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I*;ffi<br />

-<br />

SEc. l(8.<br />

erFE?-ffilon<br />

(e) Whdrer vlolf,tm iny<br />

iui. or nny rcguierron<br />

prorl'<br />

i*ued<br />

theteunder, shf,ll be Eubject to a clvll pennlty<br />

of not tp erceed St,000 lor eMh Euctr<br />

vlolntlon. such vlaltrilon of e provlsloD ol<br />

Fd.tlon 108 or reslllntlonF lRRued thpreundcr,<br />

xhnll conAtttut6 s rep4r4tn vlalRtlon Elth<br />

rcspect to ench nrotor vchlcle or lkm ol<br />

hotor vehlcle equlpment or wlth rspect to<br />

rnch fnllure or relusfil to allot or Drrform<br />

nn sct rrqurad thctGb!, axcapt tlrAt tbe<br />

nljrlnrufir cllll ]*Drlts<br />

I{OO.OOO for An{ relAtd<br />

sbEll not ixcfrd<br />

sfrler af rlol$tlons,<br />

tbl Any Fuch cllll FEnalty mf,y b. coh,<br />

prcmlled bs the Strrrtilr. ttrt M{)unt ol<br />

Fuch Fex&lti. Eba! fllrslif delaEtln{.d. or<br />

House Debate<br />

lhto cdhlorm8nr wtth spplldbla Fi'dcill<br />

itAndard8: Prorllded, ho@rudr. Thrt thr dl6trlbutor<br />

or deqJer prftedt wlth rruonablG<br />

1l. :---aU-:: 16:T*l ;F-r. :i- CL.EF:. m:sr hsJ<br />

br drductrd from ant srh5 oFinF bJi thr<br />

Unlt+d StBttF td thf pfrson chArged<br />

Sic, ll0. (a) Tho Unltrd Stf,teE dtstrtct<br />

torlrk EhEll havc Jurlsdlctlon, lor Ctute<br />

shown ^nd rubJtct to the provlrlont ol ru16<br />

65 (e) Bnd (bl ol thc Federtrl ftuter ol Clvll<br />

Procedrlrf;. to rf,ttraln vlolf,tlohs ol thlF tltlE<br />

trpoh<br />

Stitct<br />

fEtltlon by thf hlrproprlntE UDlted<br />

et,torney o! th. Attorney OenerRI on<br />

bthalf of the Unlted 8trl,+s whenever<br />

Fracttcnblf,, the.<strong>Sec</strong>rrt8ry rhnll f,lv. notlca<br />

to RnJ" person EEAInfrt whom An sctlon lor<br />

lnJun.tlve rellef lB contempl8td End attord<br />

hlm ^n opportuhtty to prcntht hlr vlcwr,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, axccpt ln the cMe of a knowlnB <strong>and</strong><br />

sltllql vlolatlon. f,hall nfiotd hlm rtaFon&ble<br />

opportunlty to Echtevc compllsncc. Thc<br />

lellrrrr to Elvr ruch notlca trnd Rfrord luch<br />

oplxrrtunlty nh4ll hot prccludc the BrantlnF<br />

oI EFproprlAtG rcllel.<br />

( b) In Rny prtrccdlnB lor crlmlnal contempt<br />

lor vlolAtlon ol f,n lnjunctloh or rG-<br />

6tralhltrB ordcr l!!ued und.r thlt rfttlon,<br />

whlch vlolatlon alaa cohEt,ltuteF E vlolatlon<br />

ol thls tltl€, trlel thall tje by th. court ot,<br />

ulbn dchEnd of the accused, by a Jury.<br />

Sueh trlAl AhAll be conducted tf, dccordtnce<br />

wlth thc prf,ctlc€ Rnd prtr?durq appllcablF<br />

In the ctre ol Froceedlng8 Bubtect to thr<br />

provlslonr of rule 4?(fr) of thf; Federf,l RuleE<br />

ol CrlmlnBl Procedure.<br />

(c) In Bll crlmlnal or lnJunctlon t'rfterdlnEs<br />

ldr the Anlercolnent or to te8trnln !lalatlonH<br />

of thl8 tltlr,Eubpens lor wlthhFeF<br />

who are reqlrlred t4 nttrnd A court ol the<br />

Unltfd StRts tn sny dlstrlct may run tnto<br />

trnv ol,hcr dlstrlft In snv irreh prtreedlnS.<br />

sEC. lll. ltr) If Any nrotor vehlcle or ltcm<br />

Ui motor vel:i lr. eqrllpment 16 dptermlnpd<br />

not to corlorm to appltcotrlc Fedar{t mobr<br />

vehlcle sRlety 6tsndf,rds, o! contf,llls tr delect<br />

whlch relxks b nt{rk}r vchtcle srfetv, trftcr<br />

tlre snle ol FIch vehlcle or ltem ol eqltlpmcnt<br />

by A mRnultrcturer or a dlstrltjutor to<br />

s allstHbrltor or r derler trnd prlor ln thc<br />

Enln ol Buch vehlclc or ltem r)f erlulpment<br />

bY srlch dlstrlb\rtor or deiller i<br />

.<br />

ll I ThF mirrrrrir(:trrrpr or (llAl,rlhlrtor. As<br />

the crFe hxl bf, shlll lnllncdltrtalv repur.<br />

f;hasr! such vehlalc or ltrm ol motdr vehlclt<br />

rqulpment trom stlch dlstrlbutor or denlor<br />

Ft the prlce pntrl by such dlstrJhutor ot dell'<br />

er, IJlrrs rlt trirnFPortjrtl()n chnrgfs lnlolled<br />

ftnrl a rFxhn{blc relmbrtr$rmcllt ol not lcFa<br />

th8n 1 per ccntum per month ol Etrch prlce<br />

prld prortrted from the df,te ol notlce of Euch<br />

honconfom4nce to the (lrite ol repurchLce<br />

by the mnnutacturer or dlstrlblrtort or<br />

(2) In the cue ol nlotor lehlcleF. the<br />

hflnufHcturer or dl8trlbut4r, ffi the cr$a nray<br />

bc, At l)lA owrr expend, Aholl lmmedlRtelv<br />

lrrnllsh the purchnslnR dlEtrtbutor or deAIcr<br />

the rcquired cotlfonnlnR ptrrt or partR or<br />

.qulFmeht lor lhFtillhtton by tlre dlstrltilttor<br />

or dcxlcr on or ln Euch vehlcle Rnd lar the<br />

lnstallRtlon tnvolved thc mf,nutnf,tlrrrr shall<br />

rptrnlrurse such dlFtrlbtltot or dcaler lor the<br />

rca.qonible valuo ol Euch ln8tflllatlof, ptus R<br />

rejrs)nxb)e relmburFelrlent ol not lea8 than<br />

1 per ccntlm per mdnl'h ol tha mrnufac_<br />

ltrier's or dlstrltjutc)r's 6ell'nE ltrlcc prorf,ted<br />

dlllgence wtth tht lDEtillBtlon Blter the rtqutre{l<br />

pBrt, partr or €qulpmrnt aro recelv.d-<br />

( b ) In the event any manuf#twtr or dlltrlbilhr<br />

uhAll rplrrBr b cmFIy dth thc requlremcnh<br />

ol pRrs8Trph. (l) End (21 ol<br />

6ubffitlon ( R ) , th.n tht dlrtrlbutor or d.rler.<br />

E thi ca* hay t[, to wbom luch honconforln8<br />

vehlcle ff Flrrlpment hs btrn<br />

sld m^t- brln8 Eult s*nlnst such manulEturrr<br />

or dlsLrlbubr ln inl' cll8trlct cotrrt ot<br />

the Unlt+d St{t+s In tho dlttrtct In whlch<br />

Fdd m4nutMturer or dlstrlburcr<br />

1!:ou::d oi 5& an rdn: qi:o)t<br />

r6ld€.<br />

Hpftt<br />

or<br />

lo<br />

t:c FollE: :n mntTrrsF, n:d rlt:: rffiler<br />

thn dama8r bt hlm suEtalnrd, ss rrll & All<br />

murt cffit pln4 rphFonsb)o flttorhcy! iffi.<br />

Any sctlon brouEht, pursuAnt LJ ihl. Afttlon<br />

ahBll bo forever bered unles fficncaid<br />

slthln thre ycarr Bft4t t,he cEuse o( Bctton<br />

ahill hav6 accruod.<br />

(c) Th6 value of illch lnatallatlonr rnd<br />

ruch le8enablt<br />

In sub8trtlon<br />

Elmburffieilti e<br />

(a) al t,hls sRtlon<br />

rpcclnrd<br />

rhtrll b.<br />

ilxcd by hutll8l B8rtrment ol the partlE, tr<br />

f&lllnB such AFr..meht. by the court puriu-<br />

[nt tr) the provlBlon! of sub4ctlon (b) Ol<br />

thl8.trttoh.<br />

BEc, 111. (a) ThG EEr.hry<br />

to mnduct ruch IneF+cf,ton s<br />

lt authorlE.d<br />

hty H bRtr-<br />

Ery b cnlorcc Fcder4l vehlcle trstrty ttAndtrdr<br />

fitrbltrhcd undGr thlr iltlc. fl. ihtrll<br />

lurnlrh tbt Attornty Clthpral Rnd, whin ap-<br />

Pmfrrlah, thi E.FFtEry of the Tr€uury iny<br />

lnlometlon obtalned lndlctrttnE noncoffipll.<br />

rnct wlth rrrf;h itarrdArdr for approprlit!<br />

stloh.<br />

(b) Evtry manufnctutct ol fiotor vrhlclcr<br />

<strong>and</strong> motor vehlcle rqulpm?nt AhEll cqtBblllh<br />

<strong>and</strong> milnteln lor E ftatonRblc tlmc ruch<br />

tkotd! n! may b6 rcuonAhly naccEiry to<br />

?nable th6.5ftt€tEry to detemtn. whcthrr<br />

such mrnultciurct hEt Ectid of lt actln8<br />

tn compll8ncc wtth thli tltlc <strong>and</strong> motor vrhlcle<br />

8trfety stahderd! pre8crlbed purEuEht to<br />

thlE tltle <strong>and</strong> FhRll, upon reque6t of 8n<br />

otliccr or ehployee duly deBlgnstcd by thc<br />

Seerctary, make appmprlate rtportt end<br />

pelmlt 6uch olncer or cmployee to lntPect<br />

Bpproprlste bmks. pRpaE, rccordg, <strong>and</strong> dtruhentd.<br />

Fo! tho purp$e! ol thtB tfttlon,<br />

lhe trrnrA rrp{)rl4',<br />

'b(x)kF", 'pxpart', 'rftordi.<br />

end<br />

trom tht dete ol notlce ol urrctl nonconloffiftnce<br />

to the dBtc Euch vehtcle la brouBht<br />

"dtrument4"<br />

thslt br llmlted to<br />

dFslFrr, cnFlnefflnE, (lrrnllt,v rnntrol, Ahlpmcnt<br />

ind fftclvtn8 dRtR thf,t R'e rtl.vaf,t<br />

to detcmlnlnE whcthFr motor yehlelf, rAfcty<br />

lbhd4rds prf;Bcrlbed purauant to thlB tltle<br />

src compllEd wtth trr the producilon ol motor<br />

vihlcleE or ltem8 ol motar vehlcle equlpment<br />

whlch hale been or arc belnB prodrlced<br />

for sele,<br />

(tl Evort hbhulactutet ol motor vehlclra<br />

Bnd motor veblclc oqrrlpment shall Frovtd.<br />

to the <strong>Sec</strong>tetary Eilch perlerhanc. dats <strong>and</strong><br />

other technlcil dFta telRterl t() per-formance<br />

End Eslety eE may bG rrqulred to catfy out<br />

thc purpdtcs of thl8 Act, The fiRretnry lB<br />

authorlr.ed td requlro tbe menuf8ctrrrEr tn<br />

Blve Euch notlllcntton ol auch petlorrnAnce<br />

End t+cbnlcal deta st the tlfie ol ort8tnel<br />

purchsre to the nrtt petion who Purch8Ees E<br />

motor vGhtcle or ltem of equlpmcht tor<br />

purposes othrr thRn resHle, eE hc determlner<br />

npcp6thry to crffy orr the prlrpoEe8 ol lhlA<br />

Act.<br />

{d) All lnlormfitlon teFottpd to or otherwlsc<br />

obtnlnEd bv the <strong>Sec</strong>retery al hl6 repro-<br />

Aantnttve purstlInl, to suhseatlon (b) whlch<br />

lltla,rntntlgn c{JhtirlnF or relf,tp6 to a tlarle F6crei<br />

or othcr mnttcr tefcffffl to ln rectJon<br />

t0O5 ol tlt,le l8 ol the Tlnltod Statis ColE<br />

frhnll be conFldered confldentlnl lor the purpGc<br />

ol th8t BPct,loh, elcept thnt such lnfor'<br />

matlon hsy be dlFc)oBed tq other olflcera or<br />

cmp)ovpEt concerrred wlth ctrrrylng ouf thll<br />

tltlp or whpn ralevnnt tn 8ny pttracdtng un'<br />

dpr thls tltle. NothlnE ln thls seetlon ehnll<br />

ruthorl?e the wlthholdtnE ol Informatlon by

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