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The DurDo8c ol H.R. 13228 ls to reducc<br />

ttzfrc mcldents snd the armmpuSrllg:<br />

deatbs utl lnjuries- In order to echleve<br />

thls end, the lesislsflon: First. provldea<br />

for tJle establbhbent ol lHeral slebr<br />

stendtrda for motor vehicles <strong>and</strong> vehtcle<br />

equlprnent; s€cond, sslety rcsearrh g,nd<br />

deyelopment prograEs are lnstltuted:<br />

snal thlnl, afl etp&nslon of the nBtlonf,l<br />

drlver reglster ls Nuthorlz€d.<br />

Thr secretary ts requlftd to est8bllgh<br />

strhdErds for ftotor vehlcle8 <strong>and</strong> thctf<br />

equlpment. They are to t€ pr8ctlcBble,<br />

tiHng lnto Eccount f,{onofirlc futor$ tnd<br />

technoloslcal Bbliity to schleve tJte deslEd<br />

re5dt. St<strong>and</strong>ards msy be uended<br />

or Evoked es nece3sary by the <strong>Sec</strong>retary,<br />

In dctcmlnlru rt<strong>and</strong>ardE the s€cFGtrty<br />

tr ftqutftd to: Flrst, conslder rclcv8nt<br />

srlcty dats; Eecond. conEult wtth<br />

tbc VchlclG Equlpment glfety CoEEls-<br />

816 <strong>and</strong> Euch Stste of ,.nt€r8trtG f,aer<br />

d4. t he deeml_ 4ece6sanr;, th|fd,<br />

condder whether s Drrpo$ed Etrndard<br />

l$ Effionable, pmctlcable, sd "pptoprlat€;<br />

Bnd, fourth, corBlder the extent<br />

to whtch the propGed stmdErd wlll furtfier<br />

the purposes of the sct. To secure<br />

lDfomation upon whlch to bffie hls<br />

orders the S€cretary ls efirpowered to<br />

conduct re*arch, test|ns, a.nd to m8kc<br />

grant$ to State$ <strong>and</strong> nonproflt in$titutlohs<br />

qualiffed to conduct such work.<br />

The blll requlres the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry to lssue<br />

lnlttal Federal satety studartk by January<br />

3f, 1967. New snd revl5ed-if necessary-st<strong>and</strong>uds<br />

are requlred by<br />

January 31, f968.<br />

Any safety regulatlon ls$ued by the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retery is subject to judiciBl revtee,l<br />

under the bill- An adversely allected<br />

per$on may reque8t a court of appgalo,<br />

wlthln 60 deys ot lta lssudnc+, to revlew<br />

the order of the Strl.ettrry, who must<br />

file with the court a record of the proceedlngs<br />

on which he based his orders.<br />

The couft may require edditional evldence<br />

lt materlal. The tlndinss f,nd<br />

order of the <strong>Sec</strong>retary will be sustelned<br />

when supported by substEnttal evldence<br />

on the basis of the entire record; he mfly<br />

elso be required to modify hls findirrgs<br />

<strong>and</strong> order-<br />

The bill prohlblto the manufacture.<br />

Itrrportetion, or sale ol vehicleE whlch<br />

feil to meet Is$ued st<strong>and</strong>8rd,6. T'hesd<br />

provlstons do not trpply to ressle ol used<br />

carE. Ttre blll dms proyide some control<br />

over used car resales. The <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

is Euthorized to make a study of safety<br />

stmdud$ for 6uch verucle8, a^s well E!<br />

lNp€ctlon requlrerdents ln each Etat€,<br />

end to feport hlB flndlncs to Conaresr<br />

withln I year of enactment. Wit.hjD<br />

the next yeBr. sfety st<strong>and</strong>ards are to lre<br />

l5sued mverhg used Ers.<br />

penElties Ere provided for vlolauoE!.<br />

up to $1,000 for each vlolauon; ee#h<br />

vehlcle lnvolved ls I sepdfBte vlol8ilon,<br />

The maxidum clvll penalty for a serles<br />

of vtolEtions i$ $400,000. IflJunctlve rettef<br />

ls also available to the Seretary to stop<br />

a Eerles ol violatlon-$. The <strong>Sec</strong>ret&ry ls<br />

requlred to glve notlce to anyohe Egalrot<br />

whom ad thjuction is contempl;bed <strong>and</strong><br />

ls requlred to give such persoD En opportunlty<br />

for complience. In cs.srs ot<br />

Iilouse Debate<br />

crtminal cont€rnpt lor vlolailorri ol an |l!l-<br />

Junctlve older, trlal by Jury ,.9 avsflsble.<br />

ManuJMturirg ere requlred to k#D<br />

record8, wlrlch the Serretf,ry os.n u$e to<br />

detdmine whettrer such me.Eutedtuterr<br />

ue compl:rln8 rlth stsndsrds. Tr8dc<br />

secreta afe td be prot€cterr. Iloilce must<br />

be glven by a EErrujlacturer ot any defect<br />

relBtlng to sslety; nottce to be gjyen<br />

by certlfled mEil to f,rst retsil purrhaftr<br />

Md defller. A coFy ol such bduce EuS<br />

be foroarded to the gecretsry; ttrG<br />

mEE'ufactu.ter Erust prohptly corrmt tfrc<br />

defect,<br />

The blll establlshei B N8tl,onal Ttltfic<br />

.g8fety Acency, heEdcd by En AdrlllhlstBtor,<br />

6ppqlnted by ttrc prealdent, pcr*<br />

forlutng such dutles u are delegetrrt hln<br />

by the Sccretary, the Bdr[tnlEterln8<br />

th|! ert. The <strong>Sec</strong>rctsry rd.ust reFort<br />

tlre CohgreJ$ by MarCh I ol €eeh y€df.<br />

of<br />

to<br />

Ttre salcty ls dealt wlth ln ittl€ II of<br />

tlrc bUl.<br />

eEdh tlre<br />

A slety lebel ls regulrlrl ftr<br />

glvlng p€rtlnent, ,nformatlotr.<br />

Ahnded^$ aro to lte e6tabtlEhed. under<br />

the auttrorlty gftnted tlre s€cretsry ln<br />

tltlc I. Tbb tltle<br />

"orl.Elr,Bl<br />

equlpment<br />

will requlre that<br />

tires, or deluc<br />

tura," et c4t€ru, mean the sme tlrlnt<br />

lor each menulacturer so thBt the customer<br />

cBn more readlly detetmine<br />

parEtive values.<br />

cortl-<br />

Authorlt*tlons for th€ blll are: Tlut<br />

I4xcept tlre safety---tll nrjlllon for llsul<br />

1967, $17 million for 1968, end S23<br />

milllon for 1969. TtIe sefety authorllatlonB<br />

ere $2,0 milllcn fDr fi$cfll 1967<br />

Bnd $1,{50,000 for each of 1968 rnd 1969-<br />

A NBtlonal Motor Vehtcle Safety Adr'lsory<br />

Councll ls establtshed, con$t$tlng<br />

of flve members from the gener*l public.<br />

flve members from the lndustry, <strong>and</strong><br />

three members of State End locBl government<br />

to f,clr.lse <strong>and</strong> consult wlth thc<br />

Srcretery of Commerce on the msndatory<br />

stRndErds tequlred by the btll.<br />

Eight membero have slgned additionEl<br />

vlews opposlng the present structure of<br />

the Advlsory councll. They polnt out<br />

thet ldst mlnute changes in the btu re-<br />

Satdlng the Council were approved 13 to<br />

l2 to accomrnodtrte the sftretary ol<br />

Commerce by the femoval ot Senate<br />

conflmatlon of AdrrlsotV Council members.<br />

They belleve thet thls removgl<br />

wlll nesate much of the trdependent<br />

thiaklng End Jud8ment on motor vehlcle<br />

salety problems whlch would others'l5€<br />

lre Evellable to the S€cretary.<br />

One member has flled lndi!'lduEl vlew8<br />

Famlnr that thc blll ls no cuft-all: that<br />

accldentg are caused by many lactoru,<br />

cff de$lgn betnE only a small part. Hc<br />

supporl$ the btl] but fears that Fetleral<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards may Bctually tnhlblt the development<br />

oI sfer cBE.<br />

Mr. StEaker, f know ol no objecilon<br />

ttre nrte, <strong>and</strong> f ur8e that lt be e(lopt€d.<br />

to<br />

Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Spe8ke!, f flelcl<br />

such tlme a.s he may Eqtrlre to the Fentleman<br />

fmm Florldn tMr. BErr[EEl.<br />

Mt. BE{NETT- Mr. Smaker. for a<br />

decnde, I heve s.rnsored leglelatlon to<br />

requlre thf,t cert8ln s8fety stenderdB are<br />

tnet fot all motor vehtclE sold ln lnterstate<br />

dtrunette. DuflnE the 89th Con-<br />

Eresc, f hav6 lntrcdueed t$o bUlB, H-R.<br />


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