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atorc, TtlB exlmlnailon requlrEt I<br />

drlver to take & nffi vlslon ttst <strong>and</strong> undergb<br />

sn el(4mlnatlon by B dffitor for<br />

h$rt dlffiEe, nervoua ili$orders, End<br />

simtltr deftrts. Statlstlc.s show mEny<br />

sccidents mwd by the |Jrc'ompetent<br />

drlver-incompet€nt physlcally, mentally,<br />

snd also uflt<br />

cldent,proneto drlve becau$e ac-<br />

No one knows how meny a,ccidents the<br />

Stst€ of P€ffiylvBniE hs prevented by<br />

wlse rules <strong>and</strong> reguletions golng to<br />

the cudition d.nd sefety of the vehlclc,<br />

end thd fltnes$ of the driver.<br />

The Ststes should put thelr own houses<br />

ln ordef,<br />

laws,<br />

thruush entrctment of ufety<br />

I deplore those who, without personal<br />

knowledge of the fe4ta, condemn the euto<br />

mflnufacturers, when ln truth, on B vt$lt<br />

to the plants of the industry, ohe would<br />

flnd out that safety rescarch is well<br />

underwey, ls extensively conducted, End<br />

the Industry is ready to now apply to new<br />

csrs the beneflt of this re$earch. of<br />

course, the public will have to be ready<br />

to p8y the extra costs of the new cars by<br />

rea-ton of these safety devlces.<br />

Mr. STAGCEE^9. Mf. Chalrm8n. r<br />

yield 2 mlnutm tr the genUeman from<br />

Mass8chusetts lMr. MACDoNALD I.<br />


chalmEn.<br />

First of sU, r would llke to commend<br />

the chelflrdrl lor the wBy ln whlch thes€<br />

hearlngs were helil. on such a con'<br />

troverslal subJect, both sldes were Bble<br />

to slve the testlmony tlrey wanted to.<br />

There is still one questlon that retnBins<br />

In my mlhd, snd I worilal hope<br />

the REcoRD would try td ma.k6 tltlg clear.<br />

It 8es to sctlon I05(a) (l), whlch t8lks<br />

about the controverEy Bbout the vElldlty<br />

of any order gtven by whoever wlll lEtue<br />

the ordet. I esk the che,lrman whettrer<br />

or llot thls would Include d.ny lnallvldusl<br />

who woulcl be Edvefsely affected, snd by<br />

thet I mean enybody who drlves a car,<br />

or B defectivd car <strong>and</strong> hea an eccident,<br />

or hL5 reLson to suppos he wlll have<br />

en eccldent by vlrtue of the fact thEt<br />

the cBr was not pfoperly tuned out,<br />

who would obviouBly ln my judgment be<br />

adver$ely affected. But it does not seedl<br />

cle&r to me ln elther the report or the<br />

bill itself that this ls spelled out. I ask<br />

my chElrmfln, would trny indlvldual have<br />

the rtght to bring such an order for<br />

petitlon ln the U.SvCourt of Appeels?<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. In my opinion thet<br />

lf he lE edversely efiectrd, he would hav6.<br />

f quote troEr the report:<br />

The couft8 Benerally hava coEtrucd tblr<br />

tGffi to p.rtt many dlyeBe hdlvlduala BDd<br />

Broup8 <strong>and</strong> ffisoclf,tlo& ol tbdlvtduah to<br />

Mv. Judtclsl levlew ol adminl8tr4ttve BctloE,<br />

Ttre comdlttGG bcltevet lt Tould bs<br />

unFl,Ec at th6 outset ol thl8 ueF aDd tarreachlf,E<br />

tralic ralcty progrem to atteEpt<br />

td dcllncatc morc ptftlsely thaD tbtl thM<br />

IErsoB who wlU havG Et<strong>and</strong>ln8 td Feak JudlclAl<br />

t6vt6w,<br />

Mr. MACDONALD. ID other wordr,<br />

Mr, Chairm8n. thl$ sectlon tloes not<br />

spmlflcally hold that the psple who c4n<br />

meke appeflr8 froB B ruling or who€ver<br />

EIakeE the rule Ere conflned to ttre lndEtry<br />

or to people who manuiectuta<br />

car6, Is that correct?<br />

750<br />

trr. STAGGERS, Thst 18 ErY lnter- lWI<br />

proil -<br />

Mr. MACDONAI-D.<br />

man,<br />

I ther* the chulr'<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Ghalrman, f<br />

yleld Euch tlme as he Ery consume to ttle<br />

gentlemen lrour New York tltfr. Kotlrn'<br />

il^H l.<br />


whlle I Eupport thls legi$lation, tJte Netlonal<br />

Trefrc <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehtcle Safety<br />

Act ot 196S,lt tnust not be mnBldered a$<br />

I pEntrea or cure-all lor the very redl<br />

Droblem oI alrlver deflclencies<br />

we mu$t remember th8t there ls e<br />

drlver behlnd the wheel of any uns*fe<br />

vehlcle. end $ometimes an uroEfe drlver'<br />

There are many c&uses for eccldent$<br />

lnctudins but not limltEd to pmr vlslon<br />

atrd pmr driver tralnlnF.<br />

Among these ceues ls the serlous<br />

probletd of elcoholism.<br />

As J potntctt out ln comrctlon slth<br />

the Introductlon of trlv bul H.R. l{197<br />

in my stBtemext ln the CoNcREsslofl,i'.<br />

[iEcoRD of March 3l at page ?336, alcohollsn.<br />

e.n(l I do not Erean the<br />

"skt(l<br />

row" type, is the fourth most srlous<br />

health probledl in the country, anal lt alEo<br />

takes lts toll in drlvinc accidents.<br />

Another caEe ls auto theft' As we ell<br />

know- <strong>and</strong> a$ I ffit forth ln connection<br />

with the lntroaluction of my blll H.R.<br />

16657 tn my ststement ln the CoNGRtEsroNAL<br />

IlEcoRD of July 38 8t pfige 17550'<br />

Joyricling Juveniles or others who stdel<br />

I oar, Ere obllvtous to the usual drlver<br />

responslbllttles. More should be done to<br />

prevent such theft$ not oDly ln preventlon<br />

ot crimc but also td keep dowd<br />

Eddldent$.<br />

And sd I say thet we mut not, oD.lY<br />

repair the mBchine, we ttust El6o ooncem<br />

our$elves s'lttl the mBn beblnd the<br />

marhtne.<br />

Mr. SPRD{GER. Mr. ChelrmBrr' I<br />

yield such time s he may consu.ue to<br />

the BentleErBn from Eentucky [Mr.<br />

C^RTER].<br />

Mr. CARTER. Mr. ChE|Inrsn, I rlse<br />

ln support of thls btll.<br />

Mr. SPFIINGER. Mr. Chaiman, I<br />

yleld $uch time es he may consume to<br />

thc gentleman from New York [Mr.<br />

HoRroNl.<br />

Mr. HORToN. Mr. chBlrmEn, lt lB<br />

wlth a Sreat sense oI privllege end eDcolllpllshlnent<br />

tfiat I e.nnounce my Eup-<br />

Fort for this measure. Thls blll is the<br />

re$ult of months. <strong>and</strong> for some of us<br />

ye8rs of work toward s meenlngful 6,flt1<br />

efiective Federal trafnc <strong>and</strong> vehlcle<br />

safety progrem- I need not relterEte the<br />

unfortunat€ record of deBth Bnd Injury<br />

that we have lnscrlbed on our Netlon'8<br />

hishways.<br />

I em mnfldent that the progrhtns e8tEbUsheal<br />

under thls blll will go a long<br />

way to$erd puttlng more safety consclous<br />

drlvets &nd more ealely deslgned<br />

tlres <strong>and</strong> vehlcleB on our ttfeets <strong>and</strong><br />

lrlghways.<br />

As one who lfltroduced the Ttre Salety<br />

Act, H.R. 11891, on the nr8t dav of thle<br />

eeslon of coflgre$$, f f,m proutl that the<br />

I|IEJoT provl$lons of thl3 blll hEve been<br />

lncorpdrrted lnto the meesurE now before<br />

uc f,s tttle II. Durlng my tcstlmony<br />


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