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y the Presldent snd lts members to be<br />

conflrmeal by the SenEte.<br />

Wtthout any pressure, if I mBy say to<br />

the Eentlehen from Illinols, but simply<br />

aa a resrl]t Df d|^qttl$slons I had with rep-<br />

goes through the proeess of recomendation<br />

by the l,rcslde[t, plus the advlce<br />

End con$ent of the SenBt€, that trus<br />

council lnileecl will have nationEl prestlce,<br />

end we wlll get the best posslble<br />

resentatives of the Department of Comrlerce,<br />

I changed my mlnd Bs to the edvlsabillty<br />

of havln8 the President appolnt<br />

members on this Councll.<br />

Bear ln mind thls; Whether you have<br />

It by the Hethod suggested by the gen-<br />

the coundil. The Colnmerce Dcpartment tleman frotn llllnols, or whether you<br />

tried to polnt out to me wtrtt it felt were<br />

the deflclencie.s in,the amendment as lt<br />

wlll leave lt es lt ls presently ln the blll.<br />

you are not dlmlnishine one lota the<br />

ms flrst ofiered. f Bgreed with the Department<br />

<strong>and</strong> offered afl ameltdlnent to<br />

change the provision from having the<br />

Euthority or the power of the <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

of Comhetce.<br />

Ttre gentleman from Florlda knows full<br />

President appoint thc Councll to having well that the flnal authorlty ls vested<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retery apFint the fnembtrs.<br />

First of all, the pur!)o$e of this Coun-<br />

ln the <strong>Sec</strong>retary.<br />

more meanlngful<br />

But I belleve it wlU be<br />

to heve thls Advisory<br />

cil ls to a.alvlse the Effretrry. It i$ not t,o<br />

edvise the Preslalent. It is not to advlse<br />

Cduncll<br />

Es my<br />

eppointed by the sEme method<br />

frlend from Florlda originally<br />

the cabinet. It ls to edvLse the <strong>Sec</strong>re- susgest€d.<br />

tary of Commerce, on trying to set, st<strong>and</strong>- I latl thus far to Bee the aleflclerlcles<br />

Brals.<br />

Where do u,e place the responslblllty<br />

ln thls blU for the setting of st<strong>and</strong>ard$?<br />

We do not place it in the Presidrnt-we<br />

plece it ln the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of conmerce,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lt ls hls full responsibilit]* It ls only<br />

riEht that he shottld dptloint this Hroup<br />

to help advise him. Thet ls aU it is. He<br />

does not havc to fficept their adviceor<br />

he may accept their Edvice lf he 60<br />

desires- It is slmnly an advisory mmmlttee<br />

Ior the SeEretRry.<br />

Fufthermore, I think re are protected<br />

under the terms o[ oflice in that we tuve<br />

that suddenly manlfested theftselves betwen<br />

the orlglnal pfopcsal <strong>and</strong> the ltrstmlnut.e<br />

succestion wtdch Just passed by<br />

the skin of lts t€eth with a 13-to-12 vote.<br />

I would urge the commlttee to adopt<br />

the Emendment, of the gentlemen ffom<br />

Illinols. It wlll eive us a strongrer blll.<br />

It Elll not diminlsh the authority of the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary of Commerce at aU. f believe<br />

It wlll edd lmtneasurebly to the pre5tigs<br />

of thi$ Advi6ory Council as they try to<br />

wrestle wlth thls trefirendously tnportant<br />

problem c'lttl which we a.re confronteal.<br />

certaln set terrns, Bnd lndependence<br />

enouglt for &ny Edvisory comEllttee- we<br />

glve them stt terru that the rnelnbers<br />

will serue. We have precedent for thnt.<br />

That is the same way lt is tlone in the<br />

Public Health Service, the Surgeon Generel<br />

Bppoints the fldvisory commlttee to<br />

edvlse rum. In the Depaltment of Defen*<br />

we have the 6a.me sort of setup-<br />

Ttre adr.1sory commlttees there Ere e.Fpointed<br />

by the <strong>Sec</strong>retery, end not by the<br />

President.<br />

I thlnk thet an overall view of the purpose<br />

of the Safety Advisory Cduxcll 8s<br />

st out In the propo6ed bill td Edvlse the<br />

secretary, who tras the full responsibiltty,<br />

is exactly ffi the commlttee $hould be<br />

appointEal <strong>and</strong> set up.<br />

I would uge very vigorouslr- the defeat<br />

o{ the amendment ffi profnsed by the<br />

gentleman from lllinols.<br />

Mr. WATBON. Mr. Chelman, I move<br />

to stdke the last word.<br />

Mr. Chaiman, my friend frorn !'loflda<br />

knows full weu the trigh esteem that I<br />

h&ve fof hlrn, ftnd certainly I for one<br />

wauld nevet lmpugn his motives.<br />

But f well recall, Es I am gure tlhe<br />

other members of the committe wiu<br />

rmall, the Der5ueslveness End the eloquence<br />

of t'he gentleman from Florida<br />

when he flrst propo$ed this Aalvlsory<br />

Council. It was hls lcleE tlral, lt be eppolnted<br />

by the Presldent, vrlth the edr'lc€<br />

Bfld con$ent of the Senate. He dld en<br />

Mr. ROGERS of florlda. Mr. Chelrhsn,<br />

wlll the gentlem&n yletd?<br />

Mr. WATSON. I yield to my friend,<br />

the gentleman from Florida.<br />

Mr. ROGERS of Florids. I thank my<br />

frlend, the gentleman from South Caro-<br />

Ilna. I would sy ttEt tt was not Just<br />

at the la$t day. Of course, the substltute<br />

was put ln the lsst day, but there were<br />

discu.sslons before that.<br />

Mr. WATSON. I anl sure the geniletrran<br />

knows there was later dlscusslon<br />

aftrr your oriHinal proposal.<br />

Mr. ROGER-S of Fldrlde. Yes.<br />

Mr. WATSON. And then lt was voted<br />

down on that occaslon. It wes tlenled.<br />

Mr. ROGEFTS of Florlda. Yes.<br />

Mr. WATSQN. And lt wBs narrowly<br />

pessed on the lest day.<br />

Mf. ROGEFi,S of Florida. A-ll I wanted<br />

to say was Urat at that tlfte I hsd made<br />

the chhnse. But, no mEtt€r, the frct,<br />

thRt I nr$t proposed it, a$ you say, I alld<br />

have the Presldent aprrolnt them.<br />

In further considerBtion of that questlon<br />

I felt it would not be wise. ff we<br />

would give this council the ri8ht to set<br />

the stmdards them.selves <strong>and</strong> thc rcsponsibiltty<br />

to do that, lJren f would<br />

egree with the gentle.man thet lt should<br />

be a pre$identially a.ppolflted body.<br />

Irosever, in a sltuation where we s'lll<br />

have Edven the a,uthority to <strong>and</strong> will hold<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>fetary responsiblc, surely lt is<br />

only proper that thc advisory body<br />

excellcnt .iob. He convinced us on lt.<br />

rt w6s not untll the last day the.t they<br />

ceme beck wlth the idea thst the Council<br />

must be appolated by the <strong>Sec</strong>retarT.<br />

should be appointed<br />

.WATSONby<br />

him.<br />

Mr.<br />

I refuse to yteld further.<br />

If I miEht make this sta.tement In<br />

reply, I m gure the gentlemsn lrom<br />

Now, Iet me sEy sthy I can supFort tho<br />

Ernendmeflt, of the gentleman from 11-<br />

Ilrols. We hBve e seflous problem con-<br />

Florid& wlll nsree wlth rhe thBt En fldvisort/<br />

council appoint€d by t.he Presldent<br />

with the advlce End consent of the<br />

frontlng us. I want thl6 Advi6ory Couholl<br />

to h8ve Es much prestlge End rrrpect<br />

aB pos8lble, I flmly belleve thet lf lt<br />

Sendte wou-ld certBjnly be Inore of e.<br />

prestige councll thrin one whlch ,s Eppolnted<br />

by the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of Coumerce.<br />

766 Vol,I

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