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,j@, Imff"vc tt tr ilorl ln ttre publlc tntirred<br />

that we have thls partlcular proc€dure<br />

followed, E3 tndeed wLr the one whtch<br />

. you suggest€d lnltlslly. Neltlrer mettrod<br />

of Eppolntment would not dlmlnlslr tjlc<br />

authorlty ol the <strong>Sec</strong>rete,ry of Commerce.<br />

flrd#d, I believe we would $trenAthen hjs<br />

hmd E$ he tries to wresile with thls tremendougly<br />

lrttportant problem.<br />

Actually we Bre having much Bdo ebout<br />

nothlna. I hop€ rny colleaBue$ over on<br />

the other slde vill go along wlth us <strong>and</strong><br />

Ehow your confldenc€ lll the Presldent ol<br />

the Urlited States md the Een*te on thts<br />

uu.tter.<br />

The CHAfRMAN. The qucstion is on<br />

the amendment ofrered by the genilemBn<br />

f rom Illlnois I Mr. SFRTNoEBI.<br />

The questlon wEi tsken; Bnd the<br />

Chalrman brtng tn doubt, the Corurnltt€e<br />

dlvided, <strong>and</strong> [here werrayes 49, noes 66.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. ghalrmsn. I<br />

dem&nd tellers-<br />

Tellers were ordered. md the ChairtnM<br />

appolrrted as tellers Mr. SpRfrcER<br />

trnd Mr. RdtoERS of Floridtr.<br />

The CoEmlttee BEEin rUvtded, End the<br />

tellerg reported thflt there werB-ayes,<br />

80; ne8, ??.<br />

8o the mendErent ws agreed to.<br />

Al:EMUtm Otu Er xr, o,sE! ot<br />

UBAHVffi<br />

Mr. o'NErr,r. of MMhUs€tt€. Mr.<br />

ghalrman, I ofier an a.trrerldnrent.<br />

The Clerk read as follows:<br />

AEcndscnt olTercd by Mr. O'NEEL df Mar.<br />

t#hwetta: OU page 43, alt6r llDo 3, on ItD.<br />

{, f naw ffiilon 109(c ) to lolloP retlon<br />

r0o(b):<br />

"cEHe<br />


"SE-<br />

100(c). Aly pcmn who boelDsly<br />

Ed wultully ylolit6 aDy provtslon ot sEu6<br />

lO8, or aDy rctulaHon lsuFd tbrr;UDdet,<br />

- Eholt u[En coavlcttoD be flrred Dot mors thu<br />

150,0fi) or lEprlehed uot Eor6 thrE tro<br />

YsH, qr both."<br />

Mr. O'NEU.L ol Mas8achu8rttr. Mr.<br />

ChBlffiBn, I, too. wf,nt to congratulBtc<br />

tho chalrttru nnd ttre mmmlttee lor<br />

hsvlng hearlngs <strong>and</strong> reportln8 ttri8 lesls-<br />

4. letlon. But f Bko went to meke refer-<br />

/<br />

ence to a tello* by the nam6 ol Ralph<br />

I NEder who U8hted s bomb uder thc<br />

\_ neonle ot Amerlca, <strong>and</strong> he deeewes B<br />

EEat amomt of crtdlt. I know thst I<br />

Ecelved probably l0O lctt€rs froE my<br />

con$tltuenclt Ytltlr roBard to automobtld<br />

Balety; there ls no queotlon tbat Rstph<br />

Nader wBa rc8porlslble. I want to congrEtujatc<br />

the commltt# lor brtnglng out<br />

thls blll. On the whole, I beltevc lt Ls e<br />

Eood bul. But, ol coursc, from m5r<br />

amendhent you may lnfer that I do not<br />

belleve the blll goes fEr enough, L€t Ea<br />

rEd to you ln pert from an edltorl8l thst<br />

EppearEd ln the Wa-Bhlngton Fct th6<br />

other mornlna:<br />

AtroftUhg to th. c;ffieH fuEjttdr<br />

rrlDrt Sccuou r0O s5d 110 ol th6 but. th.<br />

clvll p€Df,lttu And tDrucuou provt tou,<br />

"rbould Cotutttut .ulielcat GDJorCehCUt<br />

autborlty to uw6 tuU adhcrcaco to Ftd-<br />

6nl Edrty rtudrrdt," Ttr.tr Ir bot the cs.-<br />

It b ludlcrour t{ ttrlD! tbat tbG Strretary ol<br />

OoEE.rc?. rrBcd oDltr rlth tho threfi ot<br />

ItrJuf,cuol, could loH E uvllUrg auto<br />

Nulcctusr to t6 tb6 llEa yttlout M<br />

lhFo8slblc MouDt of [ttgsttoE, Thc nubcEhlp<br />

ot thc HoE€ hil En obltgailaD to<br />

.brngthru tho btll or tho imr; <strong>and</strong> th.<br />

House Debdte<br />

A.thl$JrtHttoE, ihtoh to f,*tly @tsr|!fll<br />

thc Ses4ta btll, Ehoutd lend tt! support t6<br />

thlr rfrort.<br />

My amendhent |! * slmple one, root€d<br />

ln rolevmt hlstory end leglslatlon deallns<br />

wlth other areas of the publlc safety.<br />

The mendment slmply provlde$ ilrat<br />

any person who knowlngly <strong>and</strong> wlllfully<br />

vloletes thls Bct be subject to crlmlnsl<br />

penaltles. It ls incohcelvBble to me how<br />

there can b€ any vaud objections to such<br />

a provlElon ln En act thst deels wlth the<br />

safety ol milllons on the hlBhwEys ol<br />

our country. Why should the euto lndustry<br />

be placed ln s prlvtleged posttlon<br />

here, when a host o( othef indutries<br />

over whom salety legl5latlon has beerr<br />

enacted eft subjffted to crtnln8l p€naltle$<br />

upon convlctlon for knowlnsly Bnd<br />

wllfully vlelatlns thc l8w?<br />

'Io B$k thc<br />

que$tion Is t4 answer tt. A rlouble st8ndard{ne<br />

for ilrdlvldubls <strong>and</strong> other industries<br />

End one fot the sutomoilve lndu.stry-ls<br />

u{ut Bnd U.nnecessBry. Irt<br />

fl few ex8mples do lof ftrEr\y.<br />

T'he Congress hes passed laws deellng<br />

wtth salety <strong>and</strong> stBnd8rcl$ setilng that<br />

hBvG Drovlded for crlrrilnsl prnaltles ln<br />

the Erut of household refrlgerEtors, labeltnA<br />

of helerdou sub8tsnces, brgk6<br />

flutd$, s€Bt belts, motor c8rrlers under<br />

the Interstatc Commofce Corunlaslon,<br />

Bircraft-+onc€mlng alruorthlnega certtflcEtrs,<br />

lnterference wlth nar.lg8tton,<br />

exploslves Bnd s lorth+team bollers on<br />

vessels, coel mlnes, <strong>and</strong> food, drugs End<br />

cosmetlcs. Even tho br6'ke fluld snd seBt<br />

belt leelslrtlon, whlch was lnlilet€d by<br />

the Hou$e ht€rstate end Forel8n Commerc+<br />

Corunltt€e, provtded lor cdmlnal<br />

nncs <strong>and</strong> lrhprlsment. f recsll no ob-<br />

Jectloh at thEt Um6 to thee crlmtl8l<br />

provlalona; they were draft€d lnto th6<br />

leslalatlon fmur the very b€glnnlng by<br />

comBlttec Etafi, Yet. bV the pE$ent<br />

Ect belorc us, the$ two laws wlll bc rep€aled<br />

ffid lncorporated into the present<br />

act a purpo5tr. I{nowlr.g rnd willftrl vro,<br />

lEtlon of the sat b€It <strong>and</strong> brEke fluld<br />

act8 nov would lncur a crlr3llnal penaltlr;<br />

Phen thls Ect l.s pesed. such vlolauon<br />

would only incur a clvll penalty, Doce<br />

thls meBn thst the publlc aatety ls not<br />

lr1 need of the most egectlvg detenent<br />

lroE now on? HBvs th€ frlghtenlng<br />

tllsclotues <strong>and</strong> newa ln tectnt Eonth!<br />

Bbout e,utomobllo salety provtded rny<br />

b8.sls fot a weakenlng ot tho det€n"nt<br />

lmpact that flows trom a otrong enforsc-<br />

[|ent sectlon? I thln-k not.<br />

The CHAIR'MAN. Ttre ttme o! ttr6<br />

Eentlemsn frod Mffsachusetts hes expl|ed.<br />

Mr. O'HEILL of Mrcachusette. Mr.<br />

Clralman, I Esh unanlnous consent to<br />

prtr€ed lor an BddlilonEl 5 nrlnutd8.<br />

The CHAIITMAN. Is there objectton<br />

to the request ol tfre gentleman lrom<br />

Massshutrtta?<br />

Mr. DINQETJ/. Mr. Chalman, rF.<br />

sening the rtsht to obJect, f hoD6 tfi6<br />

gmtleman from Massachuettl wtll not<br />

objtrt il sme othor Member nqks fqr<br />

Bddltionsl tlEe.<br />

Mr. O'NEILL of MesssEhusetts. Oh. I<br />

never objest.<br />

Mr. DINOEUI, Mr. Chstrman, I wltb.<br />

dEw Ey reservatlon.

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