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tlle motlYaHoE or ttrc person<br />

or thede Bftomey', *n. *"fiu-"tl.HlHi #*H*";ir$JH$-*o#"i,#,ii.ti,.itfi 1effi7<br />

thern, Esny of th8 Eost rlbtlngulEtr€d sui be lncreurt. We can bu[tf ]iousrs<br />

feUow mmbeE ol the bar, end f would thet wlu not bum but who ca'r Etrord<br />

llBe to haye th€ RtcoRb m6t clear on theEr?<br />

Urst r'olDt, _ The edmtnlBtreflon estod for ruthortty<br />

Mr. COI,Mm,. I 8et the EentletrlBn's to controt deslgn but the oom.mlttee, G<br />

lsrpucEtlon. lt,8 ndEdon, deleted ttrls from ttre blll.<br />

I!Ir. BURTON of Cslilornir-. I would Tttey wtU be b*ck BStln wtth tht. reque6t.<br />

further litse to 6tqte thBt nelther the Watt <strong>and</strong> 6ee.<br />

ref,I or Blleged conduct ol r cllent en U ttre Itsderal Government t6 to dtrlde<br />

properly be imput€d to hls attomey. what is mfe snd whEt ls unsefe when<br />

May f po$e t,Itls qustion *<br />

S..*".- wiU they 6ay you csnnot butld mnvertl-<br />

Clemar: The genllema!, r would hoqe, 61ss ena niritop oonve''4bles becaLrae<br />

would lully under$t<strong>and</strong> the grest dift- 116y fell to ofier as much prot4ctlon as<br />

culty anyone mentioned on the floor ol sedans when turned ou"iGi, acctdent?<br />

thls Hous€ l$ confrcnt€d wlth+peaklnB, Or when wlll certeln colors be ouilEwed<br />

aa the ge[tlemBn doed, under the cloak bec8u$e they Ere hErder to 6# under<br />

of coru{resslonal immunity.<br />

'fhe certaln conditlons?<br />

CHAIEMAN. The tlme of the Wlrere Bnd on whst bgsls aloe$ the Es_<br />

8entleftffi from Misslsippl hs explrerl. sunrption mme trom tfrai tfre Oor"*_<br />

Mr. qI'NNINGHAM. Mr. Chdraan,<br />

I menl h8-s or csn ger per8onnet who know<br />

move to strltse tlrc requlslt€ nunb€r ot rnore about buildfng *"i th*, those ln<br />

words<br />

lndustry? lfrut, every 6pare part be<br />

._ I deslre to speak bdeny td_tbc flbJect 6anulaitured to e Goverirmenf stentt_<br />

th$t l3 belorc us. Ttle EentJeflan suE- ard before tt cm be soldf<br />

gestrd Bn aEendrunt aelUnq wtt! Is the Govemment to dupllcate the re_<br />

mfety beltr ln school bur€8, et.cet€ra-<br />

! search end development f;cillfles of inhave<br />

ben studylng t^tr[t subject fol 3 dustry? are.intheenO,prlcestobesub_<br />

yerrs. Eltller thls yesf I lDtrotluced a stdlzed wlth hirlden iriUiiOr"* r" tfre<br />

blu to do thrt, We dl$used_lt.ln<br />

-og fom of grants for resesrch, t€st, <strong>and</strong> deoohmlttee.<br />

But fie leel, BDd I tblnk lt velopment, the co$t of whlch must or<br />

ts E ltrt, that the Int€rststE CoEmerce filI not be recovered in the uie price oi<br />

ComElsslon hns authortty to provlde the csr?<br />

sefety devlffi on dny veblcle uBder ttretr Many rq91s qqa"flons cen be ffilsed but<br />

Jurladlstlon, rnd thdt lncludes hany lt ls safe to siry ttrat ttl, ntU ,fses "i<br />

schoolbu$, tnteEtstt btLrs, Bnal so falls on whether or not common$ense lE<br />

lorth. Ttley have already Ermounced employed tn lts admlnlstrutton. io te<br />

trat they plm, rlelleve, to so atleed <strong>and</strong> surc, more mmmonsense will be requlred<br />

requlre that. Wtth that lnlorm8uofl than has been u$ed lrn the geeutniaUon<br />

Irom tlre ICC, we dld not tefro lt up Act,forexEEple,todgte.<br />

Bpeclf,csuy ln thls le8lslstlon. I hBve Elweys b€en Eulded by the rule<br />

Mr. S|TAGGERS. Mr. Ch.al.trra,tr, rlII of .'when<br />

't<br />

lrr doubt^-don't." m ln<br />

the gentlemM yleld? doubt today. The mffi Uehlnd thewheei<br />

Mr. SUNI\IINGHAI{. I yteld to the is the greetert safety fEctor of all.<br />

Sentlemsn lroE West Vlrglnlr. tlre CHAIR'MAN. The ehslr recog_<br />

Mr. STAGGER.B. f undefttsDd the nizes th€ Eenileman froffi North CBro_<br />

Sentlemm dld not wlthdraw the BrneDil- llm I Mr. HENDER$oNI.<br />

ment, md tt l,s otill b€lore the Hou*. I (By unBntnous consent, Mr. GiosB<br />

ryree trgree wlth wlttt the gentleman lroE Nebraska ylelded hl$ time to Mr. Hrmrnmw.)<br />

that we 816 glvlna t&6 gecrete,ry the Mr. EENDERSON. Mr. Chatm Chalman, I<br />

rl8lht Ellt to Fut put the8€ thed€ ln 8fld Bnd to to Droceed. thenk thsnk i.hp the qanfiFmqn ge.nfieman rhh frl'm fowa. ?^Fd<br />

T'he CHAIRMAN. Ttre queatlon l,! on I woultl lif,e to m*e s a bflef stsl ststement<br />

!*jqtgg,lt!fe1$-uv_tne rylueman to the rroure eno po*e ; i;;;ti"; 6;h;<br />

from Peruylvanla [Mr. CroK],<br />

chalffia.n or to a memb€r of tbe com-<br />

T'tre amcndment we8 rcJ€ctrtl.<br />

mlttee.<br />

Mr. STAGGEREI. Mr. ChBlrEEn, I esk Mr. 6lhgiffia.n, the blll before us today<br />

unanlnoua oonsent thlt ill d€bete on th€ casstrs 6 new egency <strong>and</strong> a new fmctlori.<br />

btil t€rmlntto in lE mtnute. r hgve lmked ttrrouih thJrimri ecmm_<br />

The CEAIRMAI{. Ir ttrere obJc{flon panylns irri Uirr, enA r ca;ot h;a-;rry<br />

!9<br />

tng rrgues! ol th6 aenilens$ fronr ierei.enie-to ihe mmpuance wlth publti<br />

WeBt Vlf8lrllB? raw 801. I would potlt, oui to trrJm;:<br />

Ttrere w'a no objecilon.<br />

.. hltte ttBt this law, ortelnaflnc frcm<br />

The ghBlr recognlzes tlre gentlenEn the Manpower Subcommtttee itret f fiavJ<br />

lrcfr Inulalans tMf. w^acorf,thl, the nonor to charr, requlres the extru-<br />

Mr. WAGGONNER. Mr. Chdrman, uvedepartmenttotumfuhwlthltsreport<br />

tlLts bul lc lraught wttJr danger <strong>and</strong> aE to the mrmlttet6 ot Collgres the man-<br />

8lc! tt establl8hes_ a danggrcu! prece- power trnpucatiorla of leglslsilon prodent.<br />

f shall vot€ for lt wlt.| reluctsnce posed by ttle execuflve, that wou.ld reahd<br />

teaf tor f am learfi{ tbe ttay wfn qulre new fuctto[s of create new<br />

mme when we ylU rEEret thl| tctl,orl Egencles-<br />

It do'eE Inctees tfrc suthorlw ol the f Em most hop€fut that, the chelrmen<br />

Federal Govemment oyer prlvEh entrt- or sme member of the conilnlfrtr can<br />

prft€ md lt docc wcakrn the frue entzr- trfom the committ€e et thts flme how<br />

prlsc rystcrl|. Fbr thlc FEa.*ttr f havc msny new lrederal eBployers thls new<br />

trtuble undeftt8ndlng sht thc automo- agency udll rcqulre sntt give u mme ldca<br />

tire lndurtry w8ntt tllfu le8i|slrdon. Eut of the psyroU or manlrower mst ll ttre<br />

they s8y tlrey do tor t^trc rerson lt wlu blu 1r erradted.<br />

prcduce saler car8 Te ffe told. Inded I yteld to the dlsfinsutshed ctrdmeu<br />

I hopG thef are rkht e,nd I r,m wrrnE, Irom we[t Vlrthlr loi r rtply.<br />


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