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Thls le8lslatlon wtll brlng tlre manufecturers<br />

wlthln the Jurlsdiction of nBtional<br />

highway safety. Well thal, they<br />

should be, for fEulty tires have been<br />

proven td have caused fRr tm many fEtal<br />

accidenls. The biu before us will rcquire<br />

tire mEnufacturors to fumish purchflsers<br />

certain infometion about thelr<br />

ploducts such s identlffcation, plles,<br />

msximum lo[d, End their colnpllance<br />

wlth safety st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

In scldltiotr, the NationEl Trafnc <strong>and</strong><br />

Motor Vchiclc Ssfety Act of 1966 will<br />

greally exp&nd the existing National<br />

Ilrlvers lteglster. It .wlll lnclude the<br />

names of all those anywhere ln thd countrv<br />

who have been denled, lor one reeSon<br />

or htloLlter. B llcense or lrad his license<br />

rcvoked or suspended. It is too etrsy for<br />

tlroj;e who should not have the privilege<br />

oI drlvinc to obtaln a llcense ln &nother<br />

jurisdiction once they hBve been denleal<br />

Lhal privile|.e ln th|ir own.<br />

Thlts legisletiotr doe$ & great deal moE.<br />

It is a logical step lollowirrg other acts<br />

tffken by the conEress of the Unlted<br />

Stale$ to increase the sflfety of Aherlcans<br />

on the lrlghwey.<br />

I strongly support pas$age of the National<br />

Traflic <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehlcle SBtety<br />

Act of 1966. It is needed now,<br />

Mr. SICKLES. Mr. ChBlrmEn. the<br />

Irouse now has under consldetatlon the<br />

Nffttor)a] Traffc <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehlcle<br />

Sefety Act of 1966. Soon lt will be con'<br />

slderlng the Hlghway Safety Act ol 1966.<br />

These me&sure$ are closely lntcrreleted,<br />

<strong>and</strong> whlle they sre separate pleces ol leglsletlon,<br />

we $hould keep In mlhd the ono<br />

rrrhlle conslderlns the other.<br />

The present automoblle sccldent ratc<br />

constltutcs a. crlsl8 ol unprecedented proportlons<br />

conlrontlng the Amerlcen people.<br />

If the present automoblle accltlent<br />

fBtallty rate cof,tlnue8 we wlll hEve ttr..e<br />

deaths of at least one-hEu mlUlon peoplc<br />

erch decaale to Eccount lor- Thls year<br />

alone, 50,000 AmerlcEn$ are expected to<br />

dle as a result of Eutomobile Eccldent8.<br />

C)he out of every 3,600 AmertcEn8 wlll b€<br />

dead slmply because he ventured out on<br />

the road systems ol hl8 country.<br />

Somethlng must be done. Ttrls r<strong>and</strong>om,<br />

but systetnatlc kllllnc muBt cesse.<br />

There are three mEjor phsss of accldent<br />

preventlon. One ls the automobtle,<br />

how it ls made End whether lt ls constructrd<br />

wltlr the preventlon of eccldents<br />

ln mlnd. The second nrea ls the drlver,<br />

whether he lB properly llcens€d End to<br />

lvhflt er(tent hls educBtlon hBs trBlned<br />

hlm to adequately me€t the hazardl of<br />

modem-day clrlvlng. Ttre thlrd area lB<br />

best constructlon arral me.lntenenc€ ol<br />

our hlehways ln terms of safety requlrements,<br />

The TrEfnc tiftlety Act deal$ wlth the<br />

flrst of these problems; the Hlghwsy<br />

Safcty Act wlth the latter two.<br />

The ma1or thrust of the TrEffc gelety<br />

Act--H.R. 13228-ls the estsbltEhment<br />

by the Sccretary of Commerce ol sfety<br />

stmdards for all automoblles. In carrylng<br />

out hls responslbllltles in ttrls area<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retery wlll b€ blded by the Netlonel<br />

Motor Vehlcle Sa.fety Advlsdry<br />

Councll, to be created by the proposed<br />

leslslatlon, who8e membershlp wtu be<br />

composed ol repre8dntetlves from the<br />

motor vehlcle lnalustry, safety equlpment<br />

754<br />

mBnufecturers, Stete <strong>and</strong> locel governments,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Eenefel publlc. The $ecreta.tT<br />

wlU also hEve the use <strong>and</strong> resourccs<br />

of Federal <strong>and</strong> State reseBrch<br />

rrrogmms flnsnccd by ttrls lef,lslation.<br />

The FcderBl GovernEietrt already has<br />

slenlflcant cxperience in establishitrg<br />

safety stsndtrrds for autoln:)biles- The<br />

General Servlces Adlnlhlstration, which<br />

purchases vehicles for tnost Federal<br />

egencles, already has establlshed safety<br />

stEndards for the vehiclcs it buys. Ttle<br />

secrettrry of Cornrnerce wiu be able to<br />

use these st[ndarrls as a startlng poiilt<br />

for tleveloping the ncw nfltlonal Drogram.<br />

Alrother feeture of the Tramc Safety<br />

Act sets sefety EtBndBrdt lor automoblle<br />

tlres to hrsure that they wlll bc capable<br />

of perforrnlng under the detnatrds that<br />

wlll be placed on ttrcnt, Flrlally, the<br />

leglsletlon establishcs a Natlonal Driver<br />

Regl$ter as rrn rld to more efrectlve enfofcetnent<br />

of bRns aHalnst ulquaUneal<br />

drivers. Anyone who has had hls llccnse<br />

revoked or beerl refu:;ed a license will<br />

heve his nltnle so recorded in tlris regl$ter.<br />

Thl$ will make it ee$ler lor any<br />

Jurlsdlction to check the background of<br />

B driver applylng for a llcense,<br />

The Hlehway Act of I966-H.R.<br />


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