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trht to vhtch t#hnlcsl lDlorEatloa vd allB- wtth tnduky atrd ths FGdffel Tradc Comaehlnated<br />

to tllg sclGntlflc corlmulty lud blaBlon to the hsxlmu cxtent practleblg<br />

corl$cr-orlented lblomf,tlon ws EAdo t! Gnorta to cllElmtr dffiptlve sd dDJuevatlable<br />

tp the botoHhg pubIc.<br />

"(b)<br />

Ttre rcpoft rqulred by subtectlou<br />

lDg tlre<br />

ues,<br />

DMehcletule ffid ruketlDE pr8c-<br />

(s) of tblE EctloD<br />

ot]reDd8uoru lot<br />

ahell contstD Sucb rrc-<br />

AddliloD8l lGglElatlon E<br />

,,TnLE E*ACCDEM AND NJnr<br />

AND ru6T rlcEny<br />

us$rcq<br />

l!:*TJ,!:H^J-!i*1"_":Eif,,:"it"ff"T"""-fff<br />

"*",f;i "',li;Jil,""fg-H"": f"L*r"";"",j:<br />

ImproveEeit ol tIBAc Blc<br />

Etreilgthen<br />

trpn,<br />

tbe Biilonal t.on""LriTori<br />

Y$tlBa.tlon <strong>and</strong>.Btudy of the neec lor I fetl-<br />

lty or l4tltttes to coDduct reEffir(ill' dcvelop-<br />

- "sEc. rar. (r) rtse t, ""tbgy_"q_g * ;l,T:;.X"ff#,i:'J*;"*tieT",:fi',t" L:Tt"o,tt*l:<br />

apFroprlated lor the purpe "1.:llTl"f$l<br />

i.ii, -*^i"-rvl'i,-"ir,orrzed by lew, <strong>and</strong> reeqih.<br />

thE provElon6 ol tn& tttlr, other thaD thH . ' ,<br />

tstlnR relatln8 t4 the<br />

Elared ro rJre !6Jery, Dor ro er"*d ;i;-pffr,frfr -d^"i^".Ypit*:-::d<br />

tor n&Bl y€ar<br />

"r<br />

re67.<br />

trdtrhlnerv u'ed on<br />

t12.m0,0o0 #'#;i"#; :it-q ,asrtcultual<br />

196E, End s23.00o,ooo r." tn" nrli ilii't'#;,<br />

yqYlv-"irltr-,mnntctlon Elth the Balbt*-<br />

<strong>and</strong> runds epproprrat€d *o", tiii i,iilr'oiitr ill}i:rt"l'tl,Xlyi !:";:";*f}X;;ili?,Tj:<br />

Ehell remalD avBll8ble untll cxpcnded.<br />

'<br />

""A-""*""o.r.q.+i!'il:ii-'rpr'-:iffi<br />

;i,:**'if, ."#-;h't",1',L"ln-?Eff<br />

vl8loDa ol thi8 tltle telated to tL<br />

gress Dot Jster th*n Deembcr 31' 196?' aucb<br />

utle rr, noi to.xceed 12.900.000;;;;;i;;<br />

196?. <strong>and</strong> tl,450,ooo pfr fisal<br />

::-:":::'::: rop()rt shall lDclude but Dot be umlted to (1)<br />

lsol yess<br />

en lllventory ot af,EtlDg cepebtutteH' equlp-<br />

1968 End 1969,<br />

"sec, l2z. The prcl'tsloE<br />

*"".1'<strong>and</strong> facllltleA' etther publlcly or-prl-<br />

ol this tirle to<br />

v4tely "tl$. "t- opernted' whtch could be<br />

ctrilflcatlon or motr)r venrctm r;id il;;s';<br />

H',ilxt-f,Tfdl:<br />

H:%Hlt'#'"""THt*l*it*kf nr;:ffi gHi]1"'""1i'"!:'ii.'"ti.ff ii!H'#<br />

tuail! r'ined under ffiilon ros oi"il';1il'r": ili"l;slf,jllilf,jfi:"::t"ti,l"1if"]'J,'"?*<br />


"6Ec, ,01. In all staDdards lor pneuEatlc<br />

for any recomheUded la(lltty or faciliileE, (3)<br />

prellmln8ry plans. EPeclficHtl(tLc, <strong>and</strong> dragtlrs<br />

establtahed uDder tltle I of t!i8 Act, th6<br />

Etrretary Ehill requlrt thst tlres nbjrct<br />

Llrtrcto be pemansDtly md coDsplcuougly<br />

l8beled Flth Buch Hfely lnforhEilon s h;<br />

dctermine8 to be nHesarv to csry out the<br />

purpo*$ of tbl6 Act- Such lEbelirg 6hau<br />

lDgs for Euch recommeDded fBcIUty or tMtlttteB<br />

(tncludlngmaJorreserrc)r' develoFmeit,<br />

aDd te8tlDg equlphent), EDd (4) the e6il-<br />

Eatad mst of thc recomendHl Blte6, lscil-<br />

lttes, <strong>and</strong> equlpEeilt.<br />

"SEc.<br />

303. I'here lA heleby suthortzed to be<br />

lncludF<br />

"(1)<br />

sultEbl€ ldehttflcdtlob df ths manu-<br />

BppRlpristed<br />

luvcstl8atlon,<br />

uot to exctrd $3,000,000 lor the<br />

Etudy, BEd lepdrt euthorlzed<br />

l#tuct, tr In the cse of a reheaded tlre by thls tltle- Any fuds Eo apploPriated thf,ll<br />

aulteble tdenttfl€tlon ol the retreeder, E-<br />

lS the tlle @Dtabc E brmd ffi Otllef<br />

than the DAme ol thc maEuJrctuer<br />

T 15193<br />

cse lt Ehall alBo contAln B code rurk Thlch<br />

would pEr'lt the Elrtr or "t.u frI" tiI"ll<br />

tiry the mf,hurtrrurer therrcr ;iil;;chMr<br />

upon bls rcquest.<br />

remain Evatl8ble untll expended.<br />

iTELE rV_NATToNAL DRMB ruqr$p8<br />

.,sEc. ,[01. '--' The Act enut]ed.An Act rd pro.<br />

. .-i- :l-<br />

Dcportment ol oom-<br />

11:-r-"I-"5$^"51.1n-the<br />

Ehall be ltsted the namc' ot<br />

tT!,",tt,IllJ:h<br />

certaln Ferts'tls who htrvp had thelr uotor<br />

.,(2) the mmF*rtron sr trre materr8r "*. JiyJti":ffi1:T,X<br />

jf,1?X"Xo'"t1X1*r:%e;fit<br />

In thc ply ol th6 tlre.<br />

..-';irl'ai;<br />

octuJ n.-uer or plreE rD tu"<br />

f;;sr"!1$"3.oote)'<br />

ls lterebv omeDded to resd<br />

uc<br />

.,({) the hsrdmu permrssrbre rmd ror tr" ,-ff*ot :l'" -ff.1""1T,""<br />

T ,T*r*J:?*rHH}t ff;<br />

ilre-<br />

,.(s) B rEcltal t].at trre<br />

to lrtm bv a 3tet4'<br />

ilre coEloBa t" ::t^,1tt*l;t-d.",ll,report€d<br />

Federal DlDlhffi "tr" p".ror^"u-#.-.#"fi<br />

Frbdlvlslon thereof ir6 {n lDdlYld-<br />

:-l^Pllll"sl<br />

arda, excGpt tbar rn ri e u' or *, "i ti<br />

li:l;-!"d: ;,:l,"il,llff ffi l J'Jn:H:i.=.:lli"%ff t;<br />

:ru",ITI'T#JJ"-XT!T*::IJJ|",J:1,","3%T<br />

F. l"::.ll'l""tl."gg;*i..:i"j."""1'::tf"'""i<br />

retreaders who comply *lttl 6uch "Tl9.nld";<br />

The Srcretsy nray requlre tbat_.addltlohal<br />

Earetr rersr+d tntorm&tion o"<br />

the puchaser of a tlre g,t the tl *uf:tffifl<br />

the ure,<br />

* *'<br />

,-o-o*""foc uf"f"ilooE ) sn tndlvldual,E llcese<br />

o" *..',;;";l6ly'at uri"ffe*i to omrate a Botor venlcle,<br />

trre requrEt of a state, a<br />

polltlcal Eubdlvlstob therrcf. or a Federil da-<br />

,,sE(: 'oz rn Bt'ndard' Btabrr:hrd =g:: XlJfl""Llfl1,fig;l;J;fl,l'Hilirff-"lil'"ii,,,'tl:<br />

ffile I of thlE Act the $€retuy shall- rcquke<br />

airliiiJ ,i"'ili the flrFt EecrloD or thlE Ac!,<br />

that GAch moto! Tebltle bf, equppcd by<br />

-tll aru ructt tniometton etr8lt be rED!8hsd dly<br />

manulactruer d by thc p*"hryI_il::*_t_<br />

_t-t to it" "equestG psty Bnd only wlth r$p€ct<br />

uc tlm6 ol the flEt purchse thereol in<br />

ET-d to ;;l;ai;io*r"uirpudroii"io'-oloi ,rlr"r"<br />

lelth ftr other<br />

rHle, u'lth<br />

_pufpq.l-<br />

.ttrah<br />

oi*""aoE -',;;sE;. Gire oi p"ro,ft.<br />

tlres whlcl. me€t the hsxlml$ perrdslble<br />

g.-lF Eed ln tbls Act, the t rm<br />

I@d 6t*ndsdE vbon Euch vehlcte k, fu-lly ,S*i;joJfra"]u "och of tlre 6evel4t Ststes, rn6<br />

El"':""t'1.S"-1_#_qilH"1"fiF1:#ff<br />

:S,"tnnln:'A*:",*i""ru";$:"?',:'ff :<br />

&ble aEouht ol lu88rFc,<br />

CuEl zone. <strong>and</strong> Ahen€E g@o8-' .'<br />

"6Ec- 803. Ia ordGr to BlEt tbe ffiEer<br />

to rFtre a[ lnlormed cholce ln t]r€ puchtue The SFEAI(ER. The questlon ls on<br />

o! motor vehlcle Ur#, wtthtf, tso yesB slts the motlon Of the gentlelnm from WeSt<br />

the eDachent ol thl6 tltle. the <strong>Sec</strong>Ftsy tr{E{6t6 ' ---J1'-::<br />

Bhsll, ttrough at<strong>and</strong>sdE stablEhed uder<br />

--. -- .<br />

flue I ol tht8 Act, prtscrlbe oil"t**, "ltt The motion.wa8 asreed td'<br />

p"trrirt rn thc Fedeiel negrstei, a unitorm The Senat€ blll was ofdered to be ft8'd<br />

qu*ltty gaaing 8y$tem lor Eatpr veblcle A thtrd tlme, WA.s re8d the thlrd t'lltle'<br />

tlrrs. Such dder rhBll 8p€ctiy tlre dat€ such ard DEssed, Bnd tr motlon tO feconsldef<br />

*T<br />

lHT"l"{*f":t"'-t1-s,#li'fl1'*rllH ffi'il lli#Til (H.R. ,szz') was<br />

rs trdcd. t'ho -socrctrry rh&ll Els coopffit€ leld on the table.<br />


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