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lffin<br />

"ac)<br />

rrt Blr cdnlnrt dt lnjuncflon prftccd'<br />

-<br />

uilr* tn6 oElorcemcDt or to rgralh vlohtrd-il<br />

ol tblr tttl6, ilbpcurr lor wltEffi who<br />

s6 r6qulrd to Bttctrd a court ol thi IIbItcd<br />

gtst6 ttr *Dy dt8trlct m8y ruu lnto atry othrt<br />

dbtrlct tn mY 81tch Proceedln8.<br />

"SE.<br />

111. (a) Il any hotor Yehlcl. or ltGE<br />

of dotor Yehlclo equlpment ts deteElncd<br />

not to codfom to lppucsblo F€derEl mot6}<br />

vehlclG sf,fety StaDdarda, or contgln! a delect<br />

whlcb relstec to hotdr Yehlclr rEfety, altor<br />

the sElr ol such vehtcle or lttE ol equlpmeDt<br />

by * m8nulecturer or n dletrtbutdt to a dt!tributor<br />

or h dcalet End prlor ti tho Eal6 ol<br />

6uch veblcle of ltcm of oqulpmGDt by sucb<br />

dl8trlbutdr ol dealer:<br />

"(1) 'fhe<br />

manul8cturet or dl8ttlbutot, 4<br />

tbo cs6 Eay be, Ebau tEEedlately rcprchgr<br />

8ucb. vehtcle or lteE df Eotof vchlcl6<br />

equlphent lrom Auch dlstrtbutdr or dealtr<br />

Et the prlce Isld by Aucb dl8lrtbutdr. m<br />

dealer, plu8 Bfl traDsportatlofl charBes lEvolved<br />

ind a re$otrabls relmbur8emeEt ol<br />

not leFs thsn I pelcentum per month of Eucll<br />

Drtce o8ld Drorated from the dat€ ol not'lc'<br />

Lt "uch nonconlormf,hce to thB dato ol re_<br />

purchtrd by ths maDulftturef or dlBttlbutdri<br />

ot<br />

" (1) In ths lrffi oi satDr vehlcls, th6<br />

msnur#tuer or dl8trlbutot, s th€ cae may<br />

be, at hlE oE expen#, th&U lffiedletely<br />

luDlsh tho plNhsalnB dlstrlbutor or dsal?r<br />

ths fcqulred cdnlorEltrg lttrt or- pfft<br />

. or<br />

lor tDtroductroE lDto lntcEt4ta @EEGru<br />

or orc hald lil sdr altcl Euch lntroductloE;<br />

Mrt (I) to tDrpdt' st rtsongblc ttm6 Ed<br />

-r*trh rumublc tlElt! sd lE r ruodNblr<br />

roEct, Such ietdfy, ErshdusG, (r 6tabllrhruDt.<br />

Eftb. Euch ltrapEtlo[ thall bo<br />

@ndeEcrd Md complrtrd vlth reuoDablc<br />

promPtnffi.<br />

' "(c)<br />

S"ery Eanulrcturu ol motor Yehlcld<br />

&Dd dobr voblcle equtltmcnt sb*U sbbUsb<br />

Md EslDtflu auch records, mak6 ru6h rotbrta.<br />

sDd pMldo such lDJorm8tion il thc<br />

ilrcremry may Eaonably requlrB td enablo<br />

blE to drt€mldo whethF Buch EEnUJ#tuef<br />

hq Bcted of lE 4ctlD8 ln EEpuauct<br />

wtth th18 tltle Md motot vGblclr sfrty<br />

st<strong>and</strong>Eda pffirlbEd puHusDt to tltlr fltlc<br />

snd ehall, upoD reque6t ol m otllcer or employe<br />

duly d$tBn*t4d by the g+crBry' pcr<br />

urlt Aucb. oflcet or oEploys to tEp#t ap-<br />

Drcpdato bdkt, pepen5, rtcord8, dd d$u-<br />

'ments<br />

rglsvMt to.lehrElnlng whetb.er Euch<br />

manulmtwr hs Mted or l! actlng lE wm*<br />

DllBf,cs Mth thls tltle end mobr Yehtcl'<br />

iefety atmdarde pr€cribed plEuBnt t4 tbla<br />

iltlG.<br />

" (d) Evcr9 huuletwer of Eotor Ychtcl;E<br />

ffid motor Yehlclo equtPmeDt EhEll<br />

prwldo to ths<br />

equtpm;Dt for tDstauatloB by the dtstltbuttr<br />

o aiater on or ln 6uch Yehlcle md for t'116<br />

tEtsllEtloB lnvolYed the Esulstuer thall<br />

telEbur6 sucb dlstrtbutor of d6eler ld t'ho<br />

re$onBbls valuc of sucb tn6tallstton plw B<br />

reMffiblo relf,buftemeDt of not lffi thm 1<br />

rr cntu pel honth ol the mMulRctu'tr's<br />

Lr dietrtbutq's EeIltnE prl6 prorBted lroE<br />

the dsta ol Dotlco ol Euch noDconlormuce tp<br />

tht dBta 6uch vehlclo lr brcuBht lnto coh'<br />

loffid E'lth &pptlcflbl' Federal stedf,rdr:<br />

h@litei4 hMM, ThEt th. dlshlbutor or<br />

deBler pts*dt {ltb naonsblc dlu8en4<br />

wltlr tho lrut*llatton alter the requtrGd pst'<br />

PArta - or equtPmeEt ile relYed.<br />

' (b) ID tho eYent MY m$ufactuer d<br />

orstrtbuts sball telu* to @mply *lth tno<br />

requlrmenta of pd8SraptE (f ) Md (2) of<br />

-<br />

aoi*tton (4), theE the dlEtrlbutor or dc*l6r'<br />

E thc cBEe m4Y bo, to whoE Buch DoncmftrEIDR<br />

vehtcla or equtpment bs bcen Eold<br />

Esv brtng $ult a8hlst Euch franufrcturer or<br />

dt8irlbuttr ltr dy dlstrtct @Et ol thG IIEIt€d<br />

ststo! ln the dtstrtct tn whtch Hld EBnUJMtlNl<br />

of dlstrtbutof re6ldes' tr It foud, or hu<br />

dtr EgEnt, *.lthout re6pHt to the mout iE<br />

mntrcveroy, ud sball rrcover th6 duEgG by<br />

hlh Eu8tsrned' s wcll B sll €Et cdtr plu<br />

ffiD8ble Ettorneys' fHs. AnY Ectlon<br />

brought pusumt to thlr Etrtlon shBU bc<br />

lorevir bmed unles coffien€d EtthlE<br />

tJrru Yffi Elter thr celm of etldu rball<br />

hrrl tacrusd.<br />

"(c)<br />

Th. Yalud of such ltrtsllatloB Md<br />

eucb iowsbte relmbusemuts I Ep*li6d<br />

lE rulB#tloD (e) ol thls Eectton rtrall bo flred<br />

by hutuBl BBrsEent ol tbe psUH, or f8lltrg<br />

tucb Egr*m.Dt. by tho couJt Plmuut to tht<br />

D$VtElou ol Bubtetld (b) ol thlr cecttm.<br />

'SE.<br />

112- (sI Tbs E+cEtsy tE authortz6d<br />

td @Dduct 6uch lEIHtloE lr ruY bo n#<br />

aw to eDJore Fcdtral leblclG F tty thd'<br />

rrda etabllrbed undar tbrr tltlc' IIe Ebru<br />

lwDlf,h thr Att,ffisy Ge#FAl a'Dd' wtren op'<br />

DrcDrtata, thb ELcrtf,ry ol th6 Trruuy uy<br />

inlometton obtdlErd .lndlBtlng tronc@pllr4d<br />

slth f,uch ltstlud!. for sDproprlut<br />

#tlotr.<br />

.,(bl Fof purpor6 ol dilffiEt d txl|<br />

'odccn<br />

utti.<br />

of tEployH dury<br />

d<br />

-dBl8st<br />

bv tb6 ItEetsry, upoE prHantFg 8+IF<br />

Dtrta credeEtJd8 {Id r filttttr trotl6 E<br />

'tba<br />

wn.r, o;nrrtc, or agGDt E "!lrs9' t-ct<br />

ruttroilued (1) ta riuif. lt rflosblt f,ffi'<br />

*y r*toty' irronou' tr 6trbllsb@[t lI<br />

vtfctr mts vthlcld or ltau or ffi. Yt"<br />

hlcto 6qdPment Ee Esuteturtd' dr laq<br />

gfttstsy auch perfr)dmce<br />

dFts <strong>and</strong> otbei t&bnlsl dab relBt+d to porlomEbcg<br />

aDd B*lety s Eey bc requtred -b<br />

€rrJr out tha purlote ol tht8 Act' Tho<br />

Sffretafy lr authort4d to requ-lte tlle msufMtscr<br />

td dvc such Dotlf,letton ol Euch<br />

dertffice Dd tshrilcsl dFta 8t the HEo<br />

ol odgfngl ltrNhtue t4 th6 flBt pergoD wbs<br />

purcbeu aEotor velllcle or tteE ot equlpment<br />

tor purpfls otbgr ths tEEle, M bo<br />

detGrtnes necrdll to cEry out ths plr<br />

pdd ol tJilt Act.<br />

"(6)<br />

AII lDJometlo[ report4d to of ot'her-<br />

Fls€ obtstDed by the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry d hta leprosef,tatlv6<br />

plrumt to 6ub6ectldn (b) or (c)<br />

whtch tnGffittot coDtalu or rclBtd to I<br />

trado Eecrtt or otbGr mEtter releded to lE<br />

$ectlon 1906 o{ tltle l8 d ttle UDlted Bbh<br />

Code, thall bo coEsldered coD-fldentlal lor tho<br />

Duffio ol that sdtlon, cxept tb*t 8uctr<br />

inrdrutron EBy bo drdtGed to otb'r ool-<br />

€E or #ploy*E mncemed wttb aarrlnn8<br />

mt thlr tltle or vb.en rEtwst tD a'iy pF<br />

c*dtDB uEd.r tJrlt fltls, Nothlb8 tD thl!<br />

EdtloD- thsU rutiortB thr sltbboldlB8 ol<br />

lntrottofl bY ths fLcret*rY G uY ofld<br />

oicrotovm oiuu Uft sDtEi. IFE thc duly<br />

sutho-rtzfu ddEElttets oJ tb6 Con8tE .<br />

'38,<br />

113- (B) EvrrY ffiul#tf,rer of hr<br />

tor ventcler shall lunlah notlfl€tlon ol My<br />

d6fwt ltr sy Eotor YehtclG s bot{r Yehlclg<br />

rculDEGEt prsducGd by Euch ttlsuJa'twa<br />

-irtcl n* aeterohel, tn Eood l8ttb, rel8ter<br />

t{ motdr Yeblalg sglety, to thc PwchMt<br />

(whero ksom to thr ffiuJ*turr) ol auch<br />

motor vGhlcls d motd veblclG rqulpfrcnl'<br />

wttbl[ [ r&Elble tts. f,ltar lucb ruDulffiturn<br />

tril d,tffivsr6d such dGl*t.<br />

"(b) T'lle noullcstlon requlr6d. by subiettoD<br />

' (B) thall tE mcompltshcd.-<br />

'rri tv certttrdd Edl to thr ltHt pucfraiei<br />

(not lncludlBE sy ded* ol Eucb<br />

manufeitu*1 ol ttrs idotor vehlclc o! hottr<br />

vthlcle equlp;acrt cortsttrlE8 Bucb I defwt'<br />

md tn enY eublequont Purcb#r to gElE<br />

lls bffi #uetcn-6d dnt *Mrtrty o[ tut-h<br />

Eotdf vGhlclo of mota vGhlclc rqulPm6Dt;<br />

sd<br />

.111 5y ortli€d Edl tr othE dott truadr't-t'oui<br />

mau- io tho dElcr 6 dcslcd d<br />

iuch -"dtr.r""i"q.ip-dut'w<br />

mnulmturgt to wh&[ Nch dtd<br />

i<br />

dcltvertd-<br />

"(c)<br />

Thr iotticattm. rcqutrert by tubrdtlon<br />

ial rbrll cantail s cl6r d#tlptrot tr<br />

Jg"n'ctr*t. -ti*n"<br />

a[ rrslurttol o't tha r'tt to<br />

i*f.tv rruodably frlatrd to ruclr dF<br />

-ttrtrm.on;<br />

f;i, ara r<br />

;f thr dffdd to Dr<br />

tII68 to repslr dcb dcf#t:<br />

. ,'(.tl Efcrt hiau.fsturlr of Eqld[ vts<br />

bfdb BhEIl rrift||Il to. th6 <strong>Sec</strong>ret5rt<br />

sroetly I tru6 rud rcpimltsttvr copy C<br />

iay ftiUm, bull6tb, n itt6 vrlttah 6EErl-<br />

782<br />


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