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l@ wona* fi a ltntt of g mlnutes or to<br />

mlnuter from now could b€ Eet.<br />

Mr. MO€IS. Il thLe debEtc on the sub-<br />

Je|ct of ttme ls SotnS to contlnue, I do<br />

not, yleld further untu I am Blven coEr-<br />

Fensetlh8 tlm6.<br />

Mr. STAc(lmfl. Could 9'6 s8y 5<br />

mlnuts efter 5 debd,te on the Ementl-<br />

E'ent End all Emendments thereto wlll<br />

be concluded?<br />

Mf.SPRINGffi. Mt.ChElrErsn-<br />

Mr, MOS€I. I refu8c to yleld further<br />

ulles I am afforded eddltlonal tlEre to<br />

glve me my fuu 5 minutes.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman<br />

lrom CBllIornIB hEB refused to yleld<br />

further.<br />

Mr. MOSS, Ivtr. Chalrmen ond gen-<br />

Uemen. I fintl myselt ln the 6eme<br />

dllernrns a6 the distingulshed gentleman<br />

from Me$sschusetts. f cannot ulderstEnd<br />

why there is such vlgorous opposltlon<br />

to provldtng E crlmlnrl penalty for<br />

wilUully <strong>and</strong> knowlngly vlol8tlru the<br />

pmr.lsions of thls Bct. We ere not talk-<br />

Urg of repe8ling the EdministrEtive or<br />

clvll p€naltles that are provlded. R€member<br />

that ln this act we are not deellns<br />

only wlth the larce eutomoblle menufectuers<br />

or assemblers- We are deeltrg<br />

with many people who are real fly-bynlsht<br />

&rtlstFacces6ory Bhops.<br />

We had testlmony Jut I few years a8o<br />

tn the commlttee, <strong>and</strong> we flffi,lly hed to<br />

report out, 6 btu flxtn8 stendards for<br />

breke flulds, tr€caue ws founal people<br />

wero Enowlngly &nd wlUfully selling ln<br />

lnterstete coilrmeroe, brake fluldg that<br />

wouJd break down under norm8l op€r-<br />

Stlng temp€ratue. Yes, we Elso provlded<br />

criminEl penaltle$ for t€at belts whlch<br />

fsUecl to meet sny reEsonBble tests ol<br />

strensth.<br />

I*t u not kld ourselvee tlrat we e,re<br />

dealing wlth thl$ very cdmpldx Indutry,<br />

oomposed only oI totBuy r€rporolb.le indlvldualE.<br />

Ttre fecord is tm complete<br />

wlttr lnstanc€B to dlsprove thet tfteory.<br />

No damage ls done by adtllng tlrls second<br />

em to the ar8ensl to deal Ftth those<br />

who wlllftilly <strong>and</strong> knowln8ly vlolste-lt<br />

deals slth the matter of those who Impoft,<br />

tho# who offer ln lnterstat€ corn-<br />

Inerc6, end not JuEt nffiessarlly the very<br />

few manufeEturers of Euto[robtles. IJ6t<br />

rn stop corolderlng thls loClglstlon obly<br />

ln context wlttr the Eore respotrBlble s€Ement.<br />

REmemb€r, tlrete Ere many $ho<br />

are not ln that cetcgory.<br />

I UrBe the sdoptlon ol the amendment.<br />

Mr. HATVEY ol Mlchtsru. lv[r.<br />

ChakElBn, I move to Etrlke th6 r€qulslt€<br />

nuber of wordg.<br />

Mr. Ch8lffiEtl, I rl$ ln opposltlon to<br />

tbc e,Eend.E6nt. Mr. ChE|IIIM, no one<br />

hBr6 he^8 complalned thEt the present<br />

p6ualtl6s lu thll blU Ere by Eny Eeana<br />

lnBd6quatr. It hs been Bttrtert that we<br />

BIrouId idal eaother Bm. Eut let m6 fldt<br />

thLe: IB the poslblc flne ot 9400,000 Eot<br />

enouah ot a ctvtl ps6lty?<br />

I can thlnI of B Bood Eal\y auto lndu3tde+-sfter<br />

eU, tbey arr not all F\ord,<br />

<strong>and</strong> they ere not all General Motor8;<br />

there ue a Eood. many small oDea a,8<br />

well, who make trucks <strong>and</strong> pflrte*tor<br />

whom the f400,000 flne would b€ illsastrous<br />

<strong>and</strong> llhmedlstely put th?rq ,.u<br />

banhuptcy, Is not the power of ln-<br />

Jurrctl'oll+ thd poper ot re8tr.slJrt that<br />

Eo€B $/lth lnJunctloh enough? It he4<br />

been sald that, no, trstead we Bhould<br />

add Bnother sun. I.€t me say thla, th8t<br />

we sre not adding anothgr gu. Irotead<br />

we ere dolng Just as the gentleman frm<br />

Mlchlgan [Mr. DNcELL], who proceeded<br />

me, s8,1d, \rre flre narrowlng<br />

6tructloft<br />

thg con-<br />

Let Ee read to you from a letter from<br />

the Deputy Attomey ceneral ln thls regErd,<br />

to the ctralrman of the comnrlttee<br />

ln the other bo{y. He sald;<br />

Wo wduld not SencElly favor lHporltlo[<br />

ol crtEhil<br />

pen[lttes lor vlolatton of the et-<br />

Wcra crlmlnsl 8$ctlonr created, the st8tutd<br />

mt8ht h4v6 to b6 narrowed ln tha te8pectr<br />

wo h8ve noted, aDd lt would undoubtcdly<br />

Helve E Dorrower JudlClEl COEtructlon,<br />

' Ttris ls the polnt lhe centlemsn from<br />

MlchigEn made so effectlvely a mlnute<br />

Bgo. My polnt to you l$ that bv dolng<br />

whBt this qmendment suggests, lnsteEd<br />

of adding mother Bun, we ere ln efrect<br />

mEklng E wesker bill, b€c8use wg are<br />

maktnE B provi$ion th8t is Eolng to be<br />

corlstrued more ns.rrowly <strong>and</strong> ls golng to<br />

afiect a mor6 limltetl number ol people.<br />

The provlslon es lt ls dreft€d st the p.e*ent<br />

time ls s broader bill sncl will afitrt<br />

more people end wlll brlng Ebout more<br />

ln the fleld of oafety end conrpulsory<br />

st<strong>and</strong>arde.<br />

I polnt out, 83 I sald esrller, thb 15<br />

a new fleld of legtsllum fof the Congress.<br />

For more then 30 years ttre aut'o lnalustry<br />

hes been turnlng out vehlclea end, by<br />

aU ststlstlc8, safe vehlcles,<br />

ThlB IE 8 trernendoEly lmportsnt lndu3try<br />

not only ln the State of MlchJsan,<br />

whlch I heppen to represent but across<br />

Afterlce. It ls tremendously lhportsnt<br />

[o our economy,<br />

One out ol seven AEerlcana tllrectly<br />

sBlns hls Ilvellhootl froE thls p8rtlcru8r<br />

industfy. In the dlstrlct I represent<br />

rrrore than E hEjorlty rte dlrectly or<br />

lndtrectly Ef,ectcd by lt.<br />

ThIa Congrrss shoultl ln lts wlfiIom Eo<br />

slow ln ttrls regard <strong>and</strong> should not junp<br />

lnto somethlng hastlly, when we do not<br />

tsnow whEt we Ere dolng <strong>and</strong> alo not even<br />

know the man ln the plEnt whoEl w6 wlll<br />

level crlmlnBl penaltles agalnst,<br />

We are not ileBuns q,,lth thuEs <strong>and</strong><br />

hoodlums. we are deallrl8 Tlth a Icsponstble<br />

lndu5try. I &[r proud of them,<br />

both the Eutomobll6 exeoutlve <strong>and</strong> ttr€<br />

ulan on the llne Essembllng verucle8 of<br />

maklng parte.<br />

WhBt thlr amentllrlent polrld do tt<br />

dlsrupt a major Industry. It would melp<br />

ttre executlve eft4ld to makc d,ectslofis.<br />

It would mBk6 th6 worksr altald to do<br />

hls Job.<br />

I $holehesrtedly oppofie the Emenalment.<br />

Mt. O'NEILL of Maesrohusetts. Mr.<br />

Chalmen, I move to strlkE th€ rrqulsltE<br />

nmbcr ol wordg.<br />

Th6 CHAIR^ilIAN. The gentleE.Bn<br />

from MEB$0,chu$etta elreadgr hac been<br />

Ilqognlred rrnder ttle 6-mlnut6 ml6, anal<br />

lB not entttled to fuftlrer feoo8nltlont<br />

Ttre questlon la ou thc amcndncnt ollered<br />

by the Elentleman lro[r Massachu*<br />

setts tMr, Ot{E!,I,].<br />

Ttre questlon wa.s takgn; <strong>and</strong> on a dlvlslon<br />

(dem<strong>and</strong>ed W Mr. O'NEftr ol Mss-<br />

770 Vol.I

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