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$dtrusett8) therc rtlF5'yct lS, Iroc!<br />

l?0.<br />

So the ammdment was rejected.<br />

a.EhxENT Oro tr If rQ$<br />

Mr, MOSEi. Mr. Chalrmm, I otr6r<br />

tn amendment.<br />

ThG Clerk ffEd e6lollows:<br />

AEc[dErtDt oierEd bt ML Mos: Ob FaCt<br />

go itrltr out llDc! 2l aEd 3t End rihuEbar<br />

rue?Gdlug psEgnph! sd uY rc(6lcEH<br />

t!ilGto c@rdh.glY.<br />

Ml. MOSS. Mr. gtrst$en End MeErbers<br />

o! the commlttde, I do not belleve<br />

thft Bmenalment l3 cohtroverstsl. I heve<br />

cususs€d lt wtth the dlstlngulshed runk-<br />

Ing memb€r of the mlnorlty ffid c'ith the<br />

chalmEn of the comrdttee. It would<br />

strlke ttre deflnltlon ol "perBon" as mntatned<br />

ln thts proposed st&tute, End<br />

therelore fall back on tltle I <strong>and</strong> the defl'<br />

iltlon of "person," broadenln8! lt, Md I<br />

feel lIt a cotrtructlve manner.<br />

I utge edoptlon of the amendment.<br />

Mr. STAGOERS. Mr. ChElrman, we<br />

Eacept the atnendment on thls $lde'<br />

Mr. SPRINCER. Mr. ChtrlrmBn' may<br />

I ask whether thls ls the amendment<br />

whlch we dtscussed Pfevtously?<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. Yes, it ls.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. we heve nq obJectlon.<br />

The CHAIRMAN' The que$tlon lB on<br />

the Emendment offered by t'tre gentlehafl<br />

tron Crllfornj8.<br />

The o.d,endrnent wffi egreed to.<br />


Mr. MOSEI. Mr. chalruan, I ofler an<br />

aEendrdeflt.<br />

The Clerk read s follow8i<br />

AEeDddcEt oEered bY Mr' Mos: OD P'86<br />

59, ttn. l, Eltor "Etat6" tucrt<br />

"4 poLttldl<br />

aubdlvlBtol tharsol".<br />

Mr. MOg& Mr. chBlffian, agaln I tlo<br />

not beilevb trus ls controvetslal. rt maker<br />

It qultt ctear thEt B dlstrtct Ettorney ol<br />

a city prosecutor corlld seek lnfotmailon<br />

lrom the drlvers llens€ feglstry ffielntatned<br />

by the Depertment o( CoEf,erc€'<br />

The pre$ent lBngua{te lg rether conJused'<br />

It strtes "Et the request ol e StBtc." It<br />

det not' say who ln the State mEtseE the<br />

reque$t. It ls not cleBr Bt Bll whether a<br />

(Ustrlct ettorney, B cdunty or, Bs f sy, B<br />

clty prGecutor muld lorward 0, requffit<br />

anh h*ve lt responded to. r have dlscused<br />

thl! also wlth the distlngulshed<br />

gentlemen lrom Illlnol8 <strong>and</strong> wlth the<br />

chalrmen of the mnrmlttee' md I beueve<br />

It ls sls noncontroveralBl'<br />

Mr. SPRINGm'<br />

hare no objectlon.<br />

Mr. ChElrmeJr' we<br />

Mr. BTAGGffiS. nrc hBYe no obj€ctlon<br />

to lt.<br />

The CrIATFiMAN' The quesuon lE oD<br />

the amendment ofiered tltrt the gentlctrlrb.<br />

lrom c&tlfomle tMr. Motsl.<br />

Ttre e,mendment war agreetl to'<br />

Mr. HERI,ONA. Mr. Chelmeu, t<br />

Eove to strlLe ttre lest word.<br />

Mr. ChElrtrlaD' I tate thls UEE l|| order<br />

to dstse en lnqulry ol the dlstlB-<br />

IrutEhed chBlilan ol ttle cdm.Etttec' On<br />

pace 29 of the blll' on tine 18, under the<br />

ienttfUonr. B motor vehlclc ls def,ned ff<br />

rrreB$lna "8ny veruclc drlven or drawn by<br />

mechr,nical power ruu-factured irl-<br />

Earlly tor uae on tJts publlc 66recta'<br />

House Debate<br />

JEf, qd eroept' Brr;v vehlcle<br />

{rhyayt.<br />

EEnt4d exclustvely on a rBll o'r rslls-"<br />

Do I uJlderstMd thst this pearo ttre<br />

provlslotr oI thl.s lsw do not Bpply to otr<br />

Hgnsey velticles or vehlcles such u Indianapolis<br />

rSce cErE whlch are toeed to<br />

End trom the rre tratk or modlf,ed stock<br />

csr$ whlch a.re geared ln Errch I way thEt<br />

ttrey cerrnot be rued on ttle hlghwBys?<br />

Ur. ETAGGERS, That l.s mrrect. MY<br />

lD.terpret8tlon<br />

to ttrem,<br />

would be lt does not Epply<br />

Mr. RIVER.9 of Eouth Carollna. Mr.<br />

chalmm. I tbove to Etdke the l8st word.<br />

Mr. chEirmEn. I tske trus time to Bsk<br />

ol the distlngulBhed chBlmBn or the<br />

raoHns mtnorlty meulber where ln thls<br />

blll ttre publtc ls FuEhrrt€ed guBlity control.<br />

The m8nu{84tuer carulot EuErant€<br />

qu8lity control, b+c+use ll he ln$lsts<br />

on t}Ie repres€ntEtlve of the lebor unlon<br />

to perform quallty control, they could<br />

selk off the Job. That Ls not the fBult<br />

of the ronwMturer. AII of u$ know<br />

ttrat there are mdny caEe6 ln our osn<br />

erperlence where there Ere obvlous defffits<br />

ln our cer8 which we buy whlch<br />

ere not the f eult ol the rnanufsEtuer hut<br />

ttle negllgence o! 6ome employee. Does<br />

thls bUl give the manufectu.rer &n opportmlty<br />

to guafantee to the uing publlc<br />

tlst there 9lU b€ quellty control Es p0.rt<br />

<strong>and</strong> percel of t&ls law? You cennot<br />

l.Brput€ sll ot tJ:.effi faulk to the mEnulBcturer<br />

erclElvely.<br />

Mr. IGEBS. Mr. Chdffi8n, r'ilI the<br />

Eentlettren yleld lor B quertlon?<br />

Mr. RTVERS of Souttr Caro]lra. I Bm<br />

Esking one f,Et.<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. Mr. ChalrEffi, wfll<br />

the BentlemEn yleld?<br />

Mr.<br />

ylelil.<br />

RJVE-S ol South CsJollns. I<br />

Mr. STAGGffiS. I would say to ttre<br />

gentleman that thls lB a EBIeW blx qnd<br />

not a qualtty control blll. A]though,<br />

qu&Ilty has to come lnto Eafef,y. we Ere<br />

llslstlrg that evetythlDg b€ doDe to rdEke<br />

the Gr Eefe.<br />

Mr. RMS of South Caroune. But<br />

you do not Sdve the menuJacturer an<br />

opporturjty fa guamtee thai hi$ employees<br />

wlll glve the u.6in8 pubuc B product<br />

shlch ls sete from obvlou8 defects on<br />

the part of the employes.<br />

Mr. STAGGER^Si. We have a ptovlBlon<br />

In here thEt every cu turned out lltust<br />

tE ertifled x ln conformance wltJt<br />

safety $t<strong>and</strong>f,rds befue lt goes to the f,t8t<br />

buyer.<br />

Mr. IiWER*S or South Carollne. U<br />

you knes Bnythlng Ebout the eutomoblle<br />

butnes,<br />

done.<br />

you wou-ld know t}ls cannot b€<br />

Mr. ETAGGERS. We heve lt ln the<br />

bru.<br />

Mr. R.IVmE of Elouth Caroltna. I<br />

knon', but you slll find out. You ougtrt<br />

to give the mmufectuer some ctedlt, for<br />

Eomethlng, end you are not dolng lt h<br />

thls btU.<br />

Now f wordd llke to |lrqulre of the<br />

tenktns mlnoflty member at to tlre saine<br />

thlns. IB ttre mffruraciurer 8{ven tny<br />

opporturdty to cotrlpel hl$ employ#s to<br />

Fuarantce thst thelr product 16 not<br />

freueht vlth negllgence?<br />

MJ. EPRINGER, I iS DOt sUfE t.hEI<br />

I underst<strong>and</strong> the Bentled8n'8 questior,<br />

I heve no brlel for the manufs4turerE.<br />

1ffi5<br />


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