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748<br />

Mr, BTAGGERS. Yes. f might repeht<br />

for the gentleman's infom&tlofl<br />

that it states very pleinly ln the blll that<br />

if tt il il the public lnterest, snd he so<br />

firlds, theh he r:lust come up ln \\'riting<br />

with what these rehsons ffre.<br />

Mr. MOELLER. Mr. Chelnnan, sill<br />

the Hentlelnen yield?<br />

Mr. DINGELL. I yield to the gentlelllan,<br />

Mr. MOELLER. You stated tha.t there<br />

might be some dlfietences ln the stiuderds<br />

set; ls thls correct?<br />

Suppose, for example, a cet m&nufacturef<br />

makes a small, $o-called fun cRrtherc<br />

is one made ill rny dlstrlct. It is a<br />

little, one-cylinder outfit. Io it seld that<br />

this man must follo$ the same safety<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards that the manu.{ecturer$ of the<br />

large cars such as the General Motort,<br />

Chn'slcr, <strong>and</strong> Ford, follow?<br />

Mr. DINGELL. The Fehtleman Just<br />

heard thc colloquy between ttre chaiffian<br />

<strong>and</strong> nre on the dlfference ln st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

Mr. MOELLER. In other words, thefe<br />

rrould be e distincti0rl?<br />

Mr. DINGE;L. I must say thet thls<br />

Btlll is not gotng to authorize the msnufMturEr<br />

of the one-cylinder car selling<br />

lor $750 to ma.rket an un$afe autornoblle<br />

Bw rnore than it ls colns to authorlze<br />

the menufa4turer of a large, luxury-typ€<br />

motor vehicle selling for S5,000 or $6,000,<br />

to menufmture en unsafe vehicle- But<br />

bccause of the dlfierence ln welcht end<br />

b€cause of tlre dlflerence In speed <strong>and</strong><br />

because oI the dlfierent potertlel use for<br />

that type of vehlcle, I would ffiy that the<br />

safety $t<strong>and</strong>ards would not necessarily<br />

b€ as compretren$lve, or 6$ onercuE, for<br />

Urat type of vehlcle as they Dlght be on<br />

the larser, heevier welght vehicle.<br />

But this ls a mBtter of JudFmeut thet<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retary will have to exercise. He<br />

wiu still b€ requifed by this leFislEtlon to<br />

merket a vehlcle ttlEt would be safe under<br />

any teasonable Etmdards or occBsloDs<br />

of use.<br />

The Chairman, the gentleman from<br />

We$t Virginis [Mr, SrroornsJ nlght wtsh<br />

to conuflent on tlrat, belns the chlef oEcer<br />

of the commltte.<br />

Mr. STACi{}BS. Mr. Chairman, I<br />

thlnk the gentleman lrom Mlchlsa.n has<br />

ststed lt very thorouchly.<br />

Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Chelrmen.<br />

wlll the sentleman yield?<br />

Mr. DINGELL. I yleld to the gentletnan.<br />

MT. CUNNINGHAM. Mr, ChaIriNEN.<br />

I think the 5lcntlemen from Michigan<br />

brings up a very serlous problem that<br />

may be lnvolved here. He cohes frotfl<br />

en flreB whcre thls pl'oblem wiu pre5ent<br />

Ittrlf.<br />

Mr. DINGEIJJ. I mlsht Bay to the sentleman<br />

that he ls correct. I represent<br />

one of the largest slngle arees of eutomoblle<br />

manufEcture lI1 the country.<br />

Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Ch&lrma,n,<br />

f do not tsnow mybody ln the automoblle<br />

lfldustry. I have not been ln cont8ct<br />

with thcm. But I have reaal in<br />

the pa.pers where under this leglslatlorr<br />

there ls going to be e tremendous ptoblem<br />

tnvolved ln thls to-cslled leadtlme.<br />

Mr, DINGELL. If the gentlemen wlll<br />

permlt, I would polnt out that tlle chelr-<br />

Een has already lndicst€d ln the col-<br />

loquy t'ith rne thf,t the lenBuage ln the<br />

blll is directed at essurlng tlret the <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

will teke very cafefu.lly lnto con-<br />

$lderation the problems of leadttmF<br />

<strong>and</strong> not ln an utrreasonable or improper<br />

Iashlon. but certalnly to Eee to it that<br />

the lndustry has reasonable opportunlty<br />

to pre$ent thelr vlews, <strong>and</strong> t{ coffply<br />

wifh tbe requirernents ln a namnsble<br />

fashion-<br />

Mr. CUNNINGHAM. I uhderstahd<br />

that. I hear

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