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eport to the congregs hls recomnendatlons<br />

for B lormula for futrd apportlonrf,ent<br />

ln future yeBr8. A Btste's hlshway<br />

lunds mey tt€ reduced l0 percent efter<br />

Jenuery t. 1008, It the StEte herr not<br />

Etoved to lnltltute B progrem lor hlghwBy<br />

EBlety under thlE tlt'le.<br />

In developlns the unlform performance<br />

rtenalsrds end crltefla, the Eecreteiy l8<br />

r€qulred to work rtlttr 8t8te offclals bnd<br />

other lntete8tcd publlc 6nd prlvate qrgenlzrtlont.<br />

Other Feder8l aEencle8 EEy<br />

Elso be con8ulted.<br />

The Eecretary ts dlrtct€d to u8e fund!<br />

mfide avEllable lor the purpo8e ln m$klng<br />

grsnts to promote teteerch lh Eafew<br />

to Btete, prlvBt€, or Fbderrl aEencles entl<br />

orronlzetlons. IVpeB of prolecta lor<br />

whlch funde wlll be avallable lnclude:<br />

Plr8t, rer€arch fellowshlps; Eecond, tr8lnlru<br />

of lrlshwril lsfety peftonnel; rnd<br />

thlid dehorrrtrrtlon proJectt.<br />

A NBtlon8l Hlghw8y Etsletv Advhorv<br />

Comhltt€€ b stabltshed ln tlre D€pertment<br />

of Commerce. the El€cretary 18<br />

chatmran; ?0 members, apPolnted bY<br />

t'he Pr€stdent. sre to be selected ae lollows:<br />

6 Govetnors, or [rfyor8 of Ef,Jor<br />

clue6, t pubuc EtlmlnlsSrf,tor8 ln the fleld,<br />

{ from afiected lndustrlff, I auto englneer,<br />

I hlghway englner, I trst0c cnglne€r.<br />

4 re8eBrch eientlsts, <strong>and</strong> I flom<br />

the generel publlc. The Commlttee will<br />

Bdvlse, oonrult wlth, bnd mBke recommendauon8<br />

to the Eecretary, review re-<br />

8€anch pro8tatns, snd revlew prlor to<br />

lggrr,*nce t'tl€ Ferlodnsnce $t8ndBrds f,ird<br />

crlt€ili the 8€ctetery lE requlred to<br />

The APEAKER pru temporr. mthdut<br />

objcctlo,n, the prevlous queltlon lE ordered.<br />

T116 r€Boluflon sas agreed to.<br />

A motlon to recon8ldet ses letd on the<br />

trble.<br />



Mr. EtTAgGmA. Mr. Speeker.I movc<br />

ttrst the Houae rcrolve ltrell lnto thc<br />

Cohmlttee ol tJre Whole Houte on tlre<br />

Btete ol the IInIur lor tJre oorr8ldet8tlon<br />

of the blu (II.R'. 13228) to pmvlde lot<br />

I coofltlnated nstlonBl Eafety<br />

edt6bU8h.<br />

Authorlzstlonr under thla new chapter<br />

ar€;<br />

Flr!t,. For the ettlng up ol Etat€<br />

iltety progr8ms <strong>and</strong> ttle aettlru of<br />

stsndards ol crlterlai 155 Ellllon lor<br />

tlac8l 196?: 180 mlllton tor RBcal 1008;<br />

*80 hlluon lor nscal 1969.<br />

ftmond, For the ptotrbtr ol 8ttnt8 ln<br />

the neldr ol rcrcsroh 8nd trElnthg: ll0<br />

mtluon lor nscel 106?; 120 mllllon lor<br />

flrc8l l06E: 125 mlulon for flrcBl 1009.<br />

Tte hlchwsy trust rund cf,nnot be<br />

used to piovlde lunds tor the progrEm ln<br />

rn f,bount whlch erc€eds I percent ol<br />

tlrc cuffent erclsG t8r on motor vehlcleg<br />

plus rddltlonal a'urount , ell ol whlah ere<br />

rpproprtstcd ttom ttrE gen€rsl lund to<br />

ttrrG bl8hTtf, trult lund lor anch Dur-<br />

DOrCr.<br />

An fnnuEl rtsott to tltc Congr6lt on<br />

Maich I lr requlred.<br />

Ttrere are no rrrlnorlty or salalltlon8l<br />

Ylew8.<br />

I would tltc to comment rt thlr potnt,<br />

te the EentlemBn rrom Clllfomla dld,<br />

ttrat I belleve we art ln t.he rl8ht dlrtct'ton<br />

wtth thlE blll 8nd loohlnc lotward<br />

to havttll st<strong>and</strong>,rr{&€d 8p€Gd Umtts ltt *U<br />

ol our 8tstd8. Thcre I pcrson lGf,vlng 6a6<br />

BtBt6 Bnd dflvln8 on the Int€Etatr 8yttan<br />

csn bc Scrr€d to B Ertsln 8ptrd.<br />

Ttrle ln my oDlnlon wUI promote tr8^f,c<br />

sslcty End rtducc atrldenta. ThlE 1,8<br />

spplloable not only to psdscnger ctr8 but<br />

to tructsr e3 well'<br />

Mr. Bpe0kcr, I know ol no obJectlon<br />

to th6 nrl6, <strong>and</strong> I ursc tbat lt bc Bdopt€d.<br />

Fffervlfls the balance ol my tlme, I hEve<br />

no lurttrcr reque8ts fot tlrne.<br />

Mr, BIE|E, Mr. Bp€Bker, f ur8e adoptlon<br />

of the Esolutlon. I move the prevtou8<br />

questlon.<br />

progrEm<br />

<strong>and</strong> e8tobltshment of rsfety st<strong>and</strong>ard!<br />

tor rDotor yehlcles tn lntcrrtatc commerce<br />

td reduce tr8lnc 0dctal6nts Bnd tbc<br />

dertltr, lnjurtca, ffid prop€rw drnrEsG<br />

$hlctr mcur ln such [ccldehts.<br />

The EPEAKEI3 pno tempoE. Is theru<br />

objectlon to tfie rcquest of the FentlemEn<br />

fm West Vlrelnls?<br />

There wro no objectlon.<br />

Th6 SPEAI(ER pm tc|EFort. ThG<br />

questlon ls on the motlon of,ercd by thc<br />

gentletnen from Weat vlrglnle,<br />

Tlre tnotlon wtr lgrftd to.<br />

Itr THE COIXIIEE d 'gI SHru<br />

AccordlnRly, the Houe reslved lt8cll<br />

lnto the Cmmltt€e of the Whole Hou3e<br />

on the StBtc of the Unlon tor th€ conslderatlon<br />

of the bul H.R. l3l?8. wtth<br />

Mr. DArrDARro ln the chelr.<br />

The Ckrk EEd the tttle ot the blU.<br />

By unEnlmoua consent, the llrst ftidlng<br />

of the blll wra dkp€n8ed wlth,<br />

The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, thc<br />

gentlemen f rom f,Iegt vlrFlnlE tMr.<br />

BTAcdERsl wul bf roeofrltzed lor l|6<br />

hours end the gentlemEn lrom llllnol!<br />

lMr. EpRrNcf,R.l wlll b€ recoanlzed for<br />

I rA hour8,<br />

Tt€ Chalr rucoFnlzea thc BentlertrBn<br />

lrom ltrlest Vlrglnla.<br />

Mr, $TAOgE{t, Mr. Chslrzrrn, I<br />

yleld iny8€lf l0 mlnuter,<br />

Mr. Ctralman End MeEberr of th6<br />

Comnrltter, I mtgbt sarr nr8t th8t thls btU<br />

csme out of our commltt€€ glth s unanlmous<br />

vot6. We hsd l8 dByB of heafln8!<br />

<strong>and</strong> l? dByB of executlve se8alont marklnc<br />

up the blu. I beueve that 6very 8ent€nce<br />

<strong>and</strong> svery sotu Tea gone over very<br />

c*retully.<br />

Tt|e comElttce cams out wlttr I bUI th6<br />

members thou8ht wBB B sood blll fot thl!<br />

l<strong>and</strong> ol outB.<br />

Meny thlhg8 hrye b€€n sald about tho<br />

blll. but rone ol thogc who talt sbflrt lt<br />

do not underst<strong>and</strong> thEt lt ls E peckra6<br />

prograrn- Ttle other pErt comeB out ol<br />

the Pubuc WorEB CoEJmlit€e <strong>and</strong> lollows<br />

thl8 bUl. OrlElnsuy, when lt came to the<br />

Htll. thl8 w85 connEctcd wlth our blll, but<br />

tt wsE dlvlded up by the ParU8mentarlBn'<br />

becsuEe ol the dlilerent Ereas of Jurkdlc'<br />

tlon. REAUy, tDls lE a packaae tr be conrldered<br />

togettrer.<br />

The btll we pre*Et to the Commlttts<br />

toclsy prlmerlly hs to do wlth ttre Banuracture<br />

ol caE End thelr perfoflnr.ooc.<br />

Eomeone hes sslal lt has to do wlth aleslgn.<br />

but we do not wBnt to 8et the de8lsrl<br />

Te w&nt to requltt the <strong>Sec</strong>retary to Edt<br />

p€rf oilrEnce st<strong>and</strong>8r(ls.<br />

f commend the blll to the Commlttee<br />

Bnd to the Memb€rs. becsu8e I belleve lt<br />

ha.$ been carefully worhed upon.<br />

716<br />


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