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Mr. STAGGER^S. I mlsht uy t'o the<br />

gcntleEu th8t tbe l8ensy wes Edded ln<br />

executlve 8€slon Bnd Flthout mn5ultatlon<br />

wlth the execlrtlve departrnent, 80<br />

we do not heve the nmber.<br />

Mi. IIENDEFI.SQN. MAY I E.6K the<br />

turther qu6tlon; Do€a the corhhlttte<br />

h*ve ln lts flle arv lnloflnatlon for the<br />

EeErbeE of tbe 6[Edttee 8s to ttle marpover<br />

tDst of tfie new agency?<br />

Mr. STAG'GEES. T?re cost ol the new<br />

agency? No. I do not Flleve ttrst trc<br />

cost would be tm much more<br />

Mr. HENDER$ON. I would uf,e to<br />

put the chalrEan of thls commtttee Bnd<br />

other coBmttt€e chatrmen ob. notlce<br />

Bge.ln, th8t Publlc law 801 ls an act ol<br />

Cbngres whlch should be complled wlth.<br />

J recognlze that the chalrman ln t}lls<br />

lnst8nce mskes the flolnt that the Dew<br />

dgency w8s created by the cofrlnlttde,<br />

rnd was not B recommendltion oI the<br />

extrutlve, but I believe by the enactment<br />

of Publlc Law 801, Congres hdlcated<br />

that lt wants this lnforrnation on hend<br />

|]r every commltttr es lt conslders E bill.<br />

We Bre going to do our bcst to 6te that<br />

Public Lsw 801 ls cotnplietl with.<br />

Mr. GROSS,<br />

SentleEa.n Yield?<br />

Mr. Chairtneh, wlll the<br />

Mr. HFjI{DEF.SON.<br />

I aE ElEd to Ylelrl<br />

to the centleman fbom lowa.<br />

Mr. ciRoSS. I btlieve this is a<br />

Etrange Eituationi when no rnebber of<br />

the cotnrnitte+ can tell u$ what tttls blll<br />

will crot ln tems of EddltionEl mEnpower.<br />

There ls not one, but two egencls<br />

art b€lng creetrd unaler the tefltrs<br />

oI thl.s bill.<br />

As the sentleman lrom North Carolhe<br />

has well pointed out, thls comfilttet na6<br />

codpletely lgnored Public Idw 801'<br />

which is mBndBtory wlth fespect to the<br />

creatlon of a nes agency or the expBh-<br />

Elon of Bn old agency. I Bm flrrprlsedf<br />

Bm shocked to learrr we ca,u Eet no<br />

flFures, not even 8n e$timstE. ol the<br />

mEnpower cost of thls ]egislatlon.<br />

Mr. STAGGER.S. Mr. Chelrm.en, wlil<br />

the gentleman yield?<br />

Mr. IIBIDm,SON. r yleld to the<br />

tentlemEn from West VtrginiB.<br />

Mr. SIAGGm,S. I mlght Hy thBt<br />

Epeclflc monetsrv euthorlzEtioLq aE ln<br />

the bill before us. The bill setE forth the<br />

authortted s,pproprlatlo$$ ln dollsr<br />

erDouts.<br />

Mr. ciRoSE. Il the frentlerhen wlll<br />

ylelcl, Gn the ErentlemEn tell me how<br />

rtreny aaldltional employees thero qtlll<br />

b€?<br />

Mr. STAGCERS. I do not know. but<br />

we have $€t up the Eonetsry llnlt <strong>and</strong> lt<br />

mmot go beyond tttat. We can glve<br />

you E breEkdown of the totals. Does the<br />

gentlemBn want me to say whet they<br />

Bre ?<br />

Mr. GROSS. TtlBt 18 8cEruly an 6rlswer<br />

to the Questlon. ttbltc Iaw Eol<br />

roguires the lnforfi etlon-<br />

The CII-aIRMAN. The ChBh r€cognlzes<br />

the gentleman from Nebruskh [Mr.<br />


Mr. CUNNII{GHAM. Mr. chelrrDBtl'<br />

BE I sald b€fore today, I lavor thls blll,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I shaD vote lor tt, but lt ls not the<br />

Bolutton to thtE problem. It puts the<br />

emphesls where lt does not b€lons.<br />

I woulal be hopeful t,tnt thG Mct[ber6<br />

would poy [rsrttclrlrr rtt€atlon to the blll<br />

House Dehate<br />

whlch p+rheps wtll come up es tl,le nert<br />

order of bu.Slness before the Horrsc ot<br />

Representstlves, s blll out ol tne Pubuc<br />

wdrks oommltt€e, whlch re8lly ha8 Ercrt<br />

pffilblutleB tor dolna sohettrlnE abrt<br />

preventlng the atctdent^$, the dmttrs, <strong>and</strong><br />

tlre lnJurles on our hlShTaYEf<br />

would not wflnt Er\vone to tirlnk thlt<br />

b[] tE golng to rolve Erv problenr' becau$e<br />

there are no ststlstlc whatsd€vcr<br />

whlch lrdlcat€ that tre clesl8n dl the<br />

automoblle ls e ltctor h tlre lErge nmb€r<br />

of deEths 8nd l$Jurles on the hlghways<br />

today.<br />

The CHAIRMAIiI. The chslr tecoEnlzes<br />

the gentlemBn from MlctrlsBn (Mr.<br />

Drrcrlrl.<br />


Blmply for the purpose of polntlns out to<br />

my colleegues thet thls commlttee lus<br />

exercised Ereat vlsdom tn reportln8 to<br />

tJlt$ Congress one of the best plec4s ol<br />

leslslBtlon I btlleve we have ever had the<br />

prlvllege of conslderlng wlthtn tJlet<br />

coHmlttee, <strong>and</strong> I susptrt *'lthln anY<br />

commlttee of tlle Congress. It doe.$ fLtll<br />

equlty <strong>and</strong> justlce to the publlc lnterest'<br />

providing for Bdequat€ sRfety End $afety<br />

stendard$ for the Americsn motorrng<br />

pubuc <strong>and</strong> the Amerlcsn people.<br />

More lEportantly, lt wul (lo this ln<br />

ilctl e wBy Es to not unduly Jeopardize<br />

the legltlmate lntercst8 ol t.he huto<br />

EenufBcturers.<br />

I wou.ld p(lint out to ttle gentleFsfl<br />

frcm IowB End Blso to mY Sood lrlend<br />

from North CaroUaa tMr. HEr+bERsoxJ,<br />

who spoke In tt|e well not long ago' thBt<br />

thls coBEltte€ has Edheftd very cse'<br />

tuuy t'o hstt€tE end cGst estlmete5 ePproved<br />

wltJtln t,he bud8et 8nd tlre Bureau<br />

of the Budget tor the c4st of tllls Bgeflcy<br />

End the cost of carrylng out tbls lesls'<br />

letion.<br />

I would sls polnt out that, Bs a firefib€r<br />

of the committee, I hEve not the<br />

Ellsht€st l$tenuon, I sy to tfte Sentleman<br />

ftom Iows <strong>and</strong> als to the other<br />

gentlemBn on hls feet at thlE tlhe' ot<br />

belng bound bv some previous legl8letlon<br />

ln tly constder8tlon of le81$lation whlch<br />

happen3 to be b€fore me. I would point<br />

out to tlre gentlemen thet tJle Itrlnutc<br />

thls consres permits ltself to be encru.$ted<br />

by anclent <strong>and</strong> hoary st&tul.e$' or<br />

by otler $tEtut€s whlch may or lney Dot<br />

have relevancy, lt wlll ceese to b€ the<br />

Breflt delib€ratlve body needed by ttle<br />

Deople of ttds l<strong>and</strong>.<br />


wlII the gentlemsn Yteld?<br />

Mr, DINGELL. I WiII bE hBPPY tO<br />

yleld tn ju8t a moment, but I wduld polnt<br />

out to Ey Bood frlend I expmt thgt the<br />

depErtments downtown ,n EtEfillg to<br />

carry out the functlons requlred by ttlls<br />

legislEtion wlll exercibe greBt, prudence.<br />

It ts the expectstlon of tlrL6 coFmlttee<br />

f,nd every member on lt that tfiese mEtt€rs<br />

wul be conducted wlth EreBt csrr<br />

md clrcmspectlon.<br />

How I yteld to t.he EentJeEm lrctl<br />

North CErolinB-<br />


trsft tJte Eentlemf,n lor Yleld|lg. I<br />

rould llke to polnt oub ttrat flrbllc L.F<br />

801 requlre3 ttrle ertrutlve depsrtEent to<br />

n-port to tlre Cor4lres, 8ff1 I hop€ t'lrat<br />

the gentleEiE vlll Joln ut In trulEtlng<br />

775<br />

l<br />

r i<br />


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