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1!1652<br />

@Itil<br />

rb cff,. d<br />

Effirl<br />

tu|rrll Ddf<br />

lErorlr[*a E^EETEE.Erfi d<br />

"ffi 36fl Oomrrere Drffiri il l{E<br />

. Yotx or il Alrr !tb^r, Jun 10, l90l<br />

Th|| || tow@o|lFrrfrrn, Itar goHgr,<br />

trpfitt[! ltrE WuhlElto!.<br />

Clilrly onr d thl| ffilon'r Con8rtrdMt<br />

lFlortttd contliud tc br tBGc sffry, EotI<br />

tbr IIou ol EaPtrratrtttlv6 Ed thc Sciltl<br />

brfi brtr trHtrl tttdlrts tiltlhduy on hot<br />

vi, s a l{LtloE, cr4 turo th6 sortff on thr<br />

Eutsuy rlElDt tidr ot hllbny d$tb *Dd<br />

d6tFuctloL<br />

]tr f h*Yr 6ld many tlE6 bcforc, f rm<br />

nlrl w cE[ trnd wtU bulld aE rr cBrr, rDd<br />

t||t ffia oi th! propo.td FedGrLl st<strong>and</strong>rr{r<br />

nor brlEg coEttdrr.d wul b6 acloptcd. Alsr<br />

I 16l c6rt$la thrt Cohtffi 1r Botag to ovdbrul<br />

hlghw*y piogM td requlE btttd<br />

ffitsldAt. cdEtructldD, tnd haard ollEl[l-<br />

!l(H.<br />

Ilo$iver, thGH lr a thlrd slcEGnt lE slGr<br />

drtvtng <strong>and</strong> thrt h th6 drlr6r htrulf. oft6n,<br />

s ovttldt tlli drlvcr ln our stctv ctudlcr<br />

rhE, tn rallty, br tr ona ot tha ;ratrt thlEftltrt<br />

fECtOE. Fp! GvGn lD thi s{.rt #<br />

tilvrllrt rlohl thc ffit modorr road, lf<br />

l[r drlv.r lt lll-pEpffGd lor hlr r6poBibll-<br />

Ity, h. lr rtul ffurutrI d|rstir,<br />

fE Ylw ol thi nccd ltr f,rart.r ddelnl<br />

tEl[lDl, I'm Btrlnt my cnthurlilttc GndorF.<br />

fflt to thr t{ittolfl 8a(6ty Cou[cll'r Dfl"u<br />

hpEvfficEt PrbgilE. Thtr prograE ||<br />

biltl EpoMrcrl itr dut ila by th6 Rtrhdtdr<br />

gd.ty couilcll, It t| dat8ncrt t6 lbrtruct<br />

llilBrd hdtorbtr tn s-6llGd dcfcqrlfl<br />

drtetnS.<br />

_<br />

Thd Efth;|t.r llrlcty CoutrdU l| l@tlnl<br />

lor ldd groupa to rpoMr ths Gtlht-hou<br />

Euffi. rhlch uurllt H llettr otrt ntght I<br />

naE for fffi couiltdE ruIr, ctvtcr<br />

hlal, cburch, ind dsuu trupr ffi rll<br />

allllblt il rlrcnbR<br />

_ Il yil routd lttt lrlmttffi, coridd.Erd.thlf lGddrdon rh di#?|<br />

arurt eradlt lor tlrGlr crwfirl eud trhruiuve<br />

studt of tfrl|, plffiGrrbt<br />

tLsurc.<br />

The lesLsl&Uo[ on thi fffir. lntroduced<br />

by the dtitlngufrhcd lcntkdr[<br />

frutrl We6t VtrCtnlr $ilr. SrrGorrll, flho<br />

aho provlded thc BblG lcrdcrlhtp Thl6h<br />

Sutiled tt succcssfully throusD wcctr ol<br />

hrerlnge end l? erecutlve *lcloru hdd<br />

by our coffiIl|lttee on Intcrsttte rrill Fo'telgn<br />

Commercc, ls descfvld8 ol ourrq<br />

support. It8 pro!1slonr felsunt to t|t|r<br />

sbfety, the contlnuanc.e ol rcilt bclt |trd<br />

br*ke fluld $t<strong>and</strong>ard6, nttlotrd drlwr<br />

.reghtrotlon, <strong>and</strong> acctdent rnd tntuDt<br />

re6carrh end tert feclllty rll focur<br />

needed rtt€ntlon bn NutoEoDlb rftf<br />

dflvcr Brfety. But molt slEnlllcsnt ot<br />

all ls tttle f of thE btU, wh{ch iuthorlry<br />

t 3-yeEr l$1 nlllton progtrn lor thl<br />

estebllshment of Federsl motor vehloti<br />

Bt<strong>and</strong>*ftli, .8y requlflD8 FEdGnl motor<br />

yehlcle <strong>and</strong>,v.hlcl6 CquipEGnt rdct/<br />

stsndNrd8 to be met lor both hcv.rnd<br />

used vehlcleS, $'e lre tdklnt s Elrnt steb<br />

towud Bubstantlelly reducing ttlfic rGcldents<br />

end th6 dCaths Bnd Injurlcr<br />

rtemmlng lrom such hcrldentr,<br />

In ndy own state ot Erwrfl. trrfiE<br />

deathr for the llrst I monthr ol 1960 €rcecdetl<br />

by 38 percent the nur[bcr o{<br />

deathr lor th6 ldentlcal pcrlod In leGE.<br />

Alt'lroush uverrl Stetee dlorrd s ElElllr<br />

or grceter Dcrtentagp lncrcr6c, I |[<br />

conylnccd that only by hcstu of leffulftlou<br />

ruch ae ihet we art now oon6lderlng<br />

cu thG iFEctar sf pqroml tragedy Ed<br />

Jut Bl<br />

llu Edlrr at tbi property<br />

8d.ty courair oac+<br />

l,o!r on the highwrlrr be stgnii-<br />

It{-t220.<br />

cEnW rGduccd"<br />

Thb l| Congnru tffi EOHil t! llir. ChElrrnm, I urFc unenlhoru lloor<br />

V||bfrltil.<br />

Eupport lor Il"R. l3?2E,<br />

rt || E hopr thrt thtr blll, couplc.t<br />

lf,r. ATACKIEA. Ir[r. gh;trEaD. t<br />

vltfr c*tcrdvc drlver-rsfety c8mpflltll!<br />

yleltl such tlnr |s hc mry consumB to<br />

r,nrl wlth cEo'tt| ftctr as I hrvs under-<br />

ttre gentletdrn froh W€st Vlrslflls tllr.<br />

trfcn to brhl th. tuportencc of trstlc<br />

ErE1,<br />

trtcty b€fora ilrG pubuc. wlll result ttr i Mr. KEE. Mr, Chf,lfmsn, I rlsc ln 6n-<br />

dilrtl,0 ruductlon In ttr6 trsac tollr wG tfir.uiastlc support of H.R, f 3t3t. ThlE ||<br />

hrv6 bacordc !o accurtom6d to rrrdha a good blu. Thl| m8rkr I slcnl0crnt $t D<br />

lDd hcrrtnl sbout.<br />

tor*ard.<br />

_ I thrnb tlrc mcErbfi, of thc tntGrst$r In tblr conhccflon, I bcucv| tbtt tbt<br />

l$d For6t3rr Corrntrc ComEltt . rna .'ttlstlrUulrhcd chtlr4Bnol the Hourr In-<br />

rtr of ttry couGttu?i for th.|r. 4uacilt tcrttf,ta <strong>and</strong> trlortlgn Co,tD.E|crca ComEltt<br />

rort on tlrb lcsfulruon.<br />

tfi rnd tlrc lr6brrs 6l h|| cErilfffr<br />

. ltr, EifAc|OERIt, Mr. chrtErrr I |'lr to b. hlllrlt couuncndcd lor brlrrl-<br />

tldrl ilob tlEr rr lra trirv cmrune to thr lng thlr ctrGrrtsvc mcurut htolu tb<br />

$dtl.mll frou Hevrll .tlE. fdriloi Ilolltatodry.<br />

rrcrl...<br />

In.conctudo[L tt tt EI bopr tDrt rtr<br />

. l&. IIATEI'IYAOA- rft, ChtrE|! r th! tsDe to wta coEr, tblr mnanrc rll<br />

rn h anEorr otr E.n', f$ta th. Hr, p.!| ft6 IIou!. bt r unrnlnou wt+<br />

g(Fd 1trEc lrrd ktor Yd|rdc Errdt .'t thrnt th. ChrlrE|,D .<br />

lft; ilulfl'B. rrf. ebdr!||4 fi || rss<br />

pdllnf to rc|o tlrG nulrbfi of rhrfr<br />

{rE4t !t ttrfrc rcGldlr[tr, l3 || ofRt<br />

Eoll (Mbcilrtcblrit to r!|IIr thrt thfia<br />

!|$ltr r,r! nouaun|i e*h yc|IB htrttsi<br />

D.,ftr tn.fcu* E I pc#aaf.ftq<br />

uitofrf<br />

.kl r|lr<br />

752 VoI.I

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