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I<br />

The CHAIRIIIAN. Is ttrere objectlon<br />

to the requeEt ol the gentleman ftoE<br />

MasdthuBetts?<br />

There we3 no objectlon.<br />

Mr. O'NEILL ol Mes$f,chus€tts, Mr.<br />

ChaimEn. the Congress has aleclded<br />

rna.ny timeg before ihEt the rnain deterrent<br />

[o illegel beh4vtor by cor?oratlons<br />

le the deterrent that ls d.imed to pierce<br />

the corporate vell <strong>and</strong> Ettach to the cu-lpable<br />

indivldual. Thet deterrent is the<br />

crlrnjnal provision. The Congre8s has<br />

app[ed thls deterrent to tltega] behavlor<br />

far removed from hazards tJ14t csn result<br />

in the death or injury of lnnocent<br />

people. For exanple, vlolstlons lnvolving<br />

economlc matters, such a,s Entitrust,<br />

secuitle$ $elllng or lncome tax hBve long<br />

established crlfirlnal p€ndltles appllcable<br />

to tlrem. These sonornlc hctlvltles<br />

involve stnsll <strong>and</strong> large busines orgenizations.<br />

If there sre crl-trllnal provl-<br />

$ions in these acts thEt dffil prLEary<br />

s.lth monetflry matters: why shoultt<br />

there not be crimllral provlslotr thBt<br />

alesl with mEtters of human llfe, fln.l<br />

cover lsrge b$ines org8nlzBtlon.s Sltuated<br />

ln thls comtry axd ln foreiEn coun*<br />

trles that come wltrun th& art? why<br />

should B negli8ent driyei te erPo8ed to<br />

crlmlnal nne or lEprlsorfient, Es ls<br />

pres€ntly the ces€, snd a knowllut End<br />

wllllu] manufsctuer be er(eEpted lrom<br />

ruch judgEent?<br />

Ttre inclrelon o! crlnrlnal provl$lons ln<br />

thls act tndicLs no one. ft dffi sav that<br />

anyone who knodnsly End wlluully vlolatEs<br />

thls dtt, thBt could re6ult ln serioua<br />

hBrm or deeth, wiII be brought wlthln the<br />

rr:le of the drll[lnal ltrw. It gerueE notic€<br />

io all concemed that, sglbty L3 srloua<br />

butlne$B f,nd thst thffi rtsponslble must<br />

exert close care End sruthv ovef thelr<br />

decislorr.g 4nd superviBton. Ttru. ro ls<br />

true of all efiecttve tleterents, the cblel<br />

impMt of I crlmlnal provislon wlll be<br />

preventlve. It wlll lurther the cllmBte<br />

of ri8orou care thBt mu.tt lleroEde ttre<br />

Butomof,tve hdrrstry for the prctecUon of<br />

our Drople. The 8dminlstBtlon ol thls<br />

mt to Mhleve the maxtlru.$ sefety wlU<br />

not be esy. It wlll be even Eor6 dfncult<br />

ll t,|e <strong>Sec</strong>ret8rT hs lnsdequste entorcement<br />

tools. one thlng la certaln. The<br />

ElectEtsry bearr a hesw Hponslblllty<br />

End tJre publlc wlll ef,p€ct hjm to besr lt<br />

TEll. Tb permlt tlrlE btU to Fd$s without<br />

enlorc€ment provtElona sulted flnd netessarT<br />

to hle task wlll hYtte the delsys<br />

<strong>and</strong> ttr6 rtshy-wEshy re8dstory p€rfoMce<br />

thBt hs Huaed Eo much publlc<br />

dl8llluslon$ent wlth the proce$s€a ol<br />

Grveffirue[t. llreft k nothlng tilote calculat€d<br />

to erode publlc Fnfldetrce lfi<br />

Goveroent thEn congress glvlng a department<br />

hewy rmponslbtltty wlthout<br />

comerolHte ruttrorlty. Wc m ratElng<br />

the publlc's expdctatlons lor greater<br />

6afety; let ua move forusrd Ba we have.<br />

In the pst, to provlde B more Bolld b$e<br />

lor thetr fulflUment.<br />

Mr. STAGCERS. Mr. Chalrman, I<br />

rl.$e ll1 oppositlon to the Bmendment.<br />

Mr. ghalrEeJl r,Dd MeE.b€rs ol thc<br />

Corilrdlttee, I ho96 I do not take tbe S<br />

Ednute8 sll,ott€d to me, but nrst I would<br />

1116 to Bay that the adrtlnlsttatlon when<br />

they sent up thls bUl dld not esk for<br />

crll3rlhal penaltleo. When the Depdtt-<br />

E!4!,of JuEtlce wes esled lor 8 recorlrtenalatlon<br />

on Ulla tlley dld aot aEts lor<br />

crlmlnel F€naltle8. The Ju8tlce Departdrent<br />

rald ttrrt thcy dld not, lBvor lt. Ii<br />

lB ln t,}le Rlcor,D es lt wu jlven ln ttre<br />

other trcAy. I Eould |Ike to tDow w]ro<br />

th€ aentlcnf,n would clngle out to cbarTe<br />

wlth * crlne. You carulot put i corporatlon<br />

fn JBII. Arrr you golrur to trke<br />

one ol the men dovrr oD the llne, tlre<br />

foreman, or qrhlch one? The Department<br />

of Jutlce ssld that the blll would<br />

haye to b€ DBrroweal lI crLELE4l lr€naltle8<br />

are lncluded.<br />

Mr. O'NEIITIJ of Messachu8Ett8. Wtll<br />

the Eehtlenrril yleld?<br />

Mr. ATAGGER.B. Yed. I yleld to the<br />

gentlemEn.<br />

Mr. O'NELL ol Massachusetts. All I<br />

Tant tD Eay lE tbls: The record ol the<br />

sutomoblle lndu$try ls thl8: They hf,ve<br />

cut coffiers. They hsve cut, cotner8<br />

when the safety of the AmerlcEn publlc<br />

has ben tn que$tlon- They htrve flt<br />

mrners ln order td Beve money. I thlnts<br />

those who mBEe dffiislons to cut cornefs<br />

on matters of safety should pay the<br />

p€nalty.<br />

Mr. ATAGGERS. Who are you golng<br />

to put ln Jatl?<br />

Mr, Q'NEILIT of MB6sBchHtts. The<br />

88me &s any other act, you lEve on the<br />

bmks wlth reglrd td publlc u{ety.<br />

Mr. STAGGm,$. No one could tr€<br />

readlly ldentlfiab)e.<br />

Mr. O'NElJtrr of Ma$$achuEetts, Just<br />

Ilke every other act wlth regerd to pubuc<br />

Bafety.<br />

Mr, BTAG'GERS. But you do not'<br />

lEnow who you are golrg to put ln Jall,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it would have to be deterrnlned.<br />

Thls would tske a long t'LEe. We bave<br />

ch'll penrltles whlch coEe to elEht tl.E€€<br />

tfte propo8ed crlmlBl rnalflE. Tell<br />

me, do you biow of Eny efety EtEndards<br />

Btatutt ln tlrts lmd where we trave<br />

both ctvll Bnal crtnrtrBl p€naltles? You<br />

ca,nnot Dolnt to one. I wurld sy rlm<br />

tbat the BenBt€ debstrd rlta at qulte<br />

ro|rle lmgth. They oa,Ee up wltir a yotf<br />

oI 62 to 14 asslilrt lt.<br />

Mr. O!{HLL of Msssachusett'8. You<br />

esked me to nEme otE. Wlll t'he gentlemsn<br />

ylelal fufiher?<br />

Mr. BTAG,Gffia. I yteld.<br />

Mr. O'NEII,L of Ma.GstrhrHtts. I{ow<br />

Bbout your pre*ent peneltier wlth resard<br />

to seat belts?<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. No, tbey do not.<br />

They do not heve a.ny dvtl p6nalfles<br />

whatsever.<br />

I can Bnswer ttrat vmy qulckly, becEuae<br />

I wEa fur the comalttd€. Ym csbnot<br />

coEe up vlth one,<br />

Mr. ghstrmsn, I would llke to sEy to<br />

you now thBt the IIAA whlch ro the<br />

drll.Des ot thls courrtry do not tHve any<br />

crlmlnal pensltleE ln thelrs md they c+n<br />

take as many Es 150 or ltore on one Elrcraft,<br />

antl I would add ttEt one ls certslnly<br />

lnterestrd when one gets on m<br />

elrplane as to whettrer he 16 Bolla to be<br />

tafe or not.<br />

Mr. Clralrnar, tlrer€ a,re My other<br />

fertorE whlch are tnvolved. However,<br />

we have crlfirlnsl, but flot clvll per8ltles<br />

ln the sffit belt End btEke f,ulal lEwE. We<br />

rep€aled thero ln tfits trcc$r8€ wc bclleve<br />

ln clvll pnaltter whlch we feel a,re far<br />

mor€ efecuvc snd uruch er^Blcr to r,ppv.<br />

olEl_rr,l0_poft lL<br />

768 Voi,L I<br />


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