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lffi Itld ot trotrbovlnE vlolatlobs) *tr lndlvld.<br />

EIFL"euu or pnvlie8€ Eo operate a motdr<br />

vehlclo.<br />

"$Ec,<br />

t, ODIy Bt the requst of a Stste, fi<br />

a Fedoral depertDeEt or BgGDCy, qbell tho<br />

gesretsry (uibl5h lniorffittloD coDtalued ID<br />

the register e8tBbllshed u[der the flr6t 6trtlqn<br />

o! thlg Act, efld Buch Inlormatlotr shall<br />

bs lurnlshed only to the reqqeEtlng Ferty<br />

aDd only wtth fespect to aD lndlvlduel eppllcent<br />

for a motor vehlcle operctor'E llcenso or<br />

pernul.<br />

"SEc.3.<br />

AA UEed ln thts Act, thc terE<br />

'$tete'lncludes<br />

esch dl the geveral Stfltee,<br />

the Commonwealth ol Fuerto Etco, the Dtsttlct<br />

ol Colurlble, Ouam, the VbBIE IslsndE,<br />

tho Cinal zone, snd AmerlcaD Samo8."<br />

Mr. STAGGERfI (lnt+truptlng the<br />

rea.dlnB). Mr. chalmEn. I ask r.nanlmouf<br />

consent that the cornnritte€<br />

ahendment be consldered as resd.<br />

printed ln lhe REcoRD, <strong>and</strong> open to<br />

trmendnent at any lFint-<br />

The CHAIRMAN. Is t"here objection<br />

bo the request of the gentleman frotn<br />

Virginia?<br />

Trhere waB no objectlon.<br />


Mf. STAGGEIiS. Mr. Chalrmen.<br />

there are several committe amendments<br />

which I should like to offer End h8ve<br />

reed <strong>and</strong> consldered at thlE tlme.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The clerk wlll remrt<br />

the ffrst mmmlttre amendments.<br />

The Clerk read E$ follows;<br />

Amcndment8 ofrgred by Mr, $T^ccEE: On<br />

pBge 39, Une 16, strtke<br />

"lssue<br />

out<br />

& certlfl-<br />

Et€," end insert lD lleu thersl the followlnEi<br />

"fRll<br />

to issue a certlflcate required by<br />

erction I14. ()r l$ue a certlflctrte",<br />

On pege 39, llne ll, strtke the pertod <strong>and</strong><br />

lnsert tD lleu thersf B semlcoloE,<br />

Ot p8go 39, troedl8tely 8lt€r UnE 11.<br />

lnseri th6 lollowtng;<br />

"(4)<br />

l&11 to fl4lEb trotlflHtlon ol sy<br />

defrct N requLrHl by Eectlon Il3.<br />

Mr. STACiGERfi. Mr. Chalman.<br />

these are only perfecting Emendments<br />

whlch we feel should be lns€rted ln the<br />

blll. They make notlncatlon end certlflcstlon<br />

subject to the clvll t€st.<br />

Mr. SPR.INGER. Mr. Chslrma,n, we<br />

have no obJection to the amendments.<br />

The CHAIRMAN.<br />

the Emendments.<br />

The questlon ls on<br />

The emendments were agreed to.<br />

The CHAIFTMAN. The ClerE wlll report<br />

the next commlttee amendment,3.<br />

Ttre Clerk read as follows:<br />

Afterrdmenta ofieted by Mr- 6dAccns: On<br />

poEe :lg, Ilne6 14 8nd r5, Etftkq out "Aa requlred<br />

rEder sectlon lr2(b) sd (c);" ffid<br />

764<br />

lnEert ln lleu ther@l ttre lollowtns:<br />

"or tgll<br />

ol refuso ts ptrmlt entry or lspecttoD, s<br />

requlrcd undor SHtton Il?;"<br />

OD page 46. Etrtkr out llne 15 ffid SU th8t<br />

Iollows down t^IuouBh md tncludlng lltrc 6<br />

on page 4? Bnd tnsert ta lteu tbergot th6<br />

lollowlnB:<br />

"(b) For FwImEeE ol eDJorcrment of tbb<br />

tlile, orficcrE or employe* duty deslgnqt.d,<br />

by the SFseHy. uIrcD preEentlfls hpFropflAte<br />

credeDtl4la arrd B wrltten notlcq to tJr6<br />

omer, op€rator, o! a8ent lD clrs8e, ue Euthorlzcd<br />

( I ) to €ntsr, at rclmmble ilEgl<br />

any fsctory, werehorrae, or Ftf,bllabs.nt ln<br />

whlctr mot4f vehlcle8 or lt?ro ol hotar vablcle<br />

equlpment Ee mmuldtEed, or held ltr<br />

lntroductlon lntd lnter6t4t+ $ffiercs or are<br />

held for sale Elter such latroductlon: end<br />

(3) to lnspcct, at re#onabl€ tlEeE aDd,<br />

wlihln re@Bbls .llElt! Md l[ B r8asnBblo<br />

menDe!, auc.h f#tory, wArchoui, or estBbllShment-<br />

Esch auch lnslEctlon Ehall be<br />

ffieb€Gd aDd coEplgtcd wlth EsdnEblc<br />

promptnfts,<br />

''(c) Every m8Dulacturer ol motor vehlclil<br />

<strong>and</strong> motar vehlcle equtpmeDt shall estsblbh<br />

<strong>and</strong> melDtatn such recqrds. hskc AUCb 16portE.<br />

EDd prorlde such lDiomatton u tha<br />

Sl*retqry Ul{y reEEotrirbly requlre to enBbl6<br />

hlm tO deternrlile whebher Fuclr manulacturer<br />

h.t ected or l8 actlDg lD coDpllance<br />

wlth tbls tltle <strong>and</strong> hotor velrlcle EEfety<br />

st<strong>and</strong>erds plescllbed pursueDt to thls tltl6<br />

ond shrll, upon requ$t ol en officer or emplo,'ee<br />

duly deslBnRted by the $ecretary, per-<br />

Inlt such oflcer or {lnrployce to lnspect approprlate<br />

b(Dk6, papers, rtrords, <strong>and</strong> document€<br />

relevant to determlnlng wtrether Buch maoufktuler<br />

hBE eCttd of lB BCilng lIt COmpllAnC6<br />

wlth thts tttle ffid motof vehtcte s*(€ty 6tabdsrdB<br />

prtrcribed pursuant tO thlB tttle."<br />

Od pilge {?. llDe 7, atrlke out "(c) " <strong>and</strong> lnsert'ld)"<br />

On page 47, ure 17, Etrlke out "(d).' end<br />

ln*rt<br />

'(e) '<br />

On prge 47. llne IE, rft€r<br />

"(b)"<br />

tnsert "or<br />

{c)<br />

Mr. SPRINGE5I. Mf. Chdimen. i.s the<br />

chairmarr of the conmittee going to<br />

ftdke En explBnatlon of ttre$e amendmcnts?<br />

Mr. $TAGGm"S. Mr, Ch&irm8n, f<br />

infended to sy that thls Ianguage ls ccntained<br />

in the btll whlch pffised the other<br />

body. We belleve perhaps lt will<br />

strengthen the bill to soEre degree. F'or<br />

thal reason we h&ve asked for lt to be<br />

insert€d.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. chalrmBn, lt ls<br />

my underst<strong>and</strong>lng-&nd I thtnk I have<br />

read lt before, but I wEnt to be sure thst<br />

this ls what vre are tslktng about-tllls<br />

is the SenBt€ lanBua8e completely End<br />

no more. Is thBt correct?<br />

Mr. STAGCE^S. Idenilca.l,<br />

IVII. SPRINGE. lile have no objectlofl<br />

to tt.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The question ls on<br />

the cottrmittee amendments.<br />

The commlttee adendments were<br />

agrF,td to.<br />

The CHAfRMAN. The Clerk wlU<br />

read the next commttt+e srnendfient.<br />

The ClerE resd Bs foflows:<br />

Amendments otered by M!. ETAGE3: C)D<br />

page 56, llDe 23, alt€r "Ehall'r lDSert a (]rj,l]ry<br />

Md thQ f()lloFltr8: "through BtsDdsrdA Stabu8hed<br />

uDder iltle I of thts Act,".<br />

On page 56, llue 1, strlke out "Such" ard<br />

ell that tollow doffi tbrough ths pGrlod otr<br />

UEe 3 ol p6{e E? ard, tEert l[ lteu tb.ermli<br />

"such orddr shsll sp4lly th6 dBto such Bystem<br />

l8 td ta]ie efltrt whtch shall not br<br />

Eoone! tha[ 180 .lcy8 or ltrter thm I yBr lrcH<br />

the dBte Buch order lB lsucd."<br />

The amendmente were agreecl to.<br />


Mr. SPEINGER. Mr. ChalfmBn. f<br />

olfer an mendmsnt,<br />

The Clerl( read as followg;<br />

A$endhedt ofiered by Mr. gPEsoB: 04<br />

paSe 34, llng 1{, Etrlko out "gtrret8ry,"<br />

ffial<br />

lD*rt I[ Ileu thereol the lollowln8:<br />

"Fre8ldent<br />

vlth thc advlce ud cohBebt ol thr<br />

SsEBtp-"-<br />

Mr. SPRII{GER. trtr. Chalrman,. |lt<br />

r.lew of thls being, f thlnk, onty one ol<br />

two smendltents, I would llk6 to Bsk<br />

umlmou consent that I be allowed to<br />

proceed for 3 addltlonsl mlnutes.<br />

The CH.{IRMAN. Ia there obje(rtlon<br />

to the request of the gentleilan from<br />

Illihols?<br />

T'here wa"B no objestlon.<br />


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