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I 6h8ll b€ hBppy to s"ns$er the Eentledra.n's<br />

que$tlon lJ I Etrr sure I understmd<br />

lt.<br />

Mr. RIVER*E of South Cerollna.<br />

I dd<br />

not think that your blU protects the<br />

Eing publlc lnsofar 6s elrlployes ere<br />

cdncerned. If you glve eU the punishment<br />

to the rnenu.faEturerB<br />

the employeet<strong>and</strong><br />

none to<br />

Mr. SPF,INGE,. Weu, mey I EeY thEt<br />

ttrere ls e responslbility oD the pert of<br />

tJre company, Ell the wsy down the line.<br />

Now, you miFht h8ve ail elnplolree<br />

down here who mlght tum out B defective<br />

pltre of equlpment or a defectlve<br />

eutomoblle uder the lenguage which we<br />

put ln tlrls biU, but the mdpeny, collectlvely,<br />

Is llBble. We do not exempt &ny<br />

employe€ EpeclflcElly.<br />

Mr. RIVER.S of South carolina.<br />

well,<br />

tey, a manufscturef lnsisied upon a p€lforlnaflce<br />

on the Eteerlng wheel whlch<br />

lhey compelled the employees to perfotm<br />

a.nd they refued tn do lt<br />

Is there any redress on the part ol the<br />

Pulrlic?<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Chairmen. lf the<br />

gentlemm will yield f urtlter, alo I under-<br />

6tend tliat lf he ordered an emllloyee to<br />

carry out a Edfety functlon which he tle-<br />

Iteves wlll make his product sefe, snd<br />

there ls e refusal on the part of the employee,<br />

there ls no Punl""luent?<br />

Mr. FtwmS of South CefollrrE. well,<br />

they walk ofl the job. Ttre EbntlemEn<br />

hbs heard of that, hs he noi?<br />

MI, SPR,INGffi, Ye$.<br />

Mr. RfVffis of South Cerollna. And<br />

they do lt every day.<br />

Mr. SFF.INGER. Yes, <strong>and</strong> you cen<br />

flfle them.<br />

Mr. RfVER.S oI gouth Carollne. However.<br />

where hEs E menulacturer<br />

redres?<br />

got any<br />

Mr. SPEINGER. Mr. Chslmen, lf tfie<br />

Bentlemen will yield further, the only<br />

redress he woultl have q'or:ld t,e to flre<br />

Bn employee for negllgence, Bnd lf he<br />

dld not follow the safety st<strong>and</strong>ards mt<br />

up by ttre company, tt ls my underst<strong>and</strong>llg,<br />

uder altnct eny compmy rules or<br />

under sny unlon tules, that you heve a<br />

rlght to flre therh.<br />

772<br />

quajlty product becsus€ they drlve thera<br />

theruelves.<br />

Mr. RIVER^S of Eouth Catollna. I wlII<br />

Eay that that hes not b€en my exp€rlenc€.<br />

I rf'.3h they could heve been trlede to<br />

drlve eome of the csr6 I hlve owned.<br />

fr'HDXEM OI.EID bT ilN. SEE<br />

Mr. SRALEY. Ml'. ghElrbnfl, I ofler<br />

nn e.uendment,<br />

Ttrs Clerk r€etl Es fttllows:<br />

AstDdscnt otrered by Mr, cffi: OE<br />

poge 3{, att€r llne II, lffirt tbe loUosln8 Dffi<br />

Eubffitlon :<br />

"(t) Ar ffin eB pr#tl€blE slt4r the data<br />

ol eu*tfient ol tttrB tttle, the B+cret4ry rh8ll<br />

establlrh trbderal Eotdr vcblcli Blety sbndsds<br />

requlrtng that eYGry mottr geblcle uEd<br />

or to ts utd 8E a rch6lbu thBU be<br />

Gqutpped at eadh p@D8tr eet lffitlou Ylth<br />

E aeat l*It,"<br />

Mr. SR.ALEY. Mr. Cbslffim, I EtrbU<br />

only tske e lew rnlnutet on thls a,[re.Dd*<br />

Eent-<br />

Mr. chatrrren, I teel thst thls I'ruendment<br />

ls s juEtlfiEble one.<br />

Mr. Chelflflen, there has b€en Eucb<br />

erapert testfunony Bnd statlsuc.s whlch<br />

tr8ve bten oflered to prove thst seat belta<br />

have been E tBctor |l1 Esfety ln prlvete<br />

vehlcle.s, ln GovernEent vehldles, End ln<br />

aIJr other vehlclc.<br />

I thlnE lt ls fmllsh for u.s to wrlte<br />

B plece of leglslatlon provldlng for mtlonel<br />

Be.fety <strong>and</strong> not protect the welfere<br />

ol ou chilalien who, irl my oplnlon, are<br />

ou most ldpotteJrt, <strong>and</strong> vEluble s8Beta.<br />

We h8ve rgqulred uleny sfety feetures<br />

on Edhoolbuses, <strong>and</strong> I feel ttrat lt<br />

ls proper snd fltting to reqr:Ire ln thls<br />

leglslEtlon that &hmlbuses be equlpped<br />

e$d requl]'eal to be €qulpped wlth 8€Bt<br />

belts.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. Mr. CheimEn, lf,lll<br />

Mr. RIUEF,S of South CerollnE. You<br />

flre them aIId watch them Ue uP the<br />

whole process. Everybody ln tJle coutry<br />

knows thIB End everytrccly ln thls<br />

HolH knows thlc.<br />


wlll the Bentleman yleld?<br />

the gentlem&n yleld?<br />

Mr. CRALEY,<br />

lEn,<br />

I yleld to the sentle-<br />

Mr. DINGET.T,. Mr. Chairmm, do€6<br />

ttre gentlemal's emendtrent requlre Ell<br />

of these schoolbuses ta be equipped wlth<br />

seet belt6, or<br />

Mr. RrVER^S of South CeroIhE. I<br />

yteld to the gentleman from MichlEan.<br />

Mr. CEDER,Bffi,G, I tblnk lt would<br />

b€ e mtstake to lnfer thst the employees<br />

of the Butohoblle mEnufecturere would<br />

ln any way try to turn out a product that<br />

wEs hot s8.fe End up to the Et<strong>and</strong>Erals ttlBt<br />

the comp&ny requlres.<br />

Mr. ChBlrmEn, ln the flr$t pld,ce' these<br />

employeet drlve these car$ therelves.<br />

Ttrelr own safety ls at stake.<br />

I{r. ChalmBn, I belleve that the euto*<br />

moblle msnuf0ctur€r Bnd the rcspon'<br />

sible p€ople who rcpresent these eEployees<br />

reooEinlft thet lt r$ ln thelr best<br />

rntirest to tm aut a qulltv Ftoduot.<br />

TheE art probably alway8 route thln88<br />

thst ca$ happen. But, bY eJrd lErge,<br />

ttrese employeee eft So|l1B to tum out a<br />

jut newly EanuJactured<br />

schoolbues?<br />

Mr. CRALEIr. The Emendment rEqulres<br />

tbat every motor vehicle used or<br />

to be useal ffi a schoolbu5 be equipped<br />

wtth ttre seat belts. ThiE would applv<br />

td not orUy new ones, but to thoBe Echoolbuses<br />

already ln ue.<br />

Mr. DINGEI,L. Mny I ffik the SeEtlenm,<br />

ttren, beceuse I ffi #e thBt the<br />

tnt€rstate colnmerce powers of the Federal<br />

Govement under the Constltutlon<br />

wor:Id afiord S"pproprlat'e Euthorlty lot<br />

tlealins wlth the questlorr of these vehlcles<br />

thet sre to be sold ln lnterstate<br />

corilnerce h the futue, but I rrould<br />

llke to know under whbt power car the<br />

gon.greB6 constitutionElly leglElete tJIe<br />

use oI Eeat belts on sll schoolbuses, lncludlng<br />

those whtch ere not sold or oper-<br />

Eted ln |Ilterstate cotrrrhefce?<br />

Mr, gfiAI-EY. I would Etate to tha<br />

gentleEBn th8t I am not m attomey,<br />

End I flould heve to bow to the gentlemm<br />

on that, question. My fetllng le<br />

that tJ the leglslEtlon lE pessetl lt wlll<br />

be requlred, end woul(l be ha.nalatory<br />

that ln ordet tor ttrese Eotor vehlcle.s<br />

to operEt€, ttnt they would have to have<br />

6€at b€Its.<br />


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