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litr. Ct$li!ss,n, I belleve t$15 Eqrtndment<br />

thould be wted dowil ovcrrheLBlngly,<br />

There are a lot of p€ople who would<br />

lhe lo mrle thls a Prnltlve m€Esure.<br />

Eowevcr, Ee Ere trylng to make thls an<br />

efiectlve zreaflrre. I do not belleve the<br />

lht€nt of thl.b blU l3 to pun.l6h p€ople.<br />

ft b to sve llves aDd reduce lnjuleE.<br />

We h,Bve lnJunctlve procealure$ ln thls<br />

beesufe, <strong>and</strong> many other ptoccdures<br />

thet cen b€ brought to besr. Fot thet<br />

teNon I belleve the e,Eendment should<br />

be voted down.<br />

Mr. DINGE L. Mf. Ch4tman,I hove<br />

to Btrlke out ttre l+st word. <strong>and</strong> I d$4 ln<br />

opposltlon to tfte Earendment.<br />

Mr. chsllman, lt should b€ polntdd out<br />

very clearly flrst of aII thBt the functlon<br />

of thl$ emendErent ls to ffiw tlre eflett<br />

,<br />

of thls statute. It |s well knom to<br />

students of tJle law that crhilnal ststute$<br />

are very namwly mn8tnred. Thl$<br />

ls one of the ttssons thBt thc oommltttt<br />

ln lts wisdom dld not lru€rt crltrrlnEt<br />

IEnaltles.<br />

Ftrthemore, the gentlfltgn's e$endment<br />

worrld requlre th8t the vlolAtloh of<br />

"knowlngly<br />

thl-$ Etstuta be mmmltted<br />

<strong>and</strong> wllllrilly." Ttris lmpoffi an dmost<br />

lEposglble burden of prool on eny prc-<br />

€cutlon.<br />

Thls ls one of the Eo|8t dlfrcult things<br />

ln Jurlsprudence lo prtve. I would polnt<br />

out a.s s lomer &sslstmt pnosecutor lt I$<br />

olt+nttmes weU Dlsh lmposlble to prcve.<br />

l4t us look lurther at thls EEtter. we<br />

,<br />

rE told by the gmd EentlemBfl trom<br />

M8s$sEhu$etts, who ls qy dear frlentl,<br />

that thls leclslatlon lE not rtmng<br />

cnoush. A lmk Bt the blll, et, what the<br />

oommlttee<br />

proves tltls:<br />

he$ brousht to the floor, dls-<br />

Flrst of all, for any vloletlotE ol thls<br />

atatut€, or for markethg m unsafe vehlcle,<br />

or for f8llure to exerclse adequtt<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>Errb ol care in the manuJsrtue of<br />

verucle.s, t^he bj.ll prolddcs tor al] civll<br />

Fnaltles aEroDtlrg t'o $f ,000 p+r vehlcle<br />

or t1,000 per tlre, or 11,000 p€r pdrt ot E<br />

vehlcle whlch ls unsafe-up to a t'ottrl of<br />

i400,000, certelnly a most vlgorou8 penalty<br />

Blflost to the polnt ol belns conflscatory,<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>ond, we have prffierued evety dngle<br />

Gor|unoh-Iew reftedy that exlst-r eg8lnst<br />

a manutedturer lor tJre beneflt of B motor<br />

vehlcle puJch&Ber. This meens that eu<br />

of the wemnties <strong>and</strong> all of the other de-<br />

,<br />

vles of ffiImon law whlch are afiorded<br />

to the puch&ser, reDain ln the buyer,<br />

ahd they can br exercised ag&inst the<br />

hBnulsaturut.<br />

rqstly, we heve emressly authorlzed<br />

use in the murtt of the trtderal Govem-<br />

.<br />

Erent the full poweE of equlty to enlorce<br />

t}le btu at ttre request of ttle <strong>Sec</strong>retsry.<br />

Thlg means that where there ls elther<br />

productlon of or the threat ol proaluctlon<br />

of sn ffisfe motor vehlcle the <strong>Sec</strong>rtery<br />

tnay go to s murt of equltv End<br />

hey enjoln prcductlon ol the automobfle,<br />

or mBy B€ek such othef reliel es ls necessary<br />

to proiect the AuretlcaD D€ople<br />

lrom bBvlng an msfe motor vehlcle<br />

plsx€d updn the trlghmys.<br />

ThIs power coultl include cmJEatlve<br />

lhjuncttons, to requtre the manufBchlttr<br />

to t{,Ee oorrtrtlve actlon. rt 6uld lnclude<br />

prcblbltdry lnJuctloDa to prcvmt ur-<br />

House Debate<br />

lste rdotor vehlcler from sohl8 on tne<br />

roads. It could lnclude Judlclally levelcd<br />

penEltl€d for vloletloEa ol court or.<br />

ders, much IBrEer than the f{00,000 clvll<br />

p.n8lty Eutfiorlz€d h the blll It could<br />

lrElude crtfllnsl contempt sctlon, W<br />

shlch vtolatlon of a court order *ould<br />

ple,cr the vlolator ln Jsll lor s loDg<br />

as the oourt cho#. It muld lrulude clvll<br />

cont€mpt, whtch would man pltrln8<br />

the lndlvlduel under restrlctloro oi the<br />

court untll Euch tlhe Ls he had purged<br />

hlnuelf ol the cont€mpt <strong>and</strong> until he hf,d<br />

cdmplled<br />

@ut.<br />

B'lth the requlrements ol the<br />

In Eddltlon, lt would Efiord the 16dbtlty<br />

to the court And a.llow, wheit<br />

Eo nffie&t8ry, the levl'lns of clvll peneltle6<br />

by the courk up to $1,000 p€r vehlclc<br />

or pBrt up td $400,000. as were tr6oe8sary<br />

to Bsure the pfotectlon of ttr;<br />

A.merlcan p€ople en(l to punlsh t,lle<br />

manufsdture of mafe motor vehlclE<br />

ind pErt3.<br />

I would polnt out thst the Bvengc<br />

cdvU p€n8lty assert€d by the commltt€e<br />

ln lleu of a flne muld so up to I total<br />

of $400.000. I would point out ttlat the<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard of prool whlch must be bome<br />

uder the comElttre blll ls much dlflerent<br />

End much better, lf you ere lnt€rested<br />

tn er)forcemeht, btraus€ s clvll<br />

Fdnslty ls leveled by the courts urcn 6<br />

flndlng Bupport€d by only a falr prepondemce<br />

ol the evidence. It teke6 much<br />

le6$ to E|Jstaln t}te cese of the Govern-<br />

Eent. In a crlmlnEl proscuflon the<br />

Fedenl Government mu.3t o19vg $gyond<br />

s ressonable doubt. a much besvler burden<br />

of proof.<br />

Ttre chtrlrman oI the cornnltte<br />

polnted out somethlng that should not<br />

lt€ lost upon tlrls Houae. who ls Fohg<br />

to b€ charged vtth a crlmlnal !'tol&tlo4<br />

under thls Etatute lI lt ls smended the<br />

way the gentlehan from Massachu.s€tt3<br />

would have lt emcnded? Is lt golna to<br />

De the presldent ol the corporatlon ? AE<br />

we rolnlr to be able to sy thet he wlll-<br />

Iully <strong>and</strong> knowhrly dlal tlris? The anwer<br />

Ls mLst probsbly not. 16 lt go|rrB<br />

to b€ leveled E{ainst f,ny pttductlon oEclEl<br />

or engineer of the compeny? It Ls sohs<br />

to b€ leveled EgBlnst e Droductlon llne<br />

e&ployee of the mnpmy? Indefil, lt<br />

could b€, under the lenFuese of the Eentleman<br />

from Ma$sEchusttts, leveled<br />

E8lalnst eny percon qtho hBpp€tr to be<br />

ln the employ ol the mmpany, from the<br />

hlehe$ ofnclal to the lowest pfld Janltorial<br />

or custndial employee, lncluding<br />

$weelxE a$ *eU as those vho work upon<br />

the m*mbly llnes.<br />

It ls well known ttrEt the stEndErd ol<br />

proot reqlrired*that Ls. thEt B person<br />

knowlngly nnd wlllfu1ly vlolBted the<br />

Iaw-would lmlEse such B burden on tJre<br />

Federfll qovernment tjlat lt lE hlghly<br />

rloubtfu-l tJrEt Eny pros€cution oI thlE<br />

klnd would evsr b€ sucmsfully errled<br />

ouf,.<br />

Mr. MoSS. Mr. chalman, I rlse In<br />

support of the emendmeht.<br />

Mf. STAC'GERS. Mr. chelrmm, vlll<br />

ttle Eentletrlen ylelal?<br />

Mr. MQSS. I Toultl be very Plssetl<br />

to yleld to my dlEtlnculshed chalrftEE-<br />

Mr. ATAOGERS. I wonder ll Ec<br />

could !8t 8 tlme ltdlt on tblr tlEbstG. I<br />


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