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{14, <strong>and</strong> E.R. 9303, whlch would establlsh<br />

sslety st<strong>and</strong>Erds fdr certaln nutomoblle<br />

equtpment, 8nd rcqtrir? thts equlpment<br />

to bc tncluded on all Etltdmoblles sold ln<br />

tntetEtstc 6mmeFoe. I Em de€ply concemed<br />

wlth thls pttblem' sE I conslder<br />

tt to be of the Ereatest<br />

portanoe'<br />

nEtlonEl lft'<br />

When pmple ln our country read ln<br />

ilre newsipaprrs thBt almost 50.000 people<br />

hrve dted durlns the lrst yeer ln tEf,c<br />

Bccltlents, they sre bdellv shocked. But'<br />

then they fted Bbout tHcedy every df,y.<br />

TtiBsedy 18 somethlns th8t happtrE to<br />

otherg. But erterv l3 nrlnut43, SomE<br />

man. woman, or chlld ls ktlled lil tr:Bfilc<br />

scctdents. tvery l8 secondg' somebddy<br />

tE tnjwd Eeflously trr sotrlr tvlst€d<br />

sreckege. And Yet tr8fic becomer<br />

heavlet ever!/ dey. Tlteru ere mom dr:lveB.<br />

morc vehtcles, mdre rf,Ile8 ol travel'<br />

e,nd thus ttrorr ch8nces of mcldenta.<br />

And ln eddltlo'n to thc needles$ loE ol<br />

llfc. flrrrnclel 1oa"55 plle up at tJrG rrtc ol<br />

lU,ooO pcr 6ccond, sruund tht clock'<br />

8om€ 6t10,9?e AtrrGrlesnt havc ben<br />

tfllcd ln bll battler 6tnc:i tlrt battle d<br />

Ifxtngton ln u75, lncludhg thE urost rElY<br />

fiDLflsures from vletnem, yet over t.s<br />

frtllion motorlsta have dled In automoblle<br />

rccldents since 18S9, In spltE of these<br />

lacts, however, the Congresg has taken<br />

very llttle attlrmatlve actlon tpward curbhg<br />

the rapldly riEing number <strong>and</strong> co6t of<br />

tutomoblle eccldents. Estsbllshftient ol<br />

msnutaciuring $tgndards tor segt, belts,<br />

alrd the requlrcment<br />

devlces otr vehicleq<br />

Feder&l Goverrrment<br />

ol certaln srfety<br />

purchr$€d by the<br />

was s good beglnnlng,<br />

but llttle more, lrecsu8e another<br />

rrcord was set lE.$t year tor tramc accldeut6<br />

<strong>and</strong> accldents contlnue to bG tho<br />

chlef caus€ of death ln Amerlcans<br />

r !o 3{.<br />

eged<br />

I persnally cannot thlnk oi many<br />

thlngs more trcncflclel to the Natlon's<br />

welfare ihan thls Corurres$ actln8 lBvor-<br />

Bbly on leEislEtloh ded8ned to enal thl,B<br />

horrlble yeArly d$th rate. In l9?5 there<br />

,r*.* orrlV 29 rnllllon llcefls€d drlyers ln<br />

che Unlttd StatEs; todny there Ere 95<br />

miUlon. Yet in I9?5, there wlU b€ 135<br />

milllon Amerlcarrs drlvlng ll? mlUlon<br />

eutomoblle$. In fty home Stste of Florldr<br />

blone, the number of mrs vlll double<br />

In l0 years. The3e lBcts polnt up the<br />

ne€d fof efiectlve leglElotlon to be enrctetl<br />

to curb thl8 modern tragedy of the<br />

trafilc smldent. The trafnc EBlcty leclslBtlon<br />

before the Hou$e todsy qrould do<br />

much td make AfilerlcBn csrs safer-<br />

Whet is psrtlcularly dl8treslng to me<br />

is that Blrnost hBlt of thffie kllled ln r,ccldents<br />

could trBve survlved ln a sale<br />

automobilc. Thls means that we would<br />

$avc 25,000 Amer'lcArls thls year ll thelr<br />

automobll$ were equlpped wlth ceftsln<br />

sbfety feBturs.<br />

sdld:<br />

Presldent Johnson tH<br />

wo cennot mccpt the lntolersblc dEln<br />

on out tlffih Bnd @nomlc rG6ourc6 thft<br />

thEG ectdtnta se mualnS,<br />

714<br />

If wc tal(e ectlon now to hake CilE<br />

themsalves safer the frl8htening number<br />

of deaths <strong>and</strong> lr\iurlg o{turrlng on ouf<br />

hlghways Bnd our streets can be drarilatlcslly<br />

reduced.<br />

It ls lmportdnt ttEt Consress Bct now,<br />

lor every day we Dut ofi cofrIna to grlps<br />

wlth tfils proDlem Bnother 6? Amcrlcaru<br />

wlll ille ln urEEfe md,or vrtrlclea.<br />

Mr. QIJIIJ.EIiI, Mr. ep€rlrsr, I yl6ld t<br />

mtrute! to the gcntleban lrbm Nebmska<br />

tMr. CutrNtl{cll^rl.<br />

Mf. CUNNINGHAJ\iI. Mr, Sp€EKer, I<br />

thlnk I ouaht to 8sy that' I do support<br />

lhts blll, but I dld f,16 the lndlvldual vl€f,rs<br />

whlch I hope th€ Mehrberfi *lll read.<br />

I hop€ tlr8t none ol th6 Memlreru,<br />

whcn ttrls blll ls approved, are golrg to<br />

isu6 any klnd ol st8tdment thflt now we<br />

hrv6 lolved thc rcoltlont prtblem a. t|{<br />

u vehJolot tf6 conocrned<br />

btu tn no wbe rolvee that<br />

bccsus€<br />

problem,<br />

thli<br />

In<br />

frct, lt' h8t vcrt llt'tl6 to do *lth tho<br />

prtyentlon<br />

gtme.<br />

of r.clalcnt ln tJlc nr$ |rr-<br />

It drlal.s prl-uarlly wlth dedan. 1tr6<br />

have no ncure&-thffd ot u8 ntho haw<br />

bffn In ttrrls yrork prote8slonsuy, a! I<br />

heve for tllny yflIlr tnow that there<br />

rre no f,Bures that support rnt oontentlon<br />

thBt the desl8m of t}le sutomoblle lr<br />

thc c$uErF of edcldcnts. 8o because tr€<br />

pass thls r hop€ that the publlo wtll noi<br />

bs lcd to bellevo thet<br />

Drcblem.<br />

wc hnve rolved thlr<br />

Actunlly, the Eot! lEportant billl wo<br />

wlll b€ votina on lE tJr6 one thst collr68<br />

aftDr thl8, u t.|e sch€dulo lb loUowed,<br />

that come8 trom the Combltto€ on Publlc<br />

Works. Thlr bul scts lnto the gutJ<br />

ol ttre problem. ft was orlglntlly ln<br />

our blll but b€caure there we8 a confllct,<br />

I belleve, b€tween ttle euthorlty of tfr6<br />

two oouunlttees, lt ales asreed betEe€fr<br />

th6 resFfftlve chnlrmen, a^s I underftlnd<br />

It, thst the comftltt4€ on ltubllc<br />

would take out th6 EBJor portlon<br />

Wort!<br />

ol t'tts<br />

blll now under @illderatlon.<br />

So we h8ve e merc stieleton hert vlrlch<br />

6et6 up stNdards whlch, e3 I rsy, only<br />

ulbbles &t thl$, lf lt even goes that f8r.<br />

go that the r€auy lmportdnt bltl tlrat<br />

you are golng to be dlacu8sinE l8 the one<br />

th8t wlll cdrn6 oui ot thc CloEmftt4r on<br />

Publlc Work8, whlch ts mhedulcd alro4v<br />

on the csletldtr. That ls the one tJrat<br />

wlll get et this problem to b cslteln decree.<br />

f thousht thBt ought to be rrlstlc<br />

cleflr trs we go ttrough the deba,te.<br />

Ye$, I suFport the leglslEtton, End r do<br />

hope the.t you wlll ree.d tJr6 Elnorlty<br />

vlews thBt f have submlttatl.<br />

Mr. QUU.LEN. Mr. gpc8tsGr, I hevr<br />

no lurther trque8ta for tlmo.<br />

Mr, MADDEN. Mr, Bp€8ket, I ftovc<br />

the prevlous questlon.<br />

The previou$ questlon wro ordeted.<br />

The SPEAIiER, pro t€mlrore (Mr.<br />

Arsrrr).<br />

t'lon.<br />

The questlon la on ttre reaolu-<br />

The resolution wss Efreed to,<br />

A motlon to recorolder ws<br />

tsble.<br />

lald on the<br />



The BPEAI(ER pro temporc. The<br />

Chalr recqgnlze8 the IentlemBn lfdnr<br />

C&llfornl& tMr. Sra|(].<br />

Mr. 9r$8. Mr. Sp€aBer, by dlrcctlon<br />

of the Commltt€e on RUIeB I cau up<br />

Hous€ Rrsolutlon gg{, <strong>and</strong> 8.6L lor lts lmhedlBte<br />

conslderBtlon.<br />

Th6 Clerk'r€fld the resolutlorr, E5 lol-<br />

!ow8:<br />

II. RH. 90*<br />

Ecrolu€d, Ibrt upo|| thG Etlopttotr ot tJrtr<br />

rdolutlotr lt rhrll ba |[ ordar to movr thet<br />

ttr6 IIou& rilolva ltsll tutd th6 Cffilttfi<br />

ot th. Whol. Ilous oD tnr tt|t ol tnc<br />


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