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Iffi tlrt the e)r6cutlv6 depertEent conply<br />

Efr laffi endAted by the Congres.<br />

TtrG CEAIR,IVIAN. ' The Chalr retoa-<br />

DlE6d the gentleEan froD CalllorEla<br />

lMr. Mossl for 2 dlnutes.<br />

Mr. MOSS. Mr. ChBirman <strong>and</strong> ladl6!<br />

md 6rentlmen of the Cotdmlttee, I tsts6<br />

thlE tlme because much mentlon bes<br />

been made here todBy of persoro resFnn'<br />

slble for ttre legislatlon now be(ore u.<br />

I wbnt to take cognlzBnce ol tlre very<br />

signif,cant <strong>and</strong> constructive role played<br />

by c former Member of thls HouBe,<br />

former Representstlve Kermeth Roberts<br />

of Alabame, who was the true ploneer in<br />

the Colrmerce Commltt€ ln flrst undertaklng<br />

the extenslve heartngs <strong>and</strong> lnitlBtiha<br />

the studieE whlch hsve led to en<br />

lncreasing focus of publlc Ett€ntlon on<br />

the serlous problem of cBrna.ge on our<br />

htghwEys. He cm tBke credlt quite<br />

prot)erly for leglstailOn enaxt€d to populsrize<br />

snd to.require the use of the se8t<br />

belt. IIe can t8ke grest credlt for the<br />

pEdded dash <strong>and</strong> he can tBke credit for<br />

other $igtriflcant forward step$ not Elysys<br />

embrtr4ed with enthusi8+u by the<br />

automotive lndustry.<br />

T'he CHAIRMAN. The Chair recocnizes<br />

the gentleman from west vlrFinla<br />

lMr. grAcoErrsl to close ttle debate.<br />

Mr. BTAGGER,EI. Mr. Chalrm4n, I<br />

wou.ld ]lke to heve tfie sttentlon ol thd<br />

two gentlemen stlg questloned the cost<br />

of thE. It ls embodletl In the blll. The<br />

cost of thls tltle ls efirtbdled here. <strong>and</strong><br />

It teus you v6ry plalnl$ what It ls end<br />

it wlll not excced thet. It ls S5l frllUon<br />

over s B-yeBr Deflod.<br />

I do not hEve tllrre now td yleld<br />

becaus€ I went to get one or two other<br />

polntr flcro$3. It ls very clear <strong>and</strong> it<br />

ssys that thls ls the cffit ol thls tltle ot<br />

the btll. ThIs ls only one pert of tfre<br />

sfety fatures thst we Ere trylng to dssqp6.<br />

ThlB tLtse3 care of the veltlcle.<br />

Also. we must conslder the driver <strong>and</strong><br />

the hlshwBys. Thffe s"lll be taken up<br />

ln the flert bilI. They &re very lmportant.<br />

'We have done the very best we cen to<br />

brtne to the Hou$e a gmal bill. we h8ve<br />

made it the stbn8est <strong>and</strong> best biu that<br />

thts commltt€e could po$slbly endorse.<br />

Mr. Chalrman, 6gEln I want to congratr:Io.te<br />

md commend all ol the members<br />

oi the committee for thetr help,<br />

because I know of no slngle objectton<br />

whlch hffi been brought up ln eny w&y<br />

to mghe thls a sood blll whlch tgs not<br />

ben embodied ln the btll. We do thtnI<br />

It ls a aood blll <strong>and</strong> m[Irnend lt to the<br />

Hous€.<br />

Tlre CHAIRMAI{. Tlre questlon 16 on<br />

the commltter aErendment ss arnendd.<br />

TTtc coffiIttee smendment as ammded<br />

we3 Bgte€d td.<br />

Th6 CHAInMAN. Under tr|e rule, the<br />

comJ$lttee rtses.<br />

Accordlncly, the Commlttc6 rofe; dnd<br />

the SpeBker h8ving reEufled tlre chatr,<br />

Mr. DADD^Bro, Chalrmetr ol the Comnltt€+<br />

of the Wholr House on the gtate<br />

o( the Unlon, report€d thRt thst col[-<br />

Elttco he,ytn8 had under constderatlon<br />

th6 bill (H.ft, 133s8) to pror4ale tor a<br />

coortl|ll8ted n8ttor8l safew pro8raE rnd<br />

Injurle!, Bntl pttperty dmage whlch<br />

Eotor velrlcler tn tnteistste cornf,erci<br />

to rEduc€ t'raI0c E4+ldEEt€ srid the de8ttla<br />

lnJuite3, Nrd prcfrty damage whlclr<br />

occur ln such eccldents, purEuant to<br />

IIotre Resolutlon 9€$, he reportcd thc<br />

blU bock to ttre HouBe wlth flrndry<br />

amend-dr€flta Edopted by the CobElttee<br />

ol tJle lyhole.<br />

The #EA.KEI[I. Under the nile, the<br />

pltvlou'$ questlou Is ordered.<br />

Is I gcpBratd yote deEAnded on Eny<br />

smendnent?<br />

Mf. $TAqGmS. Ycs, Mr. SFe&ker.<br />

f 8sk for B sepBtEte vote on the Sprlfl8:er<br />

uendment.<br />

The SFEA.EER. Ia I sepuate vote<br />

dem<strong>and</strong>ed on any other amcndment?<br />

If not, the Chslr Elll put them eD EroE,<br />

Ttre amend.Eents were sBreed ts.<br />

The SFEAEER. Tlre Clerk wlll report<br />

the alrlendment on whJch a seperat€ vote<br />

hm been d€m<strong>and</strong>ed.<br />

The Clerk reEd as follofls:<br />

Fage 34, llae 1{, strlke out "Strretsrlr" Ed<br />

lnsert lD lleu thereol tbe followlng: 'I+e61.<br />

detrt Ftib thG Bd$ts trEd conseirt ol tbr<br />

Senat6",<br />

The SPEAI(m. TTle questlon lE on the<br />

mendmeilt.<br />

Ttre questlon wss taken: Bnd orr B dlvlr<br />

slon (dem<strong>and</strong>ed by Mr. SFRE{cEft) there<br />

werF*ayes 7S, noes 98.<br />

Mr. SFE'INclm. I!fr. Chslrrhsn. t<br />

objmt to the vote ou tlre gromd th8t<br />

a quorum ls not pre6€nt Md EEke the<br />

polnt of order thBt e quonrm ls not<br />

pres€nt.<br />

The SPEAEm. E'rddeDtly a quonun<br />

is not present.<br />

The Doorkerlr€r wlll close the (loor3,<br />

the SergeRnt at Arrrs wlll notlfy absent<br />

Members, <strong>and</strong> the Clert wlll csll the roll.<br />

The questlon wEB tsken; an(l there<br />

werb-yeff 168, nays 205, not votlng 59,<br />

aa follow8;<br />

lEoU No. t18l<br />

YEAA_I68<br />

Abbttt Cmley J8EU<br />

Ad4r Corbett JohnsD.Pr.<br />

Andcrsn, lll- Orucr Jong<br />

tr&Grt, cuEntnEhu Jons. Lo.<br />

ceor8. W. cffilD Jonw, t{.C.<br />

Andrew, Curtb Kelth<br />

N. Dsk, Dme RorbaBay<br />

AFnds DEvtr, Wlt, Kunket<br />

A8hlrrook Derwlnskl l(uFlems<br />

AEhEoro Devine LElrd<br />

Ayrcs DlcklnsD LBhge[<br />

Bater ble Lsttq<br />

BattlB DoFdy LcDEon<br />

Belchet Doffitn8 LllrsoEb<br />

BeU DuDcaE, fcM. McCloRf<br />

Boft? DFyu Mccullrb<br />

Bettr Edwsd!. "dE- McDd.<br />

Boltol Ellwofth Maccre8o!<br />

BOW Erlenborn Mollllard<br />

Bray Flno Mfd<br />

Brftt FountrlD McrtlD. H.bl,<br />

BrmEidd Frcll!8huysDMsthlM<br />

Brcwu, cle- F\rlton, Pi. May<br />

enco J., Jr. roqs Mtchcl<br />

Broyhul. tl.o. dathh8r MtElbrU<br />

BFyhtrI, Vi, Oettyr Ml4<br />

Buchin8n omeu Mmr<br />

Buleffi Otw Mofr<br />

I'Fns, !tlr, GFv.t MorbE<br />

cubGll Oubs Moaher<br />

oihtll ouro.y Nclscn<br />

cEtr HE*Gtr. crUf. O'I(ohttl<br />

Cw Hrll O'N6t,('a<br />

Oederbtrt E*llftt FatffiU<br />

CbMbGrlilq IIdFsE P.llt<br />

Cl&nry ELnSB, Idi,bo Plcklr<br />

ClctI'E, Hedy ,. Flrnlt<br />

DonE. HEEhr Pofi<br />

elrw@n, Itrl ErrYGy, bd, P@l<br />

Clovolsd qwry, ldlcb- Pqcbrts<br />

Colller Eahd.ED Quti<br />

Cdlhrr Eorton QUUIG!<br />

oonsbla Et'@or Rttd, Ill,<br />

coltr EutcbfEsr Reld, fi.t<br />

776 Vol.I

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