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eJd thrt tEproy€sG[ttr csn b. dtdc to l&gcoftmtttee on fnterstete ind Forelgn<br />

the automobile lkelf to reduce th6 Du.nr- ffimmerce on both sldes ol the Blsle for<br />

ber entl severity of trsfrc accident8. thelr great con[rlbutlon to the general<br />

rt ls obvtous-that human emor plays welfBre of the Uhlt€d sta'tes ln brlnslng<br />

a, Eroat role ln the alarmlng Etatlstlcs thIE leglslation to the floor ol the House.<br />

retattng to hlBhw8y de8ths but that does I urge thet we glve H.R. 13228, Es amendnot<br />

a.bgolve conBress lrom it$ r$ponsl- ed, our overt/helmlng support.<br />

bility of $tabllshing sfety sta.ndards at Mr. VANIK. Mr. Chalrmsn, I rlse ln<br />

the manuJEcturer level. A shsrp lnstru- support of ttris leglslBtlon to provtde unlmerrt<br />

with E useful purpose cErr b€ E form stendsrds for autohoblle salety.<br />

deadly weBpon in the hEnds o( s)me in- It ls E tr'i$e st'ep ln the rlght dlrection'<br />

['(Uvldusls, Hufran error does not excuse At some future dete, I hope thEt your<br />

I ug from our responsibility to save llves commlttee wlll make an effort to provlde<br />

I \rhere pos$ible. Other legt$lation mEy for unllorm bufiper level st<strong>and</strong>Erds, Itbe<br />

nmuy Et the State Bnd Netlotlal qrrlrlnB trucke <strong>and</strong> eutomoblles to have<br />

-<br />

Ievel to desl with the humdn lactor on burnlJers of unlform belght from the<br />

ourhlghways. htghwEy level so tJrat the bumpers ol<br />

I e.m pffiticularly pleesed thst the truck8 mtrt bunpers of Eutomoblles.<br />

How Commerce Co|rlEjttee hls when I engBge In turnpike drlvlne, I<br />

strengttrened the fldmlnlstrBtlon blll by<br />

edopting mendmenk whlch makes lt<br />

rd,mdBtory r€.ther thBn dlsretionery lor<br />

drlve In contlnuous feBt ot telesoplnB<br />

beneath hlglr-speed trucks End trallerg<br />

cspable of qulck Etopg wlth BlI brakeg.<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of commerft to set $afety<br />

st8ndud.s for Butomot)Ilffi. Thls wtll fficeleraie<br />

the prmes of est&blishha, approvlng<br />

antl lEplffienthg the resula-<br />

I also hope that your commlttee wlll<br />

take sme actlon ln the nesr luture to<br />

hElt the wr&p-around rcer ll8trt-r which<br />

charact€rlze the Ford Thunderblrd, the<br />

tlons"<br />

I also support the provt$toru requirlng<br />

<strong>and</strong> dlrectlng the <strong>Sec</strong>retBry ol ComeEe<br />

to udertEke a broed scale rmuch, tcttlng,<br />

clevelopln8, Bnd tffilning prDgriln<br />

on Eutd sfety End to obtaln by con-<br />

Dodse Iancer, <strong>and</strong> certstn models bullt<br />

by Bulck. Ttresd cofrpletf wrap-around<br />

llshts may protact the drlver <strong>and</strong> pBS-<br />

sengers ol the Eutomoblle$ on whlch t'trey<br />

Ere ln8telled, but everyone else on the<br />

h.lshltay l$ hypnotlzed.<br />

tract or Federsl Frent exp€rimental<br />

blcl6 a.tid experimentdl €qulpEent.<br />

ve- Mr. Fa,IEDEL.<br />

llke to remlnd<br />

Mr. chBirmBn, I would<br />

my colleagues thEt l0<br />

f coErmend tfie many locBl ofrclala of<br />

Nasssu<br />

years &go I Eponsorcd leslslstton to<br />

qounty End ol other communltlee<br />

tbroughout the Netlon Tho have<br />

creflte B Select colnmittee on<br />

'llaflc<br />

gafety <strong>and</strong> I served on thls committee<br />

brousht the lssue of auto safety to the durlng the 84th Bnd 85th Congre|rer<br />

torefront oI Dublic attentton, to their Mrny recent Ertlcle8 apperrtng lh the<br />

Stste leglstatues, Bnd now to the Con- PfesE lndlcgt{ that the con8resa hB$ pald<br />

gresa. Thla leclslatloE ls certBlnly ln little Bl.tentldn t() the slEughter of more<br />

ke€plflg wlth the constltutlorul rspoNl- tJlan 50'000 l)eople on our $treets <strong>and</strong><br />

blllty placed on the Congres8 to "provlde<br />

blghw8ys eoch vesr but this is not thc<br />

- for the general welfEre." au.*.<br />

F we muBt not compromlse wlth safety. our speci8l comrnlttee conducted ex-<br />

\ ttre emerlcefl dflver $hould hBvo the tensive lnvestlt{stlons l0 ye8r8 ego to<br />

\ safest car ln the world. Nothlng le8$ determine whai could be donc to prevent<br />

I wlll do. The automoblle lnd$try wlll Eccldents <strong>and</strong> we made many recommen-<br />

{- not sufier ecorlomlc h4rd by congnes- datlons to the Congress, $orne of whlch<br />

J slonEl dlrectlon to cause the scttlng of became lnw. I speclflcallv refer to leglssafety<br />

stshderds. The lndusttY told the latlon estEbli$hln8 the NEtlonal Drlver<br />

, comnlttee stld MeEbeE ol Congress Rdslstet <strong>and</strong> laws settlng $efety stEndthst<br />

they Ere reedy to mmufactur€ SBter eld8 lor hydr8.ullc brake fluld <strong>and</strong> Eeat<br />

cars voluntarlly snd thst leFlslstlon PUI belt8.<br />

hEve sn adverEe lmpsct ofl autodoblle Thts bill we are conslderlhE today ls<br />

salel, Nelthet ar8xrlrent ls Yalltl, e6- the cuhnlnatlon of our commlttee's efpeclelly<br />

when *elshed esalnst the pur- lorts to reduce euto accldent$ end save<br />

pose of the leglslEtlon-the savlng ol llves. Of course thls l3 the most comprehman<br />

llves. In addltlon they have had<br />

elnple tlme to act volunterlly-but have<br />

hen$lve leglslatlon to be reported trom<br />

our commlttee slnce it tackle8 the prob-<br />

not done $o.<br />

lem ol the e4fety of the car ltself <strong>and</strong> re-<br />

[n55<br />

II.R. 13228 proyldeg a coordrnfltcd n8- qulres thBt c€rtaln ffifety Etendarda be<br />

tlonat safety proEr8tu end crest€t a N8- met otr new, as well as used cars.<br />

tloBl Motor Vehlcle Salety Advlsow Ml. Chilrmen, lt ls mv llrm convictlon<br />

Councll stth representettv$ of motor thEt we mu6t ehact thls leglslEtlon lnto<br />

vehlcle antl auto equlpment menufac- lEw m thBt Eu dflvetl wlll lcnow thst<br />

tuers, Stat€ snd locsl govennrentg, end th6tr own vchlclG, ar wgll E8 ell other8<br />

the publtc. The le8J8lstlon ls edihessed on the road, meet' mlnlm|rln safety stendto<br />

tJre gerlou metter of deellng wlth tr16 ards' We can no loflser ffiol.tll to l8:trore<br />

problems of rn lndGtry, tlre uE€ ol whogc the fact that more people are belns kllled<br />

Frcduct8 re8ults ln ttre greet convenlence on our streeta Bnd hlghwEys than hEve<br />

ln tre$EFortstton ol our p€oDle <strong>and</strong> car- bden kuled ln ell the ware ln whlch<br />

rylng our sood! lE tntrratEtc commeFoar our country h8s been engaged, It ls<br />

wtdle rt the 6alnc t'lE€ re$ult ln th6 shocklnE to recall thBt lrom l??5 to 1900.<br />

desth ol epptorJnetev 50,000 pcr8oEl8 1,134,055 Amer'lcans lost thelr llves ln<br />

end the lnjury ol dpproxlditely {.S ull- wars; but from 1900 throuBh r965, l,ssr,-<br />

Uon persons ee,ch yesr. 16{ Amerlcans tlied as a result ol Euto-<br />

I commend tht dlsttnBulshed chalr- ftoblle Bccldents. Those who lmt thelr<br />

Ean, the gentleEan lrom,west Vlrglnla, llvs as s result ol wers Erved e, very<br />

Il^ffilr O. grAcctfi.8, snal ttrc memb€E ol<br />

VoI.I<br />


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