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ltr. FfgEl. fr bc rDDotntcd bY tlrs<br />

Pltrldent. It lr s coEDlttac ol mno<br />

mnetderuble 6t$ndltr8, lnal I thlnk thrt<br />

fi !nG. It G€m! to ne thrt rc ought<br />

to hrv6 r dcinlte nuEbtt bcrG' Itls<br />

Gduld bG r Erjorltv of tlrltc or lour. It<br />

lay8 "r mrto,ilty ol wblch" lDd tlrGlclore<br />

you could hrve rny nudb€r. Tlrlr l6sv€t<br />

It ElBhtt rlde op€n, lt em to Ee, llr'<br />

Bpesler,<br />

lf,r, gTAc,oERa. ccrtrlnlY wc Gould<br />

hrvc r Euch lat86r Sroup thBn tlrrec.<br />

Mr. PICE E. But lt docr rot lrJ tlrrt'<br />

Mr. RoQEBB of norldr. fft. Epoafcr.<br />

wlu the Sentlemrn yleld?<br />

Mr. ETACIGERa. I sh8ll be 8l8d td<br />

Yleld to thc Eentler|an.<br />

Mr. RO(}ERE of noddr. Acturtly,<br />

rhet se hrvc r*ld hcre 1! thrt tbGrG vlu<br />

ttc I muncll tppolnt al W thc Bocrctrry.<br />

Wc hrve hot rct I rpecLOc nrynbtr, but<br />

rt: have nld that the Ef,rortty Etrgt bc<br />

publld hernb.n. Ttrls dEs letvc Ln ttrc<br />

dLlcretlon of the Eccrctrry rr to rhcttrer<br />

It rhrll br r lt-E.D, r lD-tnrlr, or r U6drn<br />

coEranlttaa, trut rhrt vc hiv6 lndltEd<br />

uDon li t.lrc ll4t tb|t thc brJotlty<br />

d[U bc Dubllc Eenbcrr" We beve rug-<br />

8.st d ln tht lcglelrHon t.Lc othcr lrcr.<br />

fruu rblch thc rppoLEtsent| vUl o@G,<br />

.d thc trntldrn<br />

foru rc Drrl rt<br />

rlll Dotlct,<br />

up tb. b{r|]t<br />

ftr6te-<br />

ol the<br />

coEEtrdoD but ldt lt to thc dllorGuon<br />

ol tb. A.crrtqt dffi lt B rD dvlrort<br />

lij:lg]l .$EEIU. Wr brvc not rF[tht thrt<br />

rt EUC bi lr. It Ert b. thit h. Egf<br />

wrnt to put rulonr lDdurtF DCo|rld oE<br />

thfu oourlrrll Er Ert wrnt to put rbdG<br />

eutodrnbllr dillEr oE lt, bccru!6 tJr;y<br />

do have fil |trteftrt |[ lt. He msy wsnt<br />

to put r uscd-eBr derler on tt. Irowcver,<br />

lf hc putr thesc Deople on, then h6<br />

must put r llke bumbcr ot publlo E6E.,<br />

bets on lt Bo thet there wiU b€ r, Bs-<br />

Jorlty ot publlc EeEber&<br />

Itr. PISEIJE. The se.E6 rrSusetlt<br />

could be mEdc wtttr reBpcct to the hlgblray<br />

E8lety measue tn Ehtch thqt 8st<br />

le Eembors, On the brd! of tJlL hEgurge,<br />

you DrobBbly would have Bt lGest<br />

flvg mehbcre<br />

Mr.Rec}ERBol Flortdr. yer.<br />

Mr. PICIS,E. I thlnk lt would b. thd<br />

lntent of thtr Consress tJrrt yoq vlll havo<br />

Itrore than flvc meEtbers, becrulc thIB ls<br />

BuDFotrd to cut acms8 the boerd ln r<br />

broadfleld. FlvelsalltnltgHon. Would<br />

you not ss,y thst lt wr$ your lntent to<br />

hEve Bt lerst l5 me.frb4lts?<br />

Mr. R'OOER'f| of Flortda. I tilnt rt<br />

wa8 the lnt€nt of th6 CongrGd6 that Fc<br />

have more thM flve, b€c$usc s6 bav6<br />

llsted mme people thet certalrrly owht<br />

to be consldered lor Eeruber8blp, but B6<br />

hlve not tlcd ilre b<strong>and</strong>3 ot thr gccrtttry<br />

s to how Elany he should hsve on lL It<br />

l3 certelnly the lntent that tt bc r rer,-<br />

Eonf,ble ElembcrshlD to acrompllEh anal<br />

matse uD a Dmper.Edvlsory comslbt€G.<br />

That ls the latent of the whole Advtsory<br />

Corucll. It iE to EaB6 lt I rta€tul ttrri<br />

tor t.he Sfcretsry ln 6etu$C st<strong>and</strong>trat$.<br />

Mr. PICKLE. I wlll say to thc gentleEAn<br />

thEt thls seeng to nre to bo r<br />

Slarlbg wealmes h thc rEport In thrt<br />

you do not 8p€fuy thc nuEber ol th6<br />

lalvlsort ooTmttt€€,<br />

,whlc1 18 ssretlrlnl<br />

Itrndemental.<br />

I!tr. BO(}ES of Florlda. U tha gentletnm<br />

wlil p€flblt mc to say !o, I w'.U<br />

Ilouse Debate<br />

dlsigrr. Tlth httrr very dellnlteb, bc.<br />

ceust lf we were to s8y th8t ther€ Ehould<br />

bo onllr 13, s we orlclnfrly Intended, then<br />

you wlll heve group8 conlng In tlret wmt<br />

to be menHoned &nd rEpresefltcd Bnd<br />

pefb8pE should bc, \[rbt we hav8 dono<br />

ls to tske I roL$onEble cours, lratlnl<br />

peopld who ought to be conslderod lor<br />

membershlp, <strong>and</strong>. lervlnS Et tlr6 dlscrotlon<br />

ol the Eecretary the rlsht to erp<strong>and</strong><br />

on lt.<br />

Mr. PICI{LE. ft seetrrs to mc thBt tlrc<br />

gentlemtrn 15 mek|lrC atl Arunrnent whlch<br />

ts Jut thc opposlte of thc polnt he ts trylng<br />

to Ef,h.c. If you put a Eptr|flc llmttf,tloD<br />

on lt, then h6 Flll eppolnt that<br />

many end no mott.<br />

Mf. ROGERfI ol Florlal|. It m8y ba<br />

tbat thc S6cretsry le€lr he vl,Irts cdrtali,<br />

on6 on It, entl wc do not Fttlt tO dO<br />

anythln8 thet rrlll reEtrlct htB. Er Eli<br />

wmt r nmb€r'ol rutomobllt Elen on<br />

It <strong>and</strong> mne u.s€d-csr ptrpb on tt fird<br />

mm6 truck equlpment murulrctutera<br />

'We do not kDor y6t wbo wlll bt lUlpiul<br />

to hln Ln thls sdvlsory crllrdttr, Ibr!<br />

dl,orr blm tbc ltexlblllty ol dolng wbrt-<br />

GyEr rr b.cct!8ry snd spprcDrtrtc lor r[<br />

rdYl5ory coE6lttG6.<br />

l{r. PISELF* ff,r. EFE|trf. I thlDt<br />

.thL b r deflclcncr sDd lt outht to h<br />

ds!.blt V atetcd fr to thr nuDbr tbrt<br />

6[pgl{ [6 6s t]rlr Advl$ry COUEEIL<br />



Mr. STAO'oERS. Mr. SpeEtcr, r yleld<br />

guch tll'l6 eE he Eray coruume to the gantleman<br />

fi96 IllJEo|! tMr. SFiutcErl.<br />

Mf. SPRINOER. Mr. Sptater, thcn<br />

verc lou.f rubdtantlvc dltrefencH bctvc€n<br />

L\6 EcEatG verslon ol ruto Erf66r<br />

EDd t.llft rhlch Ea, consldcrEd by our<br />

commlttc. rnd ptrs8cd by thlr l{our6. Ol<br />

tho[e four dlllerrncrl thrcc FGr6 ec*<br />

cepted rhrcat enttr6ly lntact bv ttrc gsaste<br />

codcrcel,<br />

' 'rho drrt of tba86 rEs tbe lncotporatloD<br />

l[ th ruto lfl€W blll of prcvlston|<br />

d€altn$ vlth Urt rstctt rnd Urcludlns r<br />

urllora grdtrarylt m. Whfb lt lr trut<br />

tDrt B. 36Ce dcdt wtth thc prEblcEr d<br />

ttr8 lrtott rJrrl h ggncri.l terdr csTtred<br />

tho rr,Ea gmuDrl ra tb6 gour6 rssnrt-<br />

|bant4 lt ru th mnylodor of 'our coE-<br />

Eltter, |r coEilrudl by th,r body, ttrt<br />

uE nrrfr lcslr|luon b€Ionsed proD.rv<br />

|. irrt rbd !tt!d oa uto rdaF. lPr<br />

fdt.rrm rDd rUtr 60, tlbt tba flrc Erfctil<br />

DrDvblmr of E.B, ll8lt iGFc rilrtlsu-<br />

IirV yill Errddd r,nd wottbt oil rdoptloE"<br />

rnd I rE hrppt to rcport thrt tbct<br />

wcFG rcc.Dtd.<br />

Ttr rccoual dtftronce ol conrequcncs<br />

ln tbe IIoUE btU wia that strtton whlch<br />

crcst+d r Ttrfic Ealciy ABency tn th6<br />

DepartBent oi Coffierce or ttrt ltcpffit-<br />

Eent ol Tta$sportatlon u ttra cH mey<br />

br. It Eo€mr hlably d6dt8ble to conrtntilt6<br />

|[ o[re plac. und,Br s hl8h-loyrl<br />

idB|[lEtrBtor sll dt thcs6 adtlvltles dertlns<br />

Eltlr rutoEobue snd trat[G s8lety.<br />

ThI! DrovtrloE wu rcoeptrblo to ill ilf<br />

t.l.a mnfcna, ud wc lel thrt tt greatly<br />

BtEngth?b! tht conlennct Yeralon<br />

Thlch, ll rr4cpt 4 rill sbort'ly bctdE6<br />

lsw.<br />

Is my Fer$nrl optr{on th6 thlrd iltfference<br />

corotltut€d the BEstett chrnac<br />


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