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noble purpose. Ttosc who ha,ve dled on<br />

our hlHhwBys died needle88ly, Ttlls only<br />

goes to prove thht thc Brrtomoblle is rnore<br />

deedly than all the weapons of war vhen<br />

not properly hendled. And the6e flB'ure8<br />

do not Inclucle the mllltons of p€r8on6<br />

who hrve b€en Injured ln trartlc accldent$<br />

who ere permenently <strong>and</strong> totelly<br />

dlsebled, thereby becomlng a burden on<br />

thelr fEmllles.<br />

Thls ls a prob.lcm of nBtlonel lmpoltance<br />

End f Em convlrlced thht lt c$h<br />

only be solved by. Federal loglslatlon End<br />

the full coopereilon of all FederEl, gtEte.<br />

End locEl of[ctats. Every clriver ln the<br />

country must also be rnbde to underst<strong>and</strong><br />

the grBve responslbtllty he a88umed lvh€n<br />

he set'e b€hlnd the wheel.<br />

Todey I lntroduced B resolutlon celllng<br />

upon the President to dedlgnete the Bunday<br />

belore Labor Day eech yffir aE "NEtlone.l<br />

Trafrc Accldent Prevmilon Day,"<br />

to remlnd Bll our clttzens of the tou ln<br />

llves md property tEken by trefrc eccldents<br />

<strong>and</strong> urge thelr partic,petton ln B<br />

contltruous cempElgn to preyent trafnc<br />

accidentr. I hope thls mee8ure wlu be<br />

psssd b€fore thts Congro$s adjourrls.<br />

In prodlBlmlnF "NBilon0.l Trsfilc Ac,<br />

cldent Prevention Day" I AIn sufe ure<br />

Presldent would emphaslze that thl8 lE<br />

lrot, Just I dEy for cs,relul drlvlng, but<br />

ls to serue Eg e Drectdelrt for every dsy ln<br />

t"ttr year. We heve chmn ttre Eunday<br />

before Isbor Day becauEe thls long hollday<br />

ws€kend too oltcfl ends ln ..Ctcrnal<br />

rest" for many people. 1n6tefld of fiie day<br />

of rert from lEbor tt, l! dc.ltncd to b€.<br />

Mr. Chalmen, ru I Beld betore, thls<br />

blll wlll noo Frevent B carelesa drlver<br />

from havlng 6n Eccldent but tt 16 one blg<br />

stetl trr what I hopc wiU b€ B conunulna<br />

cempBiFn to Btop slEughter by Buto_<br />

moblle <strong>and</strong> I urge Bll my colleBaus t{<br />

Eupport lt.<br />

Mr. cn BERT. Mr. chatrmBn, I support<br />

the Natlonel TrBfrc Bnd Motor Vehlcles<br />

Safety Act of t900. I com$end<br />

the Commltt€€ on InterstBtr bnd Fbr*<br />

elgn commerce <strong>and</strong> lts dl8tln8nrl8hed<br />

chahman. the genuernan trorn We!t.<br />

Virginle [Mr. 8iloornsl, for Eo complet€ly<br />

nUlng B ne€d thst eltecta ao ttranv<br />

ol us.<br />

The automoblle tB the dbuy cornp8n_<br />

lon of mlUloru ot Amerlcf,h8 who spend<br />

d,E much ume In thdlr c8r ss they do In<br />

thelr homes. The bulldln8 codes ol al-<br />

Itlost every locellty ptotect u In our<br />

home8- It 14 Bbout iltne we lrf,ve a code<br />

to protect us ln our eutomoblles. tdo.<br />

Thls leglslstion hEs been too long tn<br />

comlng, end I hope we Bee B slmlflcBnt<br />

lncreas In the astely of our automob|ler.<br />

I Bm BwBre thrt only a frBctlon<br />

ol rutot|roblli s0old6nt| oilr bG rttrtbut€d<br />

to faulty equlpment-though more<br />

thEn we have hltherto been led to belleve-but<br />

one unnecessary death lB tdo<br />

4sny, <strong>and</strong> the destrucilon ot llfe hBE<br />

been t€rrlble.<br />

So I Em glad we Bre flnally setttng<br />

lelety $tsndBrd6 lor our automoblle<br />

mBnulacturer8. I Egal'J commend tt\e<br />

Committee on InterstEte nnd Foretgrl<br />

Commerce snd lt6 chslrmatr lor rrportlng<br />

out En excellent blll

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