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(r) cffilt ?|ttr 6. V.hi6li tqItrPErDt<br />

Aitrty o{rEr-bb, rDd mcb otb* EtltG tr<br />

lnt Etsta t{GEclt (|!cludln8 I4UIEHVT<br />

cmEltt4g) rt hG d#mr apprsPrbt ;<br />

"(3)<br />

$Mrdrt rthsthtr my rucb prdFplcd<br />

rt*Ddsd 1r rrrublc, prrctl6bl6 Ed aPprcprtEt€<br />

ltr th6 pH{tlcultr tyPt ctr mdtr<br />

yehlclc ot lt#t ol mot6 vehlclr e'qulphent<br />

Itr Ehlch lt !s prercrlbed; $fld<br />

" ({) $Btder u6 .rt6Dt b whlch sucb<br />

atsDd4rdr wtll matrlbut€ t4 cffiytn$ out<br />

tb,e Fwp# ot thb Act-<br />

"(E) IE prffirtbtnB Flety reguhtlor 6Y.<br />

erlnB motfr vehlcl.t rubj*t to pert II ol tho<br />

IDffiteto C@mefe Adt, s s6ndcd (49<br />

U.si.C, 3Ol et Eeq-), or tho TlanEport8uon ol<br />

*plo8tves Act, sa amended ( f B U.5 C $f -<br />

-88.<br />

106. (r) (l) rD a csa 6f sctual cont--F*ny<br />

* "o" yEirdrly -rtEcr<br />

of EDy d([Gr<br />

*ctloD 103, my IErsn Tho vill Dc rdvrmly<br />

rtfttEd by auch drder PheE lt U rtr#tlvo<br />

ruy Et EDy tlme prtor to tbG drttctb day<br />

fttet Euch ordet lr lBued ilG r petltloa wltb<br />

tho Ubltad Etstas 6u!t of BppeElE ltr th6<br />

clrcult vbcEtl ftcb FEon tBldd il btr<br />

bts prlnclp8l plBce ol bu|lbs, lor E ,udlclal<br />

rcvler of Euch ordcr, A @py ol the petltlon<br />

.h8ll b+ lorthwltb traDedtted by the crerk<br />

ol the @urt to tb.e Aetitgry fr oth,rr o6.c€r<br />

dcdfSinated by brb tor th8t purPo8e The<br />

EcEctary thereupoD rbsll fl16 lD thc coffi<br />

the rford ol tht prftfidlnBr on thlcb t'tls<br />

SftEtary bsrd hl6 order, 68 ptovtd?d lD<br />

rftttoD 211t ol tttle 28 ol tfte Udtad Btat{E<br />

1ffi7!<br />

ttitsl - the Int€rEtata Conmercc Corolslon<br />

shall not adopt or contlnue ln ef,trt f,ny<br />

salety leBuletloD Phlqh dtfish llom a motror<br />

veblcle ssfety stMdard tEsed by the <strong>Sec</strong>retnry<br />

under thtr tttl€, except ttl8t nothtng lD<br />

thta subEcctlon sh8ll b€ deemed to Frohlblt<br />

the Intershte Commerce (l)Innrlstlon lrom<br />

Oods,<br />

"(1)<br />

If tht pctltlonc! apFUB to the court<br />

Itr leevc to sdducc EddltlonBl evldcucG, <strong>and</strong><br />

lhowa to the EttElactlor dl thc 6ut tbqt<br />

luch eddttlon&l eyldeDce la ffitarlBl Md<br />

tt[t thse were rEoDable 8toubdB for the<br />

tstlue to adduce Euch eyldeDct lD tb6 pro-<br />

presllbln8 for RIry tnotor vehlcle operated<br />

by fl cffiter subjNt b regulatioD under<br />

elther or both ol Euch Acts, e seleLy re8ulatlon<br />

whlch impoEea I hl8her Et<strong>and</strong>crd ot<br />

tredlDg bcltre the Ssret$ry, thc @ut may<br />

order auch addlttodEl eYlden@ (E[d caldeDce<br />

lD rebuti8l therml) to tX tt^tln belore tbt<br />

sefietflry, sd ts be BdducGd upor the b.tr-<br />

perform{nce FUbaequant to lta EBnulMtilre lEg, ln 6uch EIME &Ed upon Eucb telB<br />

ths th8t lequlred to comply wlth tJro f,ppltEble<br />

Federal Et<strong>and</strong>4rd dt thG tlEe of<br />

mEnur#iurc.<br />

"(h)<br />

The s$retst BhEll ldue thltral Feileml<br />

hotor vchlcle raJety st8Dderda baled<br />

upoD erl8tlD8 pultllc mlety Et$hdErdr oE or<br />

before Jmrrsry 31, 196?, OE or b6lorc Jmffiy<br />

3r, lges, th€ Eeretsy shell l6auc new<br />

end revlsed Federal ffiotor veblclO .r.iety<br />

EtsndBrds qnder thlt tltl.-<br />

"SE- 1d{- (e) There 13 h€teby stabltshed,<br />

E NEtloBl Motor Vehlcl6 Sslsty AdYlrcry<br />

Counctl Thlch shsll b. compo8ed of thlrtacn<br />

hehb.E eFpotaEd by the <strong>Sec</strong>tebty, onc ol<br />

whm shsll be dslBtatld ChslrEm. !{em'<br />

bera of the Advlsry Coucll Eball bG ip-<br />

Folnt4d lroE amon8 peFone outStd6 thc<br />

i'ederal coyernment an.t the meEbcn thlll<br />

be rcprsehtstlvt ol tDdutry, Sttrta Obd lHl<br />

goverrheDtr, cnd the publlc' Ttrco ol tho<br />

meBbcE Eh8ll bo rEpruntrtlvd of tbls<br />

enSEStd tD th€ EMulactur6 ol Eotor vehlcl.a,<br />

two absll be repr.Eenbtlvs ol tbffi<br />

eDgEBed tn thc huuJmtue of motot v6trlclc<br />

equlphrnt, thrE sbsll be reprFenBtlvd of<br />

Sirta snA lftal govefrhenta' 8Dd flvG aball<br />

be ttlrrcffihtlY6 ol the ScneEl publlc,<br />

Seyen meEber! of tht Oouncll Bhell @DAtltutd<br />

B quorlE- tho EeEber! ot thc Coucll<br />

Ehell bc eppotnted lor Et.ru ol fou yean'<br />

ercept tbat thr* ol thc hGEbEt flFt Fppoln-t€d<br />

shall hold odce lor t*o ycu' flv6<br />

Ehell bold oflce for tlut yGBE, a[d trvG<br />

Bhall hold ofl{ce ror lour yeEE, <strong>and</strong> alry EeEbtt<br />

sPpotnttd -t; to flII * v$ncy scslsE<br />

prlor thc explratloD ol tbc tGE to thtch<br />

blr prrd#ffir vil Eppolutrd lhall lt [ppolnt€d<br />

oDly lof thc rGmalDdBt ol ouch tar'<br />

Auy vmency tD thc CouEcU Ehall be flUed ln<br />

th; s€sc ErnDGr ln wblch the ort8lb*l up<strong>and</strong><br />

@Ddltlons a6 to th€ court hay ffim<br />

Iropor- Tbe Sdretary Eey modlfy ht8 flDdlDgE<br />

ffi to the lect8, or h6.he Dcs flDdtngB, by<br />

re#dn of the sddltlohEl cvldence ao taten,<br />

<strong>and</strong> he etEll flle Euch modlfled o! [ew tud'<br />

lDgB, aDd hla recomendatlo4, lf ADy, ror uc<br />

hodlllcstlon tr *tttn8 slde ol hla orlglMl<br />

ord.r, Flth th6 rGtwD ol Euch sddltloD8l<br />

eYldence.<br />

"(3)<br />

Upon the iltbs ol thc prtltton ref.rrGd<br />

to ln parsgraph (1) ol thlB subdmtloD,<br />

thc @ut rhall brye JurlEdlcuob td reYlew<br />

tb.e ords ln *cddsce wltb sstton 10 ol<br />

tbc AdslslBtrsttft Prftrdlw ,f,ct (6 Il-B.cl0O0)<br />

snd to Brant epproprlEtE rellel E pro-<br />

Ylded lD Euch estloD.<br />

"({)<br />

The Jud8Eent of thd coutt aarElDg<br />

or gGttlnB slde, ln Phole oI lD p8rt, Ey Euch<br />

ordcr ol thG g.cretsry sbaU be flh81, tubjtrt<br />

to revtew by the Supreme court ol the UDltrd<br />

Stst6 upoD certlor8rl or certlflcatlon E prevlded<br />

1B EtrtloD l?6{ ol tlUe 38 ol the I]DIt4d<br />

EtEteE Code-<br />

"(5)<br />

Any stLoh ttretltut4d uEdu thtB 8ubacctlon<br />

Bhatl Ewlvg, DotFltbttaDdln8 aDy<br />

cbsge lD the IEmn trcupyln8: the ofrce ol<br />

8+cret$ry or MY TsDcY h Euch o[ce.<br />

"(6)<br />

lts rGMdlB proYlded lor ln tblB<br />

aubHtlon rbAll bc lu addltloB b sd Dot h<br />

aubatltutloD ltr My ot.hB rsBcdl$ Fffivld€d<br />

by lBF.<br />

"(b)<br />

A cGrtlfl.ed co'py ol the tneflpt ol<br />

tbe rffid aud prdedl!8E uDd6 thls Htlotr<br />

shBll bs furDlshed by the Strrstary to sy<br />

lntercst4il pf,rty at bl8 requcst, ud payEtDt<br />

ol thG csts theteol. sDd shaU be sdElslble<br />

th Bby filElaal, crclulou of lrdpottS, d<br />

other procacdlE8 aflElDg udcr m lD rsltc{f<br />

ol tbls tltls, lre8prctlye oi thctJld t[ft€GdtDgE<br />

wlth r6pet td the ordrr bavt pEr'louly<br />

IblEtscut Til rrdr.<br />

'(b)<br />

Tbc sacEt[t $dl dt th6 rdvlct<br />

md rrcofficDdetloil ol ttlE AdYirory Oouncll<br />

before rBtabllahln8. uendlnE, or rcvokfng<br />

uy rutG vchtcl6 stcbt atsrdlrd wdtr<br />

b*D lDltlBttd or bccome flnal uDder 8ubruilon<br />

(s).<br />

"sE-<br />

106- (B) Tte<br />

tblr Act-<br />

"(cl<br />

Memben ol the H8ttotrd uotm Vc'<br />

blclo 88!oty AdYIery Counctl Eay bG dmpcutGd<br />

ei e rata Eot to erceed lltD 1rcr<br />

at.E {tnctudtn8 frv?l ttEo) shctr 6nFBa{<br />

Itr thc etusl dutfH of tha Advtrory Cducu'<br />

Such hlEbtrr, wbll| rnt lffi tb6lt hoEd<br />

# ngul"t pl*i of burrna, nr b. ruf,'d<br />

tnvei crporc* hcludlnt pcr dll$ h ll'u<br />

ol rubrl,ri+m ff authortad bt Gtto[ 6 ol<br />

th6 AdElDlttErtrY. Ert*H Act ol 19{6 (D<br />

u8.o.7$b-'), ttr pGffiil ln tbr crovdMcrt<br />

EHlc6 6EPioYGd UtdtrttmUY' Ib Egoi<br />

udcr tbll-E-tloE lbrll Eot rudf EEbtil<br />

of trt ACvtErI CouEGll EPloys or ol[clrb<br />

ot tbc Ildltart Btrtd lot uy Prlil'<br />

gecretEy aball conduct<br />

reEffirch, teatLtrg, deiEltphobt. fnd tratilug<br />

hec@ry ts c*sy oui, the purpor6 ol l,bl8<br />

tttle, lncludtD8, but Dot llErlt€d tr<br />

"(1)<br />

coUmtlnB data lroh sDy aouM for<br />

the purpce ol deternilDt!8 tbe rclatloDrblp<br />

tEtveeh Eot{)r yehtcle Or Erotof Y6hlCL<br />

equtpmegt ltsilorue ebsrrctcrlatlg sd<br />

(A) ffildcnts lnvolvlng Eotor v6hlcls, Md<br />

(B) th. ffclmence ol death, or lf,ruDal ln-<br />

Ju!y rsultjng lrch auch ecld.nbi<br />

"<br />

(2 ) pruUlEg (by DeBoilaf,ton or ou.rvte)<br />

erperlEcntsl snd other tfiotor 96blcl*<br />

or hotor V6hlCl6 .qulpEent lor t$ffih Ual<br />

HilDg<br />

"(3)<br />

PUftHS;<br />

rGltlDE or othcr*l|o dUpfrtES of talt<br />

Dotor eclilcl* Md Eottr vnhlsl. rqrilItuGDt<br />

rhd rlEbu4lbt tJr6 IEE .dt o|l tuoh B16<br />

tr dlrIfll t$to tla flHEt rFPrcPrbflu<br />

780<br />


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