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clore the Hous€ Com$rlttee on tnterstat€<br />

<strong>and</strong> Forel8n Commerce, I EBld:<br />

Wlth rvcr mtrc tratic on our htgh 6p+Gd<br />

Inkrut+te El8hwsy Eyrtam Atd Otnir mrlor<br />

!ft€rlal road6, t,.bc !e.d bGftECr morC UtgCnt<br />

by th. hour lor rtAnderdr whtch wilt asurc<br />

cvcry Eotorlat thBt hls ilrs Elll In trct bc<br />

Eate undl.r tJl drlvtDE co[dlttoE.<br />

I hsvr brought the n#d for uro <strong>and</strong><br />

auto 68[ety leglslEuon belore my cohstituents<br />

on many occasions. On March<br />

2, the alsy Presldent Johnson E€nt hls<br />

traftc Eafety mess8ge to Con8ress. I<br />

shared hls rnesge wlth my con$tltuenk<br />

ln the followlnc ststement:<br />

lFroh the one ol CohSresman h^Hr IIotrcN,<br />

Ms.2, 10681<br />

PTEDEffi'a thrrNaFoRTAfioN MEA6! rc<br />

CoNcffi6 6ffin$ HOtrToN BrE ON I'nE<br />

Effi<br />

__I<br />

M pleHd to rrport that ln t{dEy'r<br />

Whlte lloBe Mffigc on TTansportauoh, the<br />

Pre8ldent nFeclflcally thdorsed paft o! my<br />

oml le8lElatlv+ pro8ru. the Tlry SBlety Ac!<br />

ol 196€. My bul sould st4bllsh Fcder8]<br />

rBfety rtaDduds lor tll hotor yehlcle tl!e6<br />

Dld or BhlFped th lDterst8te cqmmirce.<br />

. _<br />

ThG Prestdent'a Me$age reld, ln pert,<br />

"MoBt<br />

thst<br />

tlres 6old to fincrtcsn drlwrs are Droducrd<br />

aDd properly testcd by reputaUte ctmpEDtes.<br />

Hevelthetfta, evldence hLl 6hoFn<br />

that lDcreshg numbcr6 ol lnlerlor tlJq sc<br />

b+lhg sold to unwttttng cubtomers tbrcuRh-<br />

OUt the couDtty. I'be dMBCTB such tlre8 hbld<br />

lor ht8h-sFfed Butilmobil€E EDd thetr trcupant8<br />

lE obvlou." The Whtte llourt cndor8emeDt<br />

lncludE f Fles lor prchpt<br />

Pft#ge of thls le8t8latton,<br />

Itr sddltlon to the tmportut Euppoft ol tlrc<br />

Adhlnlstr8tlon tor the T|f. Safety Act. Ey<br />

btll hb sIBo reetved entbEla8tlc tupFbrt<br />

lrom the Amerlcan AutoEoblle &fttatto!<br />

And tb.e A$erlceh Tllel Iawyers .l8ffilrtloD.<br />

Wtth Bucb wldespresd r&oBrltlon ol thc<br />

Dftd lor tlre selety Et<strong>and</strong>arda, I hoIE th8t I<br />

cln #h reFolt tbe ensctmetrt ot thrs blll<br />

by cdn8re8s.<br />

On Aprll 22, eltrr our $prlng reces. I<br />

rgeln Sowht constltuent Eupport for ilre<br />

Eafety leglslatlon ln the tollowing<br />

lnessage:<br />

lFloD tbe ofice ol CdnBreEDsD<br />

EoRmN I<br />

It.Bt<br />


'fou<br />


Ovr<br />

DKB,g NEwa piftMD ox<br />

I,I'EOC-TV (CBANNT 8) tocHErEa, N-y,,<br />

Ff,D^Y. APBTE ??. lgad<br />

On M&y 8, I tlevoted sn entlre Feetly<br />

column to safety. The follm.lng column<br />

w8s publlshed soon rJter tlte Afierlcan<br />

Ttlal Iawyem Ass4rclatton snd ttle Amerldan<br />

Auiomoblle Assodlatlon &mounc€at<br />

their support lor tr\y ure !f,lety blll:<br />

lFr\E tbo onF ol (job3tshrn hNr<br />

llorroE. Mry g, leddl<br />

Avro 8rtf,rY<br />

If thdc *cre Do wAr lB Vlet Hu or lDiatloh<br />

problcm, alEBt ccrt*lnly ruto Elcty<br />

leElslatlon Eould be the prtnclpsl toplc of<br />

conveEatloE oE C[pltdl lllll. AttU, tbr !ub-<br />

Jst comm8Ddr gFeat stt ntloD u OongTffi<br />

E r#tleo wlth y8rlour propohlE.<br />

In my own eranlnAtlon ol thc problE, I<br />

bBve concludod that thtre are really thr?6<br />

Epect$ t{r lt. Wltbout rtt.mptlh8 to Ft, r<br />

prlorlty, bftsu4 trh l! prcbably cqually<br />

lhpartsDt. the) Brc (l) vthlcle f,nd equlpmcDt<br />

salety rt<strong>and</strong>8rds, (2) blghpay condltlqE,<br />

<strong>and</strong> (31 dnvcr [bDtty,<br />

The irt iso rre under lnttnllvc Con8r6llonal<br />

&rutlny rt the prHnt- unrortu-<br />

D&tely, tm ltttle tnt+rdt ls bclbS rbowD tI<br />

rbe rhtrd.<br />

Eerly ln March, the PrsldeDt proposed HtsbltEhln8<br />

<strong>and</strong> eulorctng Feder8l EtaDdards<br />

lor motor Vchlclo Elety- Tld b Enothef<br />

propGal lor i Csblnct-level Dep8rtm.Dt ol<br />

Ttenalsrt4ttoD, thE Admlhl6trEilon st€d<br />

thBt the nev Sccretery b€ allowed b Snduct<br />

r$eqrch <strong>and</strong> development for ffittln8 Eslety<br />

ttudard!, trElD lErrcnnel t4 belp mhlevc<br />

botor Yehlcle Hfcty, tnd cany OUt tlre f,ft6.<br />

hry lnrp€cilon to Bure sdhefeDce ol FGdcral<br />

rt{nderd6,<br />

Addluon8lly, the FrrrtdcDtl Tt6n6port{.<br />

tloB MesBe to ConEffi 6llcd lor ah.nd-<br />

Eents to tbt tXl8ttnB Fedenl-sld htBhway<br />

proETf,E whlch would Butlrorlze the Trana-<br />

Forbilon s*Etqy tE &td 8tst6 wlth thctr<br />

hl8hw8y slrty proBramB- ThG cln*t alF<br />

proech to thc drlvcr probleh tB lh tbl! Bh6<br />

Ecuon aDCl tel4t4E to a rcBlrbr of thGG<br />

whffi drlvcr prtvllcgtt hEd been EuEpendod<br />

or rerok.d by St+t4E EDd lGalltl$. Thlr<br />

lnlohutlon sauld bc madc alaltablg ta IqwlDlorceEent<br />

rgcDcl6 huch tn ttle my tho<br />

FBI lumlrhE ihBerprlnt ldentltles.<br />

H6aflnBE bc8an wlth the $cDrtc Cohmercc<br />

Corlrltue <strong>and</strong> attfact4d wlde8prBd lDt rEt,<br />

All Eldtt tacHtred, lncludlnfi ttre AutO lDdur.<br />

try! chlcl crltlc, autbor RBlph Nrdcr, Illt<br />

httrnoEy, Fhlle rtroEg, dlv€rted tba tcttrlAtlvc<br />

ltruq lrob hov cs. ctD bc bullt Eot6<br />

Ealely to ruch leu* ot prtvrcy lnvulos.<br />

Tht Eou& ol R.pre6entstlves BlEo ls hold-<br />

Lng b?rrlng ffi Buto r8tety lrglalailorr. Thcs<br />

ESTOB brou8ht torth E EBJor BtrtGmGnt<br />

lrcm thc flmAIerE prcp@tng Ah tnduttry.<br />

Elde volunhry Ecuou progEE to upgradr<br />

TtrBnks, Tom.<br />

ConBrH cahG back lnto Erslotr thtt TGeL.<br />

lolloslrB ltE Eastcr rcces, <strong>and</strong> thc cilehdil<br />

Of leBLlatton ttlU tO be coDEld6red lE<br />

crowdld. MEny Halor ltcru EFAtt debatt<br />

thd declsiqn belore tht Eoth Con8re8s Cfn<br />

tdJourn.<br />

Ttrc ue*sletter thRt bow lE ln the mEll to<br />

dl my 86th DlEtrtct con8tltuest8 wllt htgh-<br />

Itght both wh8t bs b€en done thtr ycsr dnd<br />

Ttut rcMlnr.<br />

Thcre la one ttth that I hoF ttrc Eouse<br />

ol RoprceDtAtl?ea vlll E@n tahe up rDdl<br />

pB, It ts th. T116 8a{ety Act- Atreadv<br />

PEEed unaDthausly by tle 6enate. tbtl<br />

hceu. wul oet nstlonal tlre Etmds(lE tor<br />

the protectton ol au llre buyere,<br />

auto aafity. A Drtrolt rpokffiah mknowled8ed<br />

that bjg lndwfiy<br />

"Eow<br />

bcll.ves" vthlcle<br />

Eafety could bc helF+d by leEt6lsdoD-<br />

However, the ffinulscturero urg.d Congrcs<br />

t() Blve them <strong>and</strong> thc Ehtc8 E volce ln draltlu8<br />

ml.ty BtBndtlrds-<br />

Eeyond thc qu4ilon of Ehlclc slety, tb6<br />

Fresldcnt'r st&8e elrc skGd lor *ilou on<br />

th. Natlonal Tlre Salety Act, I ms vcry<br />

plesed by thlr Whlte lfOuse ondmemcni<br />

dncc I iE A apohsof Ol the btll. Ib receDt<br />

wtths, the AmerlcBn Autdmoblle trsoclatlbn.<br />

thc Rfthertff Automoblle Club, Bnd<br />

thG Amrdcin TltAl ldFyed Aftlatlon hrva<br />

CndOEed my Preposl,<br />

Tom, I 8m proud to be the sponBor od I<br />

tlrc ratcty blll shd heppy to hote thst my<br />

blu Elready hu been cDdoiled by tbi<br />

Rocherter Auto club s wEll Ea thG nailotrd<br />

tttple-^.<br />

_<br />

Auto slety lcglrletton could be one ot th?<br />

blllharks ol thtt ConErH, rDd I ah dolDE<br />

rU po6ltblc to iFced- thc prs"gi oi tfrE<br />

Eortor Ttr6 Eifrty bul u r urJc pirt - of<br />

tblr8tctyFckrg!-<br />

HcaflnBc sre mntlnulDg alto oD tbc blBh-<br />

ny hfety bllls, ahd I exlHt CoqgEe htU<br />

bG yottDg oh these EGBuH bcloE rdjourh-<br />

BGnt- It ls hy hopr th&t our EcttoD wul ba<br />

atrecuye tn rcduclng htBhmy daughtar rnd<br />

t*lll |Icludc Etr drtver triltrlEt.<br />

In rlune' ln en eEort to pfol[ote B Safedrlver<br />

pto8rEm whlch wa8 sponsrrd by<br />

ttre Fochest€r, N.I'., Ealety Councll, I<br />

House Debate

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