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19670<br />

'<br />

&lIlLTth ur. Eurh<br />

E'. DuHr ot Orrgotr wtttr lltr. ltu.<br />

Mr. Ifff. Mr. Sperker, I havc r Urt<br />

palr wtth thB gentlem8n from Calltor.lrlr<br />

lMr. Youncrnl. Il he hed bern prtscnt<br />

he wuld have voted<br />

..yce."<br />

''nay."<br />

I votrd<br />

I wlthdraw my vote Bnd votG<br />

"presenb."<br />

The result of the vote wa^B announcad<br />

a$ above recorded.<br />

A motlon to reconslder ws lald on thc<br />

tBblc.<br />

Tte SPETI(ER. Pursuant td the provlslon3<br />

of [fo$e R€solutlon 965. the<br />

commlttee on Interstste flnd Forel8n<br />

Comtderce ls dlscharsed from ihe further<br />

conslderatlon of the blll S. 3005.<br />

Ttle Clerk reEd the tltle ol the blll.<br />

House Debaw<br />

'(7)<br />

!r|d<br />

Eotfi<br />

DrI*<br />

lD ti.<br />

vEblclt<br />

nru Ey F.E!<br />

EIr rnd dtitrtbutlotr<br />

or Edtot vchldt<br />

vho L chol<br />

trrt<br />

qulpdr6Et<br />

prtrully<br />

puchua<br />

to prrhscn wbo lD ltr tod lrltt<br />

aDy ruch vrblcl6 or rqulpEEnt lG<br />

pruFrs ot-b.t thBn<br />

"(t)'AtAta'lhcludcr<br />

rulc.<br />

oach ol thc EGvGHI<br />

Statar, th? Dlrtflct of Collmbts, rhG Commonwoaltb<br />

oi Pucrb ttl@, GuM, tic Vlrgtq<br />

I!l&Ddt, tha cuel zonc, <strong>and</strong> rtscrlcut<br />

3aEB<br />

" (g) 'Itrtrrrtat.<br />

mmm.rct' Etc*ffi ddm-<br />

Eorc. b6tftE sy placc ln r Ststc Md ry<br />

place ln atrotbGr gtr , or bctEecn plEH tq<br />

th6 ffi6 gtAt6 throu8h mothcr silb,<br />

"(10)'Strrebry'<br />

heaDr BRrtt$ry ol OtfrmttcG,<br />

"(rl)'D?t*t'<br />

Includer Buy dclcct ln p.rforBanco,<br />

coMtructloD, coE[Ebcntr, or Eat+rlfl!<br />

tu Eotor 9Ghlclc. or Eotor vthlcli<br />

XffiOH O''EE B' XI. FA6S<br />

squrphtnt.<br />

"(rt)'I]utt<br />

d Stat6 dlsttlct courts' EcrDl<br />

Mr. STAOGER.EI, Mr. Sp€Bker, f of- the Fedtral dlEtllct couts ol the Unttcd<br />

Iel B motlon.<br />

Stats <strong>and</strong> the Untbd StAt*E (:orlrtt ol tbe<br />

-<br />

.<br />

The clerk reBd Es follows;<br />

Motlon olterrd by Mr. St^trns: Siilka out<br />

all elter the enactlnE clcuc of S.3005. to<br />

provldc fot a cmrdln8ted netloBl EslEty<br />

progBm sd cahbllahment ol selety st8ndatdl<br />

lor motor rehlcles ln lnt.Etdb cffimtrct<br />

td reduce eccldentr lnvolvlng motor<br />

yehlclcr <strong>and</strong> to reduce thc deatbs <strong>and</strong> ln-<br />

JUrIF ftcunln8 ln rueh Eccld.ntS, And lns.ft<br />

ln ll.u thcrFf the provtstom ol thc blu !LE-<br />

133?8, u Fs€d, ss lollowi:<br />

"Thet<br />

ConBress hereby dtrlarcr f,hrt thG<br />

purFtro ol thlt ACt tr t6 rcdue tr$Ec Bccldlnt!<br />

<strong>and</strong> death! aDd lnrurtB to F+r8on. rcsultlnE<br />

llom tral[C Mctdeuta. T'hereloE.<br />

Con8rccd det€rulns that lt 16 ntrestry to<br />

art&bllrh Bobr veltlcle E8lety EtBDdEdr lor<br />

motor vehlcler <strong>and</strong> equpmcnt th tnt+r4tst6<br />

colrmerca: to undertEke End support nrc6-<br />

Eary salety r6Gucb eud dtvelopmcht; cnd td<br />

Grpald thc uatlonsl drlycr rogl8tar,<br />

"ttru<br />

t-Idror EErcG affi FIHDAH<br />

"grcl0l,<br />

Itlr Act may bo clted s thr'Nitlollel<br />

lts.t'c rDd Motor Vrhlclc Ef,tety ri.ct dl<br />

1068 .<br />

"gE.<br />

tot. Ar usd Itr tb|| ttuF<br />

'(l) 'Moter<br />

rchlclo salityr srH tbc Dar.<br />

lorEfict ol hotor vehlcles or Eotor vthlcla<br />

squlpEoDt lD EuCh E muner tb8t th6 publtc<br />

lo prct4cted aBtlrt uhreson8blc rlll al ecldeEts<br />

ecurdh8 u a rdult ol tht eoEtruc_<br />

tlon ar perloEsncG ot mot6r vchlcld &nd lr<br />

als prot#ted EBtrIEt ur?8enabli t16t of<br />

destb, or tDjury to p6t8ou ln tho evrEt Eccldenb<br />

do ftcut, dd l[cludd DoDopcrailobal<br />

ufcty ol such vGhlclir,<br />

"(2) 'Motor<br />

vcbldlo srtsty rt*Edffdr,<br />

slfil a blDIEuE BtEdud lof Eotor y.hldlr<br />

trEdoEr$ncc. Or Edtdr v.hlcl6 aqulp.<br />

E6Ilt lhrlorEuc6, Fhlch tr preuc&bla,<br />

ghlch met{ thn trrGd lor Eotor viblcln<br />

rrrloty End vblch prcVlds obrEuyr Crttarti.<br />

"(3)'Motdr<br />

vchlcl6'HCE uy vGhtcl.<br />

drlven or dnE by hEhMlcrl I'wGr EluufBcturEd<br />

prtEarfly tor M otr thr pubuc<br />

.trrttr, madt, sd ht8hwayr, 6lccpt |lty yo_<br />

hldl6 opcrBted erclurlvGly ou r rrU or iUl|,<br />

"<br />

(+) 'Motor<br />

Ythlch Gqulpncnt' EG&il<br />

tEy rFt.E. pgt o! ffiF[aht ol r Eotor<br />

?.hlclo s &tE D.rtf tuuJsctffit tr qgt<br />

dmUE pEt or coEpancnt muuletur+d il<br />

Eld ld lcplsccEeDt ar lE[fryGEont Of tucb<br />

ryrtaE Drrt, or comDoDaut s s u tcdt -<br />

Hlrr df rddliloB to thr Mtdr vrhlcL,<br />

"(61'Mmul&tufi'<br />

Eru ut Fffin tn-<br />

EBBd tE th. Eeufq4h[|Dl fr rsbtlDg<br />

ad taotn yohtcli or Eottr shldft cqulF<br />

mrt, lncludt[g uy p.ffiE tEDtrtiDS rbdtdr<br />

vrh{clfl tr btor y.hlcl. .qrilIEEt l* F<br />

rI..<br />

"(t)'I}trtrtbutdr,<br />

ro ut paffi<br />

prt4Adly ensrgGd ,r tli tli <strong>and</strong> dlttrtbutlotr<br />

ol Eotor vGhtclt 6 bte yahlcli<br />

equlp4ilt lG rudt<br />

Coffiont?q]th ol Fuerto Rl@, Guam, thc<br />

VlrglD ltlAudr, th6 CAuEI ZoDe, aDd Astrlcan<br />

SaEor.<br />

"(13)'Vrhtclc<br />

EqulpmeDt sstety coEhlsslon'<br />

me8s thc Coffilslob BstabltEhcd<br />

PUEUAnt tO the lotqt resoluilon ol tht coE.<br />

gres r;l&ilng to htghf,Ey tfrtic satety, ap.<br />

Frov€d Auguft 2n, rg58 (zil Stat. 6851. or u<br />

tt mAy be hcrcEltcr r€rcutttuhd by l4v,<br />

"44,<br />

103, (a) Ttre Sesetsy shall 6teb-<br />

Itsh by ordcr appft)prlatG Fed*al motor vF<br />

hlclo lalcty st<strong>and</strong>ards. Eeh such FEd.ral<br />

Eotor vchlclc slety rtsEdard $hBll bn Ftr*ttc8blc,<br />

shall mftt th. nccd for Doto! v.htclc<br />

6aftty, <strong>and</strong> shall be EtatEd ln obJstlve temr^<br />

" (b) Tbo AdE-lnhtratlv6 htrGdEo A4t<br />

rhall bpFly ta Ell ordcE Bteb)lrblD8, McndlD8,<br />

or rGvoklDg a F.dcrf,l Eotof vchlcl6<br />

SAlety Et{ndsd under thli tltl.-<br />

"(c)<br />

EAch ddcr eBtabllshln8 B ftdErl<br />

motor vrblcl. raJ.ty EtaEdud EbsU spsclly<br />

the drt4 ruch shdard lE to tttr ?tftt *blch<br />

Ehdl qot bc strncr thBn on. hundrtd ud<br />

et8hry dayr or latGr thffi o[n yes lr1E thi<br />

d*t€ such order lr l4utd, Elcd thc 8ccr.tafy<br />

trnatr that ar eslla d latcr etftttvr<br />

drta lt lE tic publtc lnterertq rEd puburhEr<br />

bb rffiEr td ilcb trDdtnB,<br />

"(d)<br />

WhGECvcr a Fedcral Eotor rchlcla<br />

rrlrty rtrEdrr{ HtsbUBbEd udrr tbb tttlG<br />

tr ln etrcct. Do Btrt6 Ot p6uucol gubdtnetoa<br />

ol r gtqtc ihdl bAvd f,ty EutboHty etthE<br />

to Etabllrh, r to mEtlDut tq etreot, Ey<br />

lalcty ttaDdud aFpllcable to tb6 Eu6 s-<br />

F+ct ol Eotd vahlcls ancl hotor vcblclt<br />

.qulPhcbt F.domuce whtch lr Dot ld.DU-<br />

CAI td thc Fedelal rtMd&rd- NothtAE ln<br />

thlr Htlon rbcll tE coEttued to prevcEt<br />

thc Fcdcr8l OovcrIE.Dt or tie ggvetuoDt<br />

ol Ey St+td fi polltlcsl BubdlylEloD ttrcrF(<br />

fr@ BtsbllrblDg a r$Iety fEqultcmrtrt applleblc<br />

to ruttr vGblcl6 6 Eotil vchtcl6<br />

HlulpEeDt prcCued fol ltr own uB ll mCS<br />

rcqulreEcnt lEps6 a htgbef rtAhdud d<br />

p+rloffiaqcG tbiu tlrrt requlrsd to coEply<br />

lglth t.hr othrrstrG fppllcebtc Iredernl rtedc<br />

Fd,<br />

" ( 6 ) Th6 Eftrttet hly by order Imcrd<br />

df Evokr Ey Frdcrel motG vehlcla Elatlt<br />

rtaEdfid atrbllrhtd under thtr trtlotr.<br />

Such drdtr drll rp.clty t.h6 d6t6 ffi stlci<br />

sucb |&DdltEnt or rryaEriloE E to tr,li<br />

etrEt vhtcb .bNU not tl mnu tbE ort<br />

hudfrd snd il$ty dryr or tat€r th8u od<br />

y6q trffi thr drti t[c mdct lr tsued, unlil<br />

thr Affitdt nEdr thrt ru trll.r n lrtd<br />

cdfttlvr data |,| lr thc pubuc tntcrcrt. ud<br />

publl|hd hl| ffiEr tor ruch iDdlEg.<br />

"(f)<br />

Ib FffirbtEg rtultrif| uEdtr tEr<br />

rffitloq ttloq ttr. €lffi.t at thilf-<br />

"(l)<br />

ffiddd rlffit 4vrllrbl. Eot* rF<br />

hl6lr nt6tt d&trr tuluallaE tro rfiutr d<br />

rGfih, d6v6lopEcnt. tdtt[E md .vdu;<br />

tle Btlvltiln mDducrid pffiuDt td tbli<br />


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