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Mlhblc ltr th6 purpflr ol ErtltrB ffit tbJ|<br />

tltlc.<br />

"(b)<br />

Thc Eccrctrry ts lutbdrlrGd tD conduct<br />

trB+arch, tstlDg, d6veloFEeDt, Nd<br />

tr8lDlDg s sutlrortzHt td b. mrlid out by<br />

rub{dtloh (s) ol ihrs BfttloD by utln8<br />

grantr lor tht cohduct of Euch rffarch. t€tlhg,<br />

deYclopmGDt, rhd thlnlbg b 8t!t+t,<br />

Intcrbta<br />

uotu.<br />

"gE,<br />

t{tucls, rDd<br />

lO7. Thc Sdffi$y<br />

nonprcit lufltu-<br />

tr tuthdrlEd to<br />

ldvl,rc, Blst, 4bd Cffipentc Ftth. othtt ||ed-<br />

6El delnftBent4 rEd ttencls, ahd Sht6 fntl<br />

oth+r lEierestcd publlc <strong>and</strong> pflvate EEenclC!,<br />

h tho plannlng <strong>and</strong> development of-<br />

"(1)<br />

Eotor vchlcle i$tety stEndBrd!;<br />

"(3)<br />

m€thods lor lsF{rtln8 Eod tsrtDg to<br />

deterblbe @Epllane stth hotor y.btcle<br />

Elety EtMd8rda.<br />

"6k,<br />

I08. (a) No F+Ma shsll-<br />

" ( I ) GDulMtue lor EAle, tEll. otrer for<br />

aalc, or lnttoduce or delleGr tor tntroduciloo<br />

ln lEteEt4h cohmerce, Ot lmport lDb the<br />

Unlted States, ey Eotor veblcle or ltem ol<br />

Eobr vehlcle equlpEeDt BMuiacturcd ob<br />

Ol 8lter the dah arl!'apPllc8ble Feder8l<br />

rutor vchlclc r8lety st<strong>and</strong>sd talft atftt<br />

rrsdcr tblr tltlG ublcs lt lf, ID coDtordtlty<br />

Tltb such Et<strong>and</strong>ud ar(*pt s pravlded ln<br />

.ub€ectloD (b) Ol thlt EctloD:<br />

"(e)<br />

lau or rGlE 8tras to or copytDg ol<br />

rrcorda. or f*tl to mLe rrport$ or prortdc<br />

lhlol.MtloD, or lill or rctu to tserrrlt entry<br />

or lEpfttloh, s rcqulred udEr r4ilon I l2i<br />

"(3)<br />

16ll b lrsuG I ertlicfta rcqutred by<br />

mtloD 11+, or lsue i ertlflcBte to the .firct<br />

thst a motor yehlclc €rtsluta lrrucrt bt th6 Euultrturtr tr lEportar<br />

ol ruch<br />

clo .qulpE.Dt,<br />

Eotsr ?chlclt or hotor rihl-<br />

td thr ctrct tA4t ruch<br />

or IEE of nrotot vehlcle<br />

rqulpmeDt cohloffi to 8ll rppllcsbl. FtdErBl<br />

hotor veblclF sal?ty tt4ndafdr, ll such p€rsf,<br />

ln the ererclae ol duG sE IDoEf or hs<br />

resoD to knoF tbst lucb ertlflett l! trlle<br />

or ElalesdlnE ltr r rutarlal re6pect:<br />

"(4)<br />

t8ll to furnllb Doflicailon ot sny<br />

delect s requlrrd by retloD lt3.<br />

"(b)(r)<br />

FBrBgrEpb (f) ol rubrerloa (a)<br />

rhall hot apply to thr Blc, thG ofcr lor sale.<br />

br ths tntroductlou or d6llvcry lor lutro'ductlon<br />

ln lbtirtat€ @rDEtrc6 o! aDy motor<br />

Y.hlcl6 or hobr vehlcle iqulpht$t Blt ! thc<br />

lEt purcbge ol lt lD Bood lElth lor purpfld<br />

other than re$le- I! ordcr to uurt i con-<br />

UDulng rDCl clltctlve nattoDal tr4frc sJety<br />

prq8rEm, lt l! thc poltcy ol coDBTeEr to eD-<br />

&umge <strong>and</strong> rboD8tbcn Ebt lEJorcaDabt ol<br />

8tat6 tUp#tlOE of utcd EOtOr yehlcl.a.<br />

Therelore to tbrt cbd tbG Eftretary lbBll<br />

@Dduct a thorough rtudy <strong>and</strong> lDv.atl8atloD<br />

to detetulbc tho Bdtquacy ol Eotor yehlclt<br />

ElGty rtrndrrdr Nd Eobr ecblclc t$pEtloD<br />

rcqulEmrDtr abd ptfteduft6 sppllcablc<br />

to ued Eotor vcblcld lD mh Statc. aDd thc<br />

ttEt ol proBr'ff autborlcid by tHu tltle<br />

uIsD Euch FtmdBrdB, rcqulreEeata, <strong>and</strong> procGdur.a<br />

lo! uGd Eotor Tchlcl.!, <strong>and</strong> rcport<br />

ta ConArw u ffi u lrrctlffible but not<br />

later thsn onG y6r rltar the date ol oDrct-<br />

Ernt ol thlr tiltlc, thc Hulta ol such rtudy,<br />

tud racotubchdBttou tor luch sddltlonal<br />

l6ElxlstloD M hG deE! [ReBaly b carry<br />

out the purpoEs of tbl{ Act, rir ffiD ag<br />

prsctlcable rJt.r tbr rubElsloD ol.uch rettrt,<br />

but ho lAtcr thBn olte yeqr lrom tbc<br />

dit6 of submhdoD ol rucb report, th. Eetctsry,<br />

altcr Fuult$tloD Ftth the couDctl ^Dd<br />

ruc.h lDtcEEtGd pubuq dd prlv4tn nf,lnclet<br />

Ed Etoups E bc d*d rdrla8bl.. Dhrll nBtEbltoh<br />

UUlfOffi ftdcBl Eoior tEhtCIt 4l6ty<br />

ItaadBrd! aFpllBble to ill u&d hotor vthlclu-<br />

Euch rtsdard8 rbaU bo crprcscd lE<br />

trtil ol Eobr y.blcl. Blcty lErlomscc.<br />

Tba BtrEtrry li tutborkcd to uGDd or rewl6<br />

ruch lt<strong>and</strong>ard. pMuant to tblr Act-<br />

"{l)<br />

PrI88Hph (l) ol tubsectlon (f) rball<br />

EOt rpFlt te EDy IEffb vbD HtsbIlBbE tbat<br />

h6 dld Dot lloE or hrYG rcun td klow lD<br />

liba crcrclac ol duc ffit tbrt ruch vchlcle ot<br />

ttaH ol Erotor v;hlch cqulFE.trt lr Eot lD<br />

oorlffilty fith rpPllcablt Ftdtrrl motor<br />

tablclr Blaty .trtdrtdr, or to uy IEndu<br />

;ho, prlof to dcb nEt lrucbre. holdr r<br />

yGhlclt<br />

u lqulpment dbtors to Ell appltc8ble ltd-<br />

Gral Eob! ycbtclc islety rt$hdstln, uElH<br />

ruch l*rlon krow tbat Nc.b yGhlclG tr<br />

GqrllphcDt der bot rc @DJoh-<br />

"(81<br />

A Eobr v.blclr or ttGm ol Eoto! villcl€<br />

cqu,tpEcDt oficred lor lsFdtrtlon ln<br />

vlolstloD ol psigEpb (f ) ol mbaacuou (8)<br />

rhaU bo rcluGd rdmlrrlon hto tbc ltDlt d<br />

Btst r ud.r lotnt rcEulefloB<br />

Eccretrry ot l,h. Trruury Ed<br />

lsuGd by tJrG<br />

th6 8ftlctsfy;<br />

crcept that tbe Socretsy ol thc Ttesury<br />

ud thc <strong>Sec</strong>rrt+ry tuy, by ruch reBulatlotul<br />

prcvldr lor authorldE8 t.h! lhportattoD ol<br />

ruch motor vcblcl? o! ltGEr ol hotor vcblclG<br />

lqulprcnt lDto tbc gnttrd Btat€6 upon 3uc!<br />

trrru End @Ddltlou (lDcludlB8 tlc fuulrh.<br />

tng of a bondl s Eey rFpe&r to th,rB ipproprl8te<br />

to lEure thet aDy auch Eotor vcllcl6<br />

or tt4h ot hotor vthlcle equlpmeot wtll ba<br />

brought tDto coDJorElty wlth any appllcablG<br />

lGdefEl Eotor yehlcle Eatety atsDdud prr-<br />

.crlbcd uhder ttlts tltle, or rlll be erlFrted d<br />

ababdoned to th€ unlhd ststeE<br />

'(4)<br />

Tbc Eacretsry ol the Tteesury Eud<br />

tlto <strong>Sec</strong>retary Eay, by Jotnt regulsttou, perslt<br />

ure temporsry tEportstlon ol BDy motor<br />

gehtcle or lftm ol qrotor vchlclc equlpheEt<br />

rlter the flrAt purchffi of lt lD Bood falth lor<br />

purlruea other thrD rassle.<br />

"(6)<br />

Farugrapb (l) otBub8trtloD (s) .h0.U<br />

Ddt epply In the case ol i' botor vehlcle O!<br />

It€m ol mobr vcblclc iqulpEeDt tntrDdcd<br />

rol.ly tor erport, EDd s Isbclcd or tsggcd. OE<br />

the v€h.lcl; or tt E ttrcll sDd oa tbG outaldi<br />

of the cdatalhs, ll aDy. whlch tr rrlDriatl.<br />

"(c)<br />

CoEpuEcc sltb my Federal Eotor<br />

vehlcle Ealety rtsnd$d lEucd uDder tblB tltl6<br />

de8 uot erempt rDy p.r8oD lrcs auy Uabtl-<br />

Ity under coffion lBr.<br />

"8ft,<br />

l0O- (a) Wloevor vtolEta uy FtvlrloD<br />

6l rftttoD IO8. or Bny re8ulrtloD lBuGd<br />

f.herEuDdGr, rhall tt iubtect to B clvll Flrlty<br />

ol rot to rrerd 11,000 lor e$b such ylolttlon.<br />

Bqcb ylolrtlon ol r provbloE ot EdtioE<br />

108, of rr8llatloE lsued thrrGundGr, rball<br />

€tutltute a Bepsrt ytolatlo! Flth rdF*t<br />

to cEch Eotor Ycblcle or lteE ol Eotor vGblcl6<br />

Gqulltheht or Flth rclpect to cfcb lrllura<br />

or relEEl to allor or pcrlom BD et rcqulrod<br />

therGby, crc.pt that tie Esrlerr cteu DEE.<br />

alty BhaU Uot crcftd l{00,000 tor ffiy rel8toq<br />

*fles ol YlolatloB.<br />

-(b)<br />

Art rucb clvll FEBlty ruy be @m-<br />

Frromlfed by tbc <strong>Sec</strong>ffiy. Itlc MouDt ol<br />

ruch peDtlty, Thrh dDelly dctarmlEGd, or tJ16<br />

Eount a8reed upotr l[ €EproEle, EBy tE<br />

deduct+d lfoE aDt tw owlD8 by tbG ttEltad<br />

Etate8 to tbe l*ruon chargrcl.<br />

"88lrd-<br />

(a) Tbe UDltcd atf,ti dbtflCt<br />

6urtE 6hau hayc JurlEdtctloD, ld eu$<br />

!hoF[ aEd rubj*t to the provbtonr of rul6<br />

65 (a) rhd (b) ol tbc FcderBl Rulcs of Clvtl<br />

Prtrcdute. to r*lnlD vlolatlotu ol uils fltlo<br />

upon lEtltloD by tbe spproprlEtc Uhtted<br />

Etater f,ttDEcy ot tbe Attorncy gcDcrsl ou<br />

lEhsll ol the UDltad Ststes, WbeDever practlcable,<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retqy lbsll gtve Datlce to EDy<br />

lhr8oD aEAlDst WhOtD AD actlon fo! lDlUnCtlv6<br />

rtllel ls conbEplatd snd rlrord hlm aD opportuDlty<br />

to Pt#nt hl8 ytEw!, <strong>and</strong>, crcept<br />

tn the ck ol r kuoFlDE aDd Fllllul vloleuoD,<br />

rhall alrord bth rlsanFble opportuEtty<br />

td Hhlcvc cohpllB4ce. Tbe lalltuc to Blv.<br />

ruch Dotlct <strong>and</strong> &ford FUCh opportuDtty tbsll<br />

not prccludG tht gEbtlns of appropflstc re-<br />

It.l.<br />

"(b) In ADy ptredtDg lor crlElnsl c@t4Ept<br />

lor vlol8tloD of tn lnjuDctloD or E-<br />

Itrqliln8 order lsued ubder thlJl s.ctloh,<br />

whlch vlolstlou alBo coufltutt8 a vtohuoE<br />

ot ulb tltlc, trt8l lball t[ by tbe court otr,<br />

upoa dGBEDd ol thc accusrd, by a Juy.<br />

Euch trtrl thsll bc cdductGd ln rccordaDc.<br />

rtth tbG Frctlcc ud prtrcdurc rppuBbl.<br />

Itr tb. u ot prdldltrBr rubJet to thc pr<br />

Ylllou ot ru.l6 {l(b} ol tha Fadffil Rulil ol<br />

cHEIEI Procarlut<br />

House Debate<br />

781<br />

d<br />

,,{<br />

.l<br />

i<br />

,<br />

I<br />


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