<br />

ttrrc other body, md thrt TeB no Euncll<br />

at rll, We elther hrd to hrYG thls klnd<br />

of oounctl orno touncdt at, nlt.<br />

And thrt weg tho ouv ilt rnatlvG<br />

irhlch Te, prescntd to tt. The rcmn<br />

ttrrrt Ts tddt lt In t.tlls form lB only b€cau86<br />

Tt DcUcvGd tlrst I Ealcty Councll<br />

*ea rrGoGlsrv, lnd lf wG *cfe 8('trg to<br />

htrvc tbk thtns lurctlon properly we<br />

atmply lud to have f, Eorlcem about lt.<br />

May I 8e,y ln turther r,8plv to trc dL8ttnsulrhed<br />

gentleuen from Iowr t&at<br />

Gvcn under tbe otlrer plrn ttrrt evefl It<br />

t.lrtry dcslred to alo !o, wc clnuot }ecp<br />

hl.m from do|Irg that, Thls |! tlrc rca-<br />

Bon r wahte.l tlrlt counoll rD'polnt4d W<br />

the PreEldent <strong>and</strong> conf,tfiEd by ttrrc<br />

flcnetc, bccsuro we would have rn opportunlty<br />

ovGt here to do roEtthlnc<br />

ebout lt. Iilow;ycr, ttrrlr *er rdopt d ln<br />

our oommlttee urd wc sant to do thl8.<br />

Mr. Spcttrr, hBy I Esy tlrat Te cs'EC<br />

back u'lth tlr€ best comDromlEe riblch wc<br />

could obt8h, md tlrbt ls tJrc reqsdn ttrlB<br />

lc *rtttcn ln thls fors,<br />

Mr. EDertctr. I r,E Jtut r8 unltiD'Py<br />

rbout lt rr t.trG JGntlcmrlr frc@ Iorr<br />

tlIr, Orci8r, but l.r|ntrd to GrD,lrlD to<br />

xr. EB[roB" I 'ratl.l to tDc !d[tlmn<br />

frmwtt Vlr#dr tctt F|!.<br />

IoE dt$trdB b tb qutEm-<br />

5, 8TAOOE8, l|r. EDtrr'r' t<br />

nilr|rf &c to ry to t&G f.dtbr! frffi<br />

Tilrr tbrt tha lrD||rt|fG of t& lcFfft<br />

lr td th ilEGGt tbrt thc rohtblP<br />

rhouf.l b. G.EnflGd d r Errr[bfi d Dc.<br />

trgr u rad le, c rmr nrth ln Dc*<br />

trffi. A fi[ntGf o( otts r XdD6fl<br />

tbourht tlrt |! il{ff to lGt tbG bttr out,<br />

polnt'? rc doultl rgtrir to thb !8tttc,<br />

Mr. SERINQE. Ycd. I yleld to the ltr. Scrfcr, tb6 tosd<br />

'trtDFffit|F<br />

tGnu!ftrtr.<br />

tlYc" DcrDr tro. T6 hrtr t.dtEad<br />

xr. R{roEa ot lrtofldr. I tould lltc |lnflDr TGPFGTlttGrl |rrd tbrt ?ould Hil<br />

to Jdn vlth thc 8€utlcmrlr lrcm Ilunoh ir. Wo rould ulG lfi t h REIID to<br />

ln mt,h|Ds tt, vrrt cIG*t tbrt wr GGtt*lnly brE tro. wr.[Eurd thG nrfiDar D.'<br />

d,-t r8rcc Md lndrt d tbrt thts b s drh- trirb lt rrd n, r$ll tDrt rftnil.l D. E<br />

drtory provltton tlttt bG mud contult ufld.flt|adry, |l tbc Econ*ur dotEot<br />

Tttn t.b|| dvbotY cflDc|l b€loru hG d$t rdd lo tb.; ffiht tlth rtl6t Dil to<br />

lmrc rny rt*ndrrdr lt dl.<br />

790<br />


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