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trleflou td tbr drilH ot lucb Eilu.trctuer<br />

il puctrrren Ed uffi ol iucb @u_<br />

fetwra pEduct rcSEdlng tli tdrt6bE<br />

of coFtctlon ol uy dtfftt lI motor ychtelH<br />

or lt hl Of Eotot ychlcl. rqutPmtEt U dc-<br />

Ilyerid by ruch unul:Actu*. Il thr gerotary<br />

detefrlDcr thct Buch drf*t 16 i hfcty<br />

delect ht thall rivlew Fltb th6 ruUlrCtUfrr<br />

the dctlan<br />

*compll8h<br />

t&.kED Md Fropsed to bo bken tO<br />

etrectlv. Dotticsuofl ot puchilcB<br />

aDd utcru, Il th6 MtloD taktE sd prop@ed<br />

to b. tsttn by the mEDulkturE Flth<br />

resprct to a s8Jcty deltrt tr lnBdequtr to<br />

Mffhpll$h eftrtlyr notlicat on of pMhufl<br />

ud u.E, th6 <strong>Sec</strong>retsy rhgll Ordet tho<br />

Emufrcturcr to tEtre such furtb?r stswe!<br />

na ere retron8blo<br />

pllab Eucb notlca<br />

aDd ntresary to ffiOE-<br />

aDd, ll th6 m8Duletufer<br />

de8 not comply prffiptly Flth such order.<br />

s tUjunctton to comIEl smpltEuco mqy bo<br />

su8ht ln 8trardMco wltb th6 prcvktou dt<br />

tfttlon lto(e) -<br />

'fh6<br />

SftrGtsy m8y determlDG<br />

aJttr Buch revlcw Eh.tha|f publtcatton<br />

by him ol th6 Infofratlon mnhlntd Lr Buch<br />

notlcer, bulletlnt, comunlcatloDa relsttng<br />

to B FBlety delEt filI<br />

substaDtlAl Addttloncl<br />

result lD.fftttDg i<br />

nlmtE! ol conetlona,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ll the <strong>Sec</strong>retary so detcmlne8, h6<br />

shaD dlaclfte td the publtc s lhucb ol th6<br />

lEforh8tlon cont{lned ln sucb EOilCt! Or<br />

otbcr lnfmstton obtflthed uudcr rfttloE<br />

ll?(a) u he snsldeB ntreEssy tor such<br />

FrurIEc, Tb6 SftrttarT ahEll Dot dbd66<br />

Eny tEfonfl*iloh whleh @nt$lnE or lelstfi to<br />

E tmdc E€crot Ot other matte! retered to lE<br />

A*tloD lgod of tltle 18 of thr IJnIt€d Stat6<br />

Codo UEIe$ he det.mlnes that such dtrcltrulo<br />

It nftffiAry lor such<br />

"grf.<br />

FrurpffstI{.<br />

Ev.ry hsnulactufet or dlrtrtbutor<br />

Ot a hohr vehtclc or rotor yehlcle<br />

equlpmtnt Bhall lurnr8h to th. dlst{lb-<br />

Utor or dEAlet tt the tlme ol dellvery 6l<br />

such Yehlclr Or equtpment by stlch mUUl#twr<br />

or dlrtrlbutor thr crltltlcatto[ t}lft<br />

efth Euch vCblClO or ttem Ol SOttr yehtel6<br />

equtphdnt coDjotu to all Etrpllcabli ltedeBl<br />

hotor "ehldlo aafcty rt<strong>and</strong>8rdr. In tbe cae<br />

ol an lt€E of Eotof vebtcli rqulpEent Nch<br />

Ccrtl6d*ti6n hay be tn the lom ot E label d<br />

tdF ou luch lt+h or on th6 outEldc of r SEtatner<br />

tu wbtc_h tucb lt E lr deuyerrd, D<br />

th. ese o! E Botor VCblClo rucb crrtlicAtlol<br />

thBll bo ln th6 foru dl r lab.l ot tcg pcr,<br />

Eancnilt aEred to ruct hotor erblcir,-<br />

"sEi<br />

116, 1t6 8$r.tsry BhqU csrry out<br />

th. prcr|llfir dl tht6 Aft tbrou8b s }{ailoul<br />

Tt8dc Sstrty Agebsy (b$rlna(tcr rcterrd<br />

to u th?<br />

"AA;ncy"),<br />

Fhtch h6 6hall Utrb-<br />

Itrh tu thg DrpartE6nt ol Cdmmercr- Tt6<br />

ABebct lball b6 h6Aded by I ltrllc SEtGty<br />

Adstnlitrstor who rhsU bd sppotDtd by<br />

th6 FrEtdcnt, by rnd wttb th6 tdytco sDd<br />

coB&Bt ol thG Seust6. EDd !ha[ b6 6Dpctr-<br />

$trd at tho Et6 prctcrtbed fdf tryGt V d<br />

th6 FL.dcEl Erftuttvc galary Schcdulr crtrbltEbr{<br />

by th6 FrdcHl Er#uflv. SrlrT Act<br />

ol lge{. Th€ AdBtqlrtBtot lhrll ba r dtf_<br />

zeil of-th" Enlted ststd, Bbd lhalt ba rIr.<br />

pollt6d ytth duo regerd tor htr dtEE td<br />

dlrcbrrTr cttrclently thc pdsEr! End thr dutlH<br />

deletrt { to blh punurDt to thU Act, Th.<br />

AdhlntrtEtdr 6hrU hrva !o prcuDlrry tnt$r<br />

elt ltr or m aby ttftt tD or bondt of rtry<br />

r[trrpfl.i6 hyolvrd lE ( 1) ffiufMturtE8<br />

Eotor vthlcld tr hotor vGhlclo CqutpEGDt,<br />

or (3) coutructlnF btghsF, nor sall b6<br />

m8aSo lD aDy othcr bulDtil, vlntloD. or<br />

lHtloyttcbt. Tbr AdElnlrtntor 6h8ll parforE<br />

rucb duttd E m acI+artirl t+ ttm ly<br />

th6 accfttrt-<br />

"AE.<br />

116. Hottrilrf obtrt[Gil hrEn rbrlt<br />

b6 d#mGd to crcEpt lffi thr EUtnEt lsf,<br />

dl tho llblt d Strtd uy FEduct th.t huld<br />

otlarglt| ba udrrtul uDdd mcb IrE, tr to<br />

pftblblt rda tb. utlkuft tan oi thd<br />

Ilbltd Atrti E 6E.tuct ttrt wld lr<br />

llvful uldtr frcL hir,<br />

'8fr.<br />

-<br />

r17. (r) Thri'Act<br />

to psfl{tr ttrt Dylllrulla<br />

.bil!I.d<br />

'AE<br />

act<br />

bEtr !ur4 Erd *<br />

.trrpp.d lD coobacr lG t.l. tr rhdttr yF<br />

House Deban<br />

IldErhlll ErGt ertoln specllmtlom pb 19(i73<br />


ipproyrd Srpt4ilber 6. 1962 (?6 st&t- 43?;<br />

Pubuc I{E 8?*637). rDd tbc Act cbtltlcd<br />

'An Act to pbvldG tbrt klt bcltr sld or<br />

Ebtppd tn lnLnhtc coEEcM lor u6 ln<br />

Eotor v.hlclc! lbaLl Eet Ccrt8h Blcty<br />

rtBndsdr'. rpprcvcd DGc6Ebrr 18, r06il (??<br />

{ibt.3dr; Pubuc I4w 88*lol), si bcrebt<br />

repeBled-<br />

" (b ) Wh6vcr, Irrtor to t$6 datr of rnact-<br />

EeDt ol ihlr rfftloD. knofrnBly Ed FtUtuuy<br />

trtollt+s sy psvtsloE ol laT rcpcalrd<br />

by lub4cttoE (al of tbla Htlon, s.hall bc<br />

puDl8hcd lD rccordaDc6 wlth tbe prpvlEloil<br />

ol luch Iowa s ln etrEt oD tbe d8te Euch<br />

YlolEtIoD #u€d.<br />

"(c) AU rtrDdsrdr lsurd udGr rutbortty<br />

ol tbc lawr rcpc8lcd by rubHttou (E) ot<br />

thlE EciloE vblch are lE ?tftt rt thr flmr<br />

thl! rfttloD tatr6 ctect, lhall coatlDue lD<br />

ctrEt u lf thcy h8rl beD rtrrcttv€ly lsuld<br />

Eder 8trtloD 103 Etll MeDded or revohed<br />

by thc EwretAFy, or B durt ol cohpcteut<br />

JufiEdlctlou by operBtlon ol las.<br />

"(d) Any pr@eedtDg rel&tlDg to Ey prr<br />

ylEloE ol lew repe8led by 8ub*ctlon (8) ot<br />

tblr.ccdon whlch lA IEDdlng at tih. tlBc<br />

tht! Ectlon takes efiect rhBU bt coDunued<br />

by th; S€crehry s tl tbl8 EectloD had not<br />

been aDtrted, sd orders lFtued lh iny 6ucb<br />

prcc!.dlng ahsll contlDur lD ef.ct u ll tbcy<br />

hEd been efrectlvely lBucd Udtt tfftloD<br />

103 untll smended or reyokrd by tle BGcrrhry<br />

ln accorducG wlth tb-l8 tltlc, ar by operetloD<br />

ol law.<br />

''(e) The reptelE made by lub€ectton (a)<br />

ol tblx Bectlon ahnll Dot etrect eny sult,<br />

BdUon, or other Fr(Eee lEg laFtully cofr-<br />

Benced Dnor to the dEte tblr rEtloD tsl'u<br />

etect, aDd all ruch rulb, mtioE, EDd prcceedln8E,<br />

shaU b€ contlDued, prEcedlDgt<br />

theretb had, eppeal8 thereltr taken. aod JudB'<br />

belltE tbereln reDdered. h the Esme bBoher<br />

sd Fttb the affie ef#t as lt tbl6 tectlon<br />

had not bccn enactdd. No rult, acttoE, d<br />

oth.r prftedlDB la*.fully com.Dc;d by or<br />

aSathst any a8ency or ofrcer ol thc unltad<br />

Stat.6 lD relaUoD t0 ilre dlEcharge Ol o6ctal<br />

dutle8 undEr aly proflaloD ol law r.ptal?d<br />

by Subtdtlon (E) ol tbl8.ectloD .h8ll abat<br />

by rcasD ol Eucb relEal, bui tbc court,<br />

upoD hotlon or Eupplemental FetlUoD i.lcd<br />

et EDy tlme Fttb.ln It montlrs alter tbc dat6<br />

of CneCthent ol tblE aectloD BhowlnE thG<br />

ntreslty lor thc aurvlval of 6uch ault, actlo!,<br />

or otbcr prft4edln8 to abtBln e Ettlement (rl<br />

tbe queBtloD8 lnyolvcd, Eey allow ib6 ffi6<br />

b be matntslDcd.<br />

"SEc. ll8. The <strong>Sec</strong>retary, ln elerct8ln8 thc<br />

Euthorlty uder thl8 tltlc,6hall uilltzc the<br />

EervlceE, rtEcBrch Bnd t€stlDE fecllltles ol<br />

other Fedelal dcpartHeutt tnd asebcle8 to<br />

tte had@@ stent pmctlcable ltr ordcr<br />

to avotd dupucatton.<br />

"sE.<br />

llg, Tbe Eecretiry lB authodzed to<br />

lsur, arGnd, Ed rcvoke tuch rul6 End te8ul*tlon8<br />

BB he deeru Drcesary to carry out<br />

thlE tltle,<br />

"SEc. rXo. (f,) Ttrr S+crehry rhell prepate<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eqbmlt td the PrHldent lor tBn8Erlttel<br />

to thr Cbngrcs on MErch I ol Hch year A<br />

cohFrihenEive report on the adrrlalatratlon<br />

ol thl8 Act fo! the pr$edlng calrndar yc&r.<br />

Euch reFdrt Ehall tnclude but not bG rertrlct.d<br />

b (1) a thorough .hilrttcal coEpllEilob<br />

ol th6 rcqldent6 ud lhjurle8 FcurnDB<br />

ln ruch year; (3) a llst ol FrdGBl Botor<br />

vehlcle Erfety ttBudafd8 prEcHbed or ln<br />

efirct ln Euch y4r: (8) the d.Errq of obgervance<br />

of appllcable ftderal motor vcblcle<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>ardr; ({ ) a summ8ry ol all curmt<br />

reBearch Frdf,k <strong>and</strong> cobtdck to8ether dth<br />

B d$crlptloD ol tbe probleu to bc conrldcrGd<br />

by Eqcb SrBbtd Ef,d dontrMt ; (5) an<br />

e[slyd8 <strong>and</strong> Gyrluatlo[, IncludlDg rclcvEt<br />

poUcy recoHEcDdstlor, of rssr$b acttvrtle8<br />

coEplrtad md tftbDologtcal DrogTcB<br />

Erl.yfd d|Ir|rl ecb tff; md (0) tbr E-<br />

783<br />

c<br />

$<br />

I<br />

':<br />

;<br />

,<br />

:.<br />

tl<br />

il<br />

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i<br />

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1<br />


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