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(3) Upon the flltn8 ol thc petltlon relerred<br />

to ln pire8reph (1) of thts subectlon, th6<br />

Court shall h{ve JHrlBdlctlon to revle* the<br />

Order ln occordrrnce wlth Eecttorr lO of tho<br />

Admtutqtrettve Frocedure Act (6 U,S.C. 1009)<br />

<strong>and</strong> to BrEnt Bpproprl&h<br />

EUCh aectlOn,<br />

rellal Bs provlded ln<br />

(4) Ttre judEment of the court alllrhln8 or<br />

B€ttlng slde, ln whole or ln part, Bny tUCh<br />

arder ol the liccretsry Etrsll be ltnal, Eulllect<br />

to revlew by the supr€m6 Court of the Unlt€d<br />

8taft8 upon certlorul of cortlflc&uott f,B provlded<br />

ln rGcilon 116{ ot ililr t8 ol th6 Unlt.d<br />

Etrt6r Codr.<br />

(6) Ahy rctlofl lnrtltuted under thb rub-<br />

Eectlon ahall survlv€, notwlthttalrdtn8 sDy<br />

chair8e ln thG persn occupylDg tfie otnco ol<br />

Becret8ry dr eny vec&ncy lh Euch once.<br />

{6) Tho romedlff provld€d lor ln ulls !ub-<br />

&cuon Bhall Fo ltr rddlilotr to oDd rot tD<br />

aubsiltuuon for My othGr r6HGdld provtdad<br />

by law,<br />

- (b) A certtflod copy ot thr tran8crlpt ot<br />

tn6 record <strong>and</strong> ptoceGdhEt undsr tht! ttrtlon<br />

rhalt b6 luDfihad by thi Biorut#y td<br />

ehy lntlrortgd pety at hI| r6qu6rt, <strong>and</strong> peymeDt<br />

ol tho cott thcrmr, sDd Ehau ba adfilulbl.<br />

ta EDy cltmlEdl. lrolulon Ol ,mportj,<br />

ot oth6r ptHGdlnl artdng und6r ot tn<br />

re8pect ol th-t8 flile, lrro8pecilve ol whether<br />

proceedlDgf, wlth r6tp6ct to the ord€r h8vo<br />

FrevloqEly beol lnltJBt<br />

under aubaecttoD (A),<br />

d or bocomG llnal<br />

sE, 106, (al The <strong>Sec</strong>ribry ahEII mhduct<br />

Iesei+rch, te6tJn8, dGvelopment, Bhd tfBtnlng<br />

llocc8asry to carry oul ths purpoq6{ oI thll<br />

tll,le, llrcludlng, but not llmlt{d tr<br />

(r) collectln8 dets lroh any Boulco lor<br />

the purpose of determtnlng tho rolauoruhlp<br />

bgbweell hotor Vehtclo qt hotor vslrlcl;<br />

equlprneut pcrformnn{id charactetl8ilc8 [rld<br />

1A) acclderrts involvlr8 motor vehlcleE, <strong>and</strong><br />

(B) tlle occurrsnce ol deeth. Or personBl ln-<br />

JUry re8ultlnB lrorn guch SdcldentA;<br />

(r) procurltg (by rre6otta6ob or oth.r-<br />

Wl6e) erF+rlmcuttrl end other mobr vchlcl$<br />

or nrotor vehlcle equ-lphent lor rere8rch &nd<br />

t6Etlng purlb8es:<br />

(3 ) selltng or oiherylre dlsposrn8 of teEt<br />

molor vehlclfr end rtrotor V€hlcle equlpmeht<br />

6nd relrhbumlng lhe prftecda ot Cuch mle<br />

or {l4lrcaal lnb the current Epplo,Frt8ilon<br />

svallqtllo lor ilre puquo ol c4rrylng out thl8<br />

tltle-<br />

(b) T'he <strong>Sec</strong>retary tE sutllorlrBd to condwt<br />

resorrch, t68tlnE, devetorpment, End tf,Bln.<br />

ln8 E authorl4d td bs Brled out by eub_<br />

8ftllon (a) of thle trouon by hsktnF gr*nt6<br />

lor the c<strong>and</strong>ucf ol auch rffiErch, tArttng,<br />

develqmtnt, <strong>and</strong> trBlninB td Stets!, lbtdra<br />

ahte oBenclm, arrd noDpioflt lnrtltuttonr.<br />

sEc- 107, Tho S6cret8ry lB authorlusd to,<br />

advl8e, affiIEt, strd @ol*r*te *tth, other Fsderal<br />

dep{rtmelt4 <strong>and</strong> a8enctfr, <strong>and</strong> rjtBte End<br />

other lntereEt4d publlc Bnd prtvat€ egomtGr,<br />

In th8 plArrnlng <strong>and</strong> developrnent of-<br />

( 1) mobr vehlcl€ adety Bt<strong>and</strong>ards;<br />

(2) methods lor ln8p€ctlng<br />

determlnc slmpllanc6 wtth<br />

AElcty Bt<strong>and</strong>erdc.<br />

<strong>and</strong> Erilng to<br />

motor vehlclr<br />

SE. lO8. la) No persn BhElt-<br />

(1) nlanultrdure tor a8lc, BeIl, olter lof<br />

6Ale, or lntroducs o! dellver lor lntroducilon<br />

ln lntcrEtate cemmerco, or Import lnto th€<br />

Untbd Stf,ttr, any motof yehlclc or ltffi ol<br />

moLrr vehlcle Equlphef,t mnnusctred on<br />

ol Atter the dat4 arly Bppllc4ble FederEl motor<br />

v€hlcle af,lety stsndard tRke8 efroct under<br />

thlB tltle unlcBE lt lE ln conlorhlty wlth iuch<br />

rtllrrdtrrd except q provlded tn tubafttJon (b)<br />

of thls Bcctk)n;<br />

(?) letl or relu$e eccffi to or copylng ot<br />

trcordE, or fnll to rnake re.I4rta or pruvlde lnlorDratlon,<br />

N requlrod Urrder sectlon ll3<br />

<strong>and</strong> (c) i<br />

(bl<br />

(3) lsu€ s cErtlflcf,td, to the efitrt thst E<br />

motor vehlcle or ltem ol hotor vehlcle equlp-<br />

Bsrrt cenlomrs to sU sppllcabls federal<br />

mokr vehlcle a4lety Bt<strong>and</strong>ffds, lf EUsh IErmn<br />

h tltg derclrc ol alu cse *mwB or h&<br />

ref,mn to know that such certlicat€ ls lalse<br />

or mlsleadlng ln a meterlel rspftt,<br />

(b)(l) F$sCr*Fh (r) ol subaectlon (e)<br />

Ehall tut apply to the cale. the ofie! far aa.ls.<br />

or th6 lntroduttlon or dellv.ry for Introductlon<br />

In Inter8tat4 commeice ol any mot{r<br />

vehlcl€ or motor yshlclG cqulpm€nt after the<br />

llrEt puchtre ol lt tn Eood falth lor purposeg<br />

othtt thm reEdle. In order to ffiEure a contlnulnB<br />

<strong>and</strong> ellfttlve nstlonel treffic Ealety<br />

prcBrm, lt ts the poltcy ol Congre4s to eucoursg€<br />

End strenBthEn the enlorcemtnt o{<br />

Etstr ln8lsctloh ol ucd motdr vehlcl6r.<br />

ThsrolorG to thBt.nd ihE EklctBry thall<br />

mnduct a thorquEh study End lnvfftlEatlon<br />

b dottffilDs thc Adequacy ot motor vehlclG<br />

Eafety stBndsds <strong>and</strong> motor vehlcl€ lnApetlon<br />

rrqulr6m6ntr <strong>and</strong> prmadurft appltcdblc<br />

td uBed motor vehlclc. ln ffh BtatG, ud thi<br />

afftt ot prcgrffi authortrGd by tits tlu6<br />

up6tr Ewh itgrdudE. requlr€menta, <strong>and</strong> prc<br />

c.dru.! lot u*d metnr vohlclea, Etrd relbtt<br />

to fr'n8res s amh s FmctlcBbls but [dt<br />

lBtcr tbsn onG y6s fltff th6 dBtr ol cD4tmaBt<br />

ol thlr tltlG. th6 fGtulti ol luch 8tudy,<br />

Mtl tftorlmcndatlona lor Buch addltlon8l<br />

loglrlatlon E h6 d6e[r4 necesary ft, carry<br />

out ihe purFo.lr el thl. Aot, A. roon r<br />

practlc&blo Alttr tho rubmlsrton ol aUCh la.<br />

port, but no lqter than on6 y6s from tha<br />

datt of EuhnlBlon ol Euch reFdrt. the Strrstarlr,<br />

altar coEulbtlon wlth th6 Qounctl<br />

<strong>and</strong> auch lntefBted publlc -<strong>and</strong> prlvatc aSencl$<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eroupt & )16 dertu advlqsble, Fhf,ll<br />

st*bltsh unlform Federal rctor vchlcl6<br />

ralety rt8ndflrdr appttc4bl6 to ell utdd m{}t(r<br />

vehlcles, Such Et8nderds shall bo €xprc88ed<br />

lD terms ol motor vehtcle BaJ6ty tf,rform-<br />

McE- Ttro S€cr€tary ls authorltsd to Bmend<br />

gr revoke such atendard! puEuant to thlr<br />

Act.<br />

(3) PBrsgraph (l) ol BubsfttJon (a) shBU<br />

Dot spply to any per$on wtto 6tabllshe8 that<br />

h6 dld not know or hev€ retuon tp know ln<br />

th! arerclao ol du6 care tlrat tuch vehlcld<br />

ot ltdh ol hotdr vehlcls e(lulpment lE not<br />

ln cohlorEUty with appuceblG F6deral motor<br />

vehlcla salety ataDdarda, m td Any l*tBon<br />

who, prtot to Frrch nr8t prrrchme, holdi I<br />

certlflcsto lsusd by the m8nulqctutet or<br />

lmporter of such motor vehlcle or motor vehtcls<br />

equlpment, td the efiect that Euch<br />

v6hlcle or equtpment conform8 to ell eppllcablc<br />

F6delal motor vehlcle Eslety Et8nduds,<br />

unles Euch pGrEon kDOWE thAt SUCh yehlclo<br />

ot €qulpment doeE hot ao conlom.<br />

(3) A motor vehlclo or ltem of motor vehl*<br />

cle 6qulpment ofrered lor lrilportatlon ln vlolstlon<br />

ol pare8rsph r(1) o! Aubscctlon (a)<br />

ah8ll bc refured ddml8Bton tnto the Unltad<br />

Bt$t4a under Jolnt re8ulatloD8 l4ued by th€<br />

Sosctary ol the Tre6rnry Bnd tha Sscretsry:<br />

except thBt the <strong>Sec</strong>retsly of the TteBeury Bnd<br />

ths 8€cretary may, by such re8ul8tloB, pro-<br />

VldG tor ButhorlElnB ths lmporhtlon ol tuclt<br />

motor vehlclG or ltem of Hotot vehlcle equlpheDt<br />

lnb the Unlted 8t4te8 upon auclr term!<br />

ancl con.lltlons (lncludln8 th6 lurntEhlrl8 ol<br />

I bond) EB hey Eppear io tlreH approprlat€<br />

tO InEure that env sUCh motor vehlcle or<br />

Item ol motor vehlcle equlpment wul b6<br />

brouBht lnto conlormlty vtth Eny appltcabla<br />

licdaral hotor vehlcte EAIety atsndard prelcrlb.d<br />

under thlF tlilo. or wtll be cxportcd<br />

ot abBndonod to the Unlted 8t8tsr.<br />

({) Ttr6 Bccratsry of the Tte8sury <strong>and</strong> th6<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retBry may, by Jolnt reBuletlona, perhlt<br />

the tempotflry lmportatton ot Ahy motor<br />

vEhlcle or tt€m ol motot vehtclo equipment<br />

Eltcr tho ilrst pulchRrs ol lt ln Bmd lf,lth lor<br />

purpffiB othe! than tessle,<br />

16) Psagfrph (l) ol Eubsectloh (tr) Bhall<br />

not spply ln the cse of I motor vehlcle ot<br />

Item of mol,or yehlcle equlpment tnt€nded<br />

golely lS exfEft, Bnd Eo labelGd Or tag8:ed on<br />

thG vchlcle or ltem ltEr:tf srrd oD the outstds<br />

ol the contatntr, ll eny, shlch l3 etported-<br />

(c) Compltence wlth Bny Fed.ral motor<br />

vehlclc $fety atihdard lsued undet thts<br />

tltl6 dffi not srempt any !6tffi lrom Uy<br />

uEbUlty hder ffiffi lsv.<br />


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