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-GErG:--ilfr<br />

Drrrtd to rthr rrf cer ilrh||l r<br />

fil r,4t EEDrtdt tnryru "fi;<br />

qf |r'r not oult h|srldr to t.h orlfi.<br />

ffi to dl othcr pcopla riro trr"d tta<br />

hl||r*rfl, In sddtttoD. th. Strtil Eu*<br />

tr rncounted to lDltlrta prwir4 of<br />

ttdr orn -'but on fGdcrrllt cdablbhrd<br />

Etr[dird!-to *ork out roluilonr to hlttrry<br />

End paddtrlan ha4rdr, rnd to rrt<br />

up rfcnclcr lor thc mllfttlon ot rtrtlfucr<br />

lld thc pouctlrg ol unsrfc condltloDr It<br />

b tlto lrqpcrsuvc that moft rdcqurtt<br />

pl?vlslonll be made lor emprgency aerylctr<br />

t'hEn sEcldent| do occur. Thc* lll<br />

flll hdp.<br />

I hive bGen concerned about thcrG<br />

g,foblctls for many yeers In.l I sr[ thl<br />

rponsor ol H.R'. 1i70, whlch would rrqutrr<br />

r oGrtlfcrt ol f,tne83 to bG furilirhad bt<br />

tbt Ernufrcturer lor everT eutomoblh<br />

sld rnd H.F^ 1q905 to Grtrbltrh rh th.<br />

D.Drrtsent of eolrlHcFg! r N8ilond<br />

Tlrfic Srtcty A8cncy.<br />

I rn dcllshtcd thst II.E,. 132?8, whlch<br />

tr hlvr b€fora u! today, Includer tha<br />

dbllfih[l€nt of thc Trtfrd Sntety Atenct<br />

It rt$ tAker the ottt st D tosArd<br />

tL objectlver ol H.R 5?0 by dlrccqnf<br />

tD! Eccretrry ol Conilnefda to c{op.rrti<br />

ln tlrc rettlng of strndar.h tor the lnrpcctlon,<br />

r€gEtrrtlon, ald oF€rrtlon of Eotor<br />

hlcIc..<br />

I urTc Urb HouE to pi!. both tt"R<br />

llllz8 rnd II.R. 13390, whlch nG wlll hrvr<br />

Ddore ur toDotlow.<br />

!{r. OIEBOIIS. Mr. Clrrtrhin. Er|r<br />

IEut{cr oq th. Nrtldn'r hlghrryr nurt<br />

rtoF.<br />

, It l3 tlllr? A.Ecrlcsnt tooE I 8ood, hird<br />

lo* rt thc afldt ltstl8flcr ol hlshrry<br />

frtrlltler ind dcnrnd tn end to th6 horrtHr<br />

homlcldc on our roede, strerts, rnd<br />

Itlcbrry* The lnEtrusrent ol tbat hohlcld.<br />

b thc rutotdobtb. Toatry. DcEoft<br />

b hrrrtng out eutonobllet rt onc rnd t<br />

hdt tthfi thc hunsn blrth retc, Drrflrlly<br />

crplflnhE thr ste|dlly molurtlrls htahr|y<br />

dcrtlr iltr.<br />

ETCrf ll honthr pr pey e strggcrta3<br />

DrfCr r4r our lurt for spccd rnd to fGt<br />

mevhtru tn r hurry. 'I'hb ycrr, It U<br />

crtlErrt d tJrrt Eorr thrn 80,000 ot our<br />

lclbr cltlrrru wut bc tbruptly ertchrd<br />

rrE thli ufe bu tht lrlm fcep.r.<br />

Whllr th. los| lrcE hlghwry rccldcntr<br />

olttou|F c|rlrnot bc count4d rlely la<br />

tbllrr| rnd ccnt!, I tHfif lt rhould br<br />

BEd thrt troq cnr HGT Y6r'r tD 16qtb.r,<br />

lt btltr.fir fr tta tou rG D*y til<br />

rd|rng urd tht G66oE!o rutrrrlry<br />

rot*trd Bltl lt, ltb tr lndcd r d<br />

tr$f of'hlldr.E FGtonFDr. p|rdflb4'<br />

tE! tur tcrur tbrt thrr IfrUO L m;<br />

dHG.f to r ttf on povGrtt oa rbld<br />

!! |rt| crFdr.lrnr arttlt ttout or+dfr<br />

o[bt rEouut,<br />

th* rutomoDllr w|| nr.* !r-<br />

Eorc pcoDli brvc b.rB Eltld.fl<br />

o!<br />

he rrrr.<br />

House Debate<br />

btrhwrw tbrrr h dl tt<br />

gnlt<br />

r'r[<br />

dAtrt iooEDlnarL<br />

fDE too.oeo{artffilr||t|k<br />

E Ellrd h h||trrt rtr.dt<br />

ffi?<br />

tDrr<br />

_ E\llgwe_U over 50,000 of our releilves,<br />

Irlends, <strong>and</strong> hfficlates wlll b€ sensele$sly<br />

losl to us this year, the cxpert$ tell uB<br />

thflt witlrill the sltort span of g years,<br />

&s mnny a$ 100,000 Amerlcnns will mect<br />

arr Untimely end on our ribbons of concrete<br />

ln Arnet'lca's great€st mechalrlcal<br />

boon-the horseless carrlage.,'<br />

I flnd frorn tny study of hlghwny fE_<br />

tBlities, that we have lost four tltnes aB<br />

Inany Arrlcrlctrn scrvlcetnen on the hlghtrny$<br />

of tllis cotllltry trs we hflve lost to<br />

datc llrhtlrrg for freedom ln the rlce paddies<br />

ftnd juDgles of Vietn&m 8.000 lntles<br />

B$ny.<br />

As otle ol the lntroduceri of neilonal<br />

hlghlvny sefety leglslBtlotr, I am ple8Eed<br />

thtri to(lay ue llave Rn oppottunity to do<br />

som{thilrg collstructive sbout highWdy<br />

accldcnls, The ttme for talklng ebout<br />

tho problcm htts long pirssed. The ilme<br />

for nctlon ls ]rere. I wlsh to take thls<br />

opl)otl.uulty to ckprcss my deep appreclE_<br />

tion to the ct)irirhan of ths House Intcrstat€<br />

Rnd Foreign Commerce Commitiee.<br />

the gentlemen from We$t Vir-<br />

#irrla lMr. Sr^ccEtrsl, DDd hls colleagues<br />

on the cohmittee, for the forthrlght <strong>and</strong><br />

progressive $t<strong>and</strong> they have tgken ln<br />

drRf tlnF thls lcsislailon.<br />

The rcsult of lrronths of study. re_<br />

seirclr, treerings, nrld hard work is before<br />

us today in tlte lorm of ilris blll.<br />

The National Trnffic <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehicle<br />

Safety Act of 1966 is E lau(lrntrrk picce<br />

of legislatron. Hrehway trafnc fatalitles<br />

are a national problem, msde evot) Inore<br />

mellAclng duc to Ah exp<strong>and</strong>ed l.edere.l<br />

interstatd hit{hway network end tha Eppereni<br />

craze o! ihe Amerlcan motorist<br />

tor cErs with yet greater horsepower.<br />

I will not go into Ereat det8ll on lhe<br />

provisions of this biu. you hEve all<br />

studied them <strong>and</strong> are famillar wlth what<br />

they would tcCompll$h. But I would<br />

likc to call aitcntion to certEin ltems in<br />

the legislatidrr which I feel are deflhlt€ly<br />

in the national intcrest.<br />

I am pleased thEt thls lccislation will<br />

require marrdfltory establishrnent ol<br />

stErrdBlds for motot vehicles Errd tnotor<br />

vehlcle equipfient. The csr CBtrles<br />

Amerrcans acros State lines wlthh mlnutes.<br />

It i$ an lnstrumeht of interstat€<br />

commelce f,nd its regulBtlon 16 vitBl to<br />

the safety df all who u$e lt.<br />

The St{les can do more in the fleld ol<br />

adrquEte safety inspection. This bill will<br />

encouraBc thi$. This act wlll requirc<br />

autD manufftcturers to Bive notice of defects<br />

to kilown flrst, purchEser$ <strong>and</strong>, ln<br />

sonlc casos. t() $ubtrqueni purchnserg ol<br />

Nutdd. TIrl$ is badly needed since tho<br />

evprage Americ8n motorist purchaslnE a<br />

new car acts in gOod faifh expecilng th8,t<br />

rsr to be sftfe. Hc drlves thet car ln<br />

blitrd faitlr. The lecent. slrocking distlosuros<br />

by Mr. RBlph Ndder of wholesEle<br />

auto defccts hBs done nothilrc to reessure<br />

the motorist, thtrt the cEf he drive8<br />

ls not B chrome,ljlated deathtrd,p.<br />

The establishment in the U.S- Depsrtmenl<br />

of Commerce of a Nstion8l HlghwRy<br />

Salety Ascncy wlll go a lon8 wsy<br />

ioward tlre establlstment of a coordlnated<br />

nfltlonAl progrsm of highway<br />

sEfety. Efrorts to sccomplish thls have<br />

been lBlgely tm frBAmented <strong>and</strong> lnelyectull.<br />


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